Why do you feel ashamed after drinking and what to do if you feel guilty?

Why is it embarrassing after drinking?

From early childhood, people are instilled with norms, rules of behavior and raised to behave in society. This is assimilated and accepted by the psyche. Why is it embarrassing after drinking?

Very often, while intoxicated, self-control is lost and stupid things are committed. The next day, the alcoholic becomes ashamed of his behavior and even of the fact that he drank, although this decision was voluntary. Often sober people condemn drunkards, therefore, being themselves in a state of alcoholic intoxication, the next day they experience a feeling of guilt.

Why does embarrassment occur after drinking?

  • committed an act that they would never have done in a sober state;
  • betrayed their moral principles and principles;
  • caused great harm to their health, along with poor health, depression develops, accompanied by a feeling of guilt.

When there is a firm realization that alcohol is bad, then the feeling of guilt and shame will return every time after any drinking session.

Under no circumstances should the feeling of guilt be allowed to grow, as this can lead to complexes, self-doubt and self-denial.

If you become very ashamed after another drinking session, this indicates the absence of chronic alcoholism. For heavy drinkers, over the years, the feeling of wrongdoing disappears and goes deep into the personality. They simply cease to realize that they are causing harm or pain to someone.

Switching your mind to the positive

The recommendations of psychologists quite often say that if you feel ashamed after drinking, you need to switch your consciousness to more pleasant emotions. To reduce the level of sensations, it is worth keeping yourself busy with something. Many experts recommend spending the entire day following the party quite actively - in this situation, silent suffering will not lead to anything good.

In the event that one’s conscience is tormented by one’s actions, a person can do something useful. It is worth remembering that you need to bring benefit only with a sober look, realizing the full appropriateness of your actions.

In some cases, psychology experts recommend switching to positive emotions. You can get them from communicating with loved ones, watching interesting programs, funny films, etc. If a person is a believer, then in this case he can visit a church - the atmosphere of a holy place will undoubtedly fill the soul with warmth and comfort, thanks to which the feeling of oppression will instantly leave the consciousness.

Psychological and other aspects of shame

Shame can appear after committing a bad act, both sober and while intoxicated. But in the second case it occurs much more often.

People of principle with a strict moral upbringing often experience remorse. They are obsessed with painful memories of their drunken escapades. What to do if you feel ashamed after drinking?

The feeling of guilt and embarrassment is developed under the influence of upbringing and norms of behavior in society. Conscience is a form of moral consciousness. She protects from committing bad deeds. Typically, emotions such as embarrassment, confusion or confusion are triggered.

Especially often, guilt arises in people when they promise their loved ones not to drink anymore and do not keep it.

Shame and disgrace are different feelings. The first is a personal emotion. Shame after drinking is the realization that you did something wrong. This may become public knowledge and will not be approved.

An aggressive and insulting attitude towards someone while drinking results in remorse. They are especially intensified during attempts to remember what happened and the realization that the situation cannot be changed.

Objective reasons for shame

Such reasons include unusual behavior of an individual while drunk. That is, in a sober state, he would never have allowed himself anything like that. This could be abusive behavior with loved ones, arguing with friends, fighting with strangers, or inappropriate sexual behavior towards the opposite sex.

It is best to learn to control yourself, namely, monitor the amount you drink, know your limits.

The next day, psychological discomfort and remorse for yesterday’s behavior usually appear. He is confused and does not know how to survive the shame after the last drinking session. How to make peace with friends and loved ones and make amends for sins? How to fix the situation? Most often, such a painful condition is accompanied by physiological malaise: it throws you either hot or cold, pressure surges appear, accompanied by headaches.

Subjective reasons for shame

During a feast or holiday, a situation is possible when nothing critical is done, but the next morning you will still be haunted by the feeling that something is wrong. This applies even to those who know moderation and drink a little.

