Personal abilities and experience. Features of the abilities and experience of the specialist’s personality. Methodology for their development

In life, when a person’s activities are assessed, they talk about his abilities and inabilities. Sometimes people living in almost the same conditions, but not everyone achieves success in life. The same can be said about the situation when for some, acquiring knowledge and skills is not difficult, but for others it is very difficult. Psychology explains this by the presence of human abilities.

What do we call abilities?

This concept is not as clear as it seems, and therefore is explained by scientists in different ways.

Most precisely, this concept was formulated by B. M. Teplov, who proceeds from three ideas:

- abilities are individual properties of a person and, from the point of view of psychology, are inherent in every person

-but these are not all properties, but only those with the help of which success in life is achieved

- abilities do not include knowledge and skills that have already been accumulated by a person.

Abilities are manifested and preserved only in constant development, because, say, a musician ceases to practically maintain his form, his abilities are lost over time. A person develops and improves his abilities when he puts them into practice. It has been noted that to successfully complete a task, it is not enough to have any one ability; a combination of them is necessary, but it may happen that a less developed ability is compensated by another, more developed one.

Ability Basics

Human abilities in psychology are considered as a certain object that has a basis. This foundation is genetically laid down in a person; it depends on inclinations. For example, people tend to master logical mentality and articulate speech.

What are group abilities? These are skills that are grouped and developed on the basis of general and special inclinations. A person chooses a profession at the age of 16-18. It is at this age that the structure of a person’s talents changes and professional abilities manifest themselves. In general, as skills develop, the range of probability narrows, but the specialization of talents increases.

The development of abilities in psychology occurs during activity. Here the contact between skills and talent plays an important role. These two parameters are not identical, but they are coordinated.

In accordance with the mass professions of production and material labor, the structure of personnel skills can be presented exactly like this:

  • Universal human skills - mainly efficiency (and the personal qualities that guarantee it - accuracy, responsibility). The creation of this component of talents is associated with the training of a person as a subject of labor (primarily his value-motivational sphere).
  • General talents are the “generic” multi-category capabilities of people, which are the result of their universal life activity at a certain historical moment and in a certain culture.
  • Special skills are a non-standard quality dictated by practice or a level of development of highly professional parameters that require certain long-term activity and special training for their development.

What abilities are there?

It is customary to consider abilities obtained from nature, based on biological data and specific, arising under the influence of socio-historical conditions. Natural ones include memory, perception, thinking - inherent in all people and some animals. These abilities are laid down from birth and are biologically determined. They are based on innate inclinations and are formed with the acquisition of life experience. But man is a social being and therefore he has specific abilities. People possess them, because no one except them has speech and logical thinking. Some abilities are classified as general, and others as special. Possession of speech and precise movements of the arms and legs, for example, is common to all people. Specific abilities are those that are manifested in certain types of activities: mathematics, music, painting, sports, etc.

If a person has developed abstract thinking, then we have the right to talk about his abilities for theoretical activity. Anyone who likes to perform specific actions, to do something with their own hands, has practical abilities. A person is easily given knowledge, he quickly learns new material, in this case we are talking about his ability to study, and the one who likes to create objects of spiritual culture, strives to discover or invent something - he is characterized by creative abilities. There is a category of people who are able to quickly establish relationships with people, even influence them. Such abilities are manifested through the possession of speech, and this has largely helped man become a social being. Almost from birth, a person develops a need for emotional communication. This makes it possible to build behavior depending on the situation, to guess the intentions of other people. Mastering social norms helps you quickly establish relationships with other people. There are people who know how to convince others. But it often happens that a person has several abilities, and this combination is called giftedness. Possessing one ability does not guarantee complete success in life. The interaction of abilities, their mutual complementation of each other, give a high result.

Top 23 Essential Skills

To the definitions above, I will add that skills develop us, help us move forward, achieve more and improve. While habits can be both useful and harmful. Read more about habits using the links.

Here is a list of skills that help us become better, more in demand in communication or at work. If you want to add something, or know any other top skills, write in the comments. Most likely, I will add them to this article too.

Ability to study correctly

Learning agility is a willingness to learn something new and an openness to new experiences. A person knows who to learn from and how to learn correctly. Also, the more developed this skill is, the faster a person learns - he has a higher so-called learning index.

I believe this is the most important skill in life. After all, if it is pumped up, then we will instantly be able to acquire new skills and knowledge. And, most importantly, we will know who to learn from.

A person achieves important things in life if he does not give up when he fails, but learns new things and strives to develop further. For example, many professions now require restructuring due to coronavirus and the development of new technologies. Accountants used to work manually, but now through the C1 program, taxi drivers through walkie-talkies, and now through applications, etc.

I have a friend who, back in April 2020, was sent to work remotely as a technical support specialist for an Internet provider due to coronavirus. And she needed to “pull up” her knowledge and skills in the field of IT in order to meet the company’s requirements. If she couldn't learn, what would happen to her? Dismissal! But her learning ability allowed her to work at home and adapt to new requirements.

Here is a very helpful video that will help you understand why this is the most important skill. Be sure to watch it - it will change your life!


Self-discipline is the ability to sacrifice short-term pleasure for long-term gain.

This skill in human behavior is extremely important. It allows you to tune in even to your least favorite job to achieve high results. If it were not for self-discipline, we would not see famous gymnasts, swimmers, football players, doctors, and businessmen.

