“Pull yourself together, wimp, be a man!” How to motivate yourself to succeed: 5 best ways


The starting point of any success is desire!

Let's define the concept of success. Success is achieved goals, recognition from the environment, luck and luck.

You don't have to be rich, a world-class scientist, or a show business star to be successful. There are fewer successful people among these people than you might think. The main thing is internal harmony, satisfaction from the results of one’s activities and the attitude of loved ones.

To truly motivate yourself, we invite you to a free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov “Tired of lying towards your dream? 3 super exercises that will get you off the couch. A recipe for moving towards a goal from true achievers."

Find out the secrets of a candidate of psychological sciences and a dollar millionaire.

Why do you need motivation for success? Have you ever wondered how to achieve a goal? Only by motivating yourself, having the ability and being in the right place at the right time. And even if some component is missing, success can still come.

It so often happens that a person lacking in ability still achieves the top in his field, thanks to perseverance and inspiring example. And vice versa, when all the cards are in hand, but there is not enough fire in the eyes, success may not work out.

What's the matter? In motivation for success. If you have the motivation, everything else follows. Strong motivation for success is the basis of the entire outcome of the business!

Specify the goal

It’s not enough to just want to “live richly” or “become a successful businessman.” You need to understand exactly what the success you are striving for consists of.

Rich - how is that? Earn 100,000 rubles a month or a million rubles a day? Have a three-story house in the suburbs or a castle on Rublyovka? Eat in restaurants or hire your own chef?

Describe point by point what your wealth looks like in facts and figures:

  • career objective;
  • amount of income;
  • property owned;
  • lifestyle features.

This way you will understand exactly what to strive for.

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Business installation

It is important to gain motivation for business, but it is even more important to set yourself the right goals that will help even a beginner master the basics of big business. Technical literature, textbooks on modern foreign and Russian economics, and business consultations will help to improve the technical side of the issue. We will give some tips that will allow you to make a strong start and remain a sane person:

  1. Don't dream of big profits in a short time. It is important to work with pleasure, then the money will follow.
  2. Don’t think that only large investments will help get your business back on track. Stories are known to corporations that started with pennies and did the simplest advertising, inviting passers-by from the street.
  3. Do not withdraw profits from circulation for the first two years. It should be spent on development; at first they made ends meet, but today they buy yachts and luxury cars.
  4. Don't paint yourself into a corner: you can't redo all the work. Rest is an important part of business. It is as valuable as the work. A tired boss is unproductive and inattentive to details.

The rules are elementary, but is it worth looking for difficulties where there are none in principle? Everything ingenious is simple.

Make a plan

First, decide what will lead you to the desired result. For example, your goal is income = 200,000 rubles monthly. Now your salary is 50,000. What should you do? The easiest option is to work four times as hard. Will it work?

If you organize tours for VIP clients twice a month, it will work. Organize eight. What is needed for this: more clients, that is, more advertising. Decide on advertising channels and go ahead!

If you are a private dentist and treat people’s teeth five days a week for 50,000 rubles, then this method will not work. You can't stand at the drill 20 days a week.

What will work? Well, for example, scaling . You can open additional offices and hire people. All this needs to be carefully calculated: rent, equipment, salaries, advertising... Understanding how much income from each office you personally will receive, it is easy to calculate how many offices you will need to open.

You can offer exclusive services that are now in demand and increase the average bill of your company. Or reduce some expenses: for example, rent a smaller room. It all depends on the type of your activity.

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Secrets of the right attitude

Constantly berating yourself for mistakes you've made is a bad decision. Take them as life experiences. Often mistakes instill fear in further actions. As a result, a person is unable to further develop and pave the way to a successful life.

Motivation to achieve success works when a person perceives mistakes as a necessity for self-development. An excellent technique is to change negative attitudes to positive ones. Cognitive behavioral therapy or psychoanalysis will help with this.

During this process, you need to think about the following:

  • what will happen if I do as I want;
  • Why can't I do this?
  • what will happen if I change activities;
  • why does everything work out for others, but not for me;
  • what will happen if I devote more time to self-development, etc.

This will help a person set priorities. He will understand that the main thing for him is the recognition of others, monetary benefits or self-development.

Another important point is to measure your progress. Keeping a success diary will help. For this you will need a beautiful notebook or notepad. Records are kept every day. Their number is at least 5. After a month, you can re-read the diary and draw the right conclusions. A good mood is guaranteed. As a result, make sure that what was previously unattainable is now successfully done.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

Surrounding each of us there are people who are afraid of change and try to convey this fear to others. Of course, those closest to us get the most. If you are constantly being told that the best is the enemy of the good, that it is not worth taking risks, and in general, the most valuable thing is stability, in the end you will believe it.

