Afobazole – modern pathogenetic therapy for patients with neurocirculatory dystonia

Afobazole is a drug for treating anxiety of the non-bezodiazepine group. The tranquilizer has a mild effect on the nervous system and does not cause addiction due to its selective effect on the brain receptors responsible for anxiety. How to take Afobazole correctly, under what conditions and in what dosage - all this is described in detail in the official instructions for the drug. The question of how long Afobazol can be taken is decided after consultation with the attending physician, depending on the severity of the situation and the physiological characteristics of the patient.


How to drink Afobazol in tablets is interesting to many.

The drug has a complex composition, as it includes an active substance and several auxiliary substances. The active component is 5-ethoxy-2-[2-(morpholino)-ethylthio] benzimidazole dihydrochloride, which is a derivative of the anxiolytic 2-mercaptobenzimidazole, which has a selective effect. The tablets also contain other substances: magnesium stearate; povidone; milk sugar; microcrystalline cellulose; potato starch.

Mechanism of action and distinctive features

How many Afobazol tablets should you take per day? We'll talk about this below.

Patients familiar with the influence of old-generation tranquilizers are well aware of the effect of using benzodiazepines - indifference to everything, detachment, lethargy. This is not a complete list of unpleasant symptoms of such drugs. Their most unpleasant feature is the formation of drug dependence in many patients, which, in particular, is reflected in the “withdrawal syndrome,” in which their condition worsens after stopping treatment. Very often they become so attached to the tranquilizer that they can no longer imagine their life without it.

Afobazole does not have such disadvantages. The drug does not affect the nervous system, does not reduce reaction speed, does not dull emotions, and does not reduce mental performance. The most important thing is that it has no withdrawal symptoms. Thus, the patient can interrupt the treatment course at any time, and at the same time he will not have a craving for the medicine. Upon completion of therapy, a gradual reduction in dosage is also not required to get rid of addiction. But, of course, it is important to know how many Afobazole tablets to take per day for the best result.

The medication is also devoid of a large number of undesirable effects and has virtually no contraindications. Thanks largely to this, the drug can be dispensed without a prescription.

Its active component does not affect benzodiazepine receptors, but acts on sigma-1 receptors in the brain. Receptors are responsible for sensory skills, emotions, fine motor skills and memory functioning. The drug has a slight anti-anxiety effect, while activating nervous processes. Afobazole also enhances the bioenergetic potential of brain cells and has a neuroprotective effect, protecting neurons. A very weak sedative effect, it is felt only when the dosage is 40-50 times higher than usual.

After administration, the drug is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract at a high rate. The average time it remains in the patient’s body is 1.6 hours. It is characterized by low toxicity. Mainly metabolized in the liver.

How many Afobazole tablets you can take per day is indicated in the instructions.

The effect of Afobazole on male potency

The active components of Afobazole normalize the functioning of cells of the central nervous system

If we talk about whether Afobazole affects potency, then, indirectly, yes. An anxiolytic should not be considered as a stimulating and erection-supporting agent. Increased libido is achieved through the main capabilities of the drug:

  • Elimination of anxiety and nervousness, which has a beneficial effect on sexual intercourse. The active components of Afobazole normalize the functioning of cells of the central nervous system. Systematic use of the drug reduces susceptibility to stress, making a man more calm and balanced.
  • Increased sensitivity of nerve receptors. As a result of a course of taking Afobazole, signals about the development of sexual arousal are transmitted to brain cells at maximum speed, which promotes the onset of an erection even after mild stimulation.
  • Improving general blood circulation, including the organs of the pelvic area. Good blood circulation is one of the prerequisites for a high-quality erection. Preservation of erectile ability is achieved through the prevention of destructive lesions of vascular tissue. The risk of damage to blood vessels, blocking their lumen with blood clots or fatty plaques is significantly reduced. Relaxation of peripheral vessels ensures better filling of the cavernous bodies of the penis, which improves erection, prolonging sexual intercourse.

The effect of Afobazole on potency is obvious. But a positive effect can only be achieved with an integrated approach to solving the problem.

The pharmaceutical properties of the medicine will be useful in the following cases:

  • relief of withdrawal symptoms during treatment of alcohol and tobacco addiction,
  • normalization of the emotional background in people prone to difficult experiences during the development of a stressful situation,
  • weakening of signs of anxiety - obsessive fears, difficulty sleeping at night, restlessness, preoccupation.

Important! Taking the drug is recommended after preliminary consultation with the treating doctor, since the drug has a fairly strong effect on the central nervous system.

