Ericksonian hypnosis - Psychotherapy for everyone - a site for smart people (official site of psychotherapist Alexander Prokazov, online consultation with a psychotherapist via Skype)

Everyone has heard about hypnosis, especially those who remember Kashpirovsky and Chumak, who never left the screens in the nineties. In the minds of many people, the technique is associated with influencing the psyche, the purpose of which is to subordinate to the will of the hypnotist.

I can’t say that I felt someone’s hypnotic influence on me, although I might not have noticed it. The article describes a relatively new direction - Ericksonian hypnosis. Its effectiveness is based on the construction of linguistic techniques.


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Ericksonian hypnosis was named after Milton Erickson. During his practice, the psychiatrist studied altered states of consciousness; the method he created began to be used as a basis for hypnosis and neurolinguistic programming.

Erickson founded the Society of Clinical Hypnosis in the United States. The background to the emergence of this trend was polio experienced in adolescence. Young Erickson accidentally witnessed a doctor expressing doubts about the young man’s survival after illness.

This caused a strong surge of resistance in him, he felt the will to live, felt the life-affirming potential inherent in nature. Milton not only overcame a serious illness, but also, while in a wheelchair, became an active member of society. The young man chose the profession of a psychiatrist and created a method of hypnosis based on the positive properties of the unconscious. As a result, he not only improved his life, but also developed an effective method of helping others.

Hypnosis training programs

Seminars and trainings are conducted mainly for specialists in the field of medicine and mental health. To enroll in these workshops, you must have a degree in mental health or a medical degree.

There are a number of training programs that teach hypnosis to untrained practitioners. However, hypnosis is a complex phenomenon, and it is important to recognize the many psychological factors that may influence it in order to use it safely and effectively in a clinical setting. For this reason, a trained practitioner with an advanced degree will be better able to appreciate the complexity of hypnosis and other important psychological factors.

Evidence suggests that hypnosis, when done correctly, can lead to significant health and personal growth benefits. Although hypnosis is not a panacea, it is a powerful therapeutic tool that - to be safe and effective - must be used within the context of clinical experience and conceptual understanding.

Qualify as a health professional or psychologist and then take further training in hypnosis from one of the professional hypnosis societies.

Ericksonian hypnosis - what is it?

The essence of hypnosis is based on associative thinking. A person unconsciously associates an image with certain objects, which reflects his complexes, hidden desires, suppressed emotions.

The word “apple” evokes different associations for different people. For one, fruit is associated with a diet, a skirt, a husband; in the minds of another, such concepts as carefree, childhood, garden, warmth arise. In the first case, there may be suspicions of problems in the relationship; the associations of the second patient indicate fatigue and a desire to rest.

In the course of his professional career, M. Erickson came to the conclusion that it was possible to go in the opposite direction. The right words will help you bypass the defense and carry out psychological correction.

The main feature of Ericksonian hypnosis is its figurative, vivid, poetic language. The selection of phrases is carried out in such a way that they have additional meaning. The images created must influence the subconscious. According to Erickson himself, hypnosis is nothing more than the transmission of images.

Immersion in trance

A distinctive feature of Erikson's theory is its complete absence. The therapist based his first and subsequent sessions on practical knowledge. These were individual observations and conclusions based on the results of previous patients and generalized postulates of psychology. Even after death, having collected all the scientist’s works into one, it is impossible to formulate a unified and consistent theory of Erickson’s suggestion - this is such a combined concept that even Erickson himself considers such trance separately from different sides in each of his books.

The state into which the patient is immersed during therapy is a transfer of consciousness inside the person. The process is directed by the hypnologist himself, who determines the patient's focuses of attention, narrowing them down to only a few aspects important for the session. Thus, a person is completely immersed in himself, is not distracted by external stimuli and is focused exclusively on what represents a practical result for therapy.

Trance in Ericksonian hypnosis is an opportunity to increase a person’s motivation to perform a particular action. A distinctive feature of this therapy is the emphasis on the individuality of the patient. The therapist studies a person’s motives and influences them in such a way that the person independently wants to achieve the expected result.

