Frigidity in women: why and how to fix it?

What does frigidity mean?

Frigidity (sexual coldness, hypolibidemia, anaphrodisia, sexual dysfunction) is the sexual coldness of a woman, which manifests itself in the absence or decrease in libido, sexual excitability, specific sexual sensations and orgasm. This condition is one of the sexual dysfunctions that are not caused by organic disorders or diseases (ICD-10 code F52.0).

Anaphrodisia may not be due to dysfunction of the genital organs. A person can have an intimate relationship and receive satisfaction during them, and he has no or weakened need for their initiation. A decrease in libido can occur both against the background of quarrels in relationships with a sexual partner, and develop as a result of other diseases, including somatic and mental ones. Another reason for the formation of sexual coldness includes alcohol or drug abuse.

Frigidity is equally common in both adult women and young girls. In men, lack of sexual desire is called alibidemia.

Frigidity in men: what is it, does it happen, what does it mean


  • 1 Reasons

Frigidity in men is a disease that manifests itself as a violation of sexual desire. It can be confused with impotence. Alibidemia is often found in the weaker sex.

Today you will learn the causes of pathology, symptoms and methods of combating the disease.

Sexual disorders in men are quite common these days. This is facilitated by a number of factors related not only to health, but also to external ones.


Sexual activity directly depends on the level of testosterone in the blood. The higher the hormone, the more active the man. There are three types of sexuality:

  1. High testosterone levels;
  2. Average;
  3. Weak (small amount, estrogen predominates).

It is with low sexual energy that an aversion to sex and to a regular partner can develop. Although external signs do not indicate alibidemia in a man. He may be popular with the fairer sex, be successful in business and work, but he cares little about his sex life.


  • Neurology. One of the treatable factors. Nervous shocks, stress, money problems - all of this together causes disruptions in erectile dysfunction and reduces libido to a minimum.

A man stops wanting his woman, he doesn’t care about sex, and often even avoids it. Timely awareness of the disease and initiation of treatment will return the joy of sexual life;

  • Psychological factor. Congenital anomalies of the genital organs, nervous disorders (schizophrenia, epilepsy) can provoke a complete lack of sexual desire;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system, such as diabetes mellitus, health problems, disrupt a man’s potency and lead to frigidity;
  • Bad habits – alcohol, drugs. Under constant exposure to toxic substances, complete sexual indifference occurs;
  • Age-related changes. Over the years, testosterone levels fall and therefore this can affect regular sexual relations.

For preventative purposes, it is recommended that men relax in the fresh air, walk more and do light physical exercises that promote blood circulation in the pelvis;

  • Extra pounds and obesity. An inactive lifestyle, laziness, dissatisfaction with one's appearance leads to depression, mental disorders and, accordingly, frigidity.


We told you the meaning of the word and what it is. We will describe the signs below:

  1. Weak erection, impaired potency - lack of sexual desire;
  2. Chronic fatigue due to nervous disorders;
  3. Alcoholism develops from its own insolvency;
  4. Uncertainty, isolation;
  5. No pleasure from sex, lack of orgasm, flaccid penis;
  6. Inability to bring a woman to climax;
  7. The man admits that he has become bored with intimate relationships.

Only a qualified sex therapist can determine frigidity. Don’t delay going to the doctor; he will be able to figure out the problem and begin treatment.


  • Calming agents. They say the best thing is a bed and a beloved woman nearby, but, alas, not in this case. List of drugs for nerves: Novo-Passit, Phenibut, Atarax, Tenoten;
  • Sports and an active lifestyle not only elevate your mood by producing adrenaline, but also promote sexual desire;
  • Rest. A change of environment often restores libido, intensifies former passion and love for one’s regular partner (wife);
  • Vitamin therapy. Everyone knows that a deficiency, for example, of zinc has a detrimental effect on potency. Therefore, you need to drink the mineral complex for several months. Vitamins for men: Alphabet, Duovit, Vitrum, Parity, Velmen;
  • Proper nutrition. Avoid fried, fatty foods. Add seafood, strawberries, vegetables (50%) and fruits in any quantities, greens to your diet;
  • Vibration vacuum therapy;
  • The use of drugs and dietary supplements to increase potency. Viagra, Cialis, Sealex, Levitra;
  • Exercises and gymnastics for blood circulation in the pelvis.

All symptoms and frigidity itself can be prevented if you apply preventive measures, which include: quitting smoking, alcohol, healthy eating, sports and the right attitude towards yourself.