Effects of use

The positive effect of the drug is expressed in the form of the following improvements:

  • improved sleep (if there is no daytime sleepiness);
  • disappearance of concern, fear, anxiety;
  • elimination of psychological discomfort and nervous tension;
  • reduction of autonomic system disorders (dizziness, sweating, dry mouth);
  • improving attention and memory.

The greatest impact will be on patients with an asthenic type of nervous system. Such people are distinguished by the following traits: vulnerability, suspiciousness, emotional lability, predisposition to stress reactions, and lack of self-confidence.

How long can you take Afobazol?

The duration of taking Afobzole can only be determined by a doctor. It depends on various factors. In general, the answer to the question: “How long can you take Afobazol without a break?” depends on the level of anxiety, self-doubt and character traits such as increased vulnerability, a tendency to emotional stress reactions, and much more.

When starting to take Afobazole, you should pay attention to the fact that the medicine will not show maximum effectiveness from the first day. Basically, the first results can be noticed on the 5-7th day of treatment, since it is during this time that the drug accumulates in the body, and the maximum effect is usually achieved by the end of the first month of use. The standard course of treatment is usually a month, but often its duration varies from 2-3 months.

After finishing taking the drug, the effect lasts for another 1-2 weeks. It is worth emphasizing once again that the most accurate answer to the question: “how long can you take Afobazol?” Only a doctor can give it.


The drug "Afobazol" is used in the presence of the following indications:

  • adaptation disorders;
  • general anxiety disorder;
  • cardiopsychoneurosis;
  • insomnia;
  • withdrawal syndrome in the treatment of nicotine addiction;
  • neurasthenia;
  • tension syndrome before menstruation;
  • withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism.

The drug is also often used to relieve anxiety, depression and fear caused by somatic diseases:

  • arrhythmia;
  • oncological pathologies;
  • asthma;
  • ischemic heart disease;
  • hypertension.

Practice shows that the greatest effect from using the drug is observed when relieving anxiety and depression in patients who suffer from heart and vascular diseases.

So, how to take Afobazol tablets?

What patients and doctors say about the drug Afobazol

Afobazole is the most famous drug on the market for anxiety and stress. Users, both patients and doctors, often leave their reviews on the Internet. Here are some of them.

Inna, 28 years old

I took Afobazole during the period of dismissal from work. It was a very long process, they tried to fire me under the article, obviously setting me up. I defended myself as best I could, and the case went to court. At night I cried, my eye twitched. Then my husband gave me afobazole, but warned me that I should drink it without skipping it, and the effect would be in a week. I obeyed and did not regret it. A month later I came to court cheerful and very confident. Then the lawyer told me that I was so calm that there was not a shadow of doubt that I was right. I was reinstated at work, and I keep Afobazole in my medicine cabinet just in case, although I haven’t needed it for a year now.

Alexey, 36 years old.

I didn’t really trust medications, because it seems like a man should deal with problems on his own. Especially with some kind of nerves. But everything began to take its toll on my heart. And this really scared me. I went to the doctor and they said that there was nothing serious so far, but my nerves needed to be treated. Afobazol was prescribed. I began to worry about how long it took for the drug to start working. Because I had a very important and alarming event coming up in the near future. But after a week I already felt relief. And most importantly, I didn’t feel drowsy, my rhythm of life didn’t change in any way, if only for the better.

Victor Alexandrovich, neurologist

In my practice, about 90% of patients noted the effect of this drug. It was well tolerated and did not cause addiction. He fulfills the main principle of medicine “do no harm” 100%.

Conclusions about the comparison of drugs, we write a conclusion.

All people get nervous in certain situations. Some people decide to appear strong and believe that they can handle it themselves. Some people don't believe in medications. But it’s better to check everything yourself in practice and take care of your health in advance. You have only one nervous system, it needs protection. And the best thing you can give her is a good assistant Afobazole.

Value yourself, protect yourself, and your life will become much better.
The article was prepared and edited by: surgeon I.B. Pigovich.



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Instructions for use, dosage

The medicine should be taken three times a day after meals. The optimal dose is 30 mg, that is, three 10 mg tablets. In some cases, the dosage may be increased to 60 mg. But it is best to tell you how to take Afobazol in tablets only your attending physician can.

According to the instructions that come with the drug, the recommended dosage for suppressing hangover is from five to ten milligrams twice a day. The treatment course is determined by the specialist's prescription, but usually lasts from two to four weeks. The course can be extended if necessary. But before resuming treatment, it is advisable to take a break for three to four weeks.

