How to become better than his ex-girlfriend? 13 effective tips

Perfection is the only thing in a person that has no limit. How to become better yourself and stop being idle? Why do you want to grow despite stability? How to start trying, and not just pretending? If you have an insight that life is becoming unprepossessing or even going downhill, we begin combat readiness. We eliminate the shortcomings today using simple tips. By starting now, you will at least save precious years, and at maximum, you will become a better person!

Live consciously.

How can you become a better person if you are not aware of your thoughts and actions? We are not robots who live on autopilot. This is impossible, because blindly following the schedule erases the boundaries of the world. Mindfulness is the ability to understand everything around you and give it meaning.

Family relationships are not without meaning, and traveling to observe the world is also not without meaning. Likewise, it is important to reinforce daily activities with connections to why we are doing it. There is such a clever expression - cause-and-effect relationships. This is the law of the Universe that works between man and the world around him.

Take a character test

Is it worth learning to cook?

You earn normal money and think that it’s good that you can open yogurt or cut sausage yourself. If the joke that the hostess was the best at mayonnaise is about you, then the dissatisfied comments of the young man that his ex-girlfriend’s borscht was simply delicious, and it would be nice for you to follow her example, are not without foundation. The answer to the question: “How to become better than his ex?” has a clear answer: “Learn to cook!” Girls are born to be feminine, beautiful and magnificent homemakers. Men are pleased that women are building a career and working, but this does not relieve women of the responsibility to feed their households.

Therefore, if you really want to be better in this particular case, take a few free master classes from a friend, mother or grandmother. If you understand that this is not for you, then the relationship most likely will not work out - what kind of girl will tolerate constant comparisons with her ex that are not in her favor?

Don't focus only on yourself.

To prevent a person from becoming disillusioned with the world, it is important to pay attention to those around him. Not everything revolves around the person himself - there are so many things around that require attention. Compassion is a personality strength that many people neglect. Charity and mutual assistance and support reveal inner potential.

Financial assistance to orphans, planting a tree in the yard or a cleanup in the park will not cause any harm. It is also important to listen to others. Advice from experienced people can bring undeniable benefits to someone who is just starting to develop. The understanding of the people around us lies in the philosophy of self-awareness.

Take the selfishness test

The performance is over!5

We go to the theater and concerts to get a certain amount of adrenaline, which we lack in our relatively calm and peaceful lives. However, living with an actress who is constantly in character is very difficult.

You shouldn’t make a big deal out of a molehill when discussing some everyday issue, don’t dramatize the situation of losing your keys or, for example, your man’s forgetfulness. Less hysterics, all sorts of crazy guesses about past relationships, as well as suspicions. Remember, in front of you is a beloved man who wants to see a warm, affectionate and loving woman next to him, and Sherlock Holmes, Carmen, Jeanne d'Arc or other various heroes in one bottle.

Learn to be flexible in society.

Does criticism destroy self-esteem and put moral pressure on you? You can't take everything to heart! It is normal that some people disagree with your opinion, challenge it, and, moreover, dissuade it. It is important to have your own opinion, which does not succumb to the judgments of others.

Listening to advice is one thing, but being putty in the wrong hands is unacceptable. Not everything has to go to the person's expense! People may simply like to play with the emotions of others. If you show that it is not interesting, then over time they will fall behind.

How to become better than your ex and win him over?

There is nothing seditious about fighting for the man you like and conquering him. The times when ladies dutifully waited for their prince at the window are over. Now the girls “go” first and win. But is there any pleasure in “fighting” for a man? Wouldn't it turn out that the conquered one will not entirely belong to you, but rather will feel himself a prisoner of your bonds of love?

We will look below at ways to improve (as much as possible), but the advice will come with a caveat in which case your efforts may be in vain.

Value yourself.

How to become better when there is no feeling of self-love inside? Rejecting your life is a very powerful decision, but rejecting yourself is detrimental. When a person has a love for his individuality, this feeling is reflected in his environment. After hard work, you can spend time in company with a light heart. Go to the cinema, sing karaoke, spend time at the spa - relaxation and encouragement for your efforts provide strong motivation. It’s worth telling yourself: “You are the one who can achieve success, and I believe in you. You have strength and you are a great fellow!” Such words out loud help reinforce self-confidence and not give up your position.

Best the enemy of the good

As sad as it may be to say, we often strive to be the best at everything. Why "unfortunate"? Because this desire is in many ways unnatural. Perhaps our upbringing is to blame - very often, from childhood, parents instill in their children that either they are already the best, or should be so.