This condition can be explained from a chemical and psychological point of view:

  • If we talk about the chemical aspect, then this condition is an accompanying hangover syndrome. There is a feeling of discomfort, heaviness in the soul, and a tendency to become depressed. In medicine, this condition is called “adrenaline melancholy.”
  • From a psychological point of view, awkwardness very often arises due to violation of one’s own principles, betrayal of oneself. If you don’t abuse alcohol, you can control yourself. But as soon as the dosage is exceeded, self-control disappears and something often happens for which you are very ashamed the next morning.

We need to ask for forgiveness

If it is possible to assess the entire current situation with a sober look, the guilty person must understand the extent of the problem, as well as the offense caused and the damage caused. After realizing all this, a person needs to ask for forgiveness from the offended person, and also try to explain the whole situation to him, referring to the inadequacy of the perception of the world and everything that is happening at that moment.

Psychologists assure that in this situation it is completely unimportant whether a person forgives the offender. The main element of action is the demonstration of one's own sincerity.

Are you ashamed to go to work after drinking with your colleagues? In this situation, it is important to set yourself up for a favorable outcome of events, as well as remember more positive moments that happened that evening. Upon arrival at work, you must speak separately with all participants in drunken acts and, if necessary, ask for their forgiveness.

How to get rid of shame if you are guilty?

When shame appears after drinking, what to do, especially if there is no guilt. If some kind of incident actually occurred, then it is much easier to cope with it than in a situation where the feeling of shame is groundless. The main thing is to understand the very reason for remorse.

What to do:

  • it is necessary to admit one’s guilt and not deny it, even if a person does not remember anything, but only relies on eyewitness accounts;
  • you need to be honest and open, ask for forgiveness from people whom the person may have offended;
  • you should explain to everyone your sincere repentance;
  • you need to try to forgive yourself, because anyone could find themselves in such a situation;
  • it is necessary to draw conclusions for the future and try not to do anything similar, especially if the offended people were work colleagues or strangers.

When the conflict is over, you need to behave naturally so that nothing reminds you of the incident. It doesn’t matter whether a person remembers what he did or not, the main thing is that people hear him and are able to forgive him.

It is much easier to resolve conflicts with relatives and close people, since they are able to accept the alcoholic as he is. It will be more difficult to do this with management or work colleagues, but reconciliation must always be achieved.

About the subjective causes of shame

What feeling of shame after drinking is considered subjective?

Psychologists note that certain personal factors are reasons that were invented by the person himself. So, for example, a situation may occur in which a drunk girl (or guy) says insulting words to another person or throws out a caustic phrase that hurts his self-esteem. In this case, suspiciousness may arise, as a result of which feelings of shame, anxiety and guilt develop.

In such a situation, it is worth noting the presence of two inseparable categories: the subjective representation of a drunken face and reality. As for the first, this is only his opinion about whether he caused any harm to another person, and the reality in this situation is the very fact of the words spoken. If we describe this situation from the other side, then a person does not know and cannot know whether the expressions he said offended his opponent - he thinks up the situation of the offense on his own, and his fantasies, as a rule, are in no way interconnected with the things that actually happen.

How to get rid of groundless feelings of guilt?

The groundless feeling indicates the influence of an ordinary hangover. To get rid of the heaviness in your soul, you need to stop drinking alcohol and bring yourself to your senses.

Once ethanol is removed from the body, depression and shame will disappear on their own.

What is recommended to do in this case:

  • you need to take a cool shower;
  • it is advisable to use a sorbent, for example, Polysorb or Enterosgel;
  • drink more liquid, you can have weak tea with lemon, cranberry or lingonberry juice, compote or mineral water;
  • It is recommended to take any hangover drug, for example, Antipohmelin or Alka-Seltzer;
  • You can eat soup without grounds; chicken broth, fish soup, sour cabbage soup or mushroom soup will do.

After the alcoholic feels relief, you can drink a cup of invigorating coffee to finally bring yourself back to normal.

