6 things a man starts doing if he's about to end a relationship

Says he's jealous of his free friends

How to prepare a woman for a breakup and show her why you want to take this step? The easiest option is to show friends who are happy because they lead a bachelor lifestyle. This signal can be called explicit, although not all women know how to respond to it correctly.

The man is trying to carefully show that he himself will be happy and will be able to realize himself in this life. At this moment, every woman needs to take drastic measures. Some make concessions or show other tricks to save the relationship. And if you do nothing, the relationship is highly likely to fall apart.

Personal development

What do you think: “Why are we not satisfied with relationships with some people?”

The casket opens quite simply: in our heads we have our own idea of ​​how people should behave towards us (this is a synthesis of experience taken from our parents’ family, our own lives and social attitudes).

This is a certain Code of Rules and Guidelines, including our Values ​​and Beliefs.

And if the behavior of another person does not fit into it, the relationship with him is not satisfactory (or ceases to be satisfactory).

There is nothing wrong with having such a “Code”, except for a small but very significant nuance:
There are no identical people in the world! And everyone has their own Code and their own Rules!

How then to build relationships? By what principles?

The options are not very diverse. If we summarize them, we can:

— Adapt to other people’s Values ​​and Beliefs, and “forget” your own

— Defend your Values ​​and Beliefs, and ignore Others’

— Live in accordance with your Values ​​and Beliefs and treat Others with respect!

If you have read a series of my articles on the topic of manipulation, you will easily notice: the first two options are manipulation in its pure form (passive and active types). Details here and here.

What are the consequences of following these options? See the article “Main problems of manipulation. Where does happiness go? and others on this topic.

Only the last option allows you to build exactly the kind of relationship you dream of!

I can confirm from my own experience and the experience of friends who have chosen this path. I won’t say that everything happens quickly, easily and simply. But thanks to this, my relationship with my loved ones has become very harmonious! Acceptance and Understanding of each other has grown.

So, this is absolutely accurate: “The more you begin to accept others (as they are), the more they accept you!”

It takes some effort to admit: “A person always makes the best choice for himself!” .

Do not delude yourself and think that you know better than your children, parents, spouses, acquaintances, etc. - what is actually best for them. After all, everyone comes to receive their own lessons and experiences.

And this phrase is my favorite! I remember her very often:

There are 3 types of Deeds: Deeds of God - Your Deeds and Deeds of Other People!

When you do only Your Business, without interfering with the Business of other people and the Business of God, you are truly happy. K. Byron

You can’t even imagine how life changes when you begin to look at relationships and everything that happens through the prism of these simple lines.

Life often shows us: “The greatest difficulties arise precisely when we do not want to recognize Reality and spend all our strength fighting it!”

In this case we always lose. You can resist all your life and still remain unhappy and misunderstood. Or you might think: “What does our Reality say? What does it reflect?

We live in the Mirror World.

Everything external is just a manifestation of what is happening inside us.

Why blame the reflection?

If you gain 20 kilograms of excess weight, it won’t even occur to you to scold the mirror. Agree, it is quite absurd to be angry and offended by your reflection. And demand that it change immediately.

But in life we ​​endlessly complain about our “Mirrors”: about the people and situations that come into our lives.

Moreover, having become a “victim of circumstances” we need a “support group” (long live Comrade Karpman!)

Support is, of course, good, but not in this case.

Imagine standing in front of a Mirror and blaming it for its terrible reflection. The “support group” echoes: “What a Mirror! To the trash heap! Or better yet, smash it! But Life is designed in such a way that even if you get rid of the nasty “Mirror”, a new one will appear. And the image in it will not be any better. Until you realize that it's all about you!

If you are not satisfied with your relationship with your husband, wife, children, loved one, boss or anyone else, this is a sure sign that you do not have a good relationship with yourself!

Everything that you don’t like about yourself (and like too), you project onto other people (who are selected according to the “Principle of Similarity”), and they only reflect it.

