What is hypnosis and how to know if you are susceptible to it


During hypnosis sessions, a specialist is able to change a person’s self-control functions. To introduce the patient into such a state, various techniques are used, most often sound and light exposure. During trance, the central nervous system is inhibited, and as a result, consciousness is inhibited. Under the influence of a hypnotist, a person performs various commands. He becomes so similar to a weak-willed doll that many doubt whether hypnosis really exists, or whether this is just a trick of charlatans.

What happens during hypnosis

Impact techniques are used to change concentration. As a result, the person may relive certain images, sensations, and memories in a more intense form. Disorientation in space may occur.

Another feature of the hypnotic state is the subjective feeling of lack of will. A person becomes a passive observer and can tell information of interest if it has been hidden for a long time. The truth may come out, and the specialist will find ways to solve the current problem. The hypnotist can give commands for action that are carried out regardless of the will of the patient.

Under the influence of hypnosis, physical and mental relaxation is felt. The body can be relaxed or tense. Often there is a feeling of flying, swimming, tingling in different parts of the body. A practitioner may use hypnosis techniques for physical or mental healing.

Psychotherapists resort to this effect to eliminate pain and restore peace of mind. Hypnosis opens up unlimited possibilities for age regression. The experience of a past life is often recreated in order to remember the most vivid details and events. The hypnotist, putting a person into a trance state, gains access to remote memory.

There is nothing new under the sun

By the end of the 19th century, hypnosis had become a generally accepted method of psychotherapy, and for a hundred years nothing extraordinary happened in this area. A revolution in hypnology almost occurred in the 1980s: all over the world (and in the USSR that had just emerged from behind the Iron Curtain) there was a buzz about neurolinguistic programming.

In fact, NLP is nothing more than another psychological theory, no worse, but no better than a couple of dozen others. It grew out of attempts to break down the method of the American psychotherapist Milton Erickson - a truly brilliant doctor who could achieve in one session the same thing that in classical psychoanalysis required several years of weekly lying on the couch. Cases from his practice are no less exciting reading than the most twisted detective story.

It has been known for a long time that it is possible to achieve the therapeutic effect of suggestion not in a somnambulistic state, but in the very early stages of a hypnotic trance. Erickson used surface trance as the only method of hypnosis, and also generalized the known ones and developed a number of new techniques that allowed him to quickly and effectively “talk his teeth” to the patient and unobtrusively introduce the necessary thoughts and actions into his head. Another secret of Ericksonian hypnosis is the personality of Erickson himself. The tablets prescribed by the Luminary of Medicine work much better than the same ones prescribed by the local therapist. And in such a fragile and imprecise field as psychotherapy, this “effect of a promoted brand” is much more noticeable, so that the rays of glory of the Founding Father continue to warm his followers even a quarter of a century after his death. But, as in any other art, in order to achieve anything similar to what Erickson could do, in addition to talent, you also need years of study and work.

Psychotherapists apply the theoretical principles of NLP and Ericksonian hypnosis with the same, no more and no less, success than other theories and classical methods of hypnotization: the effect here depends not on a specific school, but on the skill of the doctor.

Surely, in various “secret centers” the curriculum also includes training in NLP methods, but it is unlikely that the most trained agent will be able to seduce anyone he meets better than a skilled gypsy. And short-term courses for everyone... Would you take a two-month violin course with a guarantee of Paganini's mastery? Many people have attended and attended similar NLP classes...

What myths surround hypnosis?

Many people believe that during hypnosis a person sleeps. But this is a myth, a fiction that has no scientific basis. In a trance state, the patient follows certain instructions and settings. Scientists have found that hypnosis is a change in a person’s state. He cannot control his mind because he is in a deeply relaxed state. Sensations in the body and feelings continue to work as before.

There are other common misconceptions:

  1. The hypnologist can give instructions that contradict the will of the patient. In a state of trance, a person does not control his actions, so he can carry out various tasks. Many are confident that if a hypnologist gives an instruction to kill, then it will be carried out by the patient. It is important to remember that such actions are contrary to human values ​​and are technologically difficult. Not every practitioner has the necessary knowledge and experience to make his patient follow such instructions.
  2. Suggestion of sexual fantasies. Unscrupulous hypnologists may make such attempts while the person is in a state of trance. If such actions are contrary to the worldview, the actions will be in vain.
  3. Hypnosis doesn't work. Only in isolated cases does a person not fall into a trance state. It is important to remember that people with high intelligence and developed imagination make contact more easily and fall into a state of trance.
  4. Anyone can become a hypnotist. According to statistics, people believe that the profession is easy and accessible. Such thoughts arise after watching shows and television programs where specialists demonstrate fast and dexterous techniques. The project invites hypnotizable people who quickly fall into a trance, so you shouldn’t trust the show.
  5. Hypnosis can change personality traits. The specialist only eliminates the cause that led to the injury and prevents you from living happily. He cannot turn a person into an alcoholic, a maniac or a murderer, nor can he change reality or worldview. Every person has protection, so the psyche will work to maintain integrity.
  6. The doctor will be able to learn about the hidden secrets. In order for the specialist to reveal all the patient’s secrets, the latter must provide his consent to such cooperation. The hypnotist will have to spend a huge amount of time and effort to get him to talk about his deepest secrets.