Can I take 2 tablets of Afobazol? For some patients, two tablets per day are enough, for others, a dosage of two tablets three times a day is suitable.

It should be noted that the drug has a gradual effect. Its effect accumulates and begins to appear only some time after the start of use, often after a week. That is why, if treatment has been started, but no improvements are observed in the first days, this does not mean that the drug is ineffective. It's worth waiting a little.

We told you how many Afobazol tablets you can take. Is this drug allowed for everyone?


With long-term treatment and use of Afobazole in the recommended daily dose, the drug does not accumulate in the body and is partially eliminated 50 minutes after taking the tablet, and completely within 2 hours. For this reason, an overdose of the drug when used correctly is impossible.

Sometimes patients increase the single dose to several tablets for maximum effect. In the case of a single dose of large doses of the drug (more than 60 mg), an overdose is possible, which develops a depressing effect on the nervous system. Signs of overdose:

  • drowsiness;
  • weakness that does not affect muscle tone;
  • lethargy;
  • decreased physical activity.

An overdose of Afobazole is not capable of causing the death of the patient or other serious consequences for the body. For severe symptoms, use a 20% caffeine solution. The antidote is administered subcutaneously at 1 mg 2-3 times a day.

Afobazole is a real salvation for people prone to worries, disorders and leading a stressful lifestyle. With minimal side effects, the drug has a dual effect - it calms and gently tones. The medication is often prescribed by doctors and is not addictive.


The drug has the following contraindications:

  • use of the product is not recommended during pregnancy;
  • when breastfeeding and simultaneous use of the drug, it is advisable to switch to artificial formula for the baby;
  • the drug is suitable only for adult patients; it should not be used to treat minor patients.

This must be taken into account before taking it.

You should know how to drink Afobazol tablets correctly in order to avoid side effects of the medicine.

Interaction with other substances and drugs

One of the advantages of the drug is that it does not interact with ethanol. But it is necessary to understand that during the therapeutic course it is undesirable to drink alcohol, since they neutralize the therapeutic effectiveness. There is also minimal interaction with medications. When taken simultaneously with Diazepam, its anxiolytic effect is enhanced. The anticonvulsant effect of Carbamazepine increases. Concomitant use with antidepressants is prohibited.


Currently, there is only one structural analogue of the drug in tablet form - the drug Fabomotizol. In the form of a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion, there is a structural analogue of Neurofazol.

Indirect analogues are other anxiolytics, especially those classified as “mild” tranquilizers, for example, Tenoten, Adaptol or Grandaxin. It must be said that in general, Afobazol has fewer side effects compared to other anxiolytics.


Since the appearance of the drug, controversy surrounding it has not stopped. Reviews about the medicine are often exactly the opposite. So, many patients believe that it really helped them. However, some specialized specialists (psychiatrists, neurologists, neurologists and psychotherapists) do not share enthusiastic assessments. For example, it is said that the drug has a relatively weak effect and helps only in mild cases of depressive conditions and anxiety disorders. For more serious forms of mental and nervous diseases, the medicine is ineffective. Many also note that the drug acts very selectively - approximately half of the patients did not feel any improvement. But no one denies the positive properties of the drug - the absence of dependence and the minimum number of side effects.

That is why a reasonable question arises: is it necessary to try Afobazol at all? In this case, you need to understand that the medicine is one of the “mild” tranquilizers, which is unlikely to cope with significant disorders of the nervous system, for example, real depression, and not transient depressive states. “Afobazol” is a remedy intended for patients with a healthy nervous system who are experiencing difficult life periods and stress - change of environment, exams, somatic illness, family difficulties, etc. In such cases, the use of the drug is much more rational than the use of “severe” medications that have a large number of side effects. In addition, despite the over-the-counter availability of the drug, it is highly not recommended to be treated with it without medical advice.

We looked at how to drink Afobazol in tablets.

How many minutes does Afobazole take to work?

We are accustomed to the fact that drinking medicine relieves pain after 15 minutes and gives relief in a matter of minutes. But this is only relieving symptoms.

Our nervous system is an extremely delicate instrument. Afobazole works with cells, heals and strengthens them, and does not suppress the manifestation of stress. Its effect is cumulative and the result will be noticed after a few days, but it will be stable and reliable.

That is why it does not cause drowsiness or lethargy; there is no need to stop driving or give up a comfortable rhythm of life. It acts as naturally as possible.

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