But remember that being the best does not mean being happy. The concept of “the most beautiful” or “the smartest” is very arbitrary, and in striving to receive such a label, a girl can sacrifice a lot, and in particular herself and her individuality.

How to be better than others? Who exactly is better? And what? Do you want to be more beautiful than Masha from the neighboring yard, cook better than your neighbor Katya, and joke funnier than your friend Marina? Even if there were a yardstick that could quantify every asset you have, believe that you are magnificent and unique just the way you are. Be yourself - this is the main condition for being the best!

But this, of course, does not mean that you do not need to strive for anything. If you realize that you need to improve your body and exercise or read more to be more educated, then do it. But remember that this makes sense specifically for your development, and not in order to be more attractive to some young man.

Saying and doing are inseparable things.

Thoughtlessly saying “And I will have a big house, and I will have public recognition, and I will do this and that” is a stupid idea. This is familiar to many, and it can be periodically traced in ourselves. Reliability is a trait of a man of his word who does not throw himself into the wind. Reliable people are often looked up to by others and set as examples. It is important to develop will and character, which will speak of inner strength. It was said that the meeting would take place tomorrow, but then suddenly I didn’t want to - it’s worth going and meeting the responsibility face to face. How long have you been talking about losing weight? A great reason to start it right now!

Take a personality type test

Tell me who is your friend?3

Accepting your man's friends is the key to success in most relationships. It is also important not to forget about your friends, because the lover must understand that the woman with him is a whole separate world, which she does not abandon and continues to develop in it. A girl who devotes all her time to a man will quickly get bored with him.

In turn, when accepting a man’s friends, you should not become indispensable to them, otherwise a man’s desire to get along may be perceived as an attempt to please all the men around him, which often causes a serious attack of jealousy.

It is important to maintain a golden mean here: to warmly receive your husband’s friends and remember about your own!

How to become the best version of yourself

Self-development and self-improvement allows a person to gain a “second wind”, helps to gain self-confidence, and also brings pride and joy for small victories over oneself. A person works on himself throughout his life, regardless of whether this happens consciously or not. Where to start on the path to self-development?

Clear Intentions

You should not take on self-improvement without deciding on an exact goal. Such activities will only waste time and will not bring any benefit. Therefore, the first step in miraculous transformation is setting a realistic goal. This should be a doable task that does not interfere with your main activity - study or work.

In this case, it is useful to use sources of additional motivation. They can serve as:

  • beautiful diaries;
  • unusual gliders;
  • checklists;
  • interesting calendars;
  • bright stickers for notes.

Read more: Diary for setting tasks

All these items will not only make planning easier, but will also help maintain enthusiasm, uplifting your mood with their colorful design and reminding you that all dreams are real and difficulties can be overcome.

Make a plan

For a month, a year, five years, twenty years. This motivates me to work. For example, if you write in a notebook “In five years I want to open my own cafe,” you will set yourself a goal and move towards execution. The plan must be realistic, do not jump over your head. In one year, no one will be able to become a master of sports if they haven’t had any classes before.


Psychologists believe that the best starting point for conscious self-development is personal relationships - improving the quality and style of communication with others will be the first and simplest (albeit quite time-consuming) step towards improvement.

Reading books

If an individual has problems interacting with people, then reading books would be a good solution. Firstly, this approach will expand a person’s vocabulary and help him better navigate various life situations. Secondly, it will speed up the process of brain work, open up the opportunity to look at the situation from a different perspective and sharpen logical thinking skills.

Read more: Benefits of reading books

Change your appearance

You just have to change your makeup, hairstyle, change your clothing style, gait, manner of movement and now you are a completely different person. No matter what anyone says, appearance is important in our world. To accept yourself on the inside, you need to accept yourself on the outside. Create a certain image for yourself and work on it. You shouldn’t imitate someone, but you need to take an example.

Look at the people who surround you, at celebrities, perhaps heroes of films or TV series. What do you like about them and what turns you off? Choose those external qualities that attract you, those that you would like to try on yourself. Here's a new look for you!

Look at your habits

How many bad habits do you have? How do they affect your body, character, appearance, your thoughts? You can't improve unless you give them up. Even some “good” habits can hinder you. After all, habits are patterns of behavior. And we follow these patterns. Getting up at 5 am rested and starting to work earlier to get more done is good. Getting up at 5 am without sleep because you worked late is bad!