So people with whom relationships are not satisfactory are the most accurate Beacons, signaling: “Attention! Take care of yourself immediately!”

And if you are careful, you will easily understand what they are broadcasting to you!

Are you being lied to all the time?

Think: “What are you deceiving yourself about?

- Maybe you have been planning to do something for a long time, but to this day you “feed yourself with promises?”

— Or maybe you’re trying hard not to notice obvious facts?

Then it is not surprising that someone will appear in your life who will deceive you. The more “everything is neglected,” the more Deception will be manifested in the Outside World.

Are you often insulted?

Ask the question: “How many times a day do you insult yourself? Do you scold for some actions or mistakes? Do you consider yourself a Loser? Unworthy?

Watch your speech. Our words are not so harmless (when you slap yourself on the forehead and say: “What a fool I am!” the subconscious takes them literally).

Until you stop doing this, you will continue to receive abuse from others. Each time the method will become less environmentally friendly and more visual.

Sadly, we don’t want to notice the most obvious things and only pay attention when the situation becomes critical.

Maybe your spouse wouldn't mind sharing a bottle? And are you tired of fighting it?

Look at it from another point of view: “He's wasting his life! What are you doing?

Isn't it the same? You waste yours in the same way!

By spending time and energy on the “Affairs” of another person and the Struggle with Reality, you successfully “forget” about your life. The more actively you do this, the stronger the “Feedback!”

Sometimes a person fights with the whole World!

And this is just a signal that there are a lot of contradictions inside him that are tearing him apart. And until he works them out, the struggle will not go away from his life.

If you:

- don't love yourself

- you don’t respect

- don’t appreciate it

- don't spoil

- you don’t listen to the call of your Soul, to your Desires

Why do you expect others to do this?

The only thing they can help you with is: Demonstrate how you feel about yourself!

This happens unconsciously. But, all the same, it is unpleasant to accept such lessons, especially from loved ones.

You will receive them exactly until you understand that he is just a Mirror, thanks to which you have the opportunity to see yourself better.

All you need to do:

— Do you understand what is being broadcast to you?

- Thank you for the tip.

— Try to look inside yourself and answer the question: “What am I doing wrong?”

If you change, people will change too! It's easy to check!

As for Cases that are “in the Jurisdiction of God,” the story is similar there.

Much of what happens is necessary for you! You must walk your Path! Develop the necessary qualities, Awaken and Get rid of delusions and negative attitudes. After all, they are the ones who create filters that distort Reality (therefore, everyone has their own Reality). Just remember:

— It is impossible to change Reality without accepting it!

— It is impossible to resist Reality and at the same time notice Hints and Signs of Fate (which are literally scattered on our Path)

They are visible only to those who focus on them.

To the most active fighters against Reality, God gives TIPS that are impossible not to notice!

Only tougher ones. Is it worth it?

Many people are so passionate about controlling those around them that they completely forget about themselves. They stop seeing and hearing in themselves what is not related to control over others. They are too busy to take advantage of the full opportunities life has given them. E.Shostrom



Subpersonalities. Or I’m quietly having a conversation with myself….

“4 main types of manipulative schemes”

“How to resist manipulation?” (part 1 - part 7)

Basic types of manipulators, part 1 - part 4

“Reasons for manipulation. Part 1"

“Reasons for manipulation. Part 2"

“Reasons for manipulation. Part 3"

Basic problems of manipulation. Where does happiness go?

Labyrinths of our life

Human sculptors

How to learn to understand other people?

The illusion of understanding

Stops interacting on social networks

Couples who have been married for more than 15 years may call this stupidity. But in the modern world, social networks have long been at the forefront. For example, if a man does not leave a “like” on a photo, the woman will immediately begin to be offended.

Therefore, if a man does not react at all to his chosen one on social networks, this is a negative signal. But here it is important to look at his previous behavior.

If he never “liked” and avoided interaction in every possible way, there is no reason to worry. Everyone chooses a certain relationship model, focusing on their own preferences and desires.

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