Wheel of Life Balance: analysis of all areas of your life. Algorithm for setting and achieving goals

The wheel of life balance, or the wheel of life, is a popular technique in psychology, which is often offered before conducting trainings, starting long-term psychotherapy, or simply in cases when it seems to you that something is wrong, and what exactly is not entirely clear. This seems to be a simple, but at the same time, a very effective way to sort everything out and choose in which directions you should move. In this article we will tell you how to make such a wheel.

How to create a balance

To keep your wheel even, you need to raise the low rated areas to a high level. Reflect on why you spend little time on them, and what solutions are visible. Be sure to write down your thoughts and number your action plan, starting with simple steps and ending with complex ones. Review ideas every day, correct and add something. Sometimes it is impossible to understand where the mistake is being made. Then draw a separate wheel, which will display the problematic area that prevents you from achieving the balance of a happy life. Small sub-points will help you better understand and understand the true reason. Don’t regret mistakes and lost time, but strive to understand yourself in order to become perfect and happy.

Wheel of Balance: 4 Steps to Harmony

Step 1

First, you need to make a list of all your main and important areas of life. This is done very easily, read the article here

It is very important to write and highlight all the areas of each of them, what it consists of. For example:

  • Health – nutrition, self-care, sports, daily routine, sleep, energy.
  • Home, surrounding space - comfort, coziness, daily routines, organization of space, repairs, living conditions.
  • Career and finances – managing money, saving, work, job search, projects, wealth, income, expenses, loans.
  • Self-development – ​​personal growth, education, training.
  • Attitude – love, kindness, help, quarrels, social. status, friends, children, husband, wife.
  • Recreation and entertainment – ​​free time, travel, hobbies.
  • Inner world – struggle with oneself, setting goals and priorities, emotions, motivation.

The more you write, the easier it will be to understand yourself.

Step 2

Print it out or draw a circle by hand on a piece of paper. Divide it by the number of areas of life that you have identified for yourself. Connect the center with points on the circle. Each segment must be divided into 10 parts. Label all the areas you want to analyze.

Step 3

This step requires a very clear mind. Get rid of external irritants, turn off the phone, music, ensure silence. Be honest with yourself. Carefully analyze each area of ​​your life and give it a score from 0 to 10. Personally, I use the following indicators:

  • 0-3 – everything is very bad
  • 4-7 – satisfactory, but there is some work to be done
  • 8-10 is a good indicator, meaning that you have achieved enough success in this area

Mark the selected level on the scale. Now connect the dots.


Now we have a very powerful tool for setting goals to bring order to our lives. What's next?

Step 4

Evaluate the most unfortunate points on the wheels of life balance. Think about which ones can influence other areas. For example, if you take care of your health, you will be able to work more and earn money, then you can go on vacation and spend time with your family.

Even if you don't see any connection, that's okay. It is necessary to work on the most unsuccessful areas for 1 – 2 months. To do this, set yourself several goals that will move up a point on the balance wheel and make your life a little more harmonious. Don't forget to make a plan to achieve what you want. Read more about how to do this here.

After 1 - 2 months, evaluate the situation again, draw up a new life balance wheel and work on it again.

Everything is quite simple, but this tool, first of all, will help you understand yourself and understand our needs to harmonize your life.

Good luck and good mood to everyone! Bye bye!

What is the wheel of life?

In general, the Wheel of Life is a common psychological test that allows you to determine your degree of success. Based on it, you can diagnose and analyze your life at the moment and make a plan for changing it.

The test itself appeared in the West, and then was successfully picked up by our Russian personal growth coaches. The Wheel of Life represents 8 sectors of life that a person must work on in order to be in harmony and feel happy.

The Wheel of Life is your inspiration .

The Wheel of Life is the most powerful tool for inspiration. After all, it is based on all the main areas of human life. It helps you see the direction of movement and allows you to answer the question: “What do I need to do right now to get closer to my ideal life?”

The Wheel of Life is a tool for precise goal planning.

A correctly created Wheel of Life helps to create a system of mutually complementary goals. This allows you to achieve several goals at once by following the same steps. The result is a feeling of interconnectedness in all areas of life.

Everyone has their own Wheel of Life, since in their own way each person is unique and inimitable. We each have our own lives and our own achievements in each area.

WATCH A VIDEO! Why is the Wheel of Life Balance dangerous or how to make a breakthrough?

