Which is better: Afobazole or Tenoten?

Inadequate sleep, stress at work and constant tension lead to the systematic destruction of the mechanisms of stable functioning of the central nervous system. As a result, sleep is lost, one feels exhausted and tired even after proper rest, irritability, anxiety, and apathy increase, which can ultimately lead to a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Finding a similar list of symptoms in patients, neurologists and psychotherapists are in no hurry to prescribe full-scale drug treatment. If the situation is not advanced, it is better to take gentle measures in the form of anxiolytics, of which the first on the list are Tenoten or Afobazol.

Production of drugs

Both representatives are produced in Russia. Afobazole is produced by Pharmstandard-Leksredstva, Tenoten is produced by Materia Medica Holding.

Within the classification, drugs belong to the same pharmacological group - anxiolytics, despite the fact that the active ingredients are not the same. The release form is different - Afobazole is released in the form of tablets for swallowing. Tenoten is intended for resorption.


The main active ingredient of Tenoten is affinity purified antibodies to the brain-specific protein S-100.

After taking the pill, the following happens:

  • memory improves;
  • concentration of attention increases;
  • stress resistance increases;
  • signs of asthenia and depression decrease.

In patients who have suffered a stroke, the use of Tenoten allows one to localize and reduce the focus of damage to brain tissue, as well as ensure a more rapid recovery of impaired functions.

Tenoten has a sedative effect, but does not cause daytime sleepiness. Children's Tenoten is prescribed for the treatment of neurological disorders from the age of three.

Tenoten is considered a daytime nootropic tranquilizer and should not be taken before bed - it may cause insomnia. The tablet should be taken no earlier than 2 hours before going to bed.

Description of the pharmacological activity of the group

Anxiolytics are psychotropic drugs that help reduce feelings of fear, anxiety, and unreasonable anxiety. The mechanism of action is based on reducing the excitation of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and limbic system, which are responsible for the emotional manifestations of the body's states.

Anxiolytics inhibit the interaction of these sections with the cerebral cortex and inhibit polysynaptic spinal reflexes.

The main effects caused by anxiolytics:

  • sedative,
  • hypnotic,
  • muscle relaxant,
  • anticonvulsant,
  • amnestic,
  • vegetative stabilizing.

The combination of two or more effects depends on the type of anxiolytic, concentration and concomitant medications. Depending on these combinations, there are:

  • benzodiazepines with a predominant anxiolytic effect,
  • benzodiazepines with a predominant hypnotic effect,
  • benzodiazepines with a predominant anticonvulsant effect.

The drugs are not compatible with alcohol, as it enhances the effect of the active substances on the central nervous system. Concomitant use with other drugs that cause CNS depression is contraindicated.


The drug is contraindicated:

  1. lactose deficiency,
  2. galactosemia,
  3. lactation period, pregnancy,
  4. individual intolerance.

The drug has a version for use in pediatrics - Tenoten for children. Its use is prohibited for children under 3 years of age. Tenoten regular should not be taken by children under 18 years of age.

Choice of drugs

When choosing Afobazole or Tenoten, it is impossible to clearly determine which is better, since much depends on the issue of individual susceptibility.

Afobazole is a completely synthetic drug with a psychotropic tranquilizing effect. Medical practice shows that its use is appropriate if Tenoten does not help. The latter is classified as a homeopathic remedy, so its effect is less pronounced.

One of the main advantages of Afobazole is that it does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms; the results of treatment are consolidated and last for a long period.

The advantage of Tenoten is its nature - since it is less synthetic, its use is permitted in childhood and has minimal side effects.

Tenoten is best used in specific situations during irritation or stress, as it quickly leads to the desired effect. Afobazole will act only after the first five days, as it is intended for course treatment. The first representative is more expensive and is sold strictly by prescription.

