Success in our life - how to measure the success of your movement towards your goal? Review +Video

The criterion for success is different for everyone

There is a contradiction in the very idea of ​​formal success, because it involves comparing your real life with some conventional standard that is imposed on you since childhood. But this peak is always unattainable, because it will always distinguish real life from the elite model. exemplary life. For each of us, life turns out inside out, awry, topsy-turvy, or backwards. And everyone has their own way.

But not in all areas success is measured by money. Yes, in business, in a career, in finance, money plays a significant role, but for example, in the successful raising of children, health, strong friendships, money is absolutely not important. Being loved and healthy is priceless.

Measuring success in a profession, in business, in a career with money is also not entirely correct. Success comes to those who are blindly passionate about their work, whose eyes sparkle with what they do.

Many people believe that the criterion for success is their position in society. But success represents a certain stage in the development of a person’s personality. If we achieve something, we experience success, but then we raise the bar higher and strive for something even greater. And what seemed like success to us yesterday seems today to be another step towards achieving something greater.

What goes into success in life?

In short, it is honesty, inner confidence, perseverance, positive thinking and hard work. Let's look at each action separately.


It promotes openness, gives strength, sharpens our perception and allows us to clearly see everything that is happening around us. Honesty allows people to see what you are like before they even start doing business with you.

An honest person feels much calmer. His mind is completely focused on coming up with new ideas rather than making up lies or excuses. His speech and actions win the attention and respect of others, and this leads to success.


The basis of confidence is the ability to see the value that you can give to people. Confidence is the ability to believe in yourself and your abilities. This is the ability to believe in the person you are.

A confident person builds his own life, and does not allow someone else to do it for him. Confidence gives you the strength to pursue your goals, even despite temporary setbacks. So be confident in everything you do. Then you will never be denied success.


All people who have achieved success have faced failures, which were sometimes even difficult to control. But what helped them to persevere when struggling with physical, emotional or mental problems? Persistence.

For example, watch a video about disabled people who have achieved success in life.

These people endured unfathomable conditions, abuse, ridicule or contempt because they refused to give up. Their perseverance, willpower and belief that they could achieve their goals accompanied their success. Therefore, continue to persistently pursue your goal.

Hard work

Why did athletes like Michael Jordan, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Ovechkin become successful? Because they worked hard and hard to become the best in their business. They trained and worked harder and longer than others to become stronger, faster and better than others.

So work harder, spend more time to become the best at what you do. No matter what goals you set for yourself, success comes with hard work.

Positive thinking

Success also comes with a positive mental attitude. We become the people we show.

People with a positive attitude surround themselves with optimistic people and end up becoming like them. Such people view things around them as opportunities to achieve their goals, even if this is not the case. And those with negative thinking miss opportunities because they simply don't think about them.

Since thinking affects who we become, it needs to be protected from the source of negativity.


Stop listening to sad music or negative words, complaints, thoughts. Stop taking bad advice and hanging out with negative people who will come up with thousands of excuses to justify their laziness.

Look for the good in every situation and it will accompany your success in life.

The article "Can Neuroscience Help Us Rewrite Our Most Traumatic Memories?" published on stated that the more we think negative thoughts, the more we train our minds to feel those negative emotions and the more we believe in what we are reproducing. mind.

Soon we will begin to believe that we have nothing good, no talents, no abilities, and therefore we will never be able to be successful in life.

Final word

As you noticed from reading the article, all 9 factors that accompany success and on which it depends are interdependent. Each of them is closely related to other factors.

Take some time to think about what makes your life successful. Make your own list of factors. Keep trying and grow in confidence that you can achieve what you want.

Success in life is not a nurse for one hour, but the right motivation, knowledge and specific actions. And although you will have barriers and resistance, you will also have many victories. Therefore, strive to have fun while achieving your goals.

Thank you for reading the article. Do you know what will help you achieve success? Then read 11 secrets of achieving it.

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There is an opinion that there is no long-term success

Success is a kind of ever-disappearing goal that cannot always fully satisfy a person. And such factors as financial independence, family happiness, a high level of professionalism, and the presence of true friends are also success, which brings greater satisfaction than social status. And these factors definitely cannot be measured in money.

No one thinks about the fact that such small joys as building a house with your own hands, solving a protracted problem, having a child, etc. can also be a success, thanks to which we experience happiness and a sense of self-satisfaction. Perhaps true success is the one that no one knows about.

How people become successful

There are people who achieve incredible success in life using only luck, while others work on themselves and overcome various life difficulties. Several stories of how people become rich and successful:

McDonald's founder Ray Kroc

opened the first establishment only after 52 years. To launch this project, he mortgaged the last thing he had - a house. He was not afraid to take risks, and such activity brought him a multimillion-dollar fortune and fame throughout the world.

A woman's story about how to become successful from scratch. Hannah Schumann

With a very serious diagnosis (cancer), she did not give up. In her sixties, she founded dances for women, and later created her own courses in kinetic consciousness. Her new purpose in life was so strong that the disease gave in and receded. And this is a clear indicator that the world needs her and her work.

The youngest Russian businessman included in the domestic Forbes is a manufacturer of architectural models Nikolai Saganenko

. He was only 19 years old when he got into the world famous magazine.

