How to deal with laziness: several effective ways

What is crisis fatigue?

Crisis fatigue

is a term used to describe the response of burnout to chronic stress that challenging events can cause. It's not a formal medical diagnosis, but people who feel like they have crisis fatigue may have actual mental or physical symptoms. Here are some examples of situations that can lead to crisis fatigue:

  • wars
  • political instability
  • economic depressions
  • pandemic
  • natural disasters
  • racial injustice

A person may experience stress due to the crisis itself or its secondary consequences. For example, a person may experience acute stress during a flood or fire, but they may experience long-term stress if they lose their home and possessions because of it.

Chronic fatigue. Psychosomatics

In case of chronic fatigue, you need to pay attention to three important points:

  1. Does the person have a goal? Is there something in his life for which he is ready to get out of bed every morning with joy and anticipation?
  2. Isn't chronic fatigue a symptom indicating that a person has been living in an unpleasant situation for too long? And fatigue is the last argument, a “fax” from the unconscious to the conscious: “Change this.”
  3. It is also necessary to look at what a person’s “background” is? How heavy is the bag of traumas and experiences from childhood and adolescence that he drags along with him? If unpleasant sensations are not remembered, this does not mean that they do not lie as a heavy burden in the unconscious. Everything in life seems to be good. But the body still spends energy processing experiences that happened in the past. And this may be exactly the case when you never rest in your sleep. I woke up and within a minute I was already tired.

I described each of the points in more detail in the article Causes of Chronic Fatigue.

In this article, I want to dwell in more detail on a case that was out of the list above and once again showed how important it is to see in negative states “entire” programs that are played out in us against our will and that need to be completed.

The young girl who came to the reception immediately clearly outlined all her problems: relationships with her parents, relationships with her boyfriend. She watched the webinar “Levels of Consciousness Development” and prepared a list of experiences and traumas that she decided to work through. Among other things, she noted extreme fatigue, completely unusual for her age. Examinations by doctors did not show anything special that doctors should have paid attention to.

Since the problems were clearly formulated, we immediately began to work with them, and after a couple of meetings the girl said that relationships with loved ones had improved, her mood was different, and there was a lightness in her outlook on many things.

However, in everything related to severe fatigue, almost nothing has changed, perhaps by ten to twenty percent. And this was atypical, since after psychotherapy almost everyone testifies to an increase in vitality.

We decided to dwell on this issue and closely study her fatigue as a separate program.

It turned out that this is a special feeling:

“It's like dying. You know that you are full of strength, that you are young, but you have to die. You live knowing it's over. I feel a lot of ambivalence inside. I know that I have a lot of strength and a lot of plans, but this feeling just knocks me down and seems to make me fall, and I have no strength left for anything.”

It became clear that this was a program that had nothing to do with real life, since there were no memories that she experienced something similar in childhood.

In this case, we use trance techniques with visualizations.

– Please remain in these sensations and close your eyes. Imagine that you are walking along the road, experiencing this fatigue. Now watch everything that comes to you in visualizations, as if you were watching a movie.

– I’m walking along the road and suddenly I see a house. He is on fire. People are burning there. I know they are dying. I can’t do anything, and I’m in so much pain, in so much pain, I’m crying, I’m dying of grief. I fall and die. And I can't die. And this is the worst thing. I want it to be over, I turn away. I want to die. It is unbearable.

At this point I want to tell you about what I warned our heroine about in advance.

The fact is that it contains an unfinished program that was once “stuck” due to the horror that could not be lived and completed at that moment.

We do not know when the program was not completed. If this is not a current life, then it may be a genetic memory or what can be called a previous life, or something else original.

The important thing is not when it was, the important thing is that the program must be completed, no matter what system it was created in.

Therefore, we agreed that those sensations that will be recreated in trance will be lived to the end in order to complete them .

So this time everything was done differently.

The girl understood that there was no way to help the people in the house, and she observed her feelings, at the same time living them to the end, without trying to close herself off from them. After some time, she felt that her body was relaxing, the horror was leaving, she felt calm. The picture of the house filled with light, and the long-awaited peace came.

After a week, the girl reported that she no longer experienced this fatigue. It just disappeared, like a sensation. This special “dying fatigue”.

Well, what can I say?) Beauty, and that’s all)

Seminar “Life, Death, God” Satori Healing

What Causes Crisis Fatigue?

During a crisis, people often experience stress or a fight, flight or freeze response. This is how the body prepares for danger.

Symptoms of stress may include:

  • increased heart rate
  • rapid and shallow breathing
  • muscle tension
  • increased sweating

This reaction is usually short-lived and goes away on its own when the person feels safe again. However, during a prolonged crisis such as a pandemic, people may feel unsafe for long periods of time, with few interruptions. This long-term stress, or allostatic load, can take its toll on the body by affecting a person's hormones and neurotransmitters.

