The causes of depression and stress in women and men are attitudes towards oneself, others, and the world.

A negative attitude towards oneself, other people, the world around us - in general, and an attitude towards individual situations, events, phenomena, things - in particular... are the causes of depression and stress in men and women, and many other psychosomatic diseases, personality disorders and physiology human, from neurotic disorders, nervous breakdowns, psychoses, to cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and other diseases, including addictions...

Conversely, if you have a positive attitude towards something (or someone), then there will be no reason for depression and stress - there will be reasons for a good mood and success in all endeavors.

What stress is good and what is bad?

Positive thinking as a way of life. What is his strength?

Positive thinking is a very popular area of ​​modern practical psychology. This is not surprising, because the radical difference in the influence of positive and negative thoughts on consciousness predetermines the future future of the individual.

A positive-thinking person does not worry about emerging problems. Instead, she sets tasks for herself, with the help of which she solves them. She is focused on her own dreams and the possibilities for realizing them. But how to develop this type of thinking? How long does it take to develop? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Would you like practical advice on how to maintain a positive mindset even in the most unpleasant situations?

Come to the free webinar by Konstantin Dovlatov “How to turn life crises into resources.”

Myth #1: Negative thinking is closer to reality.

Have you ever heard negative people deny their negativity by saying they are just being “realistic”?
This myth keeps people in a negative reality that they themselves create. A person's thoughts - positive or negative - actually affect their environment. If you think negatively, your mind will automatically seek confirmation that the world is a terrible place. Seeing is believing, and your brain will convince you that reality is negative. Do you understand what a vicious circle it turns out to be? If you expect negative results, you are unlikely to take risks and try something new. Negative thinking hides your impressions under the guise of fear.

Positive thinking works the same way. With a positive mental attitude, you look for realistic options and expect a successful outcome. It helps you bypass fear and take on what others say is “impossible to do.” This usually leads to good results.

A person's thinking determines his reality. The world is negative for negative people simply because their thoughts make it so. Ironically, positive people see the same reality, just in a different light. Each type of person approaches situations differently, and each considers only their own reality to be real.

What is the essence of a positive lifestyle?

Its essence is to find positive moments and reasons to rejoice in any life circumstances. Take failures as life lessons, analyze and draw positive experiences from them. If you look deeper, any event that happens in your life is a neutral fact. You yourself give it an emotional connotation - positive or negative. It’s up to you to find positive aspects in it or turn it into a drama on a global scale.

The parable of the fly and the bee well reveals the essence of a positive way of thinking. The first perceives the world as a garbage dump and a big pile of sewage. The second is like a blooming fragrant garden. One, even in a flowering meadow, will find excrement and sit on it, and the second, even in a smelly landfill, will find a beautiful flower and collect pollen and nectar.

Unlike flies and bees, in whom such a worldview is an innate quality, people are able to learn to react positively to what happens to them. But before we get acquainted with the corresponding exercises, let's consider the real benefits of such a lifestyle.

Did you know that you can simultaneously solve your problems and the problems of other people and get decent pay for it?

To find out how, come to Elmira Dovlatova’s free webinar “How to solve problems using metaphorical cards and earn from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles a month.”

Myth No. 2: Positive people expect money to fall from the sky if they wish it.

To those who do not believe in positive thinking, it seems that positive people believe that their desires will come true by themselves if only they think about it correctly.
How wrong this is! Everyone who achieves something—whether it's making a million dollars or becoming an acclaimed actor—does it the same way: by taking action. Positive people are in an advantageous position because they believe that the desired object is achievable. They are guided by the attitude “it can be done.” Their actions are not based on fear or limitations, but on possibilities. Therefore, a positive attitude helps a person fulfill his desires: he does not just dream about it, but acts with inspiration.

The Real Power of Positive Thinking

According to scientific research, a positively minded person is more successful and productive. She is able to interact effectively and build harmonious relationships. A person who has developed a positive type of thinking focuses only on the positive. Such people are characterized by a stable psycho-emotional state and a high concentration of attention. This allows you to fully enjoy life, feeling like the Creator of your reality. He perceives emerging life problems as a way of his self-improvement and development.

A person’s positive attitude contributes to the production of happiness hormones – endorphins – in the human brain. It gives rise to many bright ideas and productive plans, charges a person with energy, fills him with vitality, and increases life expectancy.

These are not all the advantages of this type of thinking. But before you get acquainted with the techniques for its development, pay attention to the negative aspects. Alas, unfortunately, they exist. Therefore, it is better to learn more about them and avoid negative aspects.

Safety precautions for developing positive thinking

Please note that you need to think not just positively, but also correctly. Do not suppress your negative emotions under any circumstances. This practice can lead to serious negative consequences: unexpected depression, chronic stress and even psychosomatic illnesses. To avoid such problems, such emotions need to be analyzed well: to realize the fact of their existence, to find out the cause of their occurrence. At the next stage, it is necessary to work them out - to manifest them, to throw them out. But don’t even think about burying them deep into your subconscious!

