Personal qualities of an employee and personality typologies

Features of professionals

What distinguishes a professional from an average worker? Professionals strive to acquire as much knowledge and skills as possible, gain experience in their profession, and ensure personal growth. Professionals understand that they need to start their career with interesting work, and not with questions about high salaries and benefits and bonuses that the company will provide to the employee. If the opposite situation occurs during the first interview, then most likely you have a completely unpromising employee.

A mid-level worker will constantly ask, with each additional task, what he will get for his efforts first. A professional will immediately look for interesting aspects of work that will give him a reason for new research and gain experience.

What to do with a bad employee? Don’t drag your feet and fire him, because he won’t bring any benefit to your business. If you invite professionals and get rid of mediocrity, then gradually only highly qualified specialists will remain in your company. If only active and talented professionals start working in your team, the company will begin to earn more, technologies will be regularly updated, and the work will become even more interesting. Consequently, there is strong motivation for professionals at work.

Just keep in mind that such work of professionals should gradually begin to be paid decently; they are only ready to work for an idea at the initial stage. And then there will be many who want to offer them really decent money.

Signs of a high-class professional

A professional knows his worth, so he behaves completely calmly - he has no need to prove to the whole world that he is a professional. He always respects all colleagues, speaks correctly and politely with them, and does not delve into the essence of the personal conflicts of other employees unless they ask for his advice. He never interferes in other people's affairs, he is simply super-talented at his job. But, if he is asked to do something, to help the team, he will always meet halfway.

A professional can very easily admit his mistakes or say that he doesn’t know how to do something. He is distinguished by his ease of criticism and completely sincere self-criticism. He is confident that not a single trouble can damage his reputation, so admitting mistakes is easy, painless, with a competent analysis of the current situation. A professional can easily ask his colleagues for help, ask them to teach him something that he himself is not very good at. He learns additional skills and accumulates new knowledge. He loves when people tell him something new.

A true professional will never guarantee the success of any project if he is not alone in the project. He understands perfectly well that he is not the project manager and cannot be responsible for the results of the work of the entire team. He will give any guarantees for his personal work, but he cannot promise a positive overall outcome of the matter.

A professional also does not strive to become a leader. He possesses rare professional skills, he is unique and therefore valuable. But this does not at all guarantee that he will be a talented leader, because management and narrow professional specialization are completely different things. Business managers need to understand this and prevent the loss of a competent professional and the acquisition of a bad project manager by transferring a production professional to the position of director.

A professional cannot live without training. This is his internal need, like breathing, eating, drinking. If it is not possible to go to training courses and events, then he will spend hours on the Internet, on Skype, and make friends, the same professionals, from other cities. He will still find a place where there is information on his specialty, study all the new products and use it in his work. A professional will always find colleagues who have higher professionalism than him. He will definitely communicate with them in any way in order to learn from them and acquire new knowledge.

Once you have one professional on your team, you can, if necessary, use the services of his colleagues in other specialties. If a professional cannot perform any work himself, he will bring in his fellow professionals who can do it. All professionals know each other. They stay close to each other, this is beneficial for them in terms of sharing experience and knowledge. Therefore, stick to your professional, motivate him, increase his loyalty.

A professional requires trust in his level of training. He does not accept suspicions and attempts to convict him of unprofessionalism. Once he has gained the authority and trust of his colleagues and clients, he will no longer tolerate doubt and total control. If a professional says that he doesn’t show half the work to a fool, then go with God from him and don’t pester him with requests to show him. Yes, this means that you are the fool, and half the work is still not fully done. As a rule, a professional stipulates this at the very beginning of work. And he demands that they trust him, otherwise he reserves the right to terminate the contract.

A professional always takes an advance payment, but its amount corresponds to the cost of materials. He does not charge anything for work until there is a result of the work. This happens due to one hundred percent confidence in one’s abilities, skills, and professional level. And professionals also know how to understand people, they see who is trying to deceive them, and do not get involved with such clients.

Professionals, as a rule, are happy in life. And they have normal health, because with high-quality work they are entitled to good money and positive emotions. And this is a guarantee of health of body and soul, a guarantee of well-being in the family, quality rest and the opportunity to pursue your interests and hobbies.

