What to tell a girl on a date if she’s bored - list of topics

Choosing a Communication Style

At the very beginning, it should be noted that the main thing is to choose the right style of communication with the lady you like. But how to do that? Everything is extremely simple. If you are going to meet on social networks, you just need to carefully study the girl’s page. She can tell you a lot. So, you can look at the photos and pictures she has uploaded, and listen to the playlist. It is easy to draw certain conclusions from this. Let's consider what communication styles you can choose:

  1. Sweet, “vanilla”. Girls who prefer this kind of communication love it when people “lisp” with them, when they are given compliments and even flattered.
  2. Literary. This is how you should communicate with girls who like to be addressed in beautiful literary speech, without ordinary expressions, not in Surzhik.
  3. Ordinary. Here you can simply write to a girl without thinking about who she really wants to present herself as.
  4. Special. In this case, you need to carefully study the terminology of the subculture to which the lady belongs. This can be easily recognized by photos and playlists on social networks.


Try to find out her motivation, understand what the girl wants to get from online communication. It could be:

  • the fight against loneliness and lack of communication in life;
  • the desire to acquire new knowledge or acquaintances in a certain area.

There are individuals who use social networks to simply increase their self-esteem, but we will not blame them, because everyone has their own goals.

Before starting correspondence, try searching for the girl’s name or email online. Perhaps you will find “traces” of her activity, from which you can at least approximately determine what she expects from communication.

First word/phrase

It is very important that the beginning of correspondence with a girl is as correct as possible. Why is that? The fact is that ladies, especially beautiful ones, receive many offers to meet each other every day. And most of them are simply ignored. That is why you need to initially interest the girl and attract the necessary attention. So, the first word or phrase written in the message is important. The usual "Hello!" few will be surprised. You need to be creative with your first proposal. So, let's look at successful correspondence with girls. Examples of the first phrases will help you build communication with the fairer sex you like:

  1. "Hello! Tell me, what will happen to our planet if all the butterflies (cats, dogs) disappear?” That is, you need to ask about what the lady herself likes.
  2. “I wonder what can make such a beautiful girl happy?”
  3. "Hello! I’m asking a business question: tell me, what modeling agency do you work for? Do I want to send my little sister (niece) there?” This is how you can start a conversation with beautiful ladies.

Effective ways to get a girl to like you

To please a girl through correspondence on the Internet, you need to not only use puns, but also be a virtuoso in amorous matters. It is clear that it will be difficult for a 14-year-old boy to comprehend such an art, but for experienced men who understand female psychology, several effective tools will help to make a girl fall in love with him, namely:

  1. Poems - you can send the girls someone else’s creation, but it will be much better to compose a poem yourself to win her heart.
  2. Pictures - almost all girls love romance, so along with poems you can send pictures with landscapes, various photos of couples in love, funny animals and flowers.
  3. Compliments are a powerful weapon that helps to win a woman’s heart; undoubtedly, these are compliments, the main thing is that they are not vulgar and banal.

Every girl wants to feel attention to her person, so during the conversation you can note her kindness, sincerity, external and internal beauty, etc. A man should try to build a dialogue in such a way as to be interested in her life, interests, preferences, and leave a little intrigue about himself and understatement to fuel her interest.

A story about yourself

Let's figure out further how to start a correspondence with a girl. So, if an acquaintance has already been established, you need to know how to keep the conversation going. To do this, you need to tell about yourself and find out all the most interesting and important things about the life of the lady you like. In this case, you need to review your completed application form. In some cases, it can be edited a little, adjusting the information towards the interests of the lady you like. What should you tell about yourself? Correspondence with a girl will be very successful if there are no boring stories like “born-raised-studied-work.” First of all, we need to talk about those aspects of life where you can find similar interests:

  1. Hobbies, interests.
  2. Favorite films, music.
  3. Recreation preferences (visiting clubs, going out into nature, hanging out with friends at home or in a quiet place, etc.).

However, it is also important to talk about your place of study or work. After all, there may be certain lines of intersection. At the same time, it is necessary not only to tell. After your speech, you need to ask an appropriate question, for example: “I love cars and everything connected with them. How do you feel about this hobby?” If a lady is not interested in something, you should not stop there, you need to move on to the next object of attention.