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Sexologists identify several types of reasons due to which female frigidity may arise: psychological and physiological. In this case, the psychological factor is the most common. In some cases, frigidity may be of unknown origin, when examinations do not answer the question of the origin of sexual dysfunction.


Physiological factors for the development of frigidity in women and girls include:

  1. Serious injuries to the external genitalia causing damage to the nerve endings on the clitoris. As a result, he becomes immune to irritants.
  2. Abnormal structure of the genital organs - these include underdevelopment of the labia minora and majora, vagina, and absence of the clitoris.
  3. Serious injuries to the vaginal walls - the nerve endings responsible for arousal are located in the clitoris and vagina. Usually damage to its walls occurs during childbirth. For this reason, a situation may occur where before the birth of a child a woman had no problems with sexual desire, but after giving birth the craving for intimacy disappeared.
  4. The presence of concomitant diseases - a permanent absence or temporary decrease in libido manifests itself against the background of angina pectoris, high blood pressure, renal failure, autoimmune diseases, etc.
  5. Taking certain medications - the use of certain antihypertensive and antihistamine drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants, sedatives leads to a decrease in sexual desire.
  6. Diseases of the uterus and appendages - the appearance of unpleasant sensations during intimacy with adnexitis, vulvitis, submucous and subserous fibroids, salpingitis in postmenopause causes a partial or complete lack of sexual desire.

Psychological reasons:

  1. Peculiarities of upbringing received in childhood - the occurrence of sexual coldness can be influenced by certain kinds of prohibitions that accompanied the girl while she was growing up. Typically, such upbringing is given by deeply religious parents, who instill in the teenager that any sexual attraction is a manifestation of sin.
  2. Fear of an unplanned pregnancy or HIV infection - such fears prevent the emergence of sexual desire, which leads to a lack of orgasm.
  3. Stress and nervous tension. The correct psychological attitude is the key to the emergence of attraction not only in women, but also in men. When a person’s head is filled with pressing problems, this is primarily reflected in the lack of sexual desire.
  4. History of rape - sexual dysfunction may result from aversion to men and fear that intimacy will again bring severe physical pain. The second option is usually observed in patients for whom rape was their first and only sexual contact.
  5. Problems with a partner, dislike for him - unlike rape, a woman may not experience sexual attraction to a certain person, and not to all men.
  6. The perception of intimacy as a duty (for example, marital) - over time, feelings between partners can cool down, which leads to reluctance to enter into an intimate relationship.
  7. Dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, for example, ugly breast shape or excess weight.
  8. A woman’s fear of her inexperience in bed or the fact that a man will not like her during intimacy.

A woman doesn't want a man

Causes, symptoms and consequences of female illness

All diseases begin in the head - psychologists will say

Any illness comes from thoughts provoked by an aggressor - stress, depression, lack of sleep, complexes, PMS.

What are the most common causes and how to notice those same symptoms of frigidity in women?

Interest and activity in intimacy can be affected by:

  1. Weak libido. Lack of sensitivity, exciting dreams and fantasies, imagination, indifference to the opposite sex, low degree of irritability of erogenous zones;
  2. Late awareness of one's own femininity. In other words, sexual activity occurs before there is an understanding of why it is needed;
  3. Gynecological diseases, infections;
  4. Concomitant disease or its consequences. Brain disease, drug addiction, intoxication, etc.;
  5. Psychological factor. Dislike for a specific partner, inept actions, disgust or fear based on psychological trauma, personal complexes, strict religious upbringing;
  6. Preference for same-sex partners. Most often it is not detected. Attempts to deny or hide it;
  7. Recovery period after childbirth. When hormones turn a passionate lover into a caring mother.

And now the good news!

There is temporary frigidity.

Such frigidity in women is a short, short-term lack of desire, caused, for example, by lack of sleep, severe nervous shock, uninviting surroundings, inept caresses.

Sudden healing often occurs with the arrival of the right partner.

Signs of frigidity in women

In order to determine whether you have sexual coldness, there is no need to take a frigidity test, just note the presence of the following symptoms:

  1. No need for intimacy or self-satisfaction - such patients note that they feel good without intimacy, they have no craving for pleasure through sexual contact.
  2. The emergence of irritability when a partner hints at intimacy.
  3. Anger and irritability after sexual intercourse.
  4. Insufficient arousal, which leads to vaginal dryness during intercourse - such a symptom may be indirect due to the fact that it may be the result of the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system of a particular woman.
  5. Constant lack of orgasm. If a woman experiences it during masturbation, then she cannot be called frigid. Hypolybidemia can only occur if there has never been an orgasm, even in the case of independent attempts to obtain it.
  6. Minimal or complete absence of emotion on the part of the woman during foreplay.

