The benefits of laziness: 10 good reasons to allow yourself to be idle

Forcing yourself to work and get things done is often lazy. I want to lie down, have a snack, distract myself with a video on YouTube, and just look out the window and think about my own things. Just not to do business. Parents and teachers at school would have found a suitable phrase - in fact, they found it every time they saw me sitting idle, with a book, or in bed after 9 am on Saturday - “laziness was born before you” or “the lazy lie down, but happiness flees” , “capable, but lazy.”

The paradox is that laziness does not exist. At least there is no such emotion or character trait. Laziness is a symptom. And we will analyze in detail what the symptom is and how to overcome this laziness.

What is laziness

Laziness is not an emotion, not a feeling, not a sensation. It is impossible to feel lazy in response to something, but you can feel tired or dissatisfied. Laziness cannot be a character trait or the result of upbringing if there is at least one activity in the world to which you are sincerely ready to devote time and effort. But laziness can be a bad acquired habit or a signal from the body for help.

Acedia - apathy or laziness in Latin, which was listed as one of the seven deadly sins in the basilicas of Lyon, France

What we call laziness is a reason or excuse behind which a person tries to hide a lack of ambition or energy to carry out ordinary daily activities, a lack of interest in something that others consider important. A simple and familiar concept can hide a whole range of problems and even serious health problems.

Laziness is the need for rest or lack of energy for active activities.

Sloppy or living outside the rules?

As psychologist and existential psychotherapist Tatyana Zakhartsova , such a characteristic as “sloppiness” is very subjective.
“What is order for me may seem disorder to someone else. Sloppiness or “sloppiness” is information that is embedded in the rules and customs of society. Different societies have different ideas about sloppiness. Therefore, this is the part of character that is developed throughout life and copied from parents as a way of living,” says the expert. However, in addition to some basic cultural attitudes inherited from parents, a person may also have his own perception of order. It’s not for nothing that there is an expression “creative disorder” - this is the chaotic arrangement of things that we sometimes need for productive activity.

According to Tatyana Zakhartsova, sometimes the lack of need for order and cleanliness can be associated with some of our internal psychological processes and conflicts. “This characteristic can change over time - depending on our condition, external circumstances and internal priorities and values. For example, in situations of despair and pain, severe anxiety, it is difficult for a person to take care of himself, but this, as a rule, lasts no more than two to three weeks,” the specialist adds.

We quickly mobilize forces

And even an article about laziness is a little too lazy to read. Attention runs away somewhere and gets scattered. The minimum effort required to move your gaze from line to line seems unbearable. It seems like a good idea to check Instagram or go through a couple of levels in the game.

What we are accustomed to consider laziness, in the era of information overload, is the body’s natural attempt to protect itself from an overdose of words, pictures, thoughts, questions. But there are several ways to quickly focus.

Create comfortable conditions for yourself

Make sure you are comfortable where you are. Check if you are cold, if there is a draft from the window, if your clothes are too tight, if hunger and thirst are bothering you. Do anything that can distract you, pour a glass of water. Create a comfortable environment This way, attention, dispersed among hundreds of important matters and tasks, will return to yourself, where you will take control of it and direct it in the right direction.

Make an agreement with yourself

Finish reading the article and reward yourself with an apple, for example. Or post a photo of a cat on Instagram. Or go out for a walk. The scheme is simple - do what you need to do and get a reward.

Clarify the goal

Answer your question: why do I do what I do, take this article as an example. You have already started reading, which means the topic interests you. Perhaps you are ready to adopt tips for overcoming laziness, which means you already have a specific goal, and laziness is not a hindrance to you.

Clean up

Clear the space around you. Throw out the trash, take the cup to the kitchen, remove unnecessary shortcuts from your desktop. Getting things done will immediately become easier when there are fewer distractions, and energy will appear literally out of nowhere.

Before and after cleaning. There is no temptation to go pour coffee into a mug, snack on candy and watch a video on YouTube at the same time

Change your scenery

Move from the bed to the table. Get some air. Move to the window. Throw your hair up into a bun, let your hair down, or simply change from your robe to jeans and a T-shirt. Any novelty causes a surge of energy and a surge of activity in the brain.