Let me give you a basic example. You need to get up early tomorrow to have time to iron your clothes, get yourself ready and go to the meeting. But you want to watch another episode of an interesting series, go to bed after 24:00 and, naturally, get up in the morning later than your alarm clock. As a result, you either fly out like a slob, or the meeting is completely canceled. Failure creeps up unnoticed...

Control and management of your finances

Financial literacy is the discipline in managing your own financial resources, controlling income, expenses, investments, taxes and other operations.

I am an active opponent of loans and borrowings. You can also understand if force majeure has occurred and a large sum of money is urgently needed. But if a person constantly borrows money for momentary pleasures and this becomes his way of life, then this will lead to big problems.

I heard a theory that a person should spend, invest in something on average 70% of his income per month. The remaining 30% is to be saved. How much money to accumulate is up to you. But it is important to remember one truth - you must be the master of your funds!

By the way, the blog has a detailed article on how to keep track of income and expenses. Very useful recommendations for any person - be sure to read them!

Ability to joke

The ability to come up with and tell jokes is a useful skill that helps to win favor with a company and take its authoritative place in any society.

“In whom humor causes evil, the mind is unlucky” is a good and true saying. Notice that when you joke, smile, subtly notice humor and support it, then people themselves are drawn to you. And this is already an indicator of success, at least in relationships with others.

It’s easy to perceive life’s troubles with humor, it’s easy to communicate with him and become the life of the party.

Ability to build relationships with people

The ability to build relationships with everyone is the skill of finding a common language with the people with whom you have to interact.

We humans are social creatures and instinctively want positive and friendly relationships. Good and simple relationships with others give a person freedom: we develop our capabilities instead of wasting time sorting out relationships and making contacts.

I know one guy who will spin and make his way everywhere. Just everywhere! A little feigned naivety, a little jokes, a lot of positive communication on any topic and a little arrogance - voila, and he’s on top!

Oratory skill

Oratory is well-constructed oral speech, which makes it possible to accurately and clearly formulate your thoughts and speak them beautifully to an audience.

Absolutely everyone who works and communicates with people needs this skill. By the way, knowing the rhetoric, a person will not have problems finding employment. The ability to ask questions correctly and formulate competent answers makes it possible to always hold the attention of your interlocutors. This is a skill of highly effective people.

For example, I’m not a speaker; it’s easier for me to write an article than to speak in public. But anything has happened in life, and from my own experience I can say that the skill of oratory is very helpful in establishing oneself well.

Development of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to feel and understand the emotions of other people and their own. This understanding is a great strength of man. It allows you to establish contacts with all people and not conflict.

Emotional intelligence provides insight, helps you communicate well at work, achieve personal understanding, and achieve success in professional negotiations. It adds stress resistance and optimism.

My good friend is an example for me in demonstrating EI. He never gets offended by anyone! Imagine! You can tell him anything. He learned to ignore what is unnecessary, and to analyze and act on what is useful. This is also a manifestation of emotional intelligence, nerves are stronger and relationships with many are good!

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is a characteristic of a successful person. It allows you to look at things objectively and impartially, determine a person’s strengths and weaknesses, and recognize lies.

Critical thinking skills help you pay attention to small things, focus on what’s important, identify what’s important, justify your point of view, and analyze all the information. Well, how do you like this skill, cool? And it seems to me that it’s cool to have critical thinking, which also gives the opportunity to convince and reason logically.

My husband questioned everything new. At first it annoyed me, but then I realized that it was cool! Questioning, he checked new information to the core, to the millimeter, to the atom - I don’t know how else to describe his meticulousness. But it gives success! The effectiveness of making important decisions even in everyday matters depends on this.

Adaptability to change

Adaptation to new conditions - calm acceptance of new living conditions, flexibility and desire for the future, the ability to look into it optimistically and be filled with ideas for development.

Since the Second World War, the phrase “who lived under the Germans still lives” has become popular. Back then this was highly condemned, but now adaptability to change (especially power) has become a necessary skill. There were different principles and ideas then. And today money decides a lot. But that’s not about that now. What happens if this skill is missing?

Look, in my country, only within my memory, 6 presidents have changed. For some, the policy of the institution changes when the director changes, for others - the financial condition, etc. If you take changes to heart, live in the past and become nostalgic, then it will be very difficult psychologically. Nostalgia like “it was then...”, “yes, we were at your age...”, “oh, youth, how we used to live...” stops, blocks and slows a person down.

Intelligence Development (IQ)

The development of IQ helps a modern person to be interesting, keep abreast of the latest events, learn a lot of new things, take different courses, and study. This allows you to be an authority among your environment and a sought-after specialist.

Everything is very clear here - no one wants to deal with a mentally undeveloped person. Imagine, a secretary comes to work, but the computer doesn’t work at all. Or you talk to a doctor, but he cannot recommend anything other than brilliant green. Another option: you meet a dyed blonde and, apart from the color of nail polish and pouty lips, there is nothing to talk about!

All this, of course, is sad, but this happens in life.

Problem Solving Ability

Problem solving ability is the ability to identify a problem, find its cause, generate ideas for solutions and select the best one, and take action. This is an important skill for a successful person.

Oh, how each of us needs this skill! If Sasha, Kolya, Petya, Natasha, Sveta, Lena knew how to solve problems, and not create them, we would have less hysterics, quarrels, misunderstandings, business decline and wasted time. This human ability may be natural, but it can also be developed.

