Hypnosis for life

Is it possible to erase a person's memory? This cannot be done completely, but it is possible to manage your own negative memories. The girl Anastasia, who had long suffered from obsessive images from the past, managed to learn to control them.

How to erase from your memory memories that prevent you from living peacefully?

“I have always had a lot of situations in my life in which I looked stupid from the outside. It happens that you say something wrong, behave strangely, then you feel ashamed, remember, digest the story. All this settles in the head for a long time, pops up at the most inopportune moment. This kind of obsessive lump spins in my head and gives me no rest.

I often had insomnia. As a result, suffering and physical and moral oppression. I made an appointment with a psychologist because I thought that in my situation this was the only way out. Constant dialogue in my head, unpleasant thoughts and memories did not allow me to calmly go about my business or live a normal life.

The psychologist advised me one exercise for intrusive memories that will help me control them. The idea is to imagine the negative event as if on a movie screen. It is important to make the image large and the format narrow and long.

Then reduce the frame to a small point. Then return the image to its previous size, saturate it with color, and increase the brightness. Next, remove the color completely, make it black and white. The next step is to present the frame in green, blue, and finally orange.

It is necessary to reduce the contrast of the picture so as not to distinguish between the background and the figures. Scroll the frames in the opposite direction, stop. Look at the image at different speeds, from high to slow. Try to hear the sounds.

Make it as loud as possible, then turn it down. Reset the image settings. Slowly turn off the sound, then freeze the picture. Reduce the brightness and intensity, blur the picture. Turn off the image. Leave the screen completely white. Turn it mentally into a white dot, and then into a smoke ring. Your memory has disappeared.

It seemed difficult at first, but over time I brought the exercise to automaticity. As soon as I have unpleasant memories, I get rid of them with this effective method.”

Forgetting as a normal memory process

Have you seen the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"? This is a fantastic drama in which lovers erased their memory of a person using a special program. Or rather, this was done by specialists from the company providing this service.

But in life everything happens a little differently. Over time, all vivid emotions and experiences, words spoken and deeds committed are erased from memory on their own, blurred, and begin to seem distant and unimportant.

In this case, erasing from memory is a natural process, but it takes some time. It could be years, even decades. In this case, it is much more difficult to erase a person from memory if he played a large role in your life (lover, lover, loved one).

If a person is no longer in your life, then over time the emotions experienced with him will dull, especially if someone else has replaced him.

Erasing a person’s memory constitutes a specific strategy. You need to allow yourself to forget specific details of an event in order to then get rid of the whole memory.

This means that when a person’s brain tries to remember something intentionally (images, words, events), it creates a certain context. When trying to forget this context, it is rejected, so the person creates memories with difficulty, which then do not last long.

It is more difficult to forget something if the memory is reinforced by triggers. How to erase your memory at home? Try using the flying technique.

Hypnosis for life

Without knowing it, they come to my site in pairs: those who want to remember something, more often from the area of ​​the distant past or even previous lives, but in quite a few cases - some specific life episode that has completely fallen out of memory; and those who want to forget something. Therefore, the request: “erase memory with hypnosis” is quite common. But it was precisely this formulation - “in what cases is it really necessary to erase memory with hypnosis” - that I classified as a wow request: I was impressed by the rational approach. Why? Because here a choice is assumed - “really necessary”, while the majority of those who come with this topic first to my site, and then to the reception, pose the question much more harshly: “I want to completely forget”, “I want , so that they give me amnesia,” “I want to erase.” Well, press the button and erase it.

Who are these people? And why do they phrase it this way? Don't they feel sorry for their brains? Everyone already knows that ill-considered use of the “delete” key on a computer keyboard will cause many problems, but the brain is more complex than the coolest laptop, and the consequences of interfering with its work can be completely unpredictable!

These are all rhetorical questions - since people who want their memory erased by hypnosis do not think about anything like that. They are simply in pain, and they are ready to do anything to make this pain go away.

What do they usually want to “erase with hypnosis”? Memories of a situation of humiliation, betrayal, difficult experiences, strong fear - that is, that, being in the past, prevents you from living in the present and making plans for the future. A separate category of such clients are those who are suddenly confronted with information that diametrically changes their attitude towards their own past (most often we are talking about a family secret that has surfaced - for example, the presence of an irrefutable fact of a long-hidden adoption; a relative who has seriously compromised himself in some way; a very painful situation for respectable men " not my children”, etc.). In the light of new data, such a person reconsiders his entire life, relationships with other people, tries to mentally “play out” another scenario - “I’m not living my own life”... And tries, tries, tries to forget what happened - “so that everything will be as before” .

Well, it’s a natural human desire to feel better. Even if it’s through “erasing memory with hypnosis.” Is it possible in principle to erase memory, figuratively speaking, by simply cutting out a piece of the past?