Don't put it off until tomorrow

It’s very easy to tell yourself: I’ll read the article after lunch or tomorrow. But there is always less time than it seems. Check your daily to-do list and set aside 10 minutes right now to read, maybe even set an alarm. Afterwards you are free.

The Pomodoro Technique helps you focus by using a work-rest timer.

Give yourself permission to be lazy

Not on your phone or social networks, but just do nothing. But only five minutes. Look at the wall, play solitaire, lie on the floor. You will feel how exhausting it really is to do nothing at all. Better read the article. Next it will be interesting: let’s figure out what might be hiding behind laziness.

To quickly get ready and overcome an attack of laziness, change the environment, turn your attention to yourself, tidy up around, promise yourself a reward, set aside time, but first decide why you need all this, and be lazy from the heart for 5 minutes

Is it possible to fight your sloppiness?

According to Tatyana Zakhartsova, order in things can be restored only after the rubble of psychological “garbage” has been cleared away. “My experience proves that the external is nothing more than a reflection of the internal. When we pay attention to ourselves, recognize and understand our feelings, desires, needs, conflicts, priorities, motives, then clearing out internal rubble helps us deal with external problems,” she explains.

According to the expert, you can begin to deal with the chaos within yourself by contacting a qualified psychologist or psychotherapist. “When we tell another about our problems and feelings, a revision of the internal space occurs,” the specialist notes.

If you are not yet ready for psychological consultation, you should try to figure it out on your own. “For example, start with “morning pages”: every morning, as soon as you wake up, sit down and write everything that comes to your mind and worries you - this is a regular and long-term practice of awareness,” the expert recommends. You can also start keeping a “feelings diary”: regularly, at the same time, writing down the events of the day and the feelings associated with them.

If now it is difficult for you to begin deep internal work on yourself, you can first try to directly deal with the disorder in things. As Tatyana Zakhartsova emphasizes, sometimes getting rid of old, unnecessary things, putting items in their places can in themselves help to start “internal” cleaning. Try to start tackling one problem area, such as your desk, kitchen, or closet. Once local order is established, think: has your inner sense of self changed? How do you feel when things are in their place, the table is empty, etc.? What prevents you from maintaining this order? What are the needs? Such a consistent analysis of the external situation and your own feelings about this will also help you gradually come to a better understanding of yourself, your needs and psychological difficulties.

Laziness as a sign of illness

If the reluctance to do something is accompanied by physical symptoms - lethargy, drowsiness, mild headache, heaviness in the stomach - the body has most likely been signaling for a long time that something is wrong with it, but you have not yet learned to understand it. The cause of an attack of laziness can be conditions of very different severity, from a banal lack of sleep and vitamins to serious illnesses.

Testing yourself is quite simple. In a normal situation, healthy sleep refreshes and fills you with strength. If you can't sleep several nights in a row or wake up tired even after 10 hours in bed, you should be wary.

Lack of vitamins

Symptoms: Numb fingers and memory problems may indicate a B12 deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency looks like constant fatigue and threatens everyone who does not spend at least 20 minutes a day in the sun.

What to do: take a blood test and see a therapist. He will prescribe you vitamins or help you adjust your diet.

The problem of vitamin D deficiency can be solved with the help of drops or tablets that will help restore its level in the body

Side effect of drugs

Symptoms: You became lazier when you started taking some medicine regularly.

Antidepressants and beta blockers can cause tiredness and fatigue, which can easily be mistaken for laziness. Antihistamines for allergies and muscle relaxants prescribed for muscle spasms are not recommended to be taken in the morning or on days when you need to drive because they cause rapid relaxation and drowsiness. If the doctor forgot to warn you about this, and you yourself did not look at the instructions, the sudden desire to lie down and lie down after taking the pill may surprise you. It’s easy to slip into self-flagellation and in vain call yourself lazy.

What to do: adjust the course of administration, take a pill at night or find an analogue without side effects.

Sirdalud is prescribed for muscle pain and spasms, exacerbation of osteochondrosis, one of the side effects of the tablets is frequent fatigue


Symptoms: too lazy to even sleep, because you get tired even lying down. The future seems hopeless.

If you are too lazy not only to work, but also to do pleasant things, depression may be the cause. You may think that depression is caused only by serious problems and external events - in vain. In about a third of cases, depression occurs without any reason as a result of internal failures of the body. Cyclothymia can be a type of depression, in which case performance depends on the phase. In the active, a person moves mountains; in the passive, he is capable of little.