Say yes to something new

You can't change while in your comfort zone. Do something you've never done. Jump with a parachute, talk to strangers, dance in the square in front of a crowd. Challenge yourself. This way you will find a new you, try your capabilities, gain new experiences. If you still don't know what you want to do, try everything! From office work to blogging.

By gaining new experience you improve and change. You expand your horizons, the world changes with you.

Order in the house and in the head

The next step is, oddly enough, weekly cleaning of the house. Depending on the environment, a person’s thinking acts differently. Consequently, if there is constant disorder around an individual, then the same thing happens in his thoughts.

The physical actions of tidying will begin to encourage the subconscious to tidy up in the head in the same way - people themselves sometimes don’t notice how, after cleaning the room, their thoughts fall into place, and a sense of elation is felt inside.

Physical self-improvement

It includes constant self-care, proper nutrition (at least, meals according to a schedule), taking vitamins, giving up bad habits, as well as restoring sleep patterns.

Time management

Psychologists who study issues of self-improvement advise taking time management training or at least learning its basics. With the help of certain rules, a person can learn to properly distribute his time, perform first those tasks that are a priority, and also conduct a full analysis of the rationality of the time and energy he spends.

Read more: 10 tips on how to manage time

An activity to your liking

Many people would be happy to take up painting or, for example, mountain climbing, but they simply do not consider these activities as self-improvement. Then they take on other types of activities, even if they are not so interesting for them, but “useful”, and in the end they are left with nothing.

The truth is that there is no clear framework for moving forward, and personal growth cannot be achieved by following some sequence of actions developed by others. Only the person himself knows what makes him happy, and he should do just that.

There are a huge number of exciting activities that people neglect in the pursuit of success and development, not realizing that development is inspiration, encouragement and love for what they do. This means that a person who intends to become a better person must finally allocate time for his hobby, even if it is not very productive. If he has always wanted to be a musician, it’s time to buy a guitar and start playing, he loves to travel, but there is no money - beautiful landscapes can be found in the vicinity of his hometown, he dreams of learning to cook - there are many cooking courses for beginners.

Read more: 12 hobbies that can become your business

Changing character for the better

Every day a person encounters other people. At work, at school, in transport, on the Internet - there are people around. You need to be able to get along with each other, no matter how complex a person’s character may be. In today's world, much is built on the relationships between people.

Read more: How to change your character for the better

Do good

Everyone knows that goodness tends to return. If one person helped another, then someone can help him. You need to help people even in such little things as walking your grandmother across the road or bringing heavy bags to a girl. Surround yourself with good, positive people and positive energy will attract itself.

Don't forget about animals

Never offend these defenseless creatures. Better help them. This could be helping a homeless animal shelter with food, helping a kitten found with a broken leg, or building a birdhouse. Goodness is in the little things.

Surround your family and friends with love

Pamper them, pay attention, pay attention to all problems, even those that seem insignificant.

If a person is in a toxic relationship, then such a connection must be severed. It can be painful, unpleasant, and attachment to a person will play its part. But this cannot be continued, but must be stopped immediately. Every person has the right to happiness.

Step aside and let the man become one in your eyes!10

And here there is a very fine line between intrusiveness and taking the initiative that most men expect from their girls. You need to not stick to your lover, cutting off his oxygen and limiting his space, but try to make plans next to him. Initiate trips, some outings, and even be the first to hint at sex today.

The most important thing is not to pull the blanket over yourself and not to let a man feel like he is in the position of a subordinate or servant, who is constantly being pulled somewhere on a string. It is important to give a man a feeling of lightness and support in all his endeavors, while offering the most daring and interesting options.

How to become better than your ex? Try to be yourself and not look back at the past - this is where the strongest and best relationships in couples begin. The ability to listen and hear will also come in handy, as well as learn to surprise your loved one in different areas of life. And, of course, give him freedom and space, while emphasizing that you are two different and amazing individuals who can only conquer any horizons together!

Read more about how to be better than your ex-boyfriend in our article below.


Being obsessive means not trusting your man. There is no need to write and call your loved one constantly, trying to take up as much time as possible in his life. A man already belongs to you if he chose you as his woman!

In addition, a woman’s excessive obsession discourages any desire to pursue her, to conquer her again and again, like Everest. Many ladies are indignant that men have stopped giving them luxurious gifts, performing feats and brave deeds for their sake. Question: how to accomplish a feat for the sake of your beloved in order to achieve her favor and oh, God! a precious kiss, if you constantly stand behind your back and don’t even let you take a step?

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