While practicing a positive attitude, a person needs to maintain a reasonable criticality in his thinking. This will allow him to avoid deception and not get hooked by scammers. Try to make all important decisions in your life in a calm and emotionally neutral state.

Having learned about the pitfalls, we will consider exercises and techniques that will allow you to develop the skill of thinking positively. Many of them will not seem serious to you, but make your final decision only after they have been practically worked through.

Final Thoughts

I truly believe that every moment is a gift, and therefore everything that happens is perfect. There is always a gift or lesson to be learned from a situation. I suspect that some of you are already thinking about the events leading to death and asking, “What can you gain from death?” Life consists of births and deaths, this is life. When death or change occurs, we need to accept reality, understand it, and manage it to the best of our ability. When we succeed, we will learn certain lessons, such as understanding that:

  • need to spend more time with family;
  • you should treat people with great respect;
  • life is not eternal, and you need to follow your dreams;
  • [fill in your choice]

Note that when I talk about death, I am not talking about the death of a person or animal.
I mean loss of time, change. Most resist change and cling to the past with all their might. Look at it this way: we are constantly faced with birth and death, because every moment of life consists of them. Each new moment is the death of the past and the birth of the present. Accept it with grace.

The next time something bad happens to you, instead of showing anger and disappointment, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the gift of this situation?
  • What did I understand thanks to her?
  • What can I do now? (If it's all in the past, just accept it!)

PS We recommend another useful article on the topic of working on yourself - How to be self-taught.
The author of the translation is Vyacheslav Davidenko, founder of the TESTutor company.

How to set yourself up for positive thinking?

The frantic pace of life, chronic stress, and the zombifying barrage of information from the media constantly create a negative emotional background. But having chosen the path to change your thinking, reject uncertainty and fear. Be determined to succeed and adhere to the following basic principles:

  • Listen to your inner voice more often. Realize the true reasons for your current worries.
  • Analyze your goals and prioritize correctly. Create in your imagination an image of your ideal future and present.
  • A positive person perceives life's problems as problems that simply need to be solved. Try this thinking model too.
  • Try to smile more often, even if you are not laughing. You will soon notice that your mood has improved.
  • In any situation, try to remain optimistic. Self-confidence will increase your self-esteem and allow you to see new opportunities.
  • Feel happy, here and now. Enjoy the current moment.
  • Try to focus your consciousness on positive changes. Thoughts are material and, with sufficient concentration, are embodied in reality.

20 simple exercises for positive thinking

  1. Pay special attention to the beginning of the day. Come up with a special ritual for yourself that will charge you with positive emotions every morning.
  2. Try to control your speech. Replace weak and negative words with strong and positive ones. For example: “I’m unhappy” to “I’m happy”, “I can’t cope” to “I can do everything”, etc.
  3. Back up your words with actions. Even small achievements will allow you to believe in yourself and increase your self-esteem.
  4. To save a huge amount of mental energy and maintain an internal harmonious state, stop reading newspapers, watching news on TV, and minimize communication on social networks. Very soon you will notice that your attitude towards positive thinking has increased significantly.
  5. Decide to stop complaining. Stop whining and expressing dissatisfaction with what is happening. This will prevent you from slipping into negative emotions.
  6. If the emotional background begins to fail, mobilize your body. A wide smile, a raised nose and a confident gait will very soon lift your spirits.
  7. Playing sports helps a lot. Physiological regulators - hormones - produced during physical activity allow you to improve your tone and mood in a short time.
  8. As you practice positive thinking, simply contemplate what is happening around you every day. Take away the importance of the worries that arise. Strange as it may seem, most problems resolve on their own, without our active participation.
  9. When starting any task, realize that it may not be successful, and calmly accept this fact. Think about how you can benefit from failure. Such tactics lift your spirits and significantly increase the chances of a favorable outcome for your enterprise.
  10. Don't be afraid of problems. It’s better to analyze the reasons why they arose, draw conclusions and calmly begin to solve them.
  11. Communicating with optimists can strengthen your mood for positive thinking. Their positive emotions are contagious - you will also be in a great mood.
  12. Think about what activities bring you joy and pleasure. Write them down. Try to do at least one of them during the day.
  13. Get creative, no matter what - drawing, modeling, or cooking. Any creativity will refocus your thinking on the positive.
  14. Try to do good everywhere. Share positive things with others and you yourself will become brighter and kinder. This is confirmed by the advice of ancient sages - it is impossible to become a positive person and find happiness without caring about others.
  15. Camping. A great way to soak up natural energy and fill yourself with positivity.
  16. Notice your own positive character traits. Praise yourself for them more often. Such behavior will lift your spirits and provide an emotional boost.
  17. Don't forget about your body. Proper nutrition, daily routine and exercise will fill you with energy and positivity.
  18. Try to control your thoughts. It's not as difficult as it might seem at the beginning. Noticed the negative? Immediately change it in a positive direction. This will enhance your positive thinking attitude.
  19. If your development is hindered by internal dialogue, do not be discouraged. There are a large number of techniques to disable it. All you have to do is choose the one you like.
  20. Realize that you and only you are the author of your destiny. Write by hand: “I am the Creator of my life!”, “I am responsible for myself and my destiny.” Start a new day by reading these lines. Drink this state from within.