Depression resembles a gloomy February day seen through dirty and cloudy glass

The Beck test will help to preliminarily assess the level of violations

What to do: if you are too lazy to get out of bed in general, and you do not feel joy, only guilt for your condition and pessimism, consult a doctor immediately.

Thyroid diseases

Symptoms: constant fatigue and anxiety, which prevents you from implementing plans, as well as problems with skin and hair, sudden weight gain or loss, discomfort in the neck or throat. Stress, genetics, iodine deficiency, poor diet: whatever the reason, a “rebellion” of the thyroid gland can provoke sudden changes that you consider laziness. It's just a matter of hormones.

What to do: see a doctor, get examined. The lack of the right hormones can and should be compensated.


Symptoms: food does not restore strength, and for some reason weight decreases with increased appetite. I often feel thirsty. When blood glucose levels are high, beneficial substances literally burn out without increasing energy levels in the body.

What to do: consult a doctor immediately.

Intestinal problems

Symptoms: you are lazy because you always feel discomfort in your intestines and pain in your joints. Gluten intolerance is accompanied not only by diarrhea and bloating when eating grain products, but also by fatigue, which some would call laziness.

What to do: Try giving up gluten-containing foods for a while and evaluate the changes in how you feel. See your doctor.

Asthenia or chronic fatigue syndrome

Symptoms: you have worked for a long time, been sick or suffered stress, and now small stresses, physical, mental or emotional, lead to inadequate fatigue of the body. The dream does not change the picture.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is called the disease of workaholics. In the high-risk zone are entrepreneurs and other specialists who are responsible for the results of their work “with their heads” - doctors, dispatchers. The nervous system accelerates to its limit, but does not “slow down” and does not calm down. As a result, allergic reactions and infections occur more often, and sleep and memory suffer. The disease is difficult to diagnose because the symptoms are similar to those of many other diseases. The criterion is chronic fatigue lasting 6 months or more.

What to do: see a doctor immediately. And at the same time, normalize your diet, work and rest schedule, meditate to calm your brain, and exercise.

Laziness can be a symptom of illness. If the loss of strength is prolonged and is accompanied by unexpected symptoms and unpleasant sensations, and rest does not help, consult a therapist and get examined. Check your vitamin levels with a blood test, check for side effects of your medications, and try going gluten-free.

Successful people overcome laziness with movement and activity

According to the tradition of peoples and centuries, a man needs to take three important steps in life: plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. This is the base! Because all three important things require a lot of effort. The tree needs to be looked after, the house needs to be built from something, resources need to be found, it also needs to be constantly maintained! But raising a child is a completely separate issue. A child must be healthy and smart, must live in love and comfort, must become a worthy person, choose a profession and carry a great mission into the world. And after that, your son must start a family and continue the traditions of his fathers.

What I am saying, my friend, is that life is movement, life is an active form of your manifestations. And there can be no place for laziness in it! I assure you, even the richest people who became successful at a young age and can hire management staff, live in pleasure on a gilded or golden sofa, are still active! Look at these heroes! They already have, it would seem, everything, and they are at the top, but why then do they play sports?

  • Why do they run every day at 7 am while you are still sleeping?
  • Why do they read books and even write their own?
  • Why do they travel and explore culture?
  • Why do many of them know three or more foreign languages?
  • Why do they need this?

Try to answer these questions, and then ask yourself. By tradition, I will give an example. Mark Cuban is the owner of the National Basketball Association's Dallas Mavericks, Landmark Theatres, HDNet and HDTV cable network. His net worth today: $3.3 billion or more. At age 12, Mark sold garbage bags to earn money for basketball shoes. Now he is filthy rich, but continues to prefer inexpensive things. He is more interested in charity and the results of his own basketball team. He never fit laziness into his work schedule!

Many leaders of global companies like Jack Welch wake up at five in the morning, exercise (for about an hour), and then, like a routine, work until late in the evening and achieve their goals again and again!

My point is that success is not luck. This is a lot of work, which eliminates laziness! Remember the stories of famous personalities. Many of them grew up without parents, were children in orphanages, and began working as children for 15 hours a day. And often it was very hard work. They were at war with the whole world. Can you imagine how difficult it was for them?

