5 differences between women and men in different life situations

On the physical level

  1. Different reproductive systems.
  2. Women have much wider hips than men.
  3. Men's bones are slightly denser than women's.
  4. On average, men are more physically strong than women.
  5. The clitoris continues to grow throughout life. The male penis is not.
  6. Men are more tolerant of cold.
  7. Women, in general, have more mobile necks. When she needs to look behind her, she simply turns her head. A man usually needs to turn his entire body.
  8. Men have thicker skin, so wrinkles are not as noticeable.
  9. Men weigh on average 15% more than women.
  10. A woman's body contains more fat than a man's body.
  11. Men have more tunnel vision, while women have wider peripheral vision.
  12. Women distinguish colors more easily and more accurately, while men notice movement more quickly (men have more rods on the retina, and women have more cones).
  13. Women have a better developed sense of smell.
  14. The visual cortex in men is 25% larger than in women (due to rods).
  15. Women have a slightly higher concentration of platelets than men, but men's platelets are larger.
  16. It takes women five times longer to reach orgasm than men.
  17. Men are more likely to suffer from hereditary diseases because they only have one X chromosome.
  18. Different hormonal levels: women have more estrogen and progesterone, and men have more testosterone.
  19. Women's bodies produce less alcohol dehydrase, the enzyme that breaks down alcohol, causing them to get drunk much faster than men.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. Men's actions are more logical, while women have intuition.
  2. When difficulties arise, women first experience them on an emotional level, and only then begin to act.
  3. Both men and women need positive assessment from the outside.
  4. Women perceive information better with their ears, and men with their eyes.
  5. Women are much more vulnerable than men, but at the same time they tolerate pain more easily.

PS Please note that this article was written by a woman and men may have different opinions.

On a mental level

  1. Women can do two things at the same time (for example, watch TV and talk). Men only do one thing. Scientists believe that women are capable of this due to more efficient functioning of both hemispheres of the brain.
  2. A woman, being in the same room with another person, cannot remain silent for more than 20 minutes. A man in the company of another man can simply go about his business without saying a word.
  3. A woman immediately notices when her partner begins to be jealous. A man almost always does not see this until she tells him in plain text.
  4. During a quarrel, a man is usually more silent, and a woman expresses her emotions more.
  5. Women start crying very easily and do not feel anything shameful about it. It is much more difficult to make men cry and they prefer to cry alone.
  6. Men are not inclined to chase the same thought aimlessly. They determine whether the problem can be solved and decide... or not, but then they don’t think about it anymore. Women often cannot even sleep, over and over again thinking about the word someone said.
  7. Women express their love with words, and men with deeds.
  8. Women understand much better than men what other people feel (scientists believe that they have a kind of instinct that is developed in order to understand a child while he is not yet able to speak).
  9. Because women are more sensitive, it is easier to persuade them to make some kind of negative decision for themselves.
  10. Women know how to listen. Men - no.
  11. Women look weak but are strong in nature. Men, on the contrary, look strong, but are often weak by nature (this is noticeable in life expectancy and suicide rates).
  12. When a woman is in love, she thinks about the object of her adoration 24/7. It's not like that for men. They think about work, and about friends, and about family, and about their beloved.
  13. For women, sex is closely associated with emotions. For men, this is purely physical pleasure.
  14. Women are attracted to status, and men are attracted to youth and beauty.
  15. Women live either in the past or in the future. Men live in the present.
  16. Men are much simpler creatures than women.

Women in relationships, first of all, value love, feelings, and romance. Even if it’s a wild rocker who shouts the slogan at the next rock concert: “Sex, drugs, rock and roll,” or a seductive tigress who changes partners once a month so, for prevention, both of them dream of tender and bright feelings, plush bears and flowers, and tender letters on the windowsill.
That's how women are made. Difference seven: Incomprehensible objects

I write about this difference and remember the pioneer camp: how the girls were going to the disco. Everyone is 13-14 years old, they escaped from home, they need to paint themselves properly while mom isn’t looking! And various brushes were used to apply eye shadow, blush, powder, and something else. When the boys saw all this disgrace, they were perplexed: why do you need so many brushes? You can smear one! To which the smart-looking girls of future beauty bloggers responded: “It’s none of your business!”

The same “none of my business” was for me at my dad’s in the workshop. As a child, I loved tinkering with all these pieces of hardware. She even knew how to distinguish a bolt from a nail, and pliers from pliers! But I never mastered the magic of hammers and hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers, no matter how my dad taught me, feminine nature took its toll, and I exchanged my father’s workshop for my mother’s closet with clothes.