Sexual dysfunction in womeni

As can be seen from the statistics above, women are more likely to report having difficulty with their sexual responses.

One of the most common female sexual dysfunctions is frigidity (from the English frigid - cold, impassive). Frigidity is expressed as a complete lack of interest in sex, or, in other words, reduced or absent libido.

Film "Nymphomaniac"

In addition to decreased libido, women often report a problem such as a lack of physical arousal, which is mainly expressed in insufficient production of vaginal lubrication. In other words, despite being aroused, a woman simply does not get “wet.”

Anorgasmia, or the complete or partial inability to achieve orgasm, is also quite common. Despite the fact that a woman experiences sexual arousal during sex, she is unable to reach the “peak”.


When clarifying the form, type and severity of sexual disorder, a number of factors are taken into account. Currently, frigidity is classified according to several criteria.

By time of occurrence:

  • primary - the woman has never had sexual desire;
  • secondary - sexual coldness appeared in a woman who previously led a normal sex life.

By reversibility:

  • Irreversible, also known as organic or true, - factors have been discovered that cannot be eliminated by modern methods.
  • Reversible, also functional or temporary, sexual desire can be restored after eliminating the factors that led to it.

For educational reasons:

  • symptomatic - a temporary disorder that occurs against the background of other diseases;
  • abstinence - formed due to prolonged abstinence;
  • constitutional - congenital underdevelopment of female sexuality;
  • psychogenic - absence or decrease in libido under the influence of psychological factors;
  • retardation - delayed development of sexual function.

Degrees of frigidity

Sexologists distinguish the following degrees of sexual coldness:

  • First degree - with it there is no orgasm in most sexual acts, but the woman has a need for intimacy. Almost every time during intercourse she experiences a pleasant excitement.
  • Second degree - the woman has never had an orgasm, she does not consider sexual intercourse to be any significant part of her life.
  • Third degree - a woman or girl deliberately refuses to enter into an intimate relationship, since it has no meaning for them.
  • The fourth degree is a persistent aversion to men, irritability and aggression when members of the opposite sex try to start a conversation about intimacy.
  • Fifth degree - complete lack of sexual desire, aversion to a regular partner and to all men, persistent anorgasmia.


It manifests itself as nonspecific changes, which is why they are rarely paid attention to.

Among women

The detection rate is low due to the absence of visible symptoms and the isolation of some patients. Typically, frigidity in women is accompanied by the following complaints:

  • emotional lability combined with increased irritability and nervous agitation;
  • minimal emotional coloring, attacks of apathy, drowsiness;
  • heaviness in the chest, muscle weakness;
  • pain during sexual intercourse, insufficient production of vaginal secretions;
  • lack of need for sex, desire to experiment.

In addition to sexual and gynecological problems, it affects the general condition. Fatigue, nightmares, nervousness, and aversion to touch confirm the reason. It is necessary to eliminate symptoms in women consistently, starting with the psychological side of the problem. Focusing only on physiology, there is a risk of worsening the situation.

In men

Frigidity in men develops cyclically:

  1. The quality of sexual life decreases, sexual intercourse does not bring satisfaction.
  2. The erection lasts no more than 5 minutes, physiological orgasm may not occur.
  3. Sexual desire decreases, which provokes a deficiency of male hormones.
  4. Stress and irritability increase, the ability to make quick decisions decreases.

Changes significantly worsen intimate life, female attractiveness decreases.


When diagnosing hypolibidemia, careful collection of amniotic information plays an important role:

  • determining the degree and duration of decreased sexual desire;
  • identification of violations of orgasmic function;
  • identification of factors and situations that provoked the development of sexual coldness.

Of the physical, laboratory and instrumental methods, the following are the most informative:

  • Consultation with a gynecologist - bimanual examination and speculum examination may reveal gynecological diseases that provoke a decrease in sexual desire.
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages - ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs allows you to confirm or exclude a gynecological disease that led to the development of hypolibidemia.
  • Study of hormone levels - to assess the influence of neurohumoral causes, the content of estradiol, testosterone, progesterone, prolactin, thyroid and adrenal hormones is assessed.