In some cases this happens by itself. If the load turns out to be excessive for the human psyche, then amnesia may spontaneously develop, and the traumatic event will simply disappear from memory - there will be a failure, a black hole. By the way, this is an extremely unpleasant feeling. But such a memory loss is the only option for a person to maintain health, and not only mental health. As time passes, some details of the event may emerge in his memory, but the overall picture will still remain blurred.

In some cases, hypnosis will come to the rescue. If a person has not yet had time to concentrate very strongly on the desire to “erase,” then the best format would be conversational hypnosis, that is, one in which the client can be discreetly chatted up by incorporating suggestions into casual chatter or simply using the directive at the right moment: “Forget!” But, unfortunately, at this stage a very small percentage gets to me. And the amnesia that arises as a result of such an impact will not be amnesia in the full sense of the term: a person will not completely forget - he will simply stop remembering what bothers him or will begin to remember, but rarely and abstractly, as if it happened a very long time ago, or in general not with him.

And most often it happens like this: the client has been trying to “erase his memory” for quite some time. It didn't work out. Moreover, in accordance with the parable of the white monkey, he, on the contrary, concentrates more and more on the problem that he wants to forget. He comes to me already very exhausted and irritated: usually by this time his sleep, appetite, and communication with others are already quite disturbed. He hopes for a miracle, for something that can actually be done “as before.” And when it turns out that I cannot promise to “erase my memory with hypnosis,” disappointment also sets in: “But I saw in the movies that it is possible!”

Therefore, the first stage of working with such clients is a story about the possibilities, both mine and his. The second stage is learning the skill of being in a trance state - on the one hand, all people can do this, on the other hand, this particular category of clients may experience difficulties in entering a trance (however, the problem is solved quite quickly, already in the second or third session). The third stage is the person’s dissociation from the problem. The purpose of dissociation is to reduce the severity of the experience and switch attention to something else. And the result of good work will be a gradual “fading” of the traumatic episode and a shift of attention from the past, in which nothing can be changed anyway, to the future. Gradual forgetting. By and large, a person needs not to forget, not to “erase”. He needs it not to hurt.

So I don’t know how one could unambiguously answer the question: “in what cases is it really necessary to erase memory by hypnosis.” In practice, it turns out that if necessary, it will be erased on its own, and in all other cases you can only help the process of gradual forgetting.

Yes, and one more important point - for those who come to this post with a similar request. Remember: you probably had a situation in your life when you couldn’t extract someone’s last name, or a term, or the name of a city from memory... You try to remember - and nothing works. The more persistently you try, the more you fail. It's a disgusting feeling, isn't it?

So, the desire to “erase memory with hypnosis” is the essence of the desire to create such a feeling in oneself, and it will be impossible to get rid of the feeling. After all, here the conversation is not about a trifle like the name of a popular film actor or the name of a delicious dish that jumped out of memory, but about some serious event, access to the memories of which was blocked by the brain. And if it suddenly turned out that it was possible to “erase” it, then both the memory loss and the consequences of this failure would be very unpleasant. A person will always return his thoughts to the fact that he does not remember something - also a kind of “white monkey”. This is what those who turn to hypnosis to remember say. And they know what they are talking about.

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Flying technology: description of the method

How to erase a person's memory? There are techniques that suppress memories, but not completely. They will help if you are wondering how to erase a person from your memory.

The word “flying technology” comes from the root “leta” - this is the river of oblivion in the underworld. Flight methods are used in two cases: to suppress traumatic memories (obsessive), and to erase information that has become unnecessary.

How to erase a particular event from a person’s memory? There are several flying techniques.

  1. Suppression. It is most often used if intrusive negative memories are tormenting. The more diligently they try to forget and not remember them, the more intrusive they become. To remove the obsessive state, you need to use a special exercise called the “burning letter.” Its essence is that it is necessary to describe this memory on a piece of paper, mentally imagine it in the form of a picture. When memories are described and visualized, a person is freed from them. Afterwards, the sheet with the text must be burned, looking into the fire. It is important to understand that the events of the past crumble, turning into nothing. There is also the “TV” exercise, which helps you stop being afraid of memories.
  2. Delete. How to erase memories from your memory? Another strategy is to remove information that is no longer relevant. One of the exercises should include the “flying rag”. If some information is present in memory in the form of images, you need to mentally take a large rag and erase what is unnecessary. It is important to vividly imagine that the images are removed, disappear, dissipate and no longer exist.

How to erase a person's memory at home? It's easy to do. Use the techniques presented regularly to develop a habit.

They are quite safe, so it is not difficult to get rid of the negativity in your head. If you are interested in how to erase the memory of a person, then pay attention to the deletion technique. Perhaps you should use the author’s method of forgetting S.V. Shereshevsky.

Change and labialization of memories

It turned out that in experiments based on memory changes, the most common method is to assess the behavior of the animal.

For example: a rat is given an electric shock in a certain situation, after which it is placed in a similar situation, and in comparison with a control rat that was not shocked in this cage, it is clear that it is afraid, behavioral manifestations occur, and memory work in action is observed.