Signs and symptoms

Some of the possible symptoms of crisis fatigue include:

  • physical and mental exhaustion
  • the person may sleep more or less than usual
  • changes in appetite
  • numb feeling

People who report general emotional distress during a long-term crisis may also:

  • feel anxious or helpless
  • lack of empathy for other people
  • have unexplained body pain
  • are more likely to use alcohol, drugs or cigarettes
  • become withdrawn
  • have difficulties with work or school
  • have difficulty concentrating

These symptoms may last for weeks or months, and they may get worse if the crisis seems uncertain.

Who does this affect the most?

Anyone can have crisis fatigue. However, it is the people most deeply affected by the crisis who are suffering the most. For example, during a pandemic, healthcare workers and emergency responders may have long shifts and constant stress, with little time to recuperate. Mental health clinicians and news reporters are also extremely vulnerable to crisis fatigue.

Some people are also at higher risk of mental illness. This includes people who have experienced:

  • injury
  • pre-existing mental disorders
  • poverty
  • homelessness
  • discrimination
  • unemployment or financial uncertainty
  • bereavement due to crisis
  • limited mobility

How to cope with crisis fatigue

Dealing with crisis fatigue is not easy because the event that causes the problem is usually beyond the person's control and can continue for a long time.

Recognizing the need to take care of your physical and mental health during a crisis is a positive step and probably your biggest protective factor.

Some strategies that can help manage symptoms of crisis fatigue include:

  • Taking a break
    : Taking a break from work to rest can be critical to recovery.
  • Media disconnection
    : During a crisis, media coverage tends to be persistent and intrusive. Disconnect from the news and all social networks for a few days, this will help a person relieve stress.
  • Maintain a routine
    : A crisis can disrupt a person's normal schedule. Maintaining a routine can help you feel in control. It can also help people establish a regular sleep schedule.
  • Ask for help
    : Neighbors, friends or relatives can provide practical help, such as bringing groceries. Helping organizations may offer financial assistance.
  • Talk to someone
    : Talking to people who understand the situation can help a person feel less alone, even if there are no obvious solutions. If possible, talk to a mental health professional.
  • Try a hobby
    : A hobby can take your mind off the situation and give you something else to focus on. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, people have been trying out new hobbies that they can do at home.
  • Get physically active
    : Exercise is another way to relieve stress. Yoga, tai chi, walking or aerobics classes usually do not require any equipment.

Types of fatigue and how to overcome them?


Persistent illness that lasts for weeks or months is a chronic manifestation of the disease. It is considered the longest and most difficult to treat. Such a diagnosis often requires medical intervention with the use of medications, since the immune system is no longer able to cope on its own. In addition to contacting doctors, you can also:

  • try to set up a daily schedule and strictly adhere to it;
  • get rid of negative habits, junk food;
  • devote more time to useful rest;
  • spend some time outside the city - in villages, sanatoriums;
  • try to eliminate stress factors. At least the most alarming, longest lasting ones.

The treatment of this type of overfatigue is approached in a comprehensive manner. If a person is faced with this difficulty, it is better for him to immediately prepare for the fact that complete rehabilitation will take a long time.


Another type that a doctor can help you cope with is a psychotherapist. Problems in relationships, self-esteem, self-realization, and other aspects of life can lead to depression, which is also accompanied by fatigue. In addition to the help of a doctor, effective methods will be:

  • registration of leave from work;
  • moving, change of scenery;
  • devoting time to yourself, relaxing techniques;
  • finding a hobby;
  • updating your image, quitting a difficult job, breaking up a difficult relationship - any favorable changes.

To say goodbye to psychological fatigue forever, it is better to eliminate as many stress factors as possible and tune in to changes. By throwing away trash, a person thereby makes room for something pleasant and useful.

Take the self-esteem test


The body has a limit to its current physiological capabilities. And he gets scared when his owner starts reading articles “How to lose weight in 3 days” or “5 ways to learn how to do a 100-kilogram bench press in a day.” Therefore, it is better to set realistic goals, start training and physical work small. If exhaustion has already set in, then the best options would be:

  • sound healthy sleep;
  • taking a contrast shower or an aromatic bath with sea salt;
  • massages, spa treatments aimed at relaxing muscles;
  • physical therapy, gymnastics;
  • reviewing the diet in favor of foods rich in proteins.


Students, teachers, scientists, and office workers are most often affected by this type. With this fatigue, memory, concentration, imagination, productivity, and thinking in general deteriorate. To get rid of such a reboot, you can:

  • devote more time to sports - it makes the brain work better;
  • love walks in the fresh air;
  • determine the time of best brain activity and perform the most complex mental work during this period;
  • “recharge” the brain with healthy foods - nuts, foods containing glucose;
  • learn to work according to a clear individual schedule (for example, do work for 50 minutes and rest for 10).

Fortunately, this type of fatigue is easier to overcome than others. Rehabilitation also takes less time.