We prepare bait or create an interlocutor who is ideal in all respects.

  • We clean out our photo albums - without any sense of nostalgia, remove photos with your exes, photos while intoxicated, or those where you look unaesthetic. It just so happens that girls love beautiful people.
  • We remove pornographic texts, videos, photos. This does not make us look good, but will show dissatisfaction in this regard.
  • I recommend it to everyone! Have a photo shoot by choosing a beautiful but masculine backdrop. A couple of suits to change, a T-shirt or comfortable, casual clothes. Every day, novice photographers, for a small fee, will take you several dozen good photographs where you will be in all your glory. Half the battle done! Now, a young lady who sees your profile with an excellent photo will be able to really appreciate the irresistibility of her admirer.
  • Don't rush to start a dialogue. Visit her page, rate her photos and statuses. Get her interested in the fact that she liked it, but don't reveal all the cards at once.

To be honest, when I met my wife, she lived with a guy... I added her, saw that her marital status meant being busy, and gave up the attempt. To my surprise, he was added as a friend, but did not communicate with her. I had a picture from the world of philosophy, and I noticed that this girl was interested in the topic of philosophy and meditation. Then something tugged at me, I studied her interest groups and wrote, as I remember now, utter nonsense on this topic.

She was silent for a long time, did not react, then she said that I did not understand this matter and advised me to read certain books, then it would be possible to talk with me about this topic. I never read like that in school! In three days I read everything she wrote.

The second attempt was more difficult with communication; I acted very carefully so as not to scare him away. I sought a meeting from the day of the second attempt for 7 months. And only after 7 fascinating months of dialogue he invited me to a tea party.

At first we communicated as acquaintances with similar interests, I myself liked the topic, I could give out my no longer stupid thoughts and reasoning.

Topics that will appeal to many young ladies

In order for correspondence with a girl to be very successful, you definitely need to interest the lady. In this case, you need to choose an appropriate topic for conversation. So, let’s look at the questions a girl should definitely ask when texting:

  1. Questions about her personality. All people love to talk about themselves and their achievements. Therefore, after almost every story, it is good to ask a question, as they say, on the topic. This way you can chat for hours, learning more and more information about each other.
  2. Preferences. You definitely need to ask the girl about her preferences in all possible areas of life. You can talk not only about music, movies or books. So, you can find out about your favorite clothing style, weather, season, food, drinks, etc.
  3. Future plans. This path is very risky (especially if the guy is afraid of commitment), but sometimes you can ask about the girl’s plans for the future. If the answers she gave are ambiguous and are not to your liking, you need to quickly move the topic in a different direction. However, you should not choose a completely opposite topic, so that the girl does not get the feeling that the guy is deliberately ignoring this or that question. For example, if a lady wrote: “I dream of getting married and having five children,” you can answer: “That’s good. “I have a sister (brother) - they have a family, there are children, they are so happy.” And then move on to the topic of relatives.


It's great if you have mutual friends. You can arrange joint verbal battles; if these are really your mutual friends, then you can jokingly turn to them to resolve your dispute; a fresh look from the outside never hurts. But do this with the approval of your interlocutor and do not stoop to discussing the personal lives of your friends. Not all girls are gossips.

From all of the above, we can conclude: be delicate and attentive with your girlfriend, remain yourself and let her be herself, do not try to change her. Respect her and yourself, take care of your communication.

If the correspondence “stalled”

What questions can you ask a girl when corresponding if communication does not work out or is progressing rather difficultly?

  • Tell me about your most fun day.
  • Ask what country (city) the girl would like to live in and why.
  • Ask who the young lady dreamed of becoming as a child.
  • Ask what made the girl choose this particular profession (study direction, job).
  • Ask what your interlocutor dreams about.
  • Ask a question about what kind of fairy-tale hero the girl would like to become if possible.

There are actually a lot of such questions. You just need to use your imagination.

Funny stories from childhood

Stories about how a man who was attractive to a girl climbed fences, wore tights and brought home stray cats will melt the heart of any young lady.

When talking about kindergarten and school, you can not hide anything, and even serious failures and blunders will not cast a man in an unfavorable light. Childhood is treated like another life, so the funnier the incident to tell, the better.