But the most valuable thing is that they continue to lead an active lifestyle. They learned to manage time. They find time for sports, recreation, business and family. They are all clearly smart and well-read, they have become professionals in their field. They sleep no more than 7 hours a day, even with major conditions. Because they created their beautiful life themselves. They loved their lifestyle! They can no longer do otherwise! Such people are no longer interested in just money, they are interested in achievements in their projects.

Confidence at the subconscious level: a tool that will help you achieve success 10 times faster

What will help you overcome laziness?

Now tell me, please, do you still want to lie on the sofa with beer and fish, complaining about life, politicians or businessmen? Are you still thinking about how bad you feel? My dear reader! You are an amazing person who found the strength to read the article! This is evidence that the sofa, alcohol and TV series are not for you! I know what you are doing here now. You are going towards your dream! I can and want to help you overcome obstacles in the form of laziness.

So pull yourself together now! Stand up and say: “I conquer laziness, I renounce it once and for all!” Get started creating a new life schedule. Write down your goals and desires, add sports and training to them. Set your priorities so that you have 24 hours to do everything. And take action! Don't fit the sofa and laziness into this schedule.

I just ask you, don’t start tomorrow or on Monday! Get started now! Think about what you want to achieve and get motivated from it. Don't look for reasons and obstacles! Laziness is just a lack of ability to work! Remember this truth. In fact, you may still be hiding programs such as: low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, lack of discipline or personal inefficiency. All this can only be explained by a lack of desire! And such a habit as laziness can become a causative agent of depression or even psychological disorder.

The real story of a successful man who left comfort and conquered laziness

One more example for greater effect. Many mothers love their sons so much that until they are forty, they bring them breakfast in bed. Such mothers literally from childhood teach their children not to finish something. They do everything themselves to please the child, making a big mistake. This is how laziness begins. The child is comfortable that everything is done for him. He grows up, strengthening his position, and then refuses to go to the army under the pretext “I won’t go to serve, it’s scary there, they’ll kill me there”... Instead of becoming strong and brave, he stays at home under the supervision of his mother!

The laziness born in him acquires other features in adult life. A lazy person simply wastes time and opportunities! I really hope that you are not like that, but this is not a vice and we can overcome your laziness together. I know many people who grew up in similar conditions. Today they are working somewhere and somehow achieving something. But all this is on the level: to live today and maximum tomorrow. These people do not radiate pleasure from life. They have no motivation, no fire and desire to become a conqueror and winner. They simply live outside the happiness for which God created them.

Dear reader, time flies at an incredible speed. And you need to do a lot to be happy and fulfilled. Life is given to you to enjoy! Therefore, give yourself the mindset to do at least twice as much as yesterday. Make this attitude a habit!

I have a friend, a handsome guy, who lived with his parents until he was 30 years old. He worked from an early age and went in for sports, and was physically pumped up. No more. He once told me that he dreams of becoming successful, but he doesn’t see results and stands still. I advised him to leave his hometown and parents, go to another country for 2-3 months and find new goals there. He laughed and said: “No, I’m fine here with my parents.”

He called me again about five years later and hinted that he still hadn’t achieved anything. That many of his friends already have everything, but he still stands still. “Maybe I should go somewhere,” he asked, not expecting an answer... After the conversation, he finally decided to leave his parents’ home, his stable job and went to work. And what do you think happened next?

He left and had to deal with dishonest employers. Not receiving the promised “mountains of gold,” he ended up in a nursing home, where he had to work very hard. He said that this is hellish work, from which health is already beginning to suffer. In the dialogue, he regretted leaving his parents' home, good work and comfort.

Six months later he called me again and started sharing ideas that I didn’t recognize as him! By that time the guy already had a whole list of business plans! Can you imagine? The fear of losing a stable income disappeared from his voice, because he experienced the risk! In this process, he had to read books and attend trainings, he studied the real estate market of several countries and learned a foreign language. There was so much joy in his voice! I heard the voice of a strong man. He talked like a future billionaire! He is not afraid of anything, he is ready for victories. He conquered his laziness! He left his comfort zone and his fears.