Setting goals

Goal setting or goal setting is a cool thing, it helps us see in practice what we can achieve.

They told my grandfather: “Even if there is no job, constantly look for it.” And he grew up to be a good business executive. The same goes for goals - if you don’t have them, learn to set them, otherwise you’ll become sour. Many people are happy with everything, go with the flow, and slide down little by little.

But there are caring people who always want something more. We set a goal to “make repairs” - we did it. Let it be slow, but they did it. We set the goal of “buying a house,” identified small goals: where to work, who is involved in the search, who is responsible for repairs – and we achieved it.

“Goal-setters” take small steps towards achieving results, while those who are dissatisfied only “booze” and envy others.

Ability to achieve goals

The ability to achieve goals is a skill that allows you to bring things to completion. Every person who knows how to set goals and achieve them claims to take a huge step forward! Two factors are important here: motivation and the ability to see results.

Creative thinking

Creative thinking, creativity - the ability to see the world differently, to open new paths and perspectives.

This is a key skill for people in creative and intellectual professions. And they are not the only ones who need this skill. The value of creative thinking is difficult to assess. Creative people are valued everywhere, always respected, and their opinions are often listened to.

With such a husband, the wife will bask in the diversity of life. With such a wife, the husband will be a successful businessman. With such an employee, the company will win the tender. Such a person may well patent an idea, a discovery.

This is a skill that every person can develop. Some people are given more creativity, others less, but if they want, even the most rational, pragmatic person can really show creative thinking.

Seduction of men/women

Seducing men and women is the ability to skillfully and leisurely, with taste and feeling, influence a person so that he does actions that he did not intend to do. This is the ability to show your partner that you are a gentle, protective, necessary and important, reverent person, and not just skillfully persuading into an intimate relationship.

For many, it is important to find your person. What is needed for this? That's right, look! This can be done in different ways: someone seduces everyone, to the point of complete certainty. Someone clings to one and achieves him in every possible and impossible way.

Perhaps seduction can cover everything. This is not specifically about seduction for the sake of sex - no. This concept is much deeper. For example, look here. There is a super rich and status man. And there is a poor and simple girl who wants something from him. How should she influence this man?

No money, no connections, no power. No matter what range of skills she has, it is unlikely that anything will work out. But this does not apply to seduction. It doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor, how you are dressed, what car you drive, etc. If you have certain seduction techniques and know at what point in time and on whom to use them, then you have practically no barriers. This is a very powerful skill, but difficult to learn.

The skill of seducing men or women helps to have a better position, better living space, better status, car, social circle, possessions, increases self-esteem, helps to reset hormones, and get temporary pleasure.

Only I'm a conservative. It’s hard for me to understand, to be honest, why seduce a person if you don’t love him and don’t want to spend time with him or communicate. To have fun or for the sake of cheap self-affirmation, or maybe to collect sexual partners? Explain to me in the comments! I'll read it.

Ability to recognize lies

The skill of recognizing lies is the ability to be insightful in communicating with people, the ability to see by actions, words and facial expressions who is deceiving you.

Oooh, if only everyone could recognize a lie, like Doctor Lightman in the acclaimed TV series “Lie to Me”! The world would be a better place. Or worse... Well, who, for example, would want to read such thoughts as “you disgust me”, “I despise you”, “I don’t want to give a damn about you”? But you really need to be able to recognize a lie: this will help you save your time, your money, your resources, and your safety too.

Ability to manage your time

Time management is managing your time when you can separate the important from the unimportant, the urgent from the non-urgent. Planning your time helps you use it effectively and get a lot done.

Time management is a skill that every adult really needs. How to combine work, family, friends, relatives, housework and renovations? How not to lose yourself in the huge bustle that overwhelms every person? To restore the brain and get at least some rest, it is important to have the skill of managing your own time.

By the way, you don’t have to be the director of a company or a famous doctor to have a daily schedule. Sometimes, in order to physically be on time everywhere, it is important to write a plan for the whole day in the morning. I practice this often.

The skill of raising children correctly

The skill of properly raising children is a person’s acquisition of knowledge on how to find an approach to different children and cope with their tantrums. This is the main skill for parents and those who want to become them. It lies in understanding what we want our children to be like in adulthood, and applying all the knowledge we have acquired to this end.

From experience I can say that this is a rather difficult skill. Firstly, you will see its results after years. Secondly, it is not always possible to use the acquired knowledge in practice.

Parenting is generally a difficult thing. It must combine discipline, rigor and love, as well as tenderness. How to connect this? A?! Write what you think about this, and we will try to make an article on this topic.

I know one large family where the children are simply exemplary: the older ones (10–12 years old) can cope well in everyday life without parents, the younger ones are already independent for their age, there is harmony in the house. I know another family where there is complete discord; the mother no longer knows how to unite the children. “Education...” you say. Yes, education. That’s why it’s complicated and you can’t immediately predict the result.

People management

Managing people (leadership) is a skill that allows you, through word or action, to achieve the obedience of others to your opinion. For good purposes, it is necessary for leaders and people striving to achieve something. The bad ones are for every person who wants to manipulate others.

One way or another, sometimes someone is under our control. Mothers manage their children, husbands manage their wives, a boss manages a mechanic, an employer manages his subordinates, a president manages his office staff, etc. In everyday life and at work, someone manages someone else. But here is an important point - to manage does NOT EQUAL to manipulate. This is the skill of a business person who knows what he wants to achieve.