You can compare drugs by age group and severity of the disease. If the form of depression, anxiety or stress is severe, prolonged and advanced, and the patient is over 18 years old, it is advisable to prescribe Afobazol. If in the same age category the problem is unsystematic, it is better to start with Tenoten. It is also more relevant if the problem concerns a pediatric patient.

Tenoten and Afobazol: comparison of products and which is better

The performance of the central nervous system is often subject to various disturbances and malfunctions, which is a consequence of stressful situations, inadequate sleep, increased anxiety, irritability, and constant fatigue.
The result can be severe heart disease or nervous breakdowns. Usually in such cases, specialists do not prescribe serious treatment, but try to limit themselves to more gentle methods. Drugs such as Afobazole and Tenoten are in first place among the medications prescribed by doctors.

Indications for use of Tenoten

Tenoten is a sedative ; it is prescribed for diseases such as the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders, prolonged depression, chronic stress, damage to the central nervous system, neurosis, and emotional disorders characterized by unstable mood.

This drug is also not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those who have lactose intolerance, galactosemia and, of course, individual intolerance.

Tenoten is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age, however, there is a separate special drug for children that can be taken from 3 years of age. Unfortunately, this medicine can cause an allergic reaction and insomnia.

In connection with the latter, this medication is not recommended to be taken before bedtime.

The drug helps
strengthen the body's resistance to stress , has a stimulating, anxiolytic, antiasthenic effect and helps improve memory and concentration.
The children's form of the medicine also helps to improve the ability to remember, and therefore Tenoten for children provides invaluable assistance to the child during the period of study. In addition, it is prescribed for hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder. This medicine is sold in pharmacies in the form of lozenges (for both adults and children).

When prescribing a course of treatment, children need to take the medicine one tablet no more than three times a day for 1 to 3 months.

If necessary, the doctor may increase the dose and duration of treatment.

Adults should take one or two tablets twice a day; the course of treatment also takes up to three months, but at the discretion of the doctor it can be divided into several courses with breaks.

Indications for use of Afobazol

Afobazole is prescribed, as a rule, in cases of neurasthenia, alcohol or nicotine withdrawal syndrome, PMS, arrhythmia, ischemia, hypertension and intestinal irritation. Like Tenoten, this drug is not prescribed to pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as to patients under eighteen years of age (unfortunately, there is no drug for children).

In addition, this medicine is contraindicated for those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to galactose. Side effects include headaches, which do not require elimination or discontinuation of the medication. Fortunately, this effect rarely occurs.

This medicine has a sedative effect , helps fight irritability, increased anxiety, and fearfulness.

The drug also eliminates signs of stress such as difficulty breathing, dry mouth, and excessive sweating.

The big plus is that this sedative is not addictive and does not have a negative effect on alertness and memory. The drug is produced in the form of tablets.

You need to take Afobazol one tablet three to six times a day (depending on your doctor’s recommendations). The course lasts about 30 days .

Common features of Tenoten and Afobazole

It is not easy to say unequivocally which of the two drugs is better. When choosing the right medication, you will first have to face the problem of tolerability. However, both medications have few side effects.

They are also equally contraindicated for pregnant patients, children (with the exception of Tenoten for children), and patients during lactation. Both medications are sedatives that help fight stress, emotional lability and have an anti-anxiety, stress-protective effect.

Differences between the two drugs

There are not many distinctive features between both medications. Afobazole has a milder effect, but it is more effective. It often happens that this medication is prescribed when treatment with Tenoten has not helped.

In addition, Tenoten is prescribed in specific situations and for precisely defined symptoms; the effect becomes noticeable soon, whereas when taking Afobazole it appears no earlier than 5 days later, since this medication is intended for long-term treatment (the course usually lasts 30 days).

Under no circumstances should you take two medications at the same time. Tenoten has no special contraindications for complex use, but the same cannot be said about Afobazole; this medication is not combined with other anxiolytic drugs.

In rare cases, at the discretion of the doctor, both drugs are prescribed under the condition of strict control over the use of Afobazole.