The only exceptions are attempts to torture animals or mock weaker children. For the rest, the man has complete freedom of action, and a treasure trove of memories is on his side.

About men

If you start a correspondence with a girl, you also need to clarify how the lady treats members of the opposite sex and whether she is thinking of starting close communication with guys in the near future. The answer is important, because the future of the correspondence itself will depend on it. If a girl is hostile towards people of the opposite sex, then you should not waste your time on her. Let's consider what correspondence with girls can be like in this case. Examples of possible questions from your side are given below.

  1. What character traits do you want to see in a young man? What, in your opinion, do not make a man beautiful?
  2. Are you ready to visit some interesting place in the near future (hint of a date)?
  3. How ready are you to change your life in the near future (hint of a serious relationship)?
  4. What kind of ideal couple is she?

It is important to remember here that if a lady goes away from the topic, you also need to step back from it for a while. Otherwise, it’s easy to scare off a girl with your pressure.

How to talk to your ex-girlfriend if she ignores you

It depends on the purpose of the conversation. If you want to return her things to her or pick up yours, then it is better to act through a person who is at least more or less pleasant to her. If she ignores you, then, apparently, the breakup did not go well, and you should not expect a warm attitude from her - solve your problem with the help of relatives or friends. Perhaps this is one of the few situations when it is worth involving third parties in personal relationships. However, if the issue with things is not urgent, you can leave it and return to it after a longer time.

If you are determined to get your ex-girlfriend back, then write her a frank message. Perhaps you are guilty of something in front of her, which was the reason for her ignoring, then directly admit your mistakes, write that you regret your action and really want to give this relationship another chance. After this, “lay low” for a couple of days, giving her time to think - in any case, your frankness will undoubtedly be appreciated. Even if now the ex-passion does not want to make contact with you, in the future, after such a letter, you will have a better chance of returning her.

Taboos and forbidden topics

So, we figured out how to start a correspondence with a girl. However, it is worth remembering that it is still very important to maintain communication correctly. So, you should not make various mistakes:

  1. You should never criticize a lady's shortcomings. This will offend her.
  2. You can't make fun of her choices (in music, movies, books, etc.).
  3. You can't talk down to a lady. The conversation should be on equal terms.
  4. You cannot boast or flaunt your advantages. It's not beautiful.
  5. When talking to a lady, you should not be rude, swear, or call names. Even if the girl behaves inappropriately. It’s better to just “turn on ignore” and stop communicating.
  6. You should not ask too frank or even intimate questions at first.
  7. You cannot promise or offer something without the desire to bring it all to life. Men don't do that.

It is worth noting that correspondence with a girl on VKontakte or another social network can be completely different. Sometimes it happens that, even following all the rules of decency, you cannot strike up an acquaintance with a girl. No problem! No need to be upset. You just need to continue to look for your destiny, without focusing on failures.

Correspondence on dating sites and instant messengers: features and differences

How to write to a girl on a dating site or a girl you already know? These are two completely different algorithms of action. And that's why:

The goal is the same - dating and sex, but the ways to achieve it will be completely different.

On a dating site, the algorithm looks something like this:

Interest → Like → Get a phone number → Date.

In any messenger the scheme is completely different.

If you have her phone number, then you already know each other. That is, you have already made your first impression on the girl. Therefore, your further communication is based on common interests, taking into account:

  • Your wishes. What do you want to get in the end?
  • Your busyness. How quickly can you see each other?
  • Her residence. Does she live in your city or not?

Option one:

Maintaining contact → Date.

Option two:

Keeping in touch → Date.

Option three:

Warming up interest → Date.

Naturally, when you already know each other, it is easier to establish communication. On a dating site you will have to work hard to get what you want.

But communicating on websites has its advantages:

  • You can think through every word in a conversation.
  • Describe yourself only from the best side.
  • Create the right impression.

In Viber/Telegram correspondence you will get to a date faster, but:

  • You can't beat the first impression. And if you have shown yourself to be a dork, it will be extremely difficult to achieve a rendezvous.
  • At the same time, if you already have the coveted CORRECT number, it means the girl liked you.
  • Communication in messengers immediately adds pluses to your karma, that is, it removes the barrier of a stranger and increases the chance of getting laid on the first date.

I, Anton Glomozda, will tell you further how to write to a girl first in order to make her like you.

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