Attention! Now imagine how much effort, time and health he spent on this achievement? If you like such difficulties, then drop everything and go into an amazing, complex world through thorns. If you value your time, then you can take a completely different, simpler path. I can help you load motivational programs into your subconscious and encourage you to take real action. You won’t even notice how quickly everything around you will begin to change when laziness leaves you! Before you have time to turn around, you will already be experiencing the first impressions of victories.

Be in the Flow of Opportunities: 6 Ways to Attract Abundance and Blessings

A manifesto for men and women who overcome laziness and find happiness!

I want now to briefly outline the generally accepted thought for men and women. You, a man, must be physically active, take care of your masculine strength, be able to earn money (to feed your wife and children), and be needed by society. That's all a man needs for happiness and fulfillment. I repeat! Basic!

Woman! For you, my dear, the list is much longer. You need to be beautiful, alive, fulfilled. You must be wise to inspire yourself and others. You need to get married and have children, raise them, not forgetting about your husband (he also requires affection). Remember, the younger generation of beauties is growing up every day, and you need to be not only beautiful, but also sexy. You definitely need to be active in self-realization. Choose a profession, build a career or create your own business. You must be able to earn money for everything you need, regardless of your husband’s earnings, this is a plus, not necessary. You must be healthy, because children and spouse are a hearth, and you need energy for it. You should be interesting to any interlocutor.

Imagine that your husband has become a billionaire, and suddenly there is a need to give an interview! Yes, that sounds incredible! But you shouldn’t get confused, so learn now to be comprehensively developed. I assure you, you will love this condition! You should feel like a worthy woman with strength. Well, you can add to the basic list yourself.

My dear friends! My readers! You have a lot of responsibility for your own life on your shoulders. And there is no place for laziness in it. Happiness, success and achievement exclude this habit from their space. They simply cannot exist on the same plane, in the same life.

Laziness is your worst enemy. He can take away your happiness and life. Strive for excellence and knowledge. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid to fall! Be afraid of living your life pricelessly and uselessly.

“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Take action! Action will describe and define you.”

— Thomas Jefferson

So start right now. Think about the life you dream of living, imagine it, feel its vibrations. And remember, God gave you everything you need for happiness. All you have to do is discover it within yourself.

Burn like a fire and never go out. This is the fire called life! Light it up even more every time. Live and glow with passion for life, the desire to explore new horizons, inspiration and enjoyment of every spark and every moment. Even from ashes you can make a fire.

Laziness as lack of motivation

Symptoms: you enjoy spending time on hobbies, but don’t get around to working on a work project. This is not the first time that renovations to a rented apartment have been postponed. Planning a trip to visit relatives causes unbearable boredom and fatigue. Cleaning up is unbearable, because no one will notice or appreciate the effort anyway: it’s like removing snow during a snowfall. At such a moment, through laziness, your body tells you that you actually have the right not to want to do something.

Ways to fight: We all know this phrase: “there is such a word - it is necessary,” but the brain rebels as best it can, because it sees no reason to do something that is not important or interesting to it. I can already hear my grandmother’s voice in my head: “of course, no one wants to work!”, But admit to yourself that you are tired of your particular profession, doing renovations in your own apartment is much more interesting than in someone else’s, and instead of going to your relatives you would prefer to go hiking.

If you can do something about the situation, do it. But this is not always possible right now. Procrastination at work and at school is especially dangerous in terms of consequences. What to do?

Don't listen to stupid advice

  • “Just take it and do it! I did it” - Congratulations. People are different, and if one thing works out easily, it’s not a fact that it’s the same for you.
  • “Coffee, energy drinks and alcohol will help you succeed!” - Great idea to finish off an already tired person.
  • “Urgently on vacation” - It’s easy to say. Break all your plans, spend money, fly to the islands, and discover on the beach that laziness has not gone away? A dubious idea.
  • “You just can’t be fixed. You will lie on the sofa all your life” - Ilya Muromets also lay there for quite a long time, but then he got up and defeated everyone. Everyone has their own ri - This is like advising to prevent poisoning by eating expired food.

To make a plan

Break things down into small pieces and do them one at a time. You don't have to think about renovations or coursework in general. Start by choosing a job title or calculating your available money. Creating a table in Excel or deleting unnecessary files from the desktop is also a matter.

The method is called “eating an elephant”: it cannot be done in one go, but in small portions it is quite possible.