Such a need may arise, for example, with a significant decrease in the level of concentration, severe absent-mindedness and anxiety.

However, despite the need to carefully study the contraindications of Afobazole, it is freely dispensed in pharmacies, while Tenoten is available only with a doctor's prescription.

What should you consider when choosing between Tenoten and Afobazole?

First of all, it is necessary to accurately determine the nature of the disease , and based on the knowledge obtained, it is possible to approximately determine which of the two medications is better suited in a given situation. Patients usually respond more positively to the results of treatment with Afobazole.

According to their reviews, Tenoten is not always able to help with deep depression and severe nervousness and anxiety. However, this drug has an almost immediate effect during emotional outbursts, especially during outbursts of anger.

The advantages of this medicine are that it has fewer side effects, and it can also be prescribed for pediatric patients.

When taking Afobazol, some patients complained of decreased reaction and concentration, so it is better not to take this medication if you work with machinery, complex devices, or vehicles. As for availability, the price of Tenoten is slightly lower, but do not forget that this drug will most likely not be sold to you without a doctor’s prescription.

In any case, in order not to incur unnecessary problems and to avoid making mistakes when choosing and taking medications, you should not self-medicate. It is best to seek help from a psychotherapist. The doctor will determine the nature of the disease, if any, and prescribe the most suitable medicine for you according to the symptoms.

Source: https://vchemraznica.ru/tenoten-i-afobazol-sravnenie-sredstv-i-chto-luchshe/

Concomitant use

Both of these drugs can be used as complex therapy simultaneously. Tenoten has no contraindications for joint use, unlike Afobazole, the use of which is usually not recommended with other drugs from the group of anxiolytics.

But since Tenoten is a homeopathic medicine, it is possible to formulate complex therapy by strictly controlling the dosage of Afobazole and its ratio - this is done only by the attending physician, and the dose should be adjusted monthly depending on changes in the patient’s condition.

Joint use is prescribed for the treatment of prolonged anxiety, restless sleep, a noticeable decrease in concentration and memory quality.


Tenoten for neurosis, VSD, anxiety is used in the same way as for any other ailment for which it is intended to treat.

Taken orally, 1 or 2 tablets 1-3 times a day. You just need to hold the tablet in your mouth until it dissolves, without drinking water or chewing it. There is also Tenoten to relieve children from VSD, in which case the dosage is slightly different, and the tablet can be dissolved in water.

There are situations in which the doctor increases or decreases the dosage, but this will completely depend on the symptoms of the disease. A full course of treatment lasts 1-3 months. You should not interrupt the course for no apparent reason, because then the actions already taken to treat the disease will be practically useless.

Reviews about Tenoten for VSD are only the most positive. This drug has helped many people, if not completely, but at least partially get rid of the symptoms of the disease, improving the autonomic functions of the body and improving cerebral circulation.

If Tenoten is not suitable for you for some reason, analogues of this drug have been developed, these include: Lotosonic, Relaxozan, Homvio-Nervin, etc. Important: the use of these medications must also be agreed upon with the attending physician.

Patients' opinions

Reviews of drugs from different groups of patients differ. The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the depth of nervous system disorders, concomitant diseases, and the psychological environment during the course of therapy.

Most patients with chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia and neurosis noted an improvement in their condition after a course of treatment with Afobazole. Psycho-emotional stabilization, a more indifferent attitude towards everyday sources of irritation, and an improvement in the quality and depth of sleep were noted. Negative reviews were associated with side effects: 19% of patients noticed red rashes on the skin of the hands and face, accompanied by itching, as well as fatigue and drowsiness throughout the day. Therefore, despite the instructions, the use of Afobazole is not recommended if it is necessary to drive a vehicle or other mechanism that is dangerous to life.