Managing is striving for a common goal, doing it as efficiently and openly as possible. To manipulate is to force people to obey; the action is secretive and vile. You can manage people without manipulation. Explain your goals reasonably and openly enough, and the person may already agree to your terms.

Management in the family: mother cooks soup - for this she gives the children the task of peeling vegetables, taking into account their busyness and skills (potatoes for some, seasoning for others).

Management in the company: the manager distributes the task, applies the main “carrots” for quickly and efficiently completed work. It should be noted here that management will be effective if people trust the leader and he is open with them.


Perseverance is short-term, focused effort to achieve a goal, using many means and approaching things from different angles, just to achieve what is needed.

Persistence is sometimes confused with obsession. But these are completely different concepts. The obsessive person “pounds” several times on one side - this is stupid and annoying. A persistent person skillfully “chooses” from different sides - this is beautiful and characterizes a person as smart and strong. In short, persistence differs from obsession by flexibility. In seduction, perseverance is one of the key qualities of a man.

For example: a guy wants to date a girl, but she doesn't want it. He tries to negotiate with her directly, but is refused. Then he approaches her best friend to influence her consent. But the result is the same. Then he rolls up to her little brother with the car - and so on until he gets his way.

Persistent people achieve a lot, and this skill is especially useful for men. After all, women like persistent guys. But here it is important not to go too far and not become obsessive. I think persistence needs to be developed along with emotional intelligence to know when and how to apply it correctly.

Consistency of effort

Consistency of effort is constant action to achieve a goal in any state, at any time and under any external conditions.

Why is this skill so important? Consistency is a trait of strong, strong-willed people. It definitely needs to be developed. It helps to cultivate will, responsibility, commitment and reliability.

So that you understand what I mean, I will write an example. You decide to read a book for 30 minutes every morning. Consistency will show itself when you read it no matter what. Even when you are sick, when you get up late, when you don’t feel like it, when you are in a bad mood, when they laugh at you, when there is hail, snow, earthquake, but you will still read.

If you follow your goal every day for a month or a year, you will achieve tremendous results. It is very good to apply consistency to sports or parenting. You will see great results from this skill.


Entrepreneurship is the skill of activity, initiative, and the ability to creatively approach a project. To become entrepreneurial, it is important to actively demonstrate a life position and quickly think and act.

Entrepreneurship is now valued like a bar of gold. Enterprising people are respected and exalted by some, while others hate them for their success. This skill is really important. It helps, for example, to work for yourself, not to depend on other people’s opinions, to become a “seven-year-old,” to manage to fulfill all plans, and to overcome obstacles. Even your success depends on the timely development of this skill.

By the way, many people made fortunes from their hobbies. For example, Anna-Maria Faiola turned soap making into a business at the age of 20. She showed entrepreneurial spirit - she decisively put her property on the line, took out a loan through a government program, and used available means: education and social networks.

Professional skills

Professional skills are skills for working in a specific position. They will be individual for each person.

Often, writing a resume requires listing them. Let me give examples of some of them:

  1. For an IT person: knowledge of several programming languages, ability to work with all basic Microsoft Office programs, knowledge and skills in working with relational databases, knowledge and skills in working with web services on the NET platform, etc.
  2. For the teacher: confident use of a PC, classroom management skills, knowledge and use of teaching methods, ability to interest students, skills in drawing up a lesson plan, ability to conduct knowledge control, knowledge and skillful use of modern teaching methods.
  3. For recruiters: think strategically, negotiation skills, ability to use technological innovations to attract clients, ability to use marketing tools for work.
  4. For copywriters: knowledge of SEO optimization, the ability to write a selling article, must have a large vocabulary for masterful writing, the ability to quickly process a large amount of information, knowledge of the language, etc.
  5. For an accountant: warehouse accounting skills, ability to work with primary documentation, ability to calculate salaries, sick leave, compensation, tax and accounting skills.
  6. For the designer: drawing skills, the ability to draw according to the rules, knowledge and ability to apply current trends in design, skills in painting, coloring, composition, ability to do 3D visualization of interiors, space zoning skills, skills in working with scales.
  7. For waiters: the ability to quickly and accurately carry dishes, the ability to correctly build a dialogue with the client, knowledge of the nuances of serving and serving.
  8. For a pharmacist: the ability to test and register drugs, the ability to advise and sell drugs to customers, the ability to accurately and accurately fill out all documents and reports, the ability to work in pharmaceutical programs.
  9. For an economist: the ability to calculate and analyze the cost of products and services, the ability to estimate costs, the ability to work in basic computer programs, the skill of maintaining primary documentation.
  10. For a lawyer: the ability to search for information and process it, analytical and logical skills, skills to determine the facts and circumstances of a case, the ability to work with court databases, help systems, the ability to use Internet surfing, multitasking skills.

What are the makings of a person?

A person is characterized by the possession of certain inclinations: a distinction is made between congenital and acquired. The development of a person’s abilities takes place in several stages, but only certain abilities reach a high level. To achieve it, you must have a certain initial level. The deposit becomes the basis from which further steps are taken. It also determines individual characteristics during the formation of special abilities. Individual abilities develop through the interaction of hereditary characteristics and the environment, and this manifests itself already at birth. From childhood, a person is ingrained with such properties that with age can help or hinder the formation of specific abilities. At the same time, based on the research conducted, it has been proven that the human nervous system does not predetermine forms of behavior, and inclinations are not formed in it. A person’s nervous system determines his temperament; the choice of activity by each person depends on it.