Analysis and planning of your own life

Most people - probably about 80-90% - live with their heads down, so to speak, and do not see much of what is happening around them. Because of this viewing angle, their sphere of interest is quite narrow. In fact, all they care about is work and personal life, and often it is not about involvement in the process, but about the so-called “serving a number.”

In other words, every day a person wakes up in the morning and goes to work simply because “it’s necessary.” The longer he works in the same place, the less often he thinks about the fact that he could do something else, reveal himself in some other area. The main goal of life for many is to provide for themselves and their family, but in the pursuit of money, people lose the most important emotional connections and find themselves locked within a single sphere of life - the material.

The technique that we will consider in this article will help you raise your head, look around, see new horizons and reformat your life - not the way it’s “supposed”, but the way you want it.

This technique is called the “Wheel of Life”.

How to apply the results obtained from the exercise

A competent analysis for all areas of life is, of course, very important, but this is not enough. Analysis is only half the battle. And then you need to give an in-depth assessment of the results, find optimal indicators for all areas of the life balance wheel in order to feel a genuine interest in life and pleasure from it.

  • the task should be presented in a positive way, that is, write down not what you need to get rid of, but what you are striving to achieve;
  • the result should be stated specifically and clearly. For example, if we are talking about the Health sector, then the wording “take care of health” turns out to be very general. It’s a completely different matter if you write “lose extra 6 kg”, “go to an appointment with an ophthalmologist”, etc.;
  • It is necessary to indicate the exact date for achieving the goal. Not just “year” or “six months”, but “September 21”.

Advice: evaluate your intended goals and objectives from the point of view of so-called environmental friendliness. This means whether it will be good for you and your family and loved ones after everything is done. Imagine that you have achieved your goal and evaluate the result from this position.

So what can we say to sum it up? How important is it to work with the wheel of life balance? The tool is really powerful. It makes it possible to assess the current state of affairs in various areas of life

But that's only half the battle. With its help, you can outline a specific course of action that will lead to the desired improvements.

You will really display for yourself a picture of your ideal world with dozens in all directions, you will see what else is important to do. And having built a wheel that is harmonious in all areas, you yourself will feel how much calmer and more harmonious your life has become.

Do not be discouraged under any circumstances if everything is not as you would like. Don't sit idly by, move forward, strive for your goals. When you have a great desire, any dreams can come true. Draw your life balance wheel regularly - for example, once a quarter. Then weak categories that require adjustment will be clearly visible, and you will be able to direct your efforts in the right direction.

Why the world is unfair. How to change your life? Video from Business Youth:

Practical exercise

The Wheel of Life Balance is a wonderful technique that should be done several times a year to soberly assess your situation. It clearly shows where you are at the moment, what you have achieved in the past and what your goals are for the future. The wheel demonstrates where your energy flows and why you lack the strength to improve in another area.

Our life as a whole can be divided into 8 main spheres (in other versions there are 12 spheres). Each of them has a specific sub-sphere. All spheres must be divided into 10 divisions. Starting from the center of the circle, you need to evaluate each area in your life according to your personal feelings and color in the scale.

Don't think long about the points. The first number that comes to mind will be correct.

Ideally, the wheel should be smooth so that it can spin forward and move a person through life. But more than 90% of people are in severe imbalance in life, if we consider them on this wheel.

Coaching concept

Coaching is an English term that refers to a specific type of training. In this process, the person—the client—is guided and accompanied by a coach. He is a specialist who helps others in any problematic situations where it is necessary to start moving towards the goal. In terms of the content of the work, this is very close to training events, but such a profession does not exist separately. A coach can deal with both the personal issues of a specific person and the professional activities of an entire company or organization. Coaching can be defined as the art of self-development and achieving results.

The dangers of misinterpretation are important

The Wheel of Life is just an exercise. The power is in the clarity of comparison with a physical wheel, but the same comparison is misleading.

No need to deceive yourself:

Wheel of Expectations

- a more accurate name for this technique.

Some people feel disappointed when they see their crooked wheel and think: “You can’t go far on such a wheel!”

. The name “wheel of life” suggests that on this wheel you roll through life, that this is your life.

But that's not true. When filling out the life balance wheel, the ideal you take is how you think your life should be.

look, not what she

Remove expectations and idealization of your life, and your wheel will be perfectly smooth - that's exactly what you'll be rolling on.

Our life is already great

We are so used to good things that we have stopped appreciating them. Let's pay attention to what we don't have

The trap of idealizing the wheel

. The word “wheel,” automatically and imperceptibly, attributes the properties of a physical wheel to the flow of our life.