All of these statements refute myths and have scientific basis, so it is important to take them into account when collaborating with hypnologists. They will really help you avoid a lot of trouble. The specialist is guided by the rules and job responsibilities, and therefore cannot act against the law and moral qualities of another person.

Hypnosis can help you imagine the following:

  • The pleasure of eating smaller portions;
  • Staying calm when your partner gets under your skin;
  • Overcoming the thought of skipping a workout;
  • That you noticed your stressful state and began to use breathing to calm yourself;
  • Feeling calm and confident when speaking during a date or presenting at work.

And if you can imagine it in a relaxed state, it will inevitably penetrate into your everyday consciousness.

Each time you do this, you will become better at visualizing the results you want and will be encouraged by the changes you see. All it takes is an open mind and you will have endless opportunities to make the changes you would like to see in your life.

What types of hypnosis exist from a scientific point of view?

There are several main types of hypnosis. All of them are effective from a scientific point of view and are used in practice. Officially, there are several types:

  1. Classical. During the session, the specialist works with the person’s consciousness, using clear formulations and guidelines. The presented technique has found wide application in medicine. A hypnotist can cure neurotic disorders, phobias, sexual problems, depression, drug, alcohol and tobacco addiction. In a state of trance, patients cannot distinguish between reality and events that are recreated by consciousness.
  2. Hidden. This has an indirect effect on mental state. Verbal techniques are used in advertising, business, and politics. The main task is to obtain profit and benefit. The most famous and effective methods are Gypsy and Ericksonian hypnosis. If you follow the technique, you can instantly put a person into a trance state.
  3. Psychotropogenic. To hypnotize, you will need to use psychotropic and narcotic drugs that have a direct effect on the mental state.

During hypnosis, a specialist gains access to a person’s subconscious. At the very beginning, the patient is put into a trance state. With the help of leading questions, he learns useful information and opens access to a problem that led to dire consequences.

Myth No. 5: “I won’t remember anything after a hypnosis session”

Since in the state of a hypnotic session tasks and problems that are important for the client are solved, the subconscious mind very clearly follows through the entire process and stops at the most important places. Imagine: you are watching a film and are concentrated on some interesting details, follow the hero, listen carefully to the dialogues, and everything else passes by because it is not important. In hypnosis, everything works in exactly the same way: the essence of the client’s problem is found, and the secondary goes into the background, but is not forgotten.

What are the indications for use

People turn to a hypnologist for help for various reasons. From a scientific point of view, this is a specialist who deals with mental health. During the training process, different areas of activity are studied. A hypnologist performs the tasks of a psychologist, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

In the field of psychotherapy, hypnotic techniques help speed up treatment. When a person is put into a trance state, he can understand his problems. Thanks to modern methods of hypnosis, you can get rid of various bad habits, relive certain memories, get rid of fear and stressful situations. Specialists help develop new behavior patterns that are more suitable for certain life changes.

Hypnosis has been studied for a long time from a psychological and medical perspective. Thanks to the positive results, the presented technique is used to treat the following health problems:

  1. Irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. Reducing mental and physical pain.
  3. Discomfort during medical procedures.
  4. Treatment of burns.
  5. Creating the right mood before surgery.
  6. Facilitation of labor.

Hypnosis is often used to treat chronic pain, as well as problems associated with psychosomatics. Patients get rid of various bad habits that interfere with recovery and getting rid of diseases. In dentistry (https://mir-ulybok.ru/) this is an effective alternative to using drugs to relieve pain.

In a trance state, patients experience reduced bleeding during manipulations and eliminated discomfort after facial and jaw surgery. Effective modern techniques help in the treatment of enuresis in children and night teeth grinding.

The truth about hypnosis

In Soviet times, hypnosis was shrouded in an aura of mystery and some omnipotence. A specialist who mastered this magical technique seemed to receive a “ring of omnipotence” and all doors opened before him. This magical aura was facilitated by charlatan variety hypnosis sessions, arranged for the amusement of the public wanting to have fun. The population received a particular shock as a result of Kashpirovsky’s television sessions, who generally declared himself the healer-savior of our entire vast homeland. There was minimal hypnosis in the “therapist’s” performances, but the television hysteria exceeded all possible limits.

So what is hypnosis?

Scientifically speaking, hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness, characterized by an internal focus of attention with a reduced awareness of what is happening outside and increased suggestibility to the words of the hypnotist. That is, a person in a state of hypnosis is so concentrated on some thought or idea that the surroundings lose meaning for him.