The Ericksonian trance state is perceived as an effective learning process. The psychologist himself initially believed that most problems in the spiritual sphere are associated with limitations acquired during life. During the session, there is a chance to remove or reduce the influence of these restrictions, teach the person to act and make decisions more freely. During therapy, the patient gets rid of imposed attitudes and learns not to pay attention to boundaries and blocks. The hypnologist, as it were, teaches the subconscious to restructure itself without the influence of the limitations of consciousness - a person actually changes on his own, only with the help of a therapist, and does not give in to suggestion, as in other types of hypnotic sessions.

Scope of application

The hypnosis method is aimed at mobilizing the body's internal resources. Ericksonian hypnosis allows you to deal with problems in your professional and personal life, gain success, and achieve the most seemingly unrealistic goals. Patients feel more free and creative after undergoing therapy. The use of the method significantly simplifies the work of the psychotherapist and accelerates the achievement of the desired effect.

Scope of application of Ericksonian hypnosis:

  • neuroses, depressive states, psychosomatic disorders;
  • alcohol, drug addiction;
  • personal growth;
  • improving the relationship between parents and children, partners;
  • getting rid of phobias, consequences of psychotrauma;
  • treatment of codependent relationships;
  • activation of creative potential;
  • negotiations, business.

Basic Techniques

The main feature of this method is the absence of the leading role of the psychotherapist. The patient does not fall asleep, maintains consciousness and self-control. He is in a state of light trance, which occurs when watching a movie or listening to music. The doctor’s instructions are not direct in nature; they easily penetrate the consciousness. If they go against a person’s value systems, he sharply rejects them.


Joining is considered the basis for establishing contact with a person. The purpose of the method is to create an atmosphere of trust between the psychotherapist and the person.

Connection levels:

  • physical (copying a pose, mirroring, repeating movements);
  • breathing (adjusting to the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation);
  • voice (copying tempo, timbre, volume, intonation);
  • the use of visual, auditory, kinesthetic predicates (clear, loud, sensation, etc.).

The highest point is considered to be the attachment of values ​​at the level of beliefs.


The method involves copying the patient’s emotional state. The goal is to switch a person to a more resourceful position. When joining a person in a state of aggression, the emotional intensity should not be so strong. After achieving adjustment, it is important to begin to behave calmly, the patient will repeat this after the doctor and calm down himself.

Introduction to a trance state

Introducing the patient into a trance state will help to increase the effectiveness of psychotechnics many times over. Techniques to reduce patient resistance:

  1. The three “yes” technique - the psychiatrist makes three statements with which the patient agrees. This allows you to turn off resistance, increasing compliance with hypno-suggestion;
  2. Conspiracy - the doctor speaks quickly and a lot, jumping from one topic to another, the patient’s attention is held by special questions (that’s right, you understand me). Exhausted by a large amount of information, the patient becomes more susceptible to suggestion.
  3. Triple Helix - in this technique, the psychiatrist tells three unrelated stories. The latter is directly a suggestion. In the finale, the first story from the point where the narrative broke off should be told.


One of the main methods of hypnosis is verbal suggestions. This category includes truisms, the assumption method, and the false choice technique. Truism is a well-known fact that is taken for granted by the listener.


  • you can feel your own breathing - induction into a trance;
  • every person can change - an attitude towards self-development;
  • Only one’s own experience can teach - a learning mindset.

The assumption technique involves the use of certain speech structures built on statements. One event must be followed by a certain phenomenon. The doctor says that he will count to 10 and the patient will calm down. The false choice method involves presenting the patient with several options that will lead to the same goal.

Trance training using the Erickson method

The creator of this technique, Erickson, used hypnosis to teach people in a special way in a state of trance. During the session, he communicated with the patient, telling him instructive parables. This technique is a distinctive feature of this particular type of hypnosis.

Another name for such stories is therapeutic metaphors. With their help, the hypnologist tries to convince the patient of something, to direct his thoughts in the right direction. Such stories are atypical and are selected by the doctor individually to suit the character and problem of a particular patient.

The story is structured in such a way that a person can obtain new information from this parable, so that new positive models of behavior are formed in his mind and the standard way of thinking begins to change. As a rule, these parables always have a good ending, inspiring actions of the heroes or other positive events. The skill of a good hypnologist lies in the fact that he knows how to choose the plot and type of such a parable in order to launch the necessary mechanisms in the patient’s head.