If after all the procedures carried out the feeling of awkwardness does not leave you, then you need to do something useful to distract yourself. There is no need to sit at home and be killed by remorse. It is recommended to meet with friends and go for walks, which are also a good way to unwind. Exercising or shopping can also help take your mind off things.

If the feeling of guilt and shame has turned into pathology, then you need to consult a psychotherapist. A specialist will help you figure it out and find the reason for your constant self-criticism.

When remorse torments you, but there are no obvious reasons for it

The described method of healing consciousness is ideal only for those who experience feelings of guilt and shame after drinking, which are not confirmed by any facts. In the described situation, it may be a consequence of a hangover, which overtakes the insides of all those who had a very fun evening.

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In a situation where, after drinking, a person begins to experience remorse for no apparent reason, he should do one very simple procedure recommended by psychologists. To do this, you should get under the shower and stand for about three minutes, dousing yourself first with the warmest possible water, and then with cold water (alternating procedures, spending 30 seconds on each). It is very important to ensure that the final flow of water is cold.

After a shower, you should take a tablet of Ibuprofen, Paracetamol, Spazmalgon or any other analgesic, the action of which is aimed at relieving the painful symptoms that occur after a hangover.

In order to restore your body and completely eliminate all unnecessary thoughts, after taking the pill you need to carry out a rehydration process, which consists of drinking a large amount of healthy liquid throughout the day. Mineral water, which contains a large number of useful elements needed to restore the body after a hangover (calcium, magnesium, chlorine, potassium, sodium), is suitable as such.

Throughout the day, a person suffering from a hangover needs to eat properly. Preference should be given to natural chicken broth, vegetables, fruits and light soups.

In the process of healing the body, one must remember that drunken antics did not cause harm to anyone, no one was offended by them. However, experts assure that if within 48 hours the feeling of remorse has not been eliminated, then it is still worth contacting a psychologist for qualified help.

Some specific recommendations

The “severe” symptoms of a morning hangover can be avoided by helping the thyroid gland produce the necessary hormones and the liver in disposing of toxins.

What can be done in advance in this direction? The following specific recommendations are offered:

  1. Consumption of iodine-containing products. To activate the functions of the thyroid gland, it is best to take such measures 2 days before the expected large feast, because This is exactly the period needed to enhance the production of hormones. Feijoa (8-9 pieces), sea shellfish and shrimp in the amount of 220-250 g, canned seaweed (1 can) will help with this. It is possible to use dietary supplements. The approximate dose of iodine is 11-13 mcg per kilogram of human body weight.

  2. Choleretic agents. They are recommended to be taken in the morning of the planned party. You can use pharmacy choleretic collection No. 2 (1 tablespoon per 250 ml of water), Liv-52 (1 tablet), rose hip syrup (50 ml), corn silk (30 g per 250 ml of water). This method will help the liver process alcohol.
  3. Taking aspirin. It is better to use it 1 day before the feast in a dose of 0.4-0.6 g. This technique is used before drinking. It is not recommended to use aspirin at the same time as alcohol.
  4. Cleanse the intestines 8-10 hours before the feast. As a rule, non-toxic type laxatives are taken. You can recommend Senna and Sorbitol.
  5. Vitamin complexes. It is recommended to take Pyridoxine 10-11 and 3-4 hours before the feast. Preparations with B vitamins are also suitable: Neurogamma, Pitsian, Neuromultivit. The normal dose is 5 mg of the active substance.
  6. In order to prepare the gastrointestinal system, enzymes necessary for digestion are recommended: Mezim-forte, Abomin, Wobenzym, Creon, Unienzyme. Such drugs are taken 30-45 minutes before the start of the feast. Festal should not be used.
  7. Succinic acid. The addition of such an active substance helps to activate metabolic processes, and therefore the metabolism of ethanol. It is recommended to take 45-50 minutes before drinking alcohol.
  8. Glutargin. This glutamic acid-based drug helps the liver process alcohol faster. Sold in the form of tablets and powder (Alcoclean). Taken in a dose of 1.5-2 g 1.5-2.5 hours before the start of the party.

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