In fact, a person understands that life is wonderful and he really loves to develop, set new goals and achieve them. In this case, scores from 1 to 10 will reflect its approach to goals in all areas.

An important difference: a person already feels like a top ten! But he wants more, so he can put a mark of 6, where it would have long been worth putting 16. The man saw from his own experience all these dangers of interpreting the size of a wheel. He understands that the circle has long grown, but his requests have grown along with him

You need to come to this

Man has seen from his own experience all these dangers of interpreting wheel size. He understands that the circle has long grown, but his demands have grown along with him. We need to come to this.

Wheel of Life technique - look at your life from the outside!

At the center of the technique is a drawing of a circle, which is divided into eight sectors - spheres of life.

A person is asked to evaluate the state of each of the spheres at a given time using a 10-point system, where 1 corresponds to complete dissatisfaction in a certain sector, 10 – complete satisfaction. Of course, the assessment will be subjective - based on your own feelings. And, nevertheless, when assigning points, it is important not to be disingenuous, to reflect the real state of affairs, and not the one that one would like to see. Otherwise, further work with the “wheel” makes no sense. A description of the main areas is presented below.

Health and sports. Health is an important resource for a happy life, and often a person remembers his health when he has problems with it. According to doctors, there are no completely healthy people nowadays. However, each individual is able to analyze when he was healthier: this year or last year. When assessing this sector, in addition to comparison with the past, it is important to pay attention to such things as lifestyle and level of physical activity.

Friends and environment. Here a person must ask himself a series of questions. Do you have enough communication? How positive is it? Would you like to change something in your environment?

Relationships and family. In this sector, a person must evaluate how happy he is in his marriage (if married), satisfaction in his relationship with family members, and his loved one.

Career and business. Satisfaction with your career is another determining factor in a harmonious life. An employee should evaluate the degree of satisfaction with his profession, workplace, team, etc. For entrepreneurs, how interesting is the business to which they devote time and energy. It is important to pay attention to how much energy a person spends on his work. So, if after a working day there is no energy or mood left, the person is probably doing something wrong.

Finance. In this sector, it is necessary to assess satisfaction with your financial situation based on your own needs. Of course, everyone’s level of aspiration is different, and the amount that for one will correspond to 10, for another, for example, will correspond to only three. So, if you earn 30 thousand, and want to receive 100 thousand, you put a mark of 3 points.

Spirituality and creativity. Quite an individual and multifaceted sector. There are people who are constantly in creative search, there are people who are interested in astrology, esotericism, numerology, mythology, etc., asking questions about the meaning of life and the mysteries of the universe. If you are asking yourself such questions, then you are on the path of spiritual growth. If not, it’s worth thinking about it. Creative activities include drawing, singing, playing musical instruments, dancing, poetry - everything that is the development of the inner “I”.

Personal growth. Personal growth is about acquiring new skills, setting new goals and achieving them. Personal growth is advanced training, training, reading specialized literature related to professional activities, literature on self-development.

The brightness of life. First of all, this sector is responsible for what a person does in his free time from work, how interesting he spends his leisure time and what emotions he gets from it. If you have a hobby or hobby that gives you positive emotions, your score in this sector will be high. An example would be all kinds of travel, cycling, snowboarding, skiing, outdoor recreation, etc.

Each sector of the “Wheel of Life” must be shaded in accordance with the grades assigned. Further analysis is based on two criteria:

1. The degree to which the edges of the shaded area are even and how similar it really is to a wheel. In other words, the uniformity of the points given is taken into account. In the example given (Fig. 1), the wheel turned out to be uneven, because has a large amplitude of sector values ​​(maximum value – 9, minimum – 1).

2. The diameter of the resulting wheel. The larger it is, the greater the degree of satisfaction with life.

Fig.1. Example of a completed “Wheel of Life”

From the above example it is clear that the analysand lacks the brightness of life, spiritual and creative development. The greatest effort needs to be put into these areas of life in order to straighten the wheel. However, we should not forget about other areas.

Further work boils down to the fact that it is necessary to come up with and write down goals and objectives for each of the sectors, the implementation of which is possible in the near future (Fig. 2). It is recommended to limit yourself to two months, and after this period, draw the “Wheel of Life” again, look at the changes, set new goals, etc.

Rice. 2. Example of the “Wheel of Life” with tasks

Separately, it is worth noting that in life there is a certain law of compensation: while succeeding in one area, great success cannot be achieved in another.