The main goal is for a person to independently reconsider his past experience and begin to think somewhat differently. The hypnologist must transfer the person's current problem to the subconscious level. A person imagines himself as the hero of such a parable, experiencing it together with the heroes of the story. But emotions and experiences subsequently transfer into real life, helping to cope with problems and change habits. There are examples of such stories in the works of Milton Erickson himself; specialists use them as a model.


The main advantage of this direction is considered to be the most careful attitude towards the patient’s personality. The psychotherapist always leaves him a choice; he can either accept or not accept therapy. The essence of hypnosis is the complete concentration of a person on his own person and desires.

A hypnologist only guides a person through complex associations that affect the conscious and subconscious. The doctor carefully convinces the patient that the obstacles placed in the person’s head can be overcome. Therapy should open a person to a wide range of choices and possibilities. As a result, the patient gains confidence in his positive experience and begins to believe in his capabilities and abilities. This attitude helps to activate life potential.

Learning in a trance state

The uniqueness of Ericksonian hypnosis is that in a trance state a person is receptive to learning and can easily accept any transformation. But this is not a traditional suggestion when changes come from outside. This is simply a change in the focus of attention and an impact on the sleeping areas of the brain. A person still makes decisions on his own, he can refuse hypnotic settings, but in a state of trance he is most susceptible to them. Ericksonian hypnosis is similar in some ways to meditation, but with the participation of a guide-therapist.

To learn new behavior patterns and attitudes, it is important to establish trust between the therapist and patient. In this case, changes are perceived most effectively, and subconscious learning abilities appear or strengthen. For the first time in their lives, most patients become aware of the enormous amount of knowledge and life experience that is stored in their subconscious. The therapist only helps to open it and use it for good. Studying your own experiences and stored memories helps you analyze the past, make decisions more constructively, connect your intuition when necessary, and rely on the subconscious in difficult situations.

If we compare, the main differences between a classic hypnotic session and Ericksonian trance are as follows:

  • The classic is authoritarianism, in which the therapist influences the patient using the tools of an authoritative voice, gaze, and tries to influence the patient with an ultimatum and with the condition of unconditional obedience. The hypnologist is believed to know by default what is best for his patient. In the Ericksonian approach, the therapist is just a guide who knows how to competently guide a person through his own subconscious, guide, and suggest.
  • In classical hypnosis, changes are achieved through direct suggestions and directives. The hypnologist must independently instill in the patient ideas, patterns, beliefs or aversions to something (for example, aversion to alcohol) previously agreed upon during the session. The Ericksonian therapist tries to find a person’s internal resources that will help him make his own decisions based on life experience, intuition and other tools of the subconscious. In this case, the therapist awakens individual internal motivation, the person makes an important decision for himself absolutely harmoniously, the risk of conflicts and problems after such changes is minimal.


Anyone can practice self-hypnosis; the technique is quite simple. To do this, you need to focus on looking at your favorite image. It may contain a landscape, natural landscapes, they should arouse interest or pacify. Photos with erotic content are not recommended.

The picture should be such that you would like to look at it in detail. During the session, the patient should sit comfortably in a chair. Time also plays an important role, it should be enough for everything, rushing is not allowed. The best time for these purposes is before bedtime.

Over time, the skill of exiting the trance state will be developed at the request of the patient. The first few sessions often gradually progress to sleep. It is important to leave enough time for the session at first. The patient should take a comfortable position and place the picture in front of him.

The image can be held in your hand or kept in a visible space on the table. After this, you should study the picture in detail, complementing the details as you wish, highlighting details, getting rid of unnecessary things. Gradually the image will be replaced by images that come to mind. The patient should allow it to manifest itself in a pleasant way, while it is important to enjoy the journey.

Why certification is more important today than ever

With all this attention on hypnotherapy, the ministries and professional societies that oversee the industry are also starting to take the matter more seriously.

This evolution is very similar to what we have seen in the past in various fields where they were not taken seriously and you didn't need any education at all to pursue them.

Now you have to get many years of education and a degree, and do an internship. And it's only a matter of time before the same thing happens in our industry.

All those week-long certification courses and one-day seminars simply won't make any difference. In fact, many of the certified hypnotherapists practicing today are soon in danger of losing their opportunity to practice.

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