A professional loves to share his experience; he can calmly teach anyone who wants (not someone appointed) his craft, because he is confident in his own professional inaccessibility. But a professional always needs assistants. Therefore, he is happy to share with young people the secrets of his craft, his secrets and “tricks,” his technologies and production methods. By the way, ask a professional who he himself studied with, and you will be able to track the effectiveness of both the teacher and the student.

A professional always has a broad outlook and a large store of general knowledge. In his professional activities, he always needs to quickly remember this or that fact, figures, data, laws of various sciences. Therefore, all this should, at least at a general level, be in the head of a professional. And storing such a large amount of knowledge makes the brain mobile, memory excellent, and the mind flexible. Therefore, it is very easy and interesting to communicate with professionals. If when communicating with a person you get the feeling that you are riding on an ungreased cart, if a normal conversation with him does not start in any way, then stop communicating, this person will never achieve professional heights.


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Indicating negative characteristics in a resume

Sometimes job applicants note their negative qualities in their resumes. This is not always harmful. Maybe this is how a person shows his honesty. We need to check this. The most common negative qualities found on a resume are:

  • lack of work experience or education;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • straightforwardness;
  • inability to lie;
  • problems with a sense of humor.

The employee's attitude towards work is idealized by himself.

To clarify the situation with the shortcomings, you need to ask the applicant to tell you more about them. Then the “restlessness” indicated in the resume may turn out to be a desire to work at a fast pace, switching from one task to another.

And “straightforwardness” means the ability to negotiate with clients quickly and confidently. As a result, it will become clear to the manager what qualities of the applicant are hidden behind the “disadvantages” item.

Tips for employers

The search for a good employee begins with receiving and analyzing resumes. In it, a person indicates his strengths. Managers are faced with the problem of data similarity. This is typical for resumes in which positive qualities are mechanically entered into the “professional and personal qualities” column: responsibility, attentiveness, punctuality, efficiency. This will not surprise the employer. Finding out what is meant is very simple: you need to ask candidates about it. If a person talks in detail about his strengths and gives examples, then he meets the requirements of the vacant position.

There is also advice for people looking for work. To make your resume high-quality and non-standard, replace familiar words with new ones: efficiency can mean the ability to work with a large amount of information or the willingness to work overtime.

Human resource selection criteria

Personal qualities of employees

These are aspects of human life that are formed individually, developing every year. They affect not only relationships in the family, everyday life and friendly contacts, but also work processes.

  1. Skill to work in team. Of course, this is very important when the team, as a whole, is determined to achieve results, to organize its work without conflicts and in a pleasant positive way with the rest of the employees.
  2. Justice and honesty. This is the key to the right attitude and the opportunity to demand the same attitude towards yourself.
  3. The ability to listen to other people’s opinions, accept advice and recommendations. You need to understand that the decision made may not always be the only true and correct one, and an outside perspective is sometimes able to most effectively assess the situation. It is important to simply accept such help.
  4. Adequate perception of criticism from outside. Do not think that the criticizing person is completely negative towards you. Perhaps this is simply a method to show real performance results and improve their level. Such criticism mostly brings positive results.
  5. Ability to defend your decisions and interests. In industrial disputes, based on evidence and facts, it is important to correctly convey performance indicators
  6. Integrity. This is a quality that helps you defend your own point of view.
  7. The ability to keep your word. This position convinces of responsibility and the opportunity to rely on your candidacy, confirming once again that you are a good employee.
  8. Showing tact. This is the ability with which it is possible to build better relationships in a team.
  9. Determination and perseverance. Such innate qualities allow you to defend your own position and convince management of the correctness of your decisions.

The assessment of the business qualities of employees for the first time occurs when hiring. It is here, during the interview process, that the head of the organization considers your candidacy positionally, mentally applying these qualities in relation to the future functionality of the job. And a little later, by conducting regular certifications, it helps to assess the suitability of abilities for the position held. During the assessment process, a number of other main tasks are solved:

  • the most relevant place in the organizational structure is determined for more effective use of the strengths of the future employee;
  • if necessary, develops an individual development program for employees;
  • ways of possible motivation are determined;
  • The satisfaction of personnel from their duties is considered.

On the one hand, such a process helps to actively collect all the necessary information to study the employee’s level of professionalism and the possible organization of his training, and on the other hand, it increases his motivation and develops the basis for future material incentives.

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