Start with victory

Even if a task causes horror and melancholy, you can find at least something pleasant in it. Choosing a gift for your beloved niece. Search for illustrations for the report. Selecting a playlist for your upcoming run. Optimizing storage space. Start with this.

Maintain motivation at an average level

The Yerkes-Dodson Law was formulated as a result of observations of rats trying to find their way out of a maze and states that the best results are achieved with moderate intensity of motivation. The motivation, in the case of the rats, was electric shocks, but we can do without such extreme measures. The principle explains why laziness can prevent you from doing not only very boring and disgusting things, but also very important and favorite things.

If motivation has fallen below the plinth, try to raise it: a boring report will increase the likelihood of receiving a bonus. If it’s too high, lower it: your future certainly doesn’t depend on one exam grade.

Constantly monitor your mood to calm down or cheer up in time

Understand the reasons

If you understand why it is unbearable for you to take on a certain task, the inhibitory resources occupied by procrastination will be freed up. Tell yourself: this is the last dismal report and I'm looking for a new job. Skip the renovations and better explore your options for purchasing your own home. Call a cleaning service. Write such an ideal paper on your least favorite subject that you will never return to it again. Don't do something you think is pointless to please people you don't even like.

Doing what you don’t need and don’t want is very, very difficult - and that’s normal. But if you still need to do this, break the big task into small pieces and start with the tastiest ones.

What psychological problems may be hidden behind sloppiness?

* Anxiety and confusion. According to Tatyana Zakhartsova, sometimes external sloppiness can be a continuation of internal disorder, when there are too many problems and unresolved conflicts. “Sometimes internal chaos takes over us entirely, and then the external becomes a continuation of the internal state. Internal resources are spent on normal functioning; there is no strength for anything else,” explains the expert.

* Low self-esteem. As the specialist notes, sometimes the reluctance to maintain order around can be a consequence of the fact that a person does not treat himself well enough, and therefore unconsciously refuses to take care of himself.

* The desire to attract the attention of others. In some cases, untidiness can be a person’s way of somehow standing out, or symbolically taking over space - after all, when we scatter our things everywhere, we seem to “mark” the territory, signaling to others: “I’m here.”

* Protest. “Often, sloppiness is a reflection of long-term loneliness and isolation, a protest against society, against social norms,” explains the psychologist.

There are also deeper reasons for our desire for chaos. Based on her own practice, Tatyana Zakhartsova identifies a number of psychological traumas that can provoke sloppiness.

* Trauma of loss. “It can arise if a person did not have anything of his own in childhood and had to share with his brothers and sisters, or his important and favorite toys were given away. In this case, collecting and the inability to throw away old things can also be a problem,” explains the expert.

* Trauma of abandonment. “For example, if a person was often left with his grandmother as a child and he felt bad with her, then he felt thrown out, unnecessary. Then, even in adult life, it may be difficult for him to throw something away, to part with things. It’s as if he puts his wounded part into these things and cannot throw them away,” says the psychologist.

* Trauma of violence. “If in childhood a person was forced to maintain an order alien to him, using physical and psychological violence, then in adulthood he may also have problems with order,” explains Tatyana Zakhartsova.

* Trauma of lack of boundaries. “When a person is raised in a family where there is no time for him (for example, in a family with dependent, asocial parents), where no one talks about order and norms. Then social norms will also be difficult for her, perhaps she will not even know about them,” the specialist comments.

Laziness is like a bad habit

Symptoms: You are often late and forget promises. You're always planning to try something new, but you can't give up what you're used to. The result is boredom and no development. When everything in life is going well, you can relax and just go with the flow. Without haste, special responsibility, specific goals and desires. So laziness can become a side effect of your lifestyle.

Replace harmful behavior with beneficial behavior

A bad habit cannot be overcome by violence against oneself. You can, of course, set the alarm for 5 am, douse yourself with cold water every day and, gritting your teeth, do difficult things. But sooner or later a “rollback” or breakdown will occur and all achievements will be erased by fatigue.

It is better to replace bad habits with useful ones without increasing the level of discomfort. For example, on the subway on the way to work, do not sleep, but listen to podcasts. At first you will sleep to the sound of the voices of the presenters, but sooner or later you will hear and learn something interesting for yourself.

