You won't be bored. What to do if your intimate life is devoid of variety

The wind of change

Actually, the recipe is simple: if you are tired of everything you do all the time, you need to change at least some of it. For example, you can start by changing the time of day. Well, who said that love can only be made at night? On the contrary, at this time you are tired and sleepy. But in the morning it’s a completely different matter: both spouses are cheerful, well-rested, and besides, it is in the morning that men, as a rule, do not have problems with erections. True, all the cards are confused by the need to rush to work. But isn’t it a sin to wake up early for something like this?

You can also change the location. If you're tired of the interior of the marital bedroom, then why not move somewhere else? You can sit together in the bathroom or shower stall, on the kitchen table. Are you bored with your family walls? Go to the dacha! Get a hotel room! Or buy a compartment in a sleeping car and have a night of love accompanied by the sound of wheels on the way to St. Petersburg.

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Finally, habitual actions also require change. Have you spent your entire life doing 2-3 sex positions? Urgently open the Kama Sutra and practice performing at least a couple more! Have you made love only in the dark or under a night light? Turn on the lights, and brighter! We have always been completely naked in bed - then try leaving some of your clothes on (or vice versa). Change your intimate behavior too. If you were shy, surprise your other half with unusual pressure. Are you used to controlling everything in life? Now forget about this and entrust yourself to your partner: try letting yourself be tied up or your eyes covered with a blindfold, and your ears with headphones. Tactile sensations will intensify, and so will pleasure! It is possible that you will really like it.

There would be a desire

However, the most important thing is not to come up with original ideas to revive a subsided libido. There are plenty of such ideas! The hardest thing is to want to implement them. Overcoming your own passivity - that’s the task! To overcome it, working only on the bed of love is clearly not enough. New erotic lingerie, a stunning haircut, and a well-groomed body will not help here. In order to become interesting and desirable to each other again, you need to find common ground beyond bed. How to achieve this? A common hobby helps many people. Of course, the chess club is not bad, and neither are joint morning jogs. But it’s better, for example, to learn the waltz or Latin American dances together! And what? It’s good for health, good for your figure, and good for getting closer.

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