What if there is war?! How to get rid of obsessive fears

And yet there are phobias, the origin of which can be traced. They were born in a situation that was very frightening. It is enough for an unpleasant event to remind you of itself in some way or for a similar atmosphere to develop, and a conditioned reflex is triggered, and with it the habit of fear takes root.

If you want to defeat phobias and “uproot” them, you will have to work hard. The first thing to do is to review your fears and admit that you have them. Take a notebook and make a list of what is stopping you from living.

You can create a kind of fear rating. giant phobias first . It’s not easy to cope with them, the only way is to avoid them, for example: I’m afraid to fly on airplanes, so I never fly. Smaller fears bother me from time to time. Let's say I'm afraid I didn't close the door, turned off the iron, and keep coming back to check. And there are minor “horror stories” that we drive away like annoying flies, afraid of our own negative fantasies. Ask why you need to write down minor fears? Firstly, they are easy to train on - so to speak, to pull out the weeds before they grow. Secondly, the energy of anxiety tends to flow from one fear to another: and who knows what the little “stupidity” that has crept into your head will turn into in the future.

Next, write what you lose by following your fears? It is important not to play the role of a victim of your own phobia. Take responsibility for her, you “raised” her yourself . For example: the fear of flying on airplanes ( aerophobia ) deprives me of the opportunity to see new places and countries and have a pleasant rest. Let your friends come so happy. And I will sit in the country and water the weeds of fear with tears of unfulfilled hopes. Don’t say: “I don’t need this.” Just admit: “I have to, but I’m afraid!” The fact is that almost every step a person takes is associated with the unknown, and this causes anxiety. James Hollis , Ph.D., said , “Anxiety is the price of a ticket to life's journey; no ticket - no journey; no journey no life. We can run from anxiety as much as we can, but this means that we are running from our life, which we have alone.”

What is phagophobia

What is phagophobia? Phagophobia is a fear of swallowing, an irrational, panicky fear of swallowing something (water, food, medicine). A person is haunted by the fear of choking. The name literally translates as “fear of eating,” but it is important not to confuse this with other disorders, such as anorexia. In the latter case, the person is also afraid to eat, but for fear of gaining weight. With phagophobia, a person is afraid to swallow food for fear of choking.

A medical examination for phagophobia shows that the person is completely healthy. He has no congenital or acquired gastrointestinal defects, no functional failures or disorders, and no signs of dysphagia. However, the patient still experiences discomfort and is afraid to swallow. If the picture looks like this, then this is a purely psychological (psychosomatic) problem. If there are medical reasons that cause fear, then medical and psychological treatment is needed.

Manifestations of fear of choking on food:

  • inability to take medications orally;
  • inability to drink or eat;
  • loss of interest in certain foods, liquids or all food;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • chronic anxiety, depressive tendencies.

Before each meal, the phagophobe spends a long time adjusting himself. Before each bite, he tries to control his anxiety again. The patient carefully checks what is on his plate and chews the food for a long time. He creates a menu that is safe, in his opinion. Phagophobes themselves determine which product is dangerous for them and which is not. The range of products varies from case to case.

At the psychophysical and behavioral level, the following reactions are noticeable:

  • desire to run away, hide;
  • increased sweating;
  • fainting state;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • breathing problems;
  • sleep problems;
  • irritability;
  • fussiness;
  • panic attacks.

During a panic attack, the patient thinks that he will go crazy or die. Panic can begin both before the meal and during, after it. For example, if the patient feels that the swallowed food has formed a lump in his throat, that a bone is stuck, and that because of this he cannot breathe. And phagophobes often imagine something like this.

This is interesting! Fear of choking is a rare and unusual disease. It is often confused with the fear of suffocation - pnigophobia. Phagophobes are afraid of the very act of swallowing; pingophobes are afraid that swallowing will lead to suffocation. It can be very difficult to distinguish between these phobias; even a professional cannot always quickly make a diagnosis.

Forms of phagophobia

According to the specific course of the phobia and the severity of symptoms, three forms can be distinguished:

  1. Light form. Only certain foods cause fear, for example, fish because of the bones, dry and hard foods. But a person consumes other foods with ease.
  2. Moderate phobia. The person cannot eat any solid foods. The patient eats purees, porridge, smoothies. Prefers to use a teaspoon.
  3. Severe phobia. The patient cannot swallow. He refuses food and water. This is a dangerous stage, which without treatment will quickly lead to exhaustion, anorexia, and death.

There is a form in which a person is afraid to swallow pills. But in this case, we may be talking about another pathology – pharmacophobia.

Causes of phagophobia: fear of choking on food

Phagophobia most often occurs in children aged 3–5 years, but adults are not immune from this. The risk group includes suspicious, anxious, impressionable, vulnerable people who are accustomed to overprotection and are confident that something bad will definitely happen to them.

Psychologists name three groups of factors in the development of phobias:

  1. Hereditary factor. We rarely talk about genetic abnormalities; more often this means the result of early upbringing. Fear of swallowing is caused by negative associations from early childhood, including parental bullying. In some cases, parents impose their worldview and aversion to food. For example, vegetarians can instill fear of meat, and anorexics can fear any food. Or the child swallowed a foreign object that got stuck in the throat, and the parents frightened the child with their hysterics, and even punished him.
  2. Mental disorders, neuroses. A tendency to depression, panic attacks, increased suspiciousness and anxiety can provoke a spasm of the larynx, which causes an aversion to food and a fear of swallowing.
  3. Psychotrauma. If the fear arose in childhood, then more often it is a matter of feeding the child (the parents forced him to finish everything, to eat what he did not like). In adulthood, fear can develop after one incident when a person choked heavily. Psychotrauma can also develop after a person witnesses someone choking and dying.

