What qualities characterize personality, personality traits

List of the best qualities in a person's character

  1. Kindness is the best quality of the soul.
  2. Honesty is a valuable character trait.
  3. Loyalty is an important personality trait.
  4. Responsiveness - sympathy for society and help.
  5. Generosity is a selfless character trait.
  6. Humor is a positive and better outlook on life.

Positive qualities for a woman

A woman can act in several roles, and each of them has its own priority aspects.

  • Wife:
    caring, decency, loyalty, easy-going nature, kindness, sensuality, cleanliness.
  • Mother:
    easy-going, caring, kind, sensitive, patient.
  • Girlfriend:
    sympathetic, proactive, optimistic.

In general, there is no single image of the ideal woman. Some people believe that a woman should be ambitious, independent, and active, while others are convinced that a “real woman” is characterized by such traits as compliance and meekness.

Positive character traits of a real man

According to long-established social concepts, a “real man” should succeed as a breadwinner, as well as a caring and loving husband and father. When most women describe their ideal man, they often hear the following epithets: kind, generous, active, faithful, family-oriented, gentle, passionate, cheerful, caring, erudite, persistent, sexy, neat, enterprising, and so on.

When it comes to a man as a father, attentiveness, kindness, caring, a sense of humor, patience and others are mentioned as positive characteristics.

A good male worker must have hard work, punctuality, diligence, collectivism, and so on.

Character traits in relation to life


If you are used to looking at life with optimism and looking for the positives in its manifestations, then most likely your life is easier than many others.


Someone who accumulates grievances and discontent for several years will obviously not be able to find peace of mind, unlike an easy-going person.


A person who is open to other people and to everything new often finds true happiness in life than those who try to isolate themselves from the world.


Of course, it is much easier for a non-conflict person to build relationships with people than a conflict person.

Positive qualities towards society


Surely, every person is pleased when they are treated kindly, and if this quality is clearly expressed in you, then, apparently, you make a pleasant impression on others.

Communication skills

A remarkable quality thanks to which you can find an approach to almost any person.


Many people want people to show interest in their problems and sincerely strive to take part in solving them. Of course, society values ​​such people.


It is especially valued in managers, teachers, doctors and many others.

Understanding the problem from a psychoanalytic point of view

Between theories that absolutize the social and biological, psychoanalysis is located, within the framework of which a third view of the essence of man has emerged. It is logical that in this case the mental principle comes first. The creator of the theory is Sigmund Freud, who believed that any human motives and incentives lie in the area of ​​the unconscious. At the same time, the scientist did not consider the biological and social in man as entities that form unity. For example, he determined the social aspects of activity by a system of cultural prohibitions, which also limited the role of the unconscious.

Freud's followers also developed the theory of the collective unconscious, which already shows a bias towards social factors. According to the creators of the theory, this is a deep mental layer in which innate images are embedded. Subsequently, the concept of the social unconscious was developed, according to which the concept of a set of character traits characteristic of the majority of members of society was introduced. However, the problem of the biological and social in man was not identified at all from the position of psychoanalysis. The authors of the concept also did not take into account the dialectical unity of the natural, social and mental. And this despite the fact that social relations develop in an inextricable connection of these factors.

Sociologizing concept

The above-described concept is opposed by representatives of the sociologizing idea, who defend the primacy of the importance of the social principle. It is immediately worth noting that, in accordance with this concept, the public has priority over the individual.

This view of the biological and social in human development is most expressed in role theories of personality and structuralism. In these areas, by the way, specialists in sociology, philosophy, linguistics, cultural studies, ethnography and other disciplines work.

Adherents of structuralism believe that man is the primary component of existing spheres and social subsystems. Society itself manifests itself not through the individuals included in it, but as a complex of relationships and connections between individual elements of the subsystem. Accordingly, individuality is absorbed by society.

No less interesting is the role theory, which explains the biological and social in a person. Philosophy from this position considers the manifestations of a person as a set of his social roles. At the same time, social rules, traditions and values ​​act as unique guidelines for the actions of individuals. The problem with this approach is focusing exclusively on people’s behavior without taking into account the characteristics of their inner world.

Ways to overcome disharmony

Modern service and infrastructure development help in overcoming conflicts between biological and social processes. In this case, technical progress, on the contrary, plays a positive role in the life of society. It should be noted that in the future there may be an increase in existing and the emergence of new human needs, the satisfaction of which will require other types of activities that will more effectively restore a person’s mental and physical strength.

In this case, the social and biological in a person are united by the service sector. For example, maintaining a close relationship with other members of society, a person uses equipment that contributes to his physical recovery. Accordingly, there is no talk of stopping the development of both essences of human behavior. Development factors evolve along with the object itself.

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