Difference eight: Better weapons

What is a woman most afraid of when talking to a man? It's right when he is silent . He is silent after a quarrel, silent when you ask questions, shout at him, beg him: well, say something! Even a lady with the most iron-clad psyche cannot withstand a man’s long silence and surrenders her impregnable fortress in the form of pride, resentment or something else.

What does a woman control? That's right, tears! Men don’t understand: what to do when a woman cries? At this moment she is as defenseless as a child, what should we do with her? One of my friends told me that he hates women’s tears, so he does everything to prevent them from happening. And you say!

Difference nine: Modern man. Housewife

At this point in the modern world, perhaps, there are no differences. Household appliances and innovation have erased the differences between the sexes. Not only a man, but also a child can learn to use a washing machine, microwave, and dishwasher. Nowadays you can’t just say: woman, your place is in the kitchen. The kitchen is not such a remote place for modern men))) They feel great there even without a woman. So, women, before you manipulate a man, making your feminine responsibilities a reason for manipulation, think about it: a modern man can quite easily cope without you.

Difference ten: Competition

To be honest, a woman and competition are something incompatible. It is not a feminine quality to compete. For many women, competition exhausts, drives them hysterical, and devastates them. Simply because a woman is beautiful in her uniqueness, her natural state is pleasure: with herself, life, the world around her.

But competition has the opposite effect on men: it helps them develop, grow, become stronger, since competition is their natural need, pushing them towards progress. If there were no competition in the men's world, the world would not be what it is now.

Difference eleven: Number of tasks

A woman is a multitasking creature. In one hour she can do several things: wash, clean, cook dinner, read a fairy tale to a child, and she will do all this in parallel. A man acts in one direction: first lunch, then a fairy tale, then a walk. And there is no need to retrain them, they will never be able to do the same as you.

Difference twelve: Strange man. Normal woman

If you see a man in a woman's dress in the middle of the day, what will you think? Thoughts may be different. Yes, I think not one normal man, unless he is a clown or a specially hired actor, will wear a dress, unless, of course, he is a transvestite. What do you think when you see a woman in trousers? I think no one will have any wrong thought other than “a woman in trousers,” but just a hundred or two hundred years ago such a fact would have been just as surprising as the sight of a man in a dress.

Difference thirteen: Men's magazine. Women's magazine


We are so different that a dictionary was even created to better understand each other. It will be especially useful for men.

From female to male

  • Yes = No
  • No = Yes
  • Maybe = No
  • We need = I want
  • Great! = Shut up!
  • Don't talk to me anymore = Apologize
  • Sorry = You'll regret it
  • Yes, as you wish! = Fuck off!
  • Five minutes = Sit down, relax, have a beer
  • We need to talk = I want to complain about you
  • What? = You better not repeat what you just said
  • Of course, continue = Better stop
  • Do what you want = You'll pay for it
  • I wasn't upset = Of course I was upset, idiot!
  • You need to learn how to talk to people = Just agree with me
  • I'm not angry = You're dead
  • Yes, forget it = Remember and better compensate me for this somehow
  • I'm tired = Boy, you've already missed your chance
  • I went to the restroom = I'm going to redo my makeup
  • I'm not crazy. And I'm not mad = I'm on my period
  • Leave me alone = Don't go
  • She looks so good = I want her dress
  • You're so manly = You need to shave
  • I am fat? = Tell me I'm beautiful
  • I'm cold = Take a blanket and hug me
  • I love you = Tell me that you love me more

From male to female

  • Yes = Yes
  • No = No
  • Maybe = Yes
  • I'm hungry = I'm hungry
  • I'm tired = I'm tired
  • I want to sleep = I want to sleep
  • I love you = I like you, I guess, well... maybe I'm confusing something. No matter what, I love you.
  • Nice dress = Deep neckline (or you look great)
  • I liked it better = Yes, just buy a dress and let’s get out of here
  • Yes, I like the way you cut your hair = Yes, I didn’t realize that you cut your hair
  • Yes, everything is fine, don’t rush = For God’s sake, hurry up
  • I'm bored = Do you want to have sex?
  • What's happened? = What kind of senseless, useless suffering are you having again?

We are very different, but we should not be like each other. A man is a perfect person, but in order for him to become a man, he needs a woman.

PS Here are a few facts about men and women that you might have missed in our Facebook feed.

How do men differ from women in terms of psychology?