There is still a debate about whether hypnosis is the result of the art of the hypnotist or whether we are dealing with the heightened imagination of the client who is only playing along with the hypnotist. fMRI studies have shown that hypnosis is a special state of brain activity and is not similar to physiological sleep. That is, contrary to popular belief, a person in hypnosis is awake and the hypnotist does not “put” his client to sleep.

History of hypnosis

It is known that the priests of Ancient Egypt possessed the art of bringing people into a hypnotic state. They often used hypnosis in their religious ceremonies to make them especially effective. Similar practices were in use in ancient India and Persia.

The 19th century was a special time in the history of hypnosis. This is the period when doctors began to take hypnotism seriously. Perhaps the most significant figures of that time were Bernheim and Charcot, as well as Sigmund Freud, who contributed much to the understanding of the nature of hypnosis. The most frequent patients of the doctors of that time were patients suffering from various forms of hysteria, which led to the medical opinion that deep hypnotic states were more characteristic of hysterical individuals.

The twentieth century gave us such great brain researchers as professors V.M. Bekhterev and I.P. Pavlov, who did not abandon hypnosis with their attention. And perhaps the most interesting person in this area was the American psychiatrist Milton Erickson. Erickson developed his own unique method of inducing trance, but this state is not always regarded as classical hypnosis. This is akin to “gypsy” hypnosis, i.e. manipulation with highly suggestible patients who tend to give responsibility for their lives to other people.

Can all people be hypnotized?

The hypnotic state into which various people can be placed is divided in depth into three levels or stages.

  1. The stage of “doubtfulness” or light drowsiness is achievable in almost all mentally healthy people.
  2. The “cataleptic” stage is characterized by a specific change in muscle tone. If, for example, you bend a patient’s limb in this state, it will retain its given shape for a long time. According to various sources, this stage is possible in 80% of people. Personally, I am not so optimistic and believe that the figure of 20–25% is more in line with reality.
  3. Stage of “somnambulism”. A complete loss of pain sensitivity, changes in consciousness, including visual, taste and auditory hallucinations are possible. Possible in no more than 5–8% of people, who are most often used by pop hypnotists to demonstrate their art.

Surgical interventions under hypnosis, when drug anesthesia is contraindicated for the patient, are possible only in patients in the stage of somnambulism. The American doctor Barber performed hypnotic anesthesia even during heart surgery back in the 1950s.

However, I do not advise following the lead of Kashpirovsky and others like him. It is better to use the services of qualified anesthesiologists, since the range of modern anesthesia is very wide and you can always choose a safe method of pain relief.

Conditions for which hypnosis may be helpful

  1. To reduce the suffering of patients with chronic pain. Hypnotherapy can reduce the amount of drugs used in cancer patients by more than 2 times.
  2. Treatment of alcoholism with hypnosis has been carried out for about 150 years and gives good results, especially with relapses. Unlike drug methods, it has no side effects.
  3. Skin diseases respond well to hypnotherapy. The most well-researched uses of hypnosis are for eczema, atopic dermatitis and psoriasis.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular “excited bowel syndrome”.
  5. Various fears and phobias.

Keep in mind that the effectiveness of hypnotic suggestion does not directly correlate with the depth of hypnosis.

Parting words

You should understand that the hypnotic state itself does not have a healing effect, no matter how “hypnosis specialists” try to prove it to you. You should be treated by qualified doctors who have received specialization in the field of medical hypnosis and soberly assess its capabilities. Hypnosis is strictly contraindicated in patients with many psychiatric disorders, especially schizophrenia with paranoid syndrome.

Our Russian psychiatrists were convinced of this when, after television hypnosis sessions, the flow of patients to psychiatric clinics sharply increased. In addition, Kashpirovsky’s sessions provoked delusional states in people who were previously mentally healthy. This was one of the reasons for the cessation of mass “healing” programs on central television.

Sergey Bogolepov

Photo istockphoto.com

How to learn hypnosis

The main skill for a person who has decided to become a hypnotist is faith in his own strengths and capabilities. At the very beginning of training, it is important to study the theoretical foundations. It is impossible to impose your own worldview without confidence. During the learning process, it is important to regularly improve your own knowledge and improve quality.

Practitioners need to give up bad habits. This includes smoking, drinking alcohol and strong coffee. Constant self-control helps strengthen the power to control one's own actions and actions. Thanks to this practice, the ability to influence other people improves.

While learning hypnosis, it is recommended to switch strictly to vegetarian food. It is strictly forbidden to show negative emotions or use lies in any form. It is important for beginning hypnotists to regularly practice gaze and focus on specific actions. Daily practice will be required to develop new skills and abilities.

First, you need to hold your gaze on the selected object for 1–2 minutes. Focusing duration is increased to 10 minutes. Between approaches you need to give your eyes a rest. In addition to looking, they develop the desired timbre of voice. There is a huge selection of speech therapy exercises.

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