Resolve conflicts

If laziness is rooted in a problem, misunderstanding, or passive resistance to change, resolve the internal or external conflict. In your territory, you have the right to decide how to spend your time.

Turn on the excitement

There is another key to fighting laziness - passion. A measurable result that can be compared with others sometimes makes you put in effort more willingly. Think about what might work in your situation: the desire to optimize your budget, get an excellent grade, minimize the damage to your psyche from communicating with relatives, or get a grade even a hundredth higher than your friend.

The Life RPG app turns ordinary tasks into quests that allow you to level up your character and earn rewards

Even everyday activities can be turned into a game

The habit of going with the flow makes laziness a common part of life. Replace it with useful habits: searching for interesting things, communicating, developing, looking for new things to do.

Laziness is like finding a shortcut to a goal

Symptoms: you are too lazy to remove extra spaces in the text manually, and you come up with a script to automate the process. Historically, laziness is behind many inventions, from household conveniences to brilliant technologies. Fresh creative ideas easily arise in a relaxed mind.

The rotating stand is called - lazy susan, lazy Susan

Use laziness to your advantage

Make life easier for yourself and others. Maybe you can come up with something to make life easier for more than just yourself. Why wash by hand when you have a washing machine? Find the optimal washing mode. What's the point of taking on a complex project if you know for sure that you won't get paid for the overtime? Explain to management the need to pay for the extra effort. Why should you waste your energy to get a room into a state that someone else likes? Find the arguments.

Trust yourself

Your brain is just busy looking for a shortcut. Give him time. The main thing is, don’t try to blame yourself, “just tense up,” as you will definitely be advised. Only you know your capabilities and your goals.

Know your energy sources. If you need exercise, sleep, or reading to recharge, put it aside. Motivational films and lectures will help some, but will drive others into even greater apathy.

Be aware of yourself

Scientists consider laziness to be a sign of intelligence: people with a high IQ quickly become bored with tasks and spend more time thinking rather than doing. But the study's conclusion is clear: "By being aware of their tendency to be less active, coupled with awareness of the consequences of inactivity, more thoughtful people can consciously choose to engage in more active activities throughout the day." Don't justify your laziness, but compensate for it whenever possible.

If you are lazy consciously, understanding the consequences, then a relaxed state and the desire to find a shortcut to the goal can lead to a breakthrough and new discoveries

How does laziness manifest itself in studying?

  1. The child does not want to go to school because he has to sit in class and complete the teacher’s assignments.
  2. The child does not want to do homework or does it “just to get behind.”
  3. Students play truant: they consider listening to lectures a tedious task and a boring pastime.

Oddly enough, there is “good” laziness and “bad” laziness.

How to overcome laziness in studying. "Good" laziness

“Good” laziness drives progress, since a person tries to complete work quickly in order to be free and rest as quickly as possible, and for this he puts forward ideas, comes up with new solutions, and tries to eliminate unnecessary movements. “Progressive” laziness simplifies our lives.

How to overcome laziness in studying. "Bad" laziness

“Bad” laziness gives rise to many shortcomings: lack of commitment, lack of performance, unreliability, apathy, etc. Since every person has signs of laziness, sometimes it is useful to analyze and determine what kind of laziness predominates in him.

If a student is a carrier of “good” laziness, then you need to think about whether it’s worth getting rid of it. “Bad” laziness should be destroyed. What to do?


  1. Laziness is a complex concept that combines the need for rest and lack of energy with a disregard for social norms that require constant activity.
  2. Planning your time and understanding the purpose of your activity helps you quickly get ready and overcome a brief bout of laziness.
  3. Laziness can be a symptom of a serious illness, mental or physical. If sleep and rest do not help, and laziness has affected even the most favorite activities, consult a doctor.
  4. A healthy body can and should resist activities that it considers unimportant and unnecessary. Understand your motivation, and if “there is such a word - it is necessary,” then solve the problem in small portions.
  5. If laziness has become a bad habit of a passive lifestyle, think about how important development, new things and finding yourself are for you.
  6. Being lazy means finding easier and faster ways to solve your own and common problems. Laziness may well become the basis for new achievements.

Small tips will help you overcome laziness in everyday life and work, which will not only diversify your daily tasks, but will also benefit your body. Enter your email and click the download button ↓

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