What skills should a child psychologist have?

Many parents have experienced a sudden change in their child's behavior. He stops trusting adults, withdraws into himself, becomes uncontrollable, and shows aggression. If conversations and punishments do not bring results, you need to contact a good child psychologist. Only a professional can help eliminate the problem and improve family relationships. In what cases a child psychologist will help, and how to find a qualified specialist, we will tell you further.

What do child psychologists do?

Methods of psychology A child psychologist is a specialist who studies the psychology of a child, patterns of behavior, communications, general development and the acquisition of necessary skills.
Parents often face difficulties in raising their children. Many young families do not know the basic rules, so children have problems communicating with peers, in kindergarten, school, on the street, even within the family circle. Psychologists come to the aid of such parents, who not only correct behavior, but also give advice on raising children. You can contact such a specialist even at the stage of pregnancy planning - he will help overcome many fears associated with childbirth and the first days of the baby’s life.

Behavioral problems that require specialist help:

Criteria for a child's readiness for school

  • developmental delay;
  • advance in development;
  • aggression;
  • neuroses;
  • stuttering;
  • potty training problems;
  • diffidence;
  • hyperactivity;
  • uncontrollable fear;
  • adaptation to school or kindergarten.

Parents can contact a specialist if their baby has experienced severe stress:

  • loss of a loved one;
  • divorce;
  • the appearance of a younger brother or sister in the family;
  • moving to a new place of residence;
  • experienced an accident or severe fright.

It is necessary to visit a specialist at the first suspicion of a problem - the sooner therapy begins, the better its results will be.

Why does a child need the help of a psychologist?

You can often hear the opinion in parental circles that turning to a child psychologist for help means recognizing the child as abnormal and admitting your own powerlessness to establish a relationship with him. It is not true. As children grow older and develop, they face certain age-related crises.

The most commonly cited age-related challenges for children include graduating from high school and changing hormonal balance and body image. Few adults know that consciousness changes much earlier - after birth, the child reacts vividly to the environment, and after 3 years he begins to actively change the world around him.

Similar situations occur approximately every 5 years. The baby gets older, and his attitude to the surrounding reality and the world around him change. The child's consciousness becomes different and faces difficulties that it often cannot solve on its own.

Adults who are busy with work or with each other often do not notice that their child is changing and often themselves provoke a conflict that arises between the baby and the surrounding reality. In this case, the family and child psychologist will spend most of the work with parents in order to help them correctly understand the educational process and re-evaluate relationships in the family.

One of the popular problems encountered in children is severe fears. They can interfere with the relationship between the child and the outside world. At the same time, adults may not pay attention to them and consider them groundless. A child psychologist will be able to identify the cause of fear and help deal with it.

Childhood neurotic manifestations are a common situation that parents face. The child may bite their nails, scratch their skin or pull out hair, or experience frequent urination or other painful problems. Instead of visiting a child psychologist, adults take their children to doctors, who most often do not find any illnesses.

In children under 10 years of age, neurotic reactions in most cases manifest themselves through physicality. Allergies, insomnia or drowsiness, headaches, colds, uncontrolled urination, and constant colds signal difficulties in the child's inner world.

In order to avoid mistakes, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis and make sure that there are no physical causes for the disease. After these steps, you should seek help from a family and child psychologist.

What is the difference between a child psychologist and a regular psychologist?

The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist
First of all, it is worth distinguishing between three concepts that are similar in sound, but completely different in meaning:

  • psychiatrist;
  • child psychotherapist;
  • child psychologist.

The first two specialists have higher medical education and can conduct examinations, make diagnoses and prescribe treatment. Psychiatrists deal with complex mental disorders such as:

  • schizophrenia;
  • psychosis;
  • neurosis;
  • epilepsy;
  • conditions after a traumatic brain injury.

Types of neuroses
The psychotherapist uses less radical methods of treatment:

  • conversations;
  • psychoanalysis;
  • hypnosis;
  • body or art therapy.

He uses these methods to solve the following disorders:

Art therapy is used for children with mental disorders

  • depression;
  • apathy;
  • panic disorders;
  • enuresis;
  • neurasthenia;
  • nervous tics;
  • stuttering.

Psychologists can counsel children who do not suffer from mental illnesses and disorders and are not authorized to make diagnoses or administer medication.

The peculiarity of the work of children's specialists is that they have enough knowledge about the stages of child development, since the psyche of children is radically different from that of adults. Such a specialist must have the following skills:

  • establish psychological contact with the child. Usually, children who have emotional problems find it difficult to find a common language with adults, many are even afraid to enter the office;
  • a child specialist must know all the verbal and non-verbal signals that the baby gives, because it is still very difficult for him to formulate his thoughts;
  • An adult comes to an ordinary psychologist, and they are on the same level. The child and the adult initially stand in an unequal position; the psychologist may be tempted to command and force certain actions to be performed;
  • a child specialist should be “a little bit of a child” at heart, since the main problems in children are identified as a result of role-play.
  • The advice of a child psychologist also concerns issues of education, so he actively interacts with parents, conducts individual consultations and joint sessions.