Thus, spending a significant amount of energy on moving up the career ladder, a man or woman may neglect starting a family, or there simply won’t be enough time for it. This means that it is almost impossible to achieve the most even wheel possible. One way or another, some areas of life will be a priority, and not always consciously. published

PS And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Evolution of the balance wheel

People tend to ignore the unpleasant in their lives - this is a fact from psychology. And in self-analysis of Health or the Financial Wheel, it is important to honestly collect all the facts about yourself, and not just the pleasant ones. Therefore, to map the facts of life correctly, external guidance is desirable.

The “Wheel of Life” technique with the help of a computer evolved into the online constructor “Maps of the Sphere of Life”. Outwardly similar to an online test, the exercise helps you break down areas of life into fact molecules and draw a mind map of each area of ​​life.

  • 1. Wheel of life
  • 2. Wheel of Health
  • 3. Health Card

The exercise is adapted for women, parents and teenagers. The technique of implementation is step-by-step coaching, but without a coach. The online test helps you find your focus and set 3 key goals to achieve balance, success and happiness.

Living by intuition has brought us to where we are now. A thorough analysis of life values ​​will lead us to where we want to go - to point “B”.

Life is not one sector

What is life balance? It is satisfaction with life as it is. It is diverse, there is no need to reduce it to smooth and beautiful sectors.

There is no point in devoting an equal amount of time to each area in the pursuit. You need to devote so much so that this area does not bother you, and ideally makes you happy. Even if you have no intention of improving anything in it, because there are more interesting things to do.

Often there is one main sphere of the wheel of life, a man has a family, a woman has a family, and everything else revolves and is stuck around this basic sector.

Life looks like this picture.

Life balance is when you are satisfied with all areas of life and their dynamics. Satisfied - means that you are satisfied with the situation today and the pace of its development. If you are upset about the current situation, but it is clear that things are going up, it is better to calm down and enjoy the rise.

Balance the wheel of life, but remember: a perfect circle, perfect sectors - only in an ideal world.

What is life balance

If we imagine what our ideal life would be like, it will certainly differ in many respects from our present one. Perhaps there are not enough bright moments or impressions in our current life, or we would like our personal life to be different, but who knows what. Everyone has their own desires and ideas about what kind of life they would like to live.

And such a life is only possible if you manage your time and realize which areas of your life need to be given attention first. For example, allow yourself at least one or two activities a day that bring you joy.

Many people do not manage their time and therefore the path to balance is closed to them. And only when they decide to take responsibility for their future and present, as well as for past decisions, will they find the path to a happy and joy-filled life.

The Wheel of Life and Life Balance - a technique for analyzing and planning your life will help you regain control of your destiny.

I filled the balance wheel, what should I do next?

As soon as you understand that all segments are filled, you need to immediately write down on a separate piece of paper three specific actions that will improve a specific segment. For example, comma, you have a bad relationship with your parents and you have not maintained normal communication for a long time. You understand that this cannot continue for long and relations need to be improved, even if at first glance this seems to be a difficult task. Here the initiative falls on you and you must decide to make the first phone call, to meet halfway, so that this area of ​​your life begins. improve. This cannot be postponed and there is a need to do three tasks of this kind for each lagging segment and implement them in the next 72 hours. Only when you begin to take full responsibility for your life, for every component, only then will you be able to live a full, happy life. Just drawing diagrams is of course fun and funny, but I am sure that if you are reading this article, then you want to improve your life.

Ball juggling method as a way to manage your life

When you live in a multitasking environment where you have to do a lot, you try to grab onto everything at once. How to get out of the vicious circle of unsolved problems.

Imagine that you are a juggler and you have 8 balls. Some of them are rubber, if they fall, they can be easily picked up, while others are crystal, if they fall, they will break. Your task is to juggle the balls so that the crystal ones never fall. Please note that the crystal may fall while you bend over to pick up the rubber...

How will you do this? If you are not a juggler, then it is difficult for you to understand how to control 8 balls at once. Read this story about a juggler.

In search of an answer, I came to the juggler. “I also want to learn how you juggle.” The juggler responded by giving three balls and saying: “The basis of our skill is the cascade, throwing three balls. Come back when you have mastered this technique.”I trained for many days, but without success - the balls fell. Disappointed, she returned to the master: “I can’t do anything.” Why? “The secret is not in skillfully catching the balls, but in throwing them correctly,” answered the juggler. - You need to think about how to throw, not how to catch. Learn to make the correct swing when throwing - and everything will work out. And the ability to catch will come on its own.