Evgenia Stepanova

, who worked as an engineer all her life, suddenly realized that she liked diving from a tower. At the age of 60, she became the world champion in diving.

Famous singer Andrea Bocelli

blind, but this did not stop him from becoming a star at 34 years old.

The famous actor with a height of 134 centimeters is popular all over the world. Many people know Peter Dinklage

for his role as Tyrion Lannister in the TV show
Game of Thrones

Smiling Winnie Harlow

with obvious skin defects, she became a world model. Vitiligo disease did not become an obstacle to Vinnie’s path to success.

Another revealing story about how successful people became successful. Once upon a time Jan Kum

, the creator of the WhatsApp messenger, came to America and started eating on food stamps.

But he believed in his business, and this faith helped him become rich. Now Koum owns more than $7 billion.

The most famous Russian banker suffered high-profile bankruptcies twice, but burst into the market again with a more successful product. Today this is the most famous representative of the Forbes list - Oleg Tinkov


Thomas Edison

was extremely persistent, he was defeated several thousand times until he invented his famous light bulb.

When you start a new business, the question is not whether it will work, but when exactly it will work.

What is success like: (definitions are given in the nominative case)

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What is the " Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology"


Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, also known as Phystech, is the leading Russian university for training specialists in the field of theoretical, experimental and applied physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology and related disciplines. (Wikipedia)

Associations to the word “success”

Synonyms for "success"

Sentences containing "success"

  • Otis has achieved
    greater than expected success

Quotes from Russian classics with the word “success”

  • The word, in this case fortunately, quickly turned into action, and energetic efforts were crowned with success

The meaning of the word "success"

SUCCESS, -a, m.

1. Positive result, successful completion of smth.
Successes in cultural construction.
(Small Academic Dictionary, MAS)

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The meaning of the word "success"

SUCCESS, -a, m.

1. Positive result, successful completion of smth.
Successes in cultural construction.

What does it take to become successful?

To succeed in a particular business, you must have certain knowledge, skills and abilities. But this does not mean that for this you need, for example, to have several educations - someone who does not have it at all can achieve success.

Qualities of a successful person

To achieve personal or financial happiness, you need to work on the following qualities that will help you become successful and rich from scratch:

1. Perseverance.

An important quality of a rich person. Such people learn lessons even if they fail. There will be many falls on the difficult path to your dream, but this is not a reason to quit what you love.

2. Hard work.

A successful person likes to work hard to achieve certain goals. Work gives him pleasure, because with each completed task it brings him closer to his global goal.

3. Discipline.

Even the most thoughtful and successful plan will not be implemented if a person avoids completing small tasks. Discipline is another component of success that will help you move faster towards your goal.

4. Activity.

Many people think about how to stop being lazy and start taking action. This requires such a quality as activity. If a person cannot force himself to start implementing his plans, his dreams will remain dreams.

5. Patience.

People who became rich and successful did not do it on the first try. Success is the result of long and hard work, and it does not come suddenly.

6. Entrepreneurship.

Instead of a thousand excuses, an enterprising person begins to look for opportunities. Such people do not give in to difficulties, which means they achieve what they want more often than others.

7. Communication skills.

In the process of achieving success, you will interact with new people. Moving forward often involves communicating with colleagues, clients, partners or even friends.

Time management

Time management is a technology for organizing time and increasing the efficiency of its use. You must understand what you should give up in favor of other, more useful activities. The schedule of many successful people is scheduled minute by minute - they are always busy, and even rest is included in their daily routine.

Time spent without a specific goal is every minute that separates you from achieving your goal. Useless trips to the club, spending hours on social networks - all this harms your well-being.

Investing in yourself

One more thing you need to become successful. This is not about finances, but about investing resources in self-development. It's never too late to learn at any age. Read more literature, watch documentaries and motivational programs. You might be interested in studying the biographies of famous millionaires. Your consciousness and thinking will change for the better with every book you read.

Example: Elizabeth Holmes was 19 years old when she started a blood test processing company. Even as a child, Elizabeth showed an increased interest in learning, but did not stop developing as an adult, studying 12 hours a day. Ultimately, her fortune exceeded 5 billion rubles, and Theranos employs more than 500 people.

To take your mind off the text, watch this interesting short video:

Budget control

Financial literacy is what you need to become successful. Every rich person knows how to handle their finances. If you spend money left and right, it will never lead you to success. Proper management of finances and hard work towards goals is what is needed.

Keep a budget, take into account every expense and accept the fact that at first you may need to save. Within a few weeks you will realize that many unnecessary expenses could have been avoided. This way you will take another important step on the path to wealth.

Leaving your comfort zone

How to become a successful person from scratch: get out of your comfort zone, that is, your usual life and established way of life. Sometimes this lack of activity and state of rest prevents a person from fully developing. Of course, leaving your comfort zone is stressful, but you cannot succeed if you are afraid to overcome your fears.

Sometimes you have to fight not only with yourself, but also with other people, defending your position, but believe me, it’s worth it.

Source of passive income

Every millionaire has a source of passive income. Poor people work for money, but not very much. The rich put their money to work and gradually increase their wealth. Sometimes such an increase can occur on its own, without human intervention.

Example: George Soros, a major American financier, increased his budget thanks to smart investments. Despite the fact that his fortune reaches $24.5 billion, he does not stop there and continues to develop and invest.

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