What is art therapy?

Why are child psychologists needed in preschool institutions and schools?

How to adapt a child to kindergarten
The main task of a psychologist in a kindergarten is to make his stay comfortable and convenient, help with adaptation and teach him to interact with other people. A psychologist in a kindergarten can help the teacher establish contact with the child, as well as identify the hidden reasons for some actions and bad behavior. If a child has been identified with atypical behavioral characteristics, then in kindergarten they need to be corrected so that he can go to school having already gotten rid of the main problems.

A child psychologist provides consultations for parents. They can be of two types:

  • at the request of parents;
  • those that he plans himself, based on his own observations.

The first meeting of the specialist with the parents should take place before the child enters kindergarten. At such a meeting, he should explain the stages of preparing the child for new conditions so that adaptation goes much faster and more painlessly.

Frequent problems of first-graders

Throughout the year, a kindergarten psychologist will give lectures on current topics in child development. This lecture is free and attendance is not required, but practice shows that both parents need to come and listen. Consultations are held for both parents in kindergarten and teachers.

Schools employ educational psychologists who perform other functions:

Advice for parents of first-graders

  • monitor the atmosphere in all classes;
  • help children adapt to a new place of study and team;
  • work with “problem” children (hyperactive, outcasts, inattentive, complex);
  • resolve conflicts in a team;
  • advise teachers on any issues of teaching and education;
  • conduct tests to determine the level of development and emotional state;
  • conduct training on the prevention of smoking, alcohol and drug use, and computer game addiction;
  • a teenager can seek advice about problems in the family, personal experiences, and for help in choosing a profession.

A teenage psychologist advises parents on issues of child development and upbringing. Often mothers come to us with a problem of disobedience, in which case a specialist will study the behavior of the parents, how they formulate their requests, what kind of relationships they have in the family and other issues. Having compiled a complete picture of what is happening, the specialist will give recommendations that must be followed exactly as prescribed and remember that this is a long process, so there is no point in waiting for results next week.

Child's adaptation to school

Professional qualities of a psychologist

Let us list some of the professional and personal qualities of a psychologist:

  1. The qualification of a psychologist is the possession of the student’s state of mind. A student is not someone who has become perfect, but one who is able to learn and correct mistakes.
  2. Personal development of yourself . The psychologist must solve problems with his emotions, i.e. with yourself, with those closest to you, and with those around you. Elaboration means understanding yourself, the presence of long-term emotional relationships with family and friends.
  • Have inner harmony and be a stable person.
  • A psychologist should not identify himself with his profession. He should not think that he knows more than others. First of all, he should be in a humble state of mind, always understanding that he is a disciple.
  • Possession of professional skills. A psychologist must receive professional education.
  • The presence of empathy (simultaneously closeness and distance) . This means that the psychologist does not try to change his client forcibly, does not internally condemn his client and accepts his feelings, at the same time he is able to separate himself from empathy and at the same time can reveal the hidden resources of the individual.
  • He knows how to manage relationships with clients . What is important at this point is that the psychologist knows how to recognize his own limitations. In addition to psychological assistance, a psychologist can provide support for the client's long-term development.
  • Having congruence. This is a correspondence between internal experiences about the client and external reactions to the client. Make sure not to deceive the client, and say something not only because it is professional, but because we really think so.
  • Presence of insight, tact, listening skills . This means noticing not only the client’s words, but also the client’s gestures, his facial expressions, and observing his mood. Often what the client says is at odds with his internal state. The ability to listen includes attention to the client’s message, to his personality, so that during communication the psychologist is in contact with the client’s feelings.

10. The ability to notice the characteristics of the client - the nature of his mind, the distinctive features of his upbringing, his nationality. This does not mean that he evaluates the person, it means taking into account some of the person's characteristics.

11. Ability to direct client activity . The client may be carried away by different stories about his life, which may lead him away from solving a specific problem. The psychologist must be able to recognize which details are most important for a particular personality request.

12. Sometimes take risks . At this point, it is important that a psychologist, working with different people, also gains certain experience. It often happens that completely new approaches are needed in relationships with different people. It is important not to be afraid of your own mistakes, since mistakes are a resource for growth. Of course, a psychologist should not use people to grow himself, but one way or another he explores an area of ​​the psyche where it is impossible to be ideal.

13. It is important to have patience and consistency , and to be persistent in the counseling process. This allows the client, on the one hand, to develop at his own rhythm and accept what he is ready to accept, on the other hand, not to get stuck in his experiences.