Maximum pharmacological activity was observed during treatment with a course according to the manufacturer’s instructions. A repeated course has less effect, a third course has practically no desired effect. Among other side effects, patients noted weight gain, since Afobazole has the property of slowing metabolism and increasing appetite. In the case of a balanced diet, this side effect is not observed.

Reviews about Tenoten were positive only when the diseases were not chronic and proceeded mainly without complications. Outbursts of anger and a rolling feeling of anxiety were successfully overcome by Tenoten within 15 minutes after taking the drug. However, Tenoten turned out to be less effective in the treatment of depression, apathy, insomnia and neuroses.

What is better Tenoten or Afobazol and what is the difference?

When choosing different sedative medications the question is asked: “Which is better Tenoten or Afobazol?”, then first of all attention is drawn to the strength of the components in the composition, effect, health safety and price of these two drugs. With disorders of the nervous system, people often still have to continue going to work, doing their own business, leaving the house - in a word, showing some activity.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand whether the medications prescribed by the doctor will somehow negatively affect their activities. Let us consider in detail two modern pharmaceutical products from the group of phyto-sedatives.

Which is better Tenoten or Afobazol - description of drugs

The main properties of these drugs are to relieve symptoms of disorders (dysfunctions) of the nervous system, improve metabolic processes in the human body and optimize the transmission of nerve impulses for better well-being.

Everyone knows that the ability to constantly be in a great mood is the key to success in business, relationships with people and other areas.

Therefore, the medications we are considering help the body cope with stress on the human psyche and his nerves.

Tenoten and Afobazole are mild tranquilizers, but do not cause a hypnogenic state and do not lead a person to muscle relaxation or unconscious stupor. Therefore, they are not intended for the treatment of psychopathy or any acute mental illness.

One of these medications is a consumer product that can be obtained without a doctor's prescription. The other is for medications that must be prescribed with a prescription.

Let's look at the main properties, composition and various features of two products at once to make it easier to compare them.

Table 1. Review of two sedative drugs “Tenoten” and “Afobazol”

Parameters (from instructions)Characteristics
Pharmacological actionAnti-anxiety (anxiolytic), sedative, stress-protective (neuroprotective), antihypoxic, etc. – homeopathic remedy.
Composition (basic)Antibodies to brain protein S-100, affinity purified (3 mg/tablet).Fabomotizol (5, 10 mg/tablet)
Additional components
  • cellulose in the form of microcrystals;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • Magnesium stearate.
potato starch;
  • lactose;
  • cellulose;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • Kollidon 25 (povidone).
Product formLozenges. Color – white.Tablets for swallowing. Color – white, cream.
PackageBlisters in cardboard packagesGlass jars or blisters in cardboard packaging
Volume, mass, quantity40 pcs. – 2 pcs. in each blister. Pieces in blisters - 10, 20, 25, 30, 50, 100. Pieces in cans - 30, 50, 100, 120.
Therapeutic effect
  1. Nootropic – better concentration of memory and attention.
  2. Vegetative – manifestations of VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia) are eliminated.
  3. Calming – enhances stress resistance and reduces the body’s response to stress.
  1. Anti-anxiety tranquilizer.
  2. Invigorates and stimulates performance.
  3. Eliminates irritability.
  4. Improves vegetative states and memory.
Side effectsNo
  • possible allergic relapses due to overdose or intolerance;
  • quickly passing headache.
Shelf life3 years
Analogues on the market“NOTTA”, “Trivalumen”, “Kindinorm”, “Dormiplant”, “Sedavit”, “Sibazon”, “Menovalen”, “NA SLEEP”, “Stress Veda”, “Valerianovna”, “Valerian”, “Lotusonic”, "Relaxozan" and others.“Persen”, “Novopassit”, “Leovit” (jelly, herbs), “Distonicm”, “HOMVIO-Nervin”, “Sedamin”, “Sedasen”, “Ekstal-3”, “Alfit” (for women), etc. .
Country of origin, brandRussia, Materia Medica LLCRussia, JSC "Pharmastandard-Leksredstva"
Points of sale, where to buyPharmacies

The drugs act primarily on the human nervous system, which indirectly also affects the general psychological and physical state - increased performance, concentration, the ability to maintain composure and calm in difficult situations. In a word, improving the quality of life largely depends on how susceptible our nervous system is to stress or whether it is strong enough to withstand the complexities of life’s circumstances.