So in life, we are interested in results, income, projects, joy, etc.

You are relaxing with your family on Sunday at the dacha, and then your phone rings, there is an urgent matter and you have to go to work. You have just started to “throw” the crystal ball “Family and Relationships” when you immediately grab another rubber one - “Work”. Here's another secret for you - don't grab and try to throw all the balls at once. Then dream up your own imagination.

So the secret is simple - think about launching, not about catching and concentrate only on 1 ball.

I hope you benefited from this article and apply it to your life right away! And I wish you good luck! Ofigenka tried for you

How to develop your life and achieve harmony

After you have filled out the balance wheel, you have taken three actions to improve a segment. In the next three days after filling it out, things will begin to improve in all areas. One positive action leads to another. you yourself will begin to feel and see real changes in the very near future. Where previously it seemed that relationships or affairs had reached a dead end, the situation will begin to change dramatically. do not try to analyze specifically why this or that event occurs, this is a very complex process that must be considered only in the complex of actions of different people who surround you and the events that influence it. The most important thing is that when you perform the “Wheel of Life Balance” coaching exercise, you will understand how to develop an effective strategy for change for a full and vibrant life.

I wish you prosperity in your life! Sincerely, your coach Spartak Andrieshin.

Wheel of Life Balance

You need to evaluate the current state of each area on a scale from 1 to 10 points (1 – terrible; 10 – everything is just wonderful).

The area of ​​life that scored the least is the main source of your dissatisfaction

This is where you need to focus your attention and efforts to improve it. This will enhance the overall sense of well-being in your life.

It is advisable to repeat this test after 1-3 months - this way it will be noticeable whether there is progress.

Let's take a closer look at the possible areas of life.

  1. Health and fitness

A person with poor health and lack of energy cannot live fully. Exercising, eating right and getting enough sleep are essential parameters for a happy life.

  1. Family, children, personal relationships.

It is difficult to be happy without loved ones, family, or loved one. Numerous films in the melodrama genre speak eloquently about this. Therefore, if something does not go well in this area, it must be harmonized.

  1. Personal growth.

We all want to develop and improve. This area includes developing yourself as an individual - acquiring new knowledge and skills, reading books (for example, read about the Wheel of Life in a book that contains many techniques for changing and improving your life), learning languages ​​and everything new, working on yourself .

  1. Business, career, self-realization, earnings.

Without money it is difficult to talk about life balance. Therefore, if you don’t have enough money, decide how you will earn it. If the income suits you, think about your self-realization and purpose, make your way to a big goal. When thinking, it is best to use mental maps, that is, write and draw everything on paper.

  1. Friends and environment.

We are shaped by our environment. Formula for forming your circle: 1/3 of friends below you, 1/3 of your level, 1/3 of those at a higher level.

  1. Impressions, relaxation, brightness of life.

Travel, entertainment, new experiences enrich our lives, fill it with new colors.

  1. Hobbies and creativity.

Grow at what you love and try new things all the time. Creativity fills us with inspiration and makes us happy.

  1. Spirituality.

Any of us has thought about the meaning of life, about God, purpose. The study of religion and philosophy, the search for something more than everyday existence enriches us and allows us to break out of the usual routine.

Health and sports

The field of Health and sports is fundamental. All other spheres of the wheel of life balance depend on it. If a person has health problems and experiences some discomfort, then other things in other areas begin to slow down or sag. A person will not be able to devote proper time to his work or family because he will be concerned about his health.


  • well-being;
  • appearance;
  • mobility;
  • mood;
  • walks in the open air;
  • cheerfulness;
  • daily regime;
  • diet;
  • workout;
  • figure;
  • proper nutrition;
  • circadian rhythm (correct time to sleep).

Explanation of the term

This tool is often used in various trainings dedicated to finding luck and meaning. The drawn circle is divided into segments representing areas of human interest (this is convenient to do when you have a wish map). The segments may include: family, work, entertainment, creativity, love, etc. Each axis consists of 10 marks indicating points. The best score is 10 points.

By assessing the performance of each segment, the circle gradually fills in, showing deficiencies

Colored in different shades, the wheel clearly indicates where you need to increase your attention and work on yourself. There is no single wheel of life, so it must be compiled individually

The priorities taken as a basis are completely different from the target audience.