The conducted research allows us to assert that inclinations are determined by the social environment. Training and upbringing fundamentally influence behavior and psychological state. Studies have been conducted to identify differences in abilities between men and women. In childhood, there was no significant difference in abilities. But with age, when life experience accumulates, when professional activity leaves its mark, the differences become more pronounced. Men who engage in physical labor have more developed coordination of movements, they do not experience difficulties with orientation in space, etc. Women have better developed speech, faster speed of information perception, counting, etc. Thus, the social environment has a direct impact on the formation of abilities , complementing and developing biological ones.

What are abilities? Ability Structure

The structure of abilities is a set of characteristics that determine a person’s propensity to perform a particular type of activity.

Abilities are properties that a person possesses that allow him to engage in a particular type of activity. Their development is determined by the presence of congenital inclinations.

Many psychologists believe that abilities can be associated with the character traits from which they were developed. This is the highest level at which a set of knowledge and skills is structured and given specific shape.

To successfully perform a particular activity, a person must have various types of abilities. Their structure is determined by various factors, including innate inclinations, professional sphere, education and others. Experts identify the following characteristics that describe abilities:

  • these are individual characteristics that distinguish people from each other;
  • the degree of development of abilities determines success in a particular area;
  • are not identical to knowledge and skills, but only determine their quality and ease of acquisition;
  • abilities are not hereditary;
  • do not arise independently if the person is not engaged in a certain type of activity;
  • in the absence of development, abilities gradually disappear.

The structure of abilities is largely determined by the specific area of ​​activity in which a person’s strengths are most clearly manifested. In this regard, the following typology is distinguished:

  • mental - the ability to quickly and efficiently resolve issues that arise before an individual;
  • musical abilities determine the presence of hearing, voice, good sensitivity to tempo, rhythm and melody, as well as quick comprehension of the basics of playing certain instruments;
  • Literary is the ability to fully, expressively and beautifully express one’s thoughts in writing;
  • technical abilities imply good combinatorial thinking, as well as a deep understanding of the operation of certain mechanisms;
  • physical - imply a strong physique and developed muscles, as well as good endurance and other parameters;
  • learning abilities imply the ability to perceive and understand large amounts of information with the possibility of their further practical application;
  • artistic skills are the ability to perceive and convey proportions and colors, as well as create original forms, etc.

It is worth noting that this is not a complete list of abilities that a person may have.

The classification structure of abilities can be described as follows:

  • In accordance with origin: natural abilities have a biological structure and are determined by the development of innate inclinations;
  • social abilities - those that were acquired in the process of upbringing and training.
  • According to the direction:
      general abilities are necessary due to the fact that they have a wide scope of application;
  • special abilities are mandatory in the case of performing a specific type of activity.
  • In accordance with development conditions:
      potential abilities manifest themselves over time after exposure to certain conditions;
  • actual abilities are those that occur at a given moment in time.
  • According to the level of development:
  • talent;
  • genius.
  • The category of abilities is of quite great interest. The structure of the concept includes three main features:

    • individual characteristics of a psychological nature, which serve as a distinctive feature that sets an individual apart from other people;
    • the presence of abilities determines success in performing an activity of a certain type (in some cases, in order to perform actions at the proper level, the presence, or, on the contrary, the absence, of certain characteristics is required);
    • These are not direct skills and abilities, but individual characteristics that determine their acquisition.

    In psychology, there are two main levels of development of abilities:

    • reproductive (consists in the extent to which a person perceives incoming information, and also characterizes the volumes that can be reproduced);
    • creative (implies the ability to create new, original images).

    The structure of ability development consists of the following main degrees:

    • inclinations are the innate characteristics of a person that determine his propensity for a particular type of activity;
    • giftedness is the highest level of development of inclinations, which determines the feeling of ease in performing certain tasks;
    • talent is an individual characteristic of a person, which is expressed in the tendency to create something new, original;
    • genius is the highest degree of development of the previous categories, which determines the ease of performing tasks of any kind;
    • wisdom is the ability that allows you to soberly comprehend the events happening around you, as well as draw appropriate conclusions.

    The structure of abilities largely determines the qualities of an individual, as well as his inclination to perform activities of a certain kind. Thus, it is customary to distinguish people of artistic and thinking types.

    Modern psychological science identifies several provisions on which the theory of abilities is based:

    The Birth of Abilities

    Biological abilities inherent from birth are supplemented by social ones, characteristic only of humans, namely: painting pictures, composing poetry, speaking several languages, etc. It is argued that these abilities do not have a biological origin and depend on:

    -social - cultural environment in which a person exists;

    -what a person does and the actions in which a person takes part;

    -the presence of people around a person who have knowledge and are able to pass it on;

    - the presence of restrictions in which a person can or is forced to be.

    These conditions contribute to the transformation of man into a social being. It is the social and cultural environment that contributes to the development of abilities. Parents include their children in the process of developing their abilities, but already, as adults, they independently acquire and develop other abilities, feeling the need for them. Parents or other adults provide targeted acquisition of abilities with the help of educational tools and provide educational influence. His existing inclinations and social environment ensure his achievement of success in life.