Long-term consequences

People with crisis fatigue will feel better if they are no longer in the situation that causes it. However, for some, the crisis will have long-term consequences. People who experience severe or persistent stress for any reason may experience psychological trauma. Trauma is a response to emotional pain or shock and can affect people in different ways.

During or after a traumatic event, a person may feel:

  • confusion
  • sadness
  • excitation
  • emptiness

People can also develop vicarious trauma, which occurs after witnessing something traumatic happen to someone else. For example, emergency responders and healthcare workers often experience this type of trauma.

Once the traumatic event is over, most people recover and no longer experience these symptoms. However, some people may develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is a long-term condition.

Symptoms of PTSD:

  • persistent memories of trauma
  • hyperarousal or hypervisibility, in which a person feels that he is constantly on high alert
  • difficulty sleeping or nightmares
  • depression

Trauma and PTSD are treatable conditions. If a person has any symptoms of these conditions, they can seek help from a doctor.

Symptoms of stress:

  • severe irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • headache;
  • violations of a sexual nature.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely get rid of stress; it will always accompany us throughout our lives. But it is quite possible to reduce the impact of stress on a person to a minimum.

Stress resistance is a person’s ability to withstand the effects of stress factors. This is a kind of stress prevention. There are the following ways to prevent stress:

  • physical: sports, proper nutrition, fresh air, good sleep, timely rest;
  • psychological trainings: affirmation, meditation, “health formula”;
  • household: engaging in hobbies (for example, needlework, running, swimming, walking, hanging out with pets);
  • spiritual:

1) get to know yourself at the genetic level 2) learn to live in accordance with your own genetics 3) clearly define your place in space, do what you love.

You can learn more about these and other methods of energetic protection from stress by making an appointment with a practical psychologist in Simferopol.


- a broad concept associated with the loss of mental energy and the need for its restoration and rest.

This is a long period during which a person feels a certain loss of strength on a psychological and physical level. The body loses the ability to fully recover during rest.

The causes of psychological fatigue can be long-term stressful conditions, problems at work, personal difficulties, monotonous and monotonous activities, boring and unloved work. Sometimes you can experience psychological fatigue, even while doing what you love, if you don’t switch or change the environment in time. Often young parents, despite great joy, become victims of psychological fatigue due to a monotonous and busy schedule.

In most cases, fatigue can be overcome with proper rest. But, unfortunately, this does not always help. It all depends on the reasons that caused this condition. First you need to find out what exactly takes away a person’s strength and vitality. These can be strong experiences, obvious or hidden from your consciousness. Strong emotions, resentment, pride, guilt or unfulfilled debt. Unfulfillment in terms of work activity or in terms of family and relationships. There can be a lot of reasons, and they are not always obvious and understandable to a person.

If you don’t know what exactly caused your condition, seek help from a psychologist in Simferopol, Victoria Solovyova. She will not only be able to find out the reasons for your psychological fatigue, but will also help you return to a normal lifestyle filled with energy, joy and meaning.

Ways to combat psychological fatigue:

  • A sufficient amount of high-quality drinking water will help replenish the lack of energy.
  • A proper diet will allow you to eat on time and reduce the feeling of weakness and powerlessness.
  • Daily physical exercise will increase blood circulation, relieve internal tension and fatigue, and help you feel cheerful, full of strength and energy.
  • Adequate sleep is the key to the proper functioning of our nervous system; it provides both physical and psychological rest.
  • Communication with pleasant and interesting people will help you switch gears and recharge with positive energy.
  • Attending various events dedicated to self-discovery and self-improvement will add meaning and awareness to your life. For example, psychological trainings at the Victoria Solovyova “Getting to Know Yourself” center already at the first visit allow you to get rid of accumulated psychological fatigue and evoke a desire to act and move forward.


is a psychological state in which a person constantly experiences excessive psychological tension, nervousness in communicating with people when performing any activity.

This condition usually has a bad effect on a person’s performance. Leads to various errors and inadequate reactions to current events. Causes unpleasant emotional experiences and a feeling of dissatisfaction for a person. Being in this state, a person can show uncontrollable aggression and provoke conflict situations. It is difficult for him to control his own emotions.

There are many factors that can cause nervous tension in a person:

prolonged stress, heavy workload, fatigue, conflictual relationships, communication with unpleasant people, complex and confusing life situations. Lack of opportunity for self-realization and career growth. Conflicts in the team. Family problems. Financial difficulties. Bad habits, alcohol abuse.

If your nervous tension is caused by some unresolved problem or difficult life situation, you cannot do without the help of a qualified psychologist in Simferopol. In this case, only by getting rid of the cause can the problem be solved, and with it the psychological stress will go away.

Very often, the cause of this condition is also the unfavorable environment that surrounds us. Modern man is acutely aware of the negative factors of city life. Accelerated pace of life, heavy workload. You have to communicate with a large number of people who carry different, often negative, energy. In this case, in order to prevent the appearance of nervous tension, you need to pay more attention to your lifestyle, try not to accumulate negativity in yourself, but get rid of it in a timely manner.

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