What properties do the two drugs have in common?

If a doctor or patient is wondering: “Which is better Tenoten or Afobazol? Which of them will have the stronger effect?”, then you should pay attention not only to the differences, but also to the common points.

Table 2. What unites Tenoten and Afobazole

Similarity parametersTenotenAfobazole
Calming effectYes
Belonging to the group of benzodiazepines (effects on brain function)No
CNS inhibitionNo
Relaxation of muscle groups and key nervesNo
Clear concentration of attention as an effect after taking it.Eat
Presence of alcohol in the medicineNo
Analogues of each otherNo

How are the two medications different?

Tenoten differs in that it has a gentle effect on the body, creating its effect. With its help, the nerves are put in order without the additional use of other drugs with the same effect. This creates a medicinal relief on the patient’s body. Afobazole is specific due to its light formula of the medicinal component in its composition, quantity and type of packaging.

You can buy it without a doctor, but it is best to consult a specialist. Therefore, if you choose what is better than Tenoten for stress or Afobazole, you should weigh all the nuances regarding the differences between these two drugs.

Table 3. Difference between Tenoten and Afobazole

Difference optionsTenotenAfobazole
Strength over EfficiencyStrongerWeaker
HypoallergenicAllergic risks are reducedDoes not have a separate allergy reduction function
Direct effect on brain structuresNoMay cause weakness and drowsiness.
How long does the effect last after a therapeutic course?1 month1-2 weeks
When is the effect noticeable?By the end of the 2nd week during the course5-7 days after administration
The need to use more aggressive tranquilizers during treatmentNoYes (according to the doctor)

Indications and contraindications for use

The most basic thing you should also know is what this or that drug is indicated for, and for what cases it is contraindicated.

Good to know: The use of Tenoten by pregnant or nursing mothers is still under study, so for them it is either not prescribed or is indicated under constant medical supervision.

Table 4. When Tenoten and Afobazole can be used and when not

Name of the medicationIndicationsContraindications
Tenoten for adults
  • with psychosomatics;
  • neuroses;
  • neurotic disorder;
  • nervous system or mental overstrain;
  • stress with anxiety;
  • with irritability;
  • with dysfunctions of the autonomic system;
  • moderate damage to the central nervous system (CNS), incl. after injuries;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • memory impairment.
  • genetic galactosemia (metabolism disorder);
  • lactase deficiency;
  • sensitivity to some components of the drug.
Tenoten for children
  • attention deficit;
  • lethargy, lack of activity;
  • neuroses;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • autonomic disorders;
  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • overexcitability; disturbances in behavior and memory.
  • asthenics;
  • suspiciousness;
  • anxiety;
  • unstable emotional background;
  • stress;
  • during rehabilitation after liberation from addictions;
  • neurasthenia;
  • chronic psychosomatics;
  • oncology;
  • asthmatics;
  • for arrhythmias;
  • dermal disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • complex premenstrual syndrome;
  • alcohol withdrawal.
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding a baby;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • individual intolerance to some components in the composition of the drug.

Instructions for use

When choosing which sedative is better - Tenoten or Afobazole, you must also become familiar with the algorithm of actions when using such drugs. After administration, both medications are absorbed into the blood, are taken normally by the intestines and stomach, and do not cause irritation in them. Normally excreted from the body by the intestines and urinary system.