    So, we looked at the types of abilities in psychology. Let's move on. It is known that talents are personal and psychological qualities that are formed in activity on the basis of inclinations, distinguishing one person from another, on which the success of actions depends.

    It should be noted that even the Soviet heart expert A.V. Petrovsky figuratively equated talent to a grain that still needs to be formed. After all, just as an abandoned grain is considered only the probability of turning into an ear under certain conditions (weather, humidity and soil structure), so a person’s talents are called only a chance to gain skills and knowledge under suitable conditions.

    Such chances are transformed into reality as a result of persistent work. In foreign and domestic science, there are different interpretations of the structure and types of abilities, but the most generally accepted is the identification of talent by type of activity.

    But it’s interesting to study abilities and inclinations? Psychology is a very interesting science! In general, abilities are the stable qualities of people that determine the success they achieve in various types of activity. For example, there is a talent for acquiring knowledge, which is determined by the quality and speed of people's mastery of skills. There are also mathematical, musical, literary, engineering, artistic, organizational and a colossal number of other talents.

    Is it possible to develop abilities?

    As stated above, inclinations, before becoming the basis of abilities, must also go through a certain path of development. Initially, this is the physical formation of the body, when at a young age the coordination connections located in the cerebral cortex with the organs of movement are improved, which becomes the basis for the formation of abilities. In fact, specific abilities begin to develop during the period of assimilation of knowledge, especially in younger and middle ages. The formation is influenced by the acquired knowledge and work practice, games that encourage the development of creative, design, visual and organizational abilities. At school, a comprehensive approach to the simultaneous comprehension of several abilities is important. Children gain knowledge in lessons, improve their speech, and develop interpersonal relationships. Complexity is one of the most important conditions for the fact that not only the emergence of abilities occurs, but also their formation and development. But at the same time, certain conditions must be met: the activity must be based on learning something new, the level of difficulty should not exceed the possibility, there must be a desire to accomplish something, which must be accompanied by a positive attitude during the activity and after its completion.

    When an activity contains elements of creativity, it becomes attractive.
    If at the same time something new is created, and the child discovers new possibilities in himself, then these stimulate him to further actions and teach him to overcome difficulties. Of course, this generates self-confidence and a sense of satisfaction. When performing too simple actions, the already acquired abilities are realized; when performing complex ones, when the result is not achieved, motivation disappears, and new skills are not formed. It is important to maintain interest and stimulate progress during the activity. Developing abilities is learning something. The emotional mood brings great benefits. In the process of activity, failures are possible, but they must be followed by successes, and the more, the better. Human abilities was last modified: April 20, 2020 by Elena Pogodaeva

    Definition of abilities. Characteristics of types and levels of abilities

    Abilities are individual psychological characteristics of a person that ensure success in activity, communication and ease of mastering them. Abilities cannot be reduced to the knowledge, skills and abilities that a person has, but abilities ensure their rapid acquisition, fixation and effective practical application.

    Abilities can be classified into:

    natural (or natural) abilities, basically biologically determined, associated with innate inclinations, formed on their basis, in the presence of elementary life experience through learning mechanisms such as conditioned reflex connections);

    specific human abilities that have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in the social environment.

    Specific human abilities are in turn divided into:

    general ones, which determine a person’s success in a wide variety of activities and communication (mental abilities, developed memory and speech, accuracy and subtlety of hand movements, etc.), and special ones, which determine a person’s success in certain types of activity and communication, where special types of inclinations and their development (mathematical, technical, literary and linguistic, artistic and creative abilities, sports, etc.);

    theoretical, which determine a person’s inclination to abstract logical thinking, and practical, which underlie the inclination to concrete practical actions. The combination of these abilities is characteristic only of multi-talented people;

    educational, which influence the success of pedagogical influence, a person’s assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, the formation of personal qualities, and creative, associated with success in creating works of material and spiritual culture, new ideas, discoveries, inventions. The highest degree of creative manifestations of a personality is called genius, and the highest degree of a person’s abilities in a certain activity (communication) is called talent;

    abilities to communicate, interact with people and subject-related abilities related to the interaction of people with nature, technology, sign information, artistic images, etc. A person who is capable of many and different types of activities and communication has a general talent, i.e. the unity of general abilities that determine the range of his intellectual capabilities, the level and originality of activity and communication. Makings are some genetic determined (innate) anatomical and physiological characteristics of the nervous system, which constitute the individual natural basis (prerequisite) for the formation and development of abilities. Individual (individual psychological) differences are features of mental phenomena (processes, states and properties) that distinguish people from each other. Individual differences, the natural prerequisite for which are the characteristics of the nervous system and brain, are created and developed in the course of life, in activity and communication, under the influence of upbringing and training, in the process of human interaction with the outside world in the broadest sense of the word. Individual differences are the subject of study in differential psychology. Abilities are not static, but dynamic formations; their formation and development occurs in the process of a certain way of organized activity and communication. The development of abilities occurs in stages. An important point in the development of children's abilities is complexity - the simultaneous improvement of several complementary abilities.

    The following levels of abilities are distinguished: reproductive, which ensures a high ability to assimilate ready-made knowledge, master existing patterns of activity and communication, and creative, which ensures the creation of new, original ones. But it should be borne in mind that the reproductive level includes elements of the creative, and vice versa.