Therefore, when psychologists draw a circle and draw up a balance, they necessarily take into account the type of occupation. Different models imply different tasks. And what suits one person is categorically contraindicated for another. It should also be noted that a certain period of time allows life changes, and the wheel of the marked balance is disrupted. New desires, goals and tasks appear. And the estimate that satisfies the situation can also be easily increased or decreased.

Psychological mistakes when working with the wheel of life balance

This technique is just a kind of test, thanks to which you can clearly examine certain areas of your life and conduct a comparative analysis. In this case, serious mistakes are often made.

It would be more correct to call this tool the wheel of expectations.

A person is very disappointed when he sees a certain object of an angular shape, generally incapable of rolling, and yet it is called the wheel of life balance. But how to ride through life on such a wheel?

Yes, a perfectly formed wheel looks smooth and filled, in which your expectations are written. However, if you leave on it only what is in reality, then you will get exactly the wheel of your current life and it will not be so crooked

Believe me, you will see and appreciate a lot of good things that you have already gotten used to and stopped noticing.

An ideal model of life is mistakenly invented.

This happens because people, precisely because of the name “wheel,” imagine in their heads such an ideal model of life, which, like a car, dashingly rolls on elastic, reliable wheels forward and forward. At the same time, it seems that your life is simply wonderful, It couldn't be better.

However, even if all sections of the wheel of life balance are filled by 8–10 points, you still won’t get a perfectly smooth diagram: there will be dents with which it is impossible to drive normally, much less accelerate.

The pattern is associated with the spokes of a wheel, and this is wrong.

Please note that in the diagram the wheel of life is divided into identical sectors, but their importance for life can be very different. It’s just in the picture that all areas are equal to each other.

Read our article “Interview Questions: What to Ask and What Not to Ask.”

For example, compare the “Work” and “Creativity” sectors. Most people spend eight hours at work, but there is hardly as much time for creativity.

At first glance, according to the diagram, it seems that all areas are equal in importance, but the person understands that this is not so

It is important to catch this, learn to understand and accept it.

Errors in estimating the size of the wheel of life balance.

Here scores are given on a ten-point scale. However, again everything is very relative. Someone at 23 years old already has back problems - he will give a rating of 1 in the “Health” sector, although it is more suitable for old people aged 85 years and above.

It turns out that human life is still not covered in its entire scale. If it turns out that the majority of grades are 3–5 points, then your life will seem completely unsettled and worthless. Probably, the picture would look smoother with ratings from 91 to 100, then everything would look cool, all that was left was to live and have fun.

The constructed picture reflects precisely the present moment.

You gave a C in the “Work” area, and literally a few days later you received the desired promotion, and the C was transformed into a ten. This is a rapid increase of as much as seven points, but the dynamics are not visible, you must take them into account yourself.

The dangers of interpreting wheel size.

The Life Balance Wheel is just a test, and you may be disappointed by its results if you have written down expectations that now seem unrealistic. However, anyone who has used this tool more than once and has scored tens in all categories will begin to consider the wheel as a system for building an ideal life.

This means that a person does not stop there, forms new goals for himself and moves towards them. And the grades given show how close it is to the intended results.

The important point here is that a person already has ten points on all points, but he strives for more and puts a six (it turns out that with a margin for moving forward), when it would have been possible to give 16 points a long time ago.

Over time, the understanding comes that wheel sizes can be interpreted in different ways. The circle of the diagram expands along with the growing demands of each individual.

How to improve

Which wheel of life balance did you get? If it is smooth and can spin, then you are a superman ! But if it doesn’t turn out smooth enough, then you need to work on your life.

How to improve the balance wheel? First you need to identify the cause of the imbalance and think about your problems. Next, you need to set goals for yourself.

This is a very important criterion for achieving further success. With the correct setting of goals in a person’s life, many things will begin to change and improve.

Work on each area by setting yourself 2-3 goals for the next 3 months.

Drawing conclusions

Take a look at your wheel of life and figure out which areas you haven't paid enough attention to. This method is very good for its clarity. Everything immediately becomes clear and understandable.

If you have left some areas of your life to chance, it’s time to thoroughly take on them and improve them. You can be proud of those points on which you score high. Thanks to this method, you can really understand what to focus on.

Start with those positions for which the ratings are minimal. The sooner you fix these holes, the better for you. You need to make a list of tasks that you will complete to improve the situation. To do this, use your imagination and imagine how things should have been for you to give a 10.

Then, specific steps to achieve your goal will begin to appear in your imagination, and by implementing them you will improve your life. Everything needs to be written down carefully and carefully. Thus, mental work will take place, as a result of which the right decisions will appear.

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