Most often, these beliefs are inherent in the older generation, who sincerely care about us and wish us well. Therefore, conflict with such people is not an option. It is enough to distance yourself : do not communicate on business and work topics, especially since there are plenty of other topics for communication.

At the same time, begin to actively meet and make friends with those who have your interests close to you : successful businessmen, like-minded people, colleagues. If you feel that communication with one of them motivates you, after the conversation you gain more self-confidence and a desire to improve your life, then this person is right for you.

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Let's start with planning

Lucius Seneca has an excellent saying: “If a person does not know to which pier he is heading, then no wind will be favorable for him.” The first thing that is important to do is to clearly define your goals for life and the legacy that you will leave for your children. Think: where do you see yourself in 10, 20 years, describing your life in colors. Do you dream of starting a coffee wholesale business? Set this goal! Do you want to open a library? And this goal is worthy.

Write down all your goals in a notebook, no matter how crazy they seem. Visualizing your desires on paper is the first step to success. From a large goal, move on to a modest one - write down a plan of achievement for the next 12 months. Keep a calendar and note what actions you are willing to take to achieve your goal. The year will fly by quickly, but a realized mini-goal always gives you inner strength. Along with your plans, write on a piece of paper the motivation that inspires you.

The motivation is:

  1. Freedom. Any owner of his own company is the master of his life. He does not live from call to call, but manages his time at his own discretion.
  2. Income. No matter how the “unmercenary” people say, a lot depends on money in our lives. The income will be higher and the opportunities will expand. There will be a chance to travel the world, invest in your own education or the education of your children.
  3. Personal growth. The need to constantly grow is experienced only by thinking people with developed intellect, capable of feeling and hearing themselves and others. To be significant for children, to become an example for others to follow is the natural desire of every successful person. The desire to grow must be cultivated within yourself.

Everyone has a moment when they give up and don’t want to do anything. It's time to pick up the written plans and refresh your memory of the three points of motivation. This usually invigorates, returning the desire to act.

Optimal motivation

Psychologists Robert Yerkson and John Dodson conducted an experiment and found that the best results were obtained by subjects with an average level of motivation. Excessive - accompanied by the fear of messing up and doing something wrong, which slows down the process. Insufficient - simply not enough to get a person off the couch.

Maintaining optimal motivation is not difficult. If you feel that the goal is becoming too desirable and overshadows everything around it, distract yourself, relax, look around. If it doesn’t excite you at all and doesn’t push you to achieve accomplishments, then watch or read something motivational. Or rethink your goal: maybe what you are spending resources on is not really what you need.

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Positive thoughts and friends

Have you noticed that successful people always smile and never seem to have the blues? This is by no means a gift from above, but the result of enormous work on oneself, one’s emotions. Learning to be on a positive wave despite circumstances, nature and weather is the responsibility of anyone who wants to achieve high results.

The motivator in this case is simple - we drive away bad thoughts (after all, they are material), we think only about the reasonable, good and eternal. Gossip, idle speculation, discussions with neighbors and friends - leave these activities to losers. Try to surround yourself with positive friends who do not lose optimism and move forward in spite of all troubles.

A successful environment in itself energizes. You reach out to such people, trying to imitate them, and one day you become the same. “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are” is a true expression.

Well, how do they do it?!

When you develop, others are left behind. Naturally, you are left alone for a moment. Friends, colleagues, everyone has fallen behind. You climb higher and higher, make new friends. But even here you don’t slow down.

Sometimes you feel as if you are in an elevator that is stuck between floors. One passed, but the other did not reach. But you continue to grow, act and move “your personal elevator” higher and higher.

Of course, people are offended and try to push you into the same framework. But you know that there is fresh air, incredible opportunities and freedom up there! Your freedom to think and create! After all, you will never be the same again, and you even feel a little sorry for those who do not strive and do not develop...

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Motivating the strongest - what's the secret? To understand the driving force, the energy that pushes forward time after time, accomplishment after accomplishment, goal after goal, you need to reach the end one day, to victory! Do you think it was easy for them?

If you want an ideal self, be it! Go to the last step! Expand and dominate your capabilities!

If you want to lose weight, don’t sleep with a refrigerator in your arms! If you want to be the best surgeon, practice plastic sutures on kirzachs! If you strive to become an Olympic champion, don’t feel sorry for yourself, go and train! If you dream of becoming the best chef in the country, fry, steam non-stop and distribute your food to the homeless! If you want to learn how to draw, paint your wall first!

After all, you know what you want! You are unstoppable! You are strong! You are not afraid of any obstacles! Just move, learn, look with all your eyes, absorb knowledge with every fiber of your soul! Don't slow down!!!

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