The presented phenomenon can be reproduced on the simplest snails. If snails are shocked in one place and then placed in another, they will behave completely adequately. But if they are planted in the same place where they were previously, then distinct signs of fear will begin to appear, which can be quantified.

The phenomenon of memory labialization and its subsequent reconsolidation can be interpreted using the example of rewriting certain information (its change). We retrieve the memory as a file on the computer. And if it is overwritten, the previous file is erased.

Today it becomes clear that there really is a period of memory labialization, during which it becomes possible to lose certain information. For example, during experiments conducted in Russian laboratories, it was possible to identify and clearly demonstrate that it is possible in this way to create not only some kind of “gaps” in memory.

Does it make sense to erase events? The value of experience, consequences

Is it possible to completely erase a person's memory? No, you can't do that. But how can you erase unpleasant memories from your memory? This is what most often requires special techniques; some even use hypnosis to forget a particular situation.

The main indications for erasing memory are traumatic situations: crimes, military operations, rape, accidents, disasters. In this case, negative experience is not valuable, since it drives a person into depression and prevents him from living a normal life.

Memory erasing by hypnosis is necessary and is most often performed by a professional. In any case, you can also get rid of negative states on your own, but this is psychological work. The traumatic situation must be accepted and understood.

Try to understand why it happened to you. The job is not easy. Perhaps, if you survived it and remained physically intact, then this is the path to self-knowledge. Even if the situation in the past was terrible, you are alive, so it is important to realize one thing - this is a positive thing.

Understanding the lesson is the step that helps you get rid of negative emotions and stop causing events of the past. If you cannot erase memories from your memory, then contact an experienced psychologist who knows certain techniques, including hypnosis.

It is rare, but it happens that memory erasing is a spontaneous phenomenon. This is a protective reaction of the body, that is, forgetting is a natural mechanism.

In this case, the traumatic information is completely destroyed, including negative emotions. A similar reaction occurs if a person experiences severe fright. However, this does not solve the problem, since a nervous disorder will remain.

How to erase a person's memory? There are artificial methods of forgetting information, including hypnosis, chemical exposure, the creation of false memories, and neurolinguistic programming.

  1. Hypnosis. This is artificial forgetting, which is suitable for people who have not been able to cope with negative emotions on their own. In this case, memories are not removed from memory, but blocked. Memory erasing through hypnosis is effective, but it is not suitable for everyone. Memories can come back if you remind them.
  2. Chemical substances. These are pills that weaken neural connections. They help if you need to forget some episode.
  3. False memories. They are being replaced, and the same thing happens with easily suggestible people.
  4. NLP. Influences people's memories using psychological techniques (words, gestures, intonations).

It is important to understand that it is possible to erase a person, event or episode from life from memory, but in the end the personality will change.

Such experiments can lead to mental disorders that cannot be cured without the help of doctors. Is memory intervention worth such sacrifices? You decide.

How to erase a person's memory

How can a person be forced to voluntarily undergo such influence? Who would agree to lose their memory? Who told you it was voluntary? After all, this is not at all difficult: a regular injection of a drug developed at a research institute, for example, during a general flu vaccination or instead of an injection of vitamins.

A psychotropic substance can be injected into a person under the guise of a vaccination or vitamins

Violent treatment is also used, which not a single person subjected to hypnosis will remember. Intoxication with certain “medicines” causes special susceptibility to hypnotic influence. And some corrections in the brain can be done using a hardware method, literally burning out “dangerous” areas of the brain with a laser.

In general, with the brain in such poisoning, you can do whatever you want:

  • Destroy memory.
  • Implant a chip that will allow you to track the movement of the “object” and program the person to self-destruct.

You don’t even need spectacular actions like flying out of a window or hanging from the handle of a window frame. As simple as day - sudden cardiac arrest. At this point, any doctor will register a heart attack. Although the cause of such a strange heart attack would not be a bad heart, but an order from the brain to immediately stop cardiac activity.

Who could be behind such a disgrace? Those, of course, who must guard certain secrets. And who guards the secrets? You are quite capable of answering this question yourself.

In August 2000, the VID television company invited seven people who had lost their memory and a whole council of psychiatrists to participate in the program. The whole country closely followed the discussion. The questions that doctors were asked were simple: why did these people completely lose their memory? What could have prompted them to do this? After all, it is known that no traces of violence were found, many of the victims did not have toxic substances in their blood.

Many, but not all. Such substances were found in the blood of several people. Doctors found traces of a potent psychotropic substance in her. This substance could not be identified. It is only clear that it has enormous destructive power.

The psychotropic substance is eliminated from the blood very quickly, but can still sometimes be detected

One of the Penza doctors is convinced: if a person was really poisoned by some unknown substance, then it was probably not just one drug, but some kind of “explosive mixture” of psychotropic substances based on drugs. Nowadays, quite a lot of chemicals of dangerous composition and action are smuggled into the country from abroad.

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