    The makings. A person is not born with ready-made abilities. They develop throughout his life. The fact that one person has developed some abilities, and another has developed other abilities, is determined by the person’s upbringing and activities.

    At the same time, it is impossible to separate abilities from their material substrate and consider their development as completely independent of the human body. It would be a mistake to say that the structural features of the human body do not play any role in the development of his abilities.

    Many abilities are associated with activities that require certain physical abilities. For example, the structure of the auditory analyzer is important for the development of musical hearing; features in the structure of the vocal cords to a certain extent determine the development of the ability to sing; congenital features of the motor system may favor the development of certain athletic abilities, etc.

    Inclinations are the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the body with which a person is born and which facilitate the development of certain abilities.

    Anatomical and physiological characteristics are of great importance for the development of abilities, as they facilitate the improvement of a person in one or another activity.

    This is also true for intellectual abilities, for the development of which the features of the functional activity of the brain are of great importance: its greater or lesser excitability, the mobility of nervous processes, the speed of formation of temporary connections, etc., i.e. what Pavlov called genotype (innate characteristics of the nervous system).

    The development of intellectual abilities is also associated with the structure of the organs that supply blood to the brain. Powerful cerebral arteries and a dense network of capillaries that penetrate the brain tissue provide an easier and more abundant supply of blood to the brain and, thus, help to increase mental performance, and at the same time the development of mental abilities. Better blood supply to the brain is associated with the possibility of more focused attention, faster associative processes, better memory performance, less mental fatigue, and, in general, greater intellectual performance. Where the brain vessel is not able to quickly and abundantly supply the brain with blood, rapid fatigue is observed during intense mental work, and, accordingly, less productivity.

    Relationship between abilities and types of nervous system. Of fundamental importance for a correct understanding of the material substrate of abilities is the teaching of I. P. Pavlov about the types of the human nervous system. Pavlov distinguished two groups of these types:

    Types of the nervous system associated with the dynamics of nervous processes in the cortex

    brain - with their strength, balance and mobility. These types of nervous systems form the basis of temperaments. They are common to humans and animals.

    “Purely human” types of the nervous system are “mental,” “artistic,” and average. These types are associated with the predominant importance of the first or second signaling system in human activity.

    The “artistic” type is characterized by the predominance of the first signal system in a given person compared to the second, its predominant importance in human activity, the special brightness and vividness of the first signal images in the minds of people who show abilities in one or another form of art.

    The “mental” type is characterized by the predominance of the second signaling system in human activity, the predominant importance of thinking processes in this activity, with insufficient brightness and liveliness of the primary signals.

    The average type is characterized by a certain balance of both signaling systems and the absence of predominance of any of them in human activity.

    12. Mental development during early adolescence. 14-16 years old is a transitional period between adolescence and youth. At this age, self-awareness develops, the importance of one’s own values ​​increases, although children are still largely susceptible to external influences.

    In the age periodization of youth, the age range is from 17 to 21 years. According to B.G. Ananyev, the peak of psychophysiological, mental and intellectual functions occurs in the period of 19-20 years, when there is an increase in the level of psychomotor characteristics, attention, memory, thinking, and a peak in the dynamics of excitatory and inhibitory processes. At the same time, the age of 20 years is the peak of general somatic development and the peak of all types of sensitivity.

    By the age of 21, the formation of the main directions of development of higher emotions is completed: aesthetic, ethical, intellectual. It is at this age that a person leaves his parents’ home, creates his own family and masters a new profession.

    B.G. Ananyev, speaking about youth, identified 2 phases in it, one of which is on the border with childhood, and the other on the border with maturity.

    The first phase: early adolescence (15-17 years old) is characterized by the uncertainty of the young person’s position in society. At this age, the young man realizes that he is no longer a child, but at the same time not yet an adult.

    Second phase: adolescence as such (18-25 years). Represents the initial stage of maturity.

    A senior schoolchild gradually reaches social maturity (learns the norms of society, becomes involved in adult life), the onset of which depends on economic and cultural conditions. Living in the present, his inner position is directed towards the future, towards an independent life. What is important for a high school student is the study and choice of profession, life path, and self-determination. The new social position changes the significance of teaching, its tasks, goals, and content. It is assessed in terms of its usefulness for the future. From the same angle, the attitude towards school life is changing. With age, the range of social roles with their rights and responsibilities expands, and social development becomes multidimensional.

    Boys and girls enter a qualitatively new social position, in which their conscious attitude towards themselves as a member of society is formed. They strive to gain independence, social maturity, and find their place in life.

    For a high school student, the leading activity is educational and professional activity. At senior school age, learning motives related to the professional and life self-determination of schoolchildren prevail. Knowledge is considered not as a value in itself, but as a means of obtaining a good profession that provides a high level of income (the need for the subject in the future, the need for the subject for entering a university).

    The second most important place was for high school students, submitted by I.V. Dubrovina (1997), belongs to the motive of self-development (development of will, determination, broadening one’s horizons, and others).

    Also, boys and girls strive to penetrate their inner world and form a personal identity. Numerous studies show that the quality of teaching is important for the development of cognitive interest in a subject, especially in high school. The attitude towards the subject is formed through the attitude towards the personality of the teacher and the quality of his teaching. The teacher acts as a mentor in intellectual awakening, in acquiring cognitive skills and developing interest in science.