Differential diagnosis of frigidity is carried out with other types of sexual dysfunctions (anhedonia, anorgasmia, sexual aversion, etc.), neuroses (anxiety-phobic disorder, hysteria, neurasthenia).

To clarify the diagnosis and identify the causes of symptomatic suppression of sexual desire, in addition to the gynecologist, a sex therapist, therapist, endocrinologist, urologist, neurologist, psychiatrist and psychologist may be involved in diagnostic measures.

Sexual coldness

Treatment of frigidity

Is there a cure for frigidity? Therapy for sexual dysfunction is not always successful, which is due to late seeking medical help, since girls and women do not consider lack of desire a sign of pathology.

If a visit to a sex therapist occurs and a diagnosis is made, its correction is carried out in 3 ways:

  • medication treatment;
  • neurosurgical intervention;
  • psycho-emotional therapy.

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

Drug treatment

Drug therapy occurs when the cause of sexual dysfunction is due to a traumatic situation and where the disease is the result of physiological disorders.

The following medications are used in treatment:

  • Hormonal agents - lack of libido may be due to a decrease in the amount of testosterone or estradiol produced in the female body. To increase their level, the specialist prescribes androgenic (Andocur, Marvelon, Visanne) and estrogen-containing (Klimara, Proginova, Estrofem) drugs.
  • Sedatives and antidepressants - motherwort, Persen, Alvogen Relax, Afobazol, Tenoten, Fitosed are usually prescribed. The purpose of such treatment is to relieve emotional and nervous tension to facilitate the psychotherapist’s work with the patient.
  • Medicines to increase blood flow - used when frigidity is caused by dysfunction of the nerve endings in the vagina and clitoris. The list of vasoactive drugs is quite extensive; a specific drug is prescribed based on the cause of the nerve damage. The most famous medications are Actovegin, Cortexin, Piracetam.

Neurosurgical intervention

This technique is used in situations where it is necessary to restore the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the clitoris, if previous drug therapy has not produced any results.

Treatment is carried out in a hospital setting. Manipulations are performed on the clitoral hood. The neurosurgeon removes scars, folds, and excess skin folds to increase the sensitivity of the area.

Psycho-emotional therapy

Refers to the main method of treating sexual coldness. Low libido or a complete lack of desire for intimacy most often occurs as a result of a traumatic situation. The woman will have to work on herself for a long time and undergo treatment with a psychotherapist and psychologist in order to cope with her feelings.

If sexual dysfunction is due to the negative behavior of a partner, then psycho-emotional therapy will not have any effect until the man understands that he needs to reconsider his behavior towards the woman.

In other words, if a girl or woman is being treated by a psychotherapist, but at home they are insulted and humiliated, it will not be possible to get rid of frigidity, since the factor provoking it has not been eliminated.

General manifestations of frigidity

Now let’s look at the symptoms and how frigidity manifests itself in women. These manifestations can appear, disappear and change.

I will describe the general ones:

  • Feelings during intimacy with a partner. Unpleasant, painful, feeling of discomfort and that “everything is wrong.” Sex as a chore or obligation;
  • Lack of orgasm. When you like the process itself and want to practice, but there is a factor that interferes or “falls short.” Here a lot depends on the sensitivity and skills of the man;
  • Depression, nervousness, mood swings or, conversely, apathy, lack of interest in everything. That same psychological state that requires attention and patience, the ability to distract and relax a woman;
  • Sexual illiteracy. Inappropriate postures, ignorance of your body, sensitive areas, uncomfortable environment.

If you ignore this strange illness and do not look for ways to get rid of frigidity, then a woman has a chance of:

  • impaired nervous system;
  • risk of pelvic organ diseases;
  • disagreements and conflicts in a couple;
  • loss of relationships.

Folk remedies for treating female frigidity

In some cases, in order to get rid of female frigidity, you can use traditional medicine, but only after the doctor’s permission.

By the way, a massage with aromatic stimulating oils (patchouli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang), which is performed by a partner on his woman, will be no less effective than folk remedies. After all, this procedure promotes the right mood and the opening of erogenous zones.

Below are the most effective and common recipes for folk remedies.

Drink with cloves


  • milk - 200 ml;
  • chili pepper - 1 pinch;
  • nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • clove - 5 stars.

How to prepare: Boil the milk, add the remaining ingredients to it. Cool and add honey.

How to use: Drink the drink every day, ⅓ glass three times a day. Course - 14 days.

Anise tincture


  • anise seeds - 50 g;
  • vodka - 200 ml.