Table 5. Instructions on how to use Tenoten and Afobazole for treatment

What to pay attention toExplanations, instructions
Dosages for treatment1-2 tablets morning and afternoon1 tablet (10 mg) or 2 tablets (5 mg each) 3 times a day.
Dosages for prevention1-2 days before the expected event that causes excitement, worry or anxiety. 1-2 tablets in the morning and afternoon.The number of doses per day is reduced by 2 times.
For childrenFrom birth to 3 years, taking children's TenotonContraindicated under 18 years of age
General course of treatment1-3 months2-4 weeks
How to useResorptionIngestion. Do not chew or crush. There should be approximately an equal time interval between doses.
Should I drink water?NoYes
When is the best time to take an activating substance?2 hours before bedtimeAfter meal
Resumption of treatmentIn 3-4 weeksA month later

Average cost

The price of these two medications is approximately the same. But there are slight differences if you consider purchasing options at different pharmacies.

Table 6. Approximate prices in Russia

Pharmacy nameCost, rub.
Pharmacy websites: Wer.rufrom 210from 230
Moscow chain of pharmacies "Apteka IFK"212235

To summarize, it can be said that for every person with an unstable nervous system, it is extremely important to find out whether any of these two medications prescribed by a doctor will cause drowsiness. You also need to understand whether the drug becomes addictive or not after use, how long the effect lasts, etc.

Good to knowThe correct use of Tenoten or Afobazole in neurotherapy is the key to a speedy recovery, strong nerves and the health of the whole body as a whole.

If you do not immediately pay attention to the specifics of a particular type of pharmaceutical product, or use it at the wrong time or in the wrong dosage that would be desirable for the patient, this can lead to other disorders. When choosing: “Which is better Tenoten or Afobazol?”, it is necessary to take into account all manifestations of the drug, composition, price, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient himself and the doctor’s opinion.

Reviews from doctors and users

If we rely on the reviews of neurologists, then the drug Tenoten has a very good effect on vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurasthenia, and anxiety before important events.

Afobazole perfectly relieves irritability, neutrocirculatory dystonia and eliminates anxiety or disorders of the autonomic system during rehabilitation courses after liberation from addictions (drug addiction, alcoholism).

According to patient reviews, it is noticed that after taking Afobazole you often want to sleep, weakness sets in, but the effect is temporary. The remaining reviews show the individual characteristics that manifest themselves in taking these two medications.

Source: https://med-anketa.ru/chto-luchshe-tenoten-ili-afobazol-iv-chem-raznica/

Experts' opinion

Therapists agree that Afobazole is a fairly mild and easily tolerated drug. If it is necessary to prevent diseases of the central nervous system that were previously cured, Afobazol is ideal. In addition, it is chosen by most psychotherapists for the treatment of prolonged depressive conditions.

Tenoten as such does not belong to traditional means of drug treatment. Its attitude towards homeopathic remedies makes most specialists refuse to use Tenoten, however, they do not deny its effectiveness in cases of minor manifestations of psychosomatic disorders. It is noteworthy that Tenoten remains more popular for strokes and organic pathologies.

In some cases, the use of Afobazole is unacceptable due to intolerance to the components of the drug, childhood or personal ineffectiveness. In such cases, Tenoten comes as a replacement, but for no more than two weeks - then a more effective drug in terms of duration is prescribed.

Which remedy is better?

Which is better, Tenoten or Afobazole? When comparing Afobazole and Tenoten, the main difference becomes obvious. “Afobazol” is a common medicine, and “Tenoten” belongs to the group of homeopathic remedies. To date, the effectiveness of homeopathy has not been clinically proven.

At the same time, studies of the drug “Afobazol” were successfully carried out. Their results confirm the effectiveness of the drug, which is similar to the well-known tranquilizing drug Diazepam. It follows from this that Afobazol is much more powerful and effective in dealing with anxiety than Tenoten .

  • Adult patients can use any of these remedies.
  • For children, it is recommended to use Tenoten exclusively.

Sleeping pills without addiction and dependence without a prescription

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