By practicing regularly, you will suddenly notice that the impact of external negative circumstances is no longer able to lower your emotional background.

How to become a positive person? Advanced Practices

As you already understand, developing the skills of a positive worldview consists of practicing control of your thoughts and emotional state of the psyche. And as soon as this control is brought to automaticity, you will achieve your goal. If you want to achieve stable results faster, adopt more in-depth practices:

  • Diary of success and gratitude. Get a thick notebook or notebook. In it you will daily record the positive dynamics of your activities, thoughts and feelings that visit you. In addition to success from positive thinking, write down gratitude every day - to the people around you, to natural phenomena, to the Almighty, to yourself. It will be quite difficult at first. But very soon you will see how much positivity is present in your life. The main thing is not to be lazy and practice regularly. If suddenly something throws you out of balance, the diary will help you regain your resource.
  • Develop visualization. Using all your senses as much as possible, picture in your imagination the embodiment of your goal or dream. Fill yourself with the positive emotions inherent in it.
  • Practice meditation. It is easy to achieve a stable attitude towards positive thinking by introducing meditation into your daily practice. A state of peace, immersion in your inner world, serene contemplation of beauty and perfection will provide invaluable assistance in self-development.
  • Positive statements are affirmations. Repeatedly speaking positive statements can achieve incredible results. You can come up with inspiring verbal formulas yourself or choose ready-made ones from this article. Consciously and regularly practice using affirmations. The result will not take long to arrive.
  • Metaphorical associative maps and the development of positive thinking. Metaphorical association cards or simply MAC are one of the most common tools of modern psychology. Their use allows the individual to establish a stable connection with the subconscious and learn to think figuratively. You can learn all the intricacies of systemic work with MAC in the online course “The Path to Yourself,” and take the first step right now by registering for the webinar “How to solve any problems with the help of metaphorical cards?” Using them, you will discover new talents and creativity, and learn to think positively.
  • Coaching to develop positive thinking . Coaching is the art of asking the right questions. It allows you to maximize your personal potential. Its use allows you to determine and correctly set life priorities and achieve your goals. During training in coaching, exclusive tools for working out the future are acquired, and a person’s true desires and values ​​are determined. He acquires the resources to effectively find personal optimal solutions and forms a stable positive emotional state.
  • Spiritual Integration is the shortest path to a positive lifestyle. Spiritual Integration is the author’s technology for healing mental trauma. It allows you to quickly get rid of the negativity associated with past traumas and eliminate its destructive impact on the present and future. You can hear information about this unique technique from the lips of its creator, Konstantin Nikolaevich Dovlatov, on the YouTube channel “Super Psychology”.

You can learn more about this technique from the book “A book that opens up limitless possibilities. Spiritual Integration".

Positive thinking is a skill of a successful person

So you have become acquainted with a whole series of exercises and techniques for practicing this method of thinking. In addition to them, many courses and trainings, books and seminars have been created. There are even schools for developing this chic tool for changing your own life. And it depends only on you, on your desire, whether you master this knowledge perfectly. And you will not only master it, but also develop the habit of thinking positively.

To summarize, it should be noted that to achieve serious results, like any other skill, positive thinking must be trained. But your work will be generously rewarded - improved health, success, prosperity and harmony in the soul.

Myth #5: People with a positive mental attitude are pushy and sappy.

Let's face it, some subtypes of positive people are indeed a little cheesy.
We're talking about those who obsessively talk about platitudes and expect everything to be great no matter what. But truly positive people are not like Tony Robbins infomercials. They have ordinary thoughts, they, like everyone else, face failures and despondency. But at the same time, they are resilient and try to maintain a positive attitude. And this is not sweetness, this is just healthy thinking! Smart life! Truly positive people don't expect everything to be perfect, but at the same time they know that every event is the best that could happen at that particular moment. And that's the only thing that happened at that moment. Now, when you think about the incident, the moment has already passed. You can't go back and change it. Therefore, you need to accept what happened as the best thing possible and move on.

Yes, we have no control over external circumstances, but we can always control our internal reaction. And this is the only thing over which we have absolute power.

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