It's no secret that women and men perceive the same phenomenon differently. This is why the two sexes often face problems when trying to understand each other. If from childhood every child knows about the physiological difference, then even adults often forget about the psychological difference. How do men differ from women in terms of psychology? The psychology of relationships is quite important and a must-study.

A man’s worldview can be compared to a mosaic, from which he seems to put together pictures of “life”; he sees all objects and things in a spatial relationship. A woman, perceiving reality, puts together a broader picture for herself, at the same time she neglects the spatial relationship, paying special attention to the details and connections of each element of the mosaic with the neighboring one.

Life priorities are radically different. A man purposefully achieves all the goals he sets for himself, conquers all the peaks, strives to take a certain place in society, defeat all his competitors and be the first to cross the finish line. Women's interests focus mainly on concepts such as love, friendship, communication, harmony, mutual understanding and cooperation. The psychology of relationships shows that the differences between the sexes are so great that it is surprising how they even get along together.

How are men different from women? This question can be answered by tracing the behavior of both sexes during the growth process. Already at the age of several months it is clear that girls love people, and boys love objects or things. The psychology of relationships clearly indicates how men differ from women and that all recorded differences can be scientifically determined and affect the perception of the same event or phenomenon by different sexes differently due to the different structure of the brain.

A man’s self-esteem always depends on the results achieved and victories, while a woman’s self-esteem is measured by her social position in society and her participation in interpersonal relationships. Relationship psychology says that men and women also behave differently in stressful situations. If a woman feels the need for consolation and care, then a man most often likes to work out a solution to the problem alone.

The most detailed answer to the question of how men differ from women is given by John Gray’s book entitled “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus.” The book examines and studies in some detail not only all the differences between the sexes, but also ways to overcome such sharp differences in views.

On the pages of the book, in simple, intelligible language, the difference between the vision of a problem from a man’s side and from a woman’s is stated. A man develops a solution without being guided by feelings, while a woman is strongly influenced by emotions. Both sexes perform any actions guided by completely different motives. If a woman is driven by the feeling that her actions are approved and supported, then a man needs to know that he is needed.

John Gray argues that men and women speak different languages. Men are more silent than women, whose vocabulary is almost twice as wide (scientifically proven).

The most problematic issue is the difference of interests in the sphere of close relationships. When the representatives of a wonderful occasion, after the approach of the prey, try to tie her to themselves and not let go anywhere, the man (prey), in turn, having broken all the barriers that stand in the way of winning the heart of the object of his passion, tries to move at least some distance away from the woman. Mutual respect for the interests of each party helps to mutually solve this problem.

How are men different from women? If each person tries to assimilate all the information given above, then this will help avoid many conflict situations, get rid of unnecessary depression and stress, and will allow you to not so radically evaluate each other’s actions, because a realistic awareness of all problems helps solve them much better than passivity and waiting for something to happen. something “more suitable”.

Peak of pleasure - emotion

The stronger sex is by definition pragmatic. He acts in his personal life as a professional, methodically and logically, approaches life with an almost mathematical reasoning based on common sense and analysis, is guided by the knowledge that has been transmitted to him, and loves to receive precise, clear and concise facts during conversation.

When a woman talks about an event, she expresses feelings above all else. Naturally, she is more impressionable, empathic, attentive, and connects more easily to her intuitive potential than men. For her, this is a way to express herself and her thoughts; she speaks for pleasure. A woman experiences inner satisfaction from simple chirping, because it is filled with vivid sensations.

Attitude to problems

Another situation where differences emerge is anger management.

A man strives to hide his problems, not to talk about obstacles, which in their opinion are synonymous with inability. First of all, a man wants to show that he knows how to cope with difficulties.

A woman does not hesitate to ask for help, listens and asks for advice. This does not mean that she admits weakness, but enriches her knowledge and encourages the exchange of opinions. For ladies, thinking without speech is impossible, or rather, together with speech it occurs more effectively.

Also, for a woman, especially in stressful moments, it is important to speak at length and in great detail. The longer and more detailed a woman speaks, the easier it is for her to relax.

Woman in harmony

A man must prove his skills, his strength through actions. They view existence as a challenge and feel the need to demonstrate their abilities in order to be fulfilled. He wants his achievements to be recognized and appreciated and feels incredible pride in his results.

A woman is realized in a completely different way. She builds her life on emotions, altruism, creativity, prefers to focus on achieving harmony in her relationships, she strives for mutual understanding, respect and values ​​humanity.

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