How to prepare: Pour alcohol over the seeds. Leave the prepared composition in a dark and cool place for 15 days.

How to use: Take the infusion on an empty stomach (immediately after waking up) 1 tsp. in a day. The course is 3 months, with a break every 15 days.

Infusion of medicinal herbs


  • medicinal mixture (nettle, calendula, immortelle) - 50 g;
  • water - 1 l.

How to prepare: Pour boiling water over the collection. Place the resulting mixture in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain.

How to use: Drink the infusion during fasting days of strict diets.

Consequences of frigidity


There is an opinion that frigidity has negative consequences on a woman’s body. In fact, this opinion is wrong. The absence of sexual intercourse or its dislike does not lead to the development of severe gynecological pathologies or hormonal disorders.

Treatment of frigidity is carried out so that a woman can enjoy intimate relations, and not to prevent the development of serious diseases.

The only negative complications that sexual coldness can lead to are nervous breakdowns and depression caused not by anaphrodisia itself, but by the assessment of a woman as a sexual partner.

Male frigidity - what it is, symptoms and treatment


The stigmatization of the male population as always sexually active representatives of society has led to the fact that frigidity is associated exclusively with women.

It is difficult to imagine that the same problem could affect the stronger sex. But... Frigidity in men even has a scientific term - alibidemia.

In our society, where stress, overwork, cruelty and environmental problems lurk at every step, this phenomenon occurs quite often.

Alibidemia: what does frigidity mean in men?

The concepts of impotence and frigidity should not be confused. In the first case, the man cannot perform sexual intercourse, in the second, such desire is absent in principle.

These two conditions can occur together or form a vicious circle, in which frigidity leads to problems with erection, or vice versa - a decrease in potency causes a psychological barrier, and the man no longer wants to indulge in love pleasures.

Sometimes interest in erotic relationships is not completely absent, but only reduced. This sexual dysfunction is called hypolibidemia. They talk about it when a man does not want to initiate sex with a woman, but when necessary, he enters into sexual intercourse.

Scientists divided all male representatives according to the degree of sexual interest into 3 groups: strongly, moderately and weakly interested. The line between the latter option and frigid men is thin, which suggests that this condition may be an individual trait.


Frigidity comes in different forms:

  1. Symptomatic - low libido, as a manifestation of other diseases.
  2. Constitutional - occurs with congenital anomalies of the development of the reproductive system in boys: Willi-Prader, Lawrence-Moon-Bardet-Biedl, Kalman, Klinefelter syndromes.
  3. Withdrawal symptoms - arises from prolonged stay in a male group;
  4. Psychogenic – appears under the influence of experienced psychological trauma. In other cases, it develops from dissatisfaction with the partner, general fatigue and excessive professional busyness, incorrect parental attitudes in childhood, which said that sex is something shameful.

Some options are removable, such dysfunction is called reversible, others are not, this is true or primary frigidity.


Valentin, 29 years old

What to do if your wife is frigid? I asked myself this question a few years ago, when my wife, after giving birth, began to avoid intimate relationships. I started asking her what was causing the lack of desire, she didn’t say anything for a long time, but then she said that she stopped feeling attractive. I took her to specialists who prescribed her suitable treatment. After 6 months, our intimate life improved.

Kirill, 42 years old

How to deal with female frigidity if the spouse does not see any problem in the lack of sexual desire? I admit honestly, I even had thoughts about taking a mistress, but I quickly drove them away. I sent my wife for a consultation with a gynecologist, then for tests. She was prescribed drug therapy, and the problem itself was caused by hormonal disorders.

Arina, 36 years old

A year after giving birth, I began to notice that I no longer wanted a husband. At first I tolerated his caresses, but then I snapped and said that I didn’t need intimacy. I remember that there was a big scandal then and my husband didn’t talk to me for a long time. About six months after this incident, I sought medical help, the treatment was long-term. In my case, the lack of desire was due to postpartum depression.

Inga, 52 years old

In postmenopause, I lost my desire for sexual relations. At first I chalked it all up to age, but then I realized that it was a psychological thing; at that moment we were having problems with my husband. I talked to him and explained the whole situation. The husband promised to improve. Additionally, at this time I visited a psychotherapist. I think all these comprehensive activities ultimately helped me enjoy intimacy again.

Frigidity is a type of sexual disorder that, if promptly sought medical help, can be successfully treated. The main thing is to understand that enjoying intimacy is a completely natural feeling that you should not be afraid of.

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