    The possibilities of knowledge are expanding (new theoretical and practical disciplines are appearing). Abilities for activities in various fields (production, artistic activity, sports) develop, and new connections with the outside world are formed.

    By the end of schooling, cognitive processes in youth reach such a level that young people are practically ready to perform all types of mental activity of an adult. It is noted that the development of the means of cognition often outstrips the actual personal development of young men.

    The motive for achieving a goal becomes more and more important by high school age than “avoiding failures.” In the development of this motive, a large role belongs to the teacher.

    Boys and girls with a high level of intelligence, as a rule, have a higher level of development of all components of learning motivation, they:

    · highlight educational subjects that are interesting and important;

    · active, more easily included in search activities;

    · work in an organized manner;

    · strive to consciously acquire knowledge, skills and abilities.

    New features of mental activity affect the course of individual mental processes: attention, memory, speech, imagination, thinking

    Attention. Voluntary attention predominates, a senior student can easily concentrate on the subject of the activity, knows how to switch attention, and can independently organize it. During the lesson, the high school student monitors its progress and takes the necessary notes.

    Developing mindfulness leads to improved observation skills, which become focused and sustainable.

    Memory becomes arbitrary and manageable. A senior student knows different memorization techniques, can highlight what is essential in the material, systematize it, and formulate what is remembered.

    The speech of older schoolchildren is richer in vocabulary and more flexible in intonation. Sometimes written language is better developed than spoken language.

    The thinking of older schoolchildren approaches the thinking of adults. They already highlight in the subject

    essential, come to an understanding of the causes of a particular phenomenon.

    Thinking differs from the thinking of a teenager in being more systematic. High school students accurately classify more specific and more general concepts.

    In thinking, increasingly complex structures are formed that are necessary in youth to understand and explain the world. Thinking at the level of formal operations is the highest achievement of this period. The development of theoretical thinking is noted: they think logically and are able to engage in theoretical reasoning and self-analysis. They can think about moral, political and other topics more easily than teenagers.

    The imagination of older schoolchildren is characterized by a significant development of self-control. Fantasy,

    which previously uncontrollably led the child away from reality, is now being critically comprehended.

    Boys and girls sometimes dream and fantasize as much as children, but they are already able to be critical of their fantasies. Youthful imagination is especially evident in dreams of the future. In general, the cognitive abilities of older schoolchildren are characterized by increased mental activity and the development of the ability to comprehend abstract, abstract material. The arbitrariness of intellectual activity increases. Cognitive interests determine the choice of profession, which, in turn, affects the attitude of a high school student to educational activities.

    The choice of profession is associated not only with needs, but also with abilities, with what demands the profession places on a person. General and special abilities are being developed.

    A high school student says goodbye to childhood, to his old, familiar life. Finding himself on the threshold of true adulthood, he is all directed toward the future, which attracts and worries him. Without sufficient self-confidence and self-acceptance, he will not be able to take the necessary step or determine his future path. Therefore, self-esteem in early adolescence is higher than in adolescence.

    In general, adolescence is a period of personality stabilization. At this time, a system of stable views on the world and one’s place in it—a worldview—is formed.

    The central new formation of the period is self-determination, professional and personal. A high school student decides who to be and how to be in his future life.

    Correlation of abilities and needs

    Psychologists argue that a relationship of limitation and compensation arises between needs and abilities. In this regard, the following main provisions can be highlighted:

    • the simultaneous redundancy of abilities and needs limits the possibilities of activity;
    • if abilities or needs are deficient, they can compensate for each other;
    • if abilities are not enough, then other needs become relevant over time;
    • excess needs require the acquisition of new abilities.

    Abilities are specific properties of a person that determine his propensity to perform a particular type of activity. They are not innate. This category includes inclinations, the presence of which greatly facilitates the process of developing abilities. Also, this concept should not be confused with giftedness or talent.

    Psychologists identify several features that characterize the structure of a person’s abilities. They distinguish people from each other, and also determine their achievement of success in a particular field of activity. It is a mistake to believe that abilities are hereditary; this can only be said about inclinations. In addition, they cannot arise independently if a person is not engaged in a certain kind of activity. If there is no development, then the abilities gradually weaken and disappear (but this does not mean that they cannot be restored).

    Depending on the field of activity, abilities are of several types. Thus, mental ones allow you to quickly respond to changes in the situation, making meaningful and rational decisions. If we talk about musical abilities, then this is the presence of hearing and voice, perception of tempo-rhythm, as well as easy mastery of playing musical instruments. Literary ones are manifested in the ability to beautifully formulate one’s thoughts, and technical ones - in an understanding of the functional features of certain mechanisms. Speaking about physical abilities, it is worth noting endurance, as well as developed muscles. Educational ones make it possible to perceive and reproduce large amounts of information, and artistic ones make it possible to convey colors and proportions. This is a basic, but far from complete list of human abilities.

    Sources: General characteristics of human abilities General characteristics of human abilities The word “ability” has a very wide application in a wide variety of areas of practice. Usually abilities are closely tied to one type or another Give examples of general and special abilities User KsYuFFkA asked a question in the Homework category and received 2 answers to it https://otvet. Human abilities and activities Human abilities and activities Ability is a set of innate anatomical, physiological and acquired regulatory properties that determine mental capabilities -cheloveka.html What are abilities The structure of abilities The structure of a person’s abilities is a set of certain skills and abilities, as well as psychological qualities.

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