14. A psychologist must have self-discipline and self-control . It is important here that the psychologist also has internal ethics.

15. Possessing charisma . The ability to use the bright sides of your personality to include the client in the process.

16. Possessing personal power. There are situations when the client shows destructive force - he raises his voice, resists. At these moments, the psychologist may experience fear of the client's personal power. A psychologist must be able to recognize his fear and accept it, and not compete with the client. And then he can continue working with the client.

17. Be detached from the client's positive emotions after the session.

18. Give time to the client to experience the experience.

19. Experience a positive attitude towards the client , care, interest and respect.

20. Maintaining your own boundaries - not giving your whole soul to the client. Return the client responsibility for his life, and the awareness that he is healthy.

21. Allow the client to be who he is, and not who we want him to be. This ability allows you to see the client's value system, refraining from judgment. Accept all sides of the client, not just the ones we like.

22. The ability to consult in a way that does not cause anxiety in the client. The ability to create a climate in which the client is free from fear of evaluation by the consultant.

23 . Communicate as equals. The client's inner child will try to transfer its responsibility to be coddled. Or the inner parent will try to conduct therapy in a way that confirms its stereotypes, rather than moving forward in understanding itself.

24. The ability to treat the client in such a way as to see his personality in the process of becoming, and not as a prisoner of the past. The ability to complete a person’s drawing and see his development in perspective.

Thus, the qualifications of a psychologist presuppose a fairly wide range of qualities that he must possess. Each quality can be viewed from different angles and revealed in even more detail.

It is important to say that the main thing in the qualifications of a psychologist is a human attitude towards people and humility. Even if such a person has not yet developed any professional quality in himself, he will still be able to provide help.

It is equally important that the psychologist remains accessible in communication and is able to communicate without the use of any techniques or special words from the psychological dictionary. Then the people around him will be able to understand that the psychologist is the same person as everyone else. Those around you will not have the feeling that they are being evaluated, analyzed, or know something about them that they do not know about themselves. The accessibility and simplicity of a psychologist makes it clear that psychology is just a tool that can be used if necessary.

Author: Dana Satori, Active backlink required

In what cases should you contact a child psychologist?

Psychologists advise that when there are first changes in a child’s behavior, you should seek advice from them - you should not aggravate the situation by waiting for a long time and taking your own measures to correct it, which may be completely wrong.

A psychologist will help you cope with sleep disturbances in your child.

Consultation with a child psychologist may be necessary in the following cases:

  • in case of sleep disturbance;
  • frequent hysterics, prolonged crying;
  • after suffering stress caused by trauma, fear, loss of a loved one or beloved animal;
  • during parental divorce;
  • if diagnosed with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, mental retardation and other mental illnesses. In this case, consultations are advisory in nature, and the main methods of supportive treatment are not canceled.

Symptoms of stereotypy
A child psychotherapist may be needed if the following deviations in mental development are detected:

  • auto-aggression (self-beating, scratching, hair pulling);
  • autostimulation (head rotation, circling, fixation on one subject);
  • stereotypies (repetitive, stereotypical movements).

How to determine whether the services of a psychologist are needed?

With any psychological problem in a child, it is better to contact a psychologist.
Changes and deviations in a child’s behavior can be determined by the following signs:

  • pronounced manifestation of aggression (fights, bites, throws objects at other children, parents, teachers);
  • there is emotional instability (uncontrollable whims, frequent hysterics);
  • uncontrollable fears arise (darkness, dogs, water, thunderstorms, etc.);
  • the baby is completely unsure of himself, passive, shy;
  • with obvious manifestation of jealousy, for example, towards a younger brother;
  • too slow or, conversely, hyperactive;
  • frequent colds, for no particular reason.

Teachers at school can pay attention to changes in the child’s behavior in class and around peers and recommend that parents use the services of a teenage psychologist.

Should parents visit a family psychologist if their child has problems?

The whole family should come to the first appointment with a psychologist.
Psychologists recommend joint activities between parents and children under three years old, since at this age the child may not perceive a stranger at all. During such classes, parents learn to communicate with the child in a new way, find contact with him, play and interact correctly.

A child psychologist will not only work with the baby, but also correct the behavior of the parents. Often adults transfer their personal problems onto children, do not pay them due attention, do not study or play with them, and vent their anger and dissatisfaction with life. These are the main causes of psychological imbalance in a child. Parents, preferably both, should definitely visit a family specialist with their children.

Analytical skills

Professional child psychologists have extensive training in child development, child clinical and developmental psychology, and childhood psychological illnesses. They use critical thinking skills to identify causes of childhood depression, withdrawal, or disruptive behavior. Therefore, to correctly assess psychological causal factors, clinicians must be good analysts.

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