Fear can develop according to the following scenario: a person was having lunch, at that time he was thinking about something unpleasant, nervous overstrain caused a spasm in the throat, and the person almost suffocated. Or, during the absorption of a specific product, the individual learned some unpleasant news. Or he suffered for a long time due to a sore throat, in which every meal caused discomfort. Or the person tried to force himself to eat something, for example, to try an unpleasant exotic cuisine made from cockroaches.

It is important! Diseases of the esophagus, pharynx, and stomach can also cause the development of fear. Therefore, it is important to conduct not only a psychological examination, but also a medical one. It is also necessary to study not only the client’s life history, but also the medical history of his entire life.

Psychotherapeutic assistance

In this case, the work should be joint: the psychologist and the patient. In the process, they must exchange information, talk through possible experiences, develop the situation, talk it through and further resolve it.

Conventionally, the entire process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Information on a psychological level
  2. Consultation with a psychologist
  3. Correction (perception, behavior).

The main feature of information treatment is the provision of information about the patient’s disease, its causes, as well as psychological processes that are initiated in the brain.

During the consultation process, a person should acquire a number of practical knowledge that he can use in the future if a critical situation arises. The experience gained helps you independently control manifestations of fear and become familiar with new technical methods. The main task of the psychologist is to transfer and teach the client to apply new knowledge in practice.

When a person receives psychological help, as a rule, the impact is divided into situational and sequential interaction, which consists of several stages. If the patient is going through a crisis stage, then it is advisable to use shock methods of work. To restore social interaction with other people, adaptation in society at the social level, it is important to use flexible step-by-step work.

To get rid of phobias and psychological illnesses, the following techniques are often used:

  1. Psychodynamics. Identification and further work with memorable situations and events
  2. Behavioral. Correcting the patient’s current behavior, reducing difficulties at the social-adaptive level
  3. Existential. Coping with Social Difficulties
  4. Humanistic. Development of the patient's abilities and its further use.

Rational method of psychotherapy

The method allows you to cure a phobia and side symptoms using an objective assessment and the patient’s logical conclusions. If a person has a phobia identified, then he receives full information about what it is, as well as what its somatic nature is. If the patient begins to understand the essence of the disease, he stops looking for a relationship with physical disorders, and therefore the level of anxiety decreases.

Treatment of phobias using NLP

It is advisable to use NLP for phobias, where a technique called “Score” is relevant. Translated into Russian, the structure of the program assumes the following scheme of work:

  1. Symptoms
  2. Cause
  3. Result
  4. Resources and effect.

Together with the patient, the psychologist collects the maximum amount of information material, then conducts an analysis and checks. The process can then be divided into the following stages:

  1. Information about how the disease manifests itself
  2. The patient must independently formulate a goal of what will be worked on
  3. Analysis of how effective the work is. If the client is satisfied with the result obtained, this aspect motivates him to achieve new goals. If negative results are obtained, the work is moved back one step, where the assigned tasks are adjusted
  4. If necessary, the mechanisms of formation of phobias can be discussed. If there is no need for this, then this stage is simply ignored
  5. Determining the resources that need to be used to achieve the goals.

Thanks to this technique, you can obtain the maximum amount of information within a short period of time, and then use all your efforts and resources to implement the assigned tasks. The NLP technique helps to achieve high results. Sometimes just a couple of sessions are enough to eliminate phobias. Among the most common methods are the Swing technique or kinesthetic association.

Cognitive-behavioral method

According to information from the Ministry of Health, WHO and the USA, the cognitive-behavioral method is considered the most effective in the treatment of phobic conditions. Thanks to numerous methods and techniques, we help select a treatment package for each patient on an individual basis.

The main point is for the patient to determine, with the help of a specialist, which attitudes are emotionally negative and cause increased anxiety. When a person begins to ask himself questions, he begins to draw conclusions on his own. As a result of qualitative analysis, the patient actively distinguishes between positive and negative aspects in existing social, psychological and moral attitudes.

As a result, the cognitive-behavioral method helps to replace negativity and pessimism with more positive emotions. The following idea can be highlighted as the main thesis: the patient’s sense of self depends on what thoughts and attitudes are in his head. During the treatment process, a person, under the supervision of a specialist, is able to simulate various situational tasks and then determine the correct reaction. As soon as the theoretical part is fully worked out, it’s time to move on to practical actions.

As it progresses, the person begins to improve their behavioral and cognitive skills. At the same time, the specialist constantly increases the complexity. As a result, the client can reconsider his own behavior, as well as eliminate a negative attitude, which often becomes one of the main reasons for the development of phobias.

The end result is the restoration of a normal emotional background without anxiety, excessive aggressiveness and excessive pessimism.

Treatment of fears with hypnosis

Hypnosis remains an unconventional method of working against many psychological ailments to this day. There is still active debate around it, as well as how effective it is. From a medical point of view, it is believed that hypnosis is a full-fledged method that can be classified as an unconventional branch. With its help, you can achieve surgical treatment of phobias. However, in practice, this technique is used much less frequently.

The main function is to work with the unconscious state of the patient, where protection is turned off at the psychological level. As a result, the patient can relax and concentrate on the treatment process itself. Next, the specialist programs the necessary settings using suggestion.

How to get rid of phagophobia

A person cannot live without food and water. If the phobia has reached the stage where a person physically cannot eat, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. At the initial stage, you can cope with anxiety on your own.

Independent struggle with phobia

Phagophobia, how to get rid of it:

  • admit to yourself, say “I’m afraid to swallow food and choke”;
  • analyze your past (possible psychological trauma) and those situations from the present in which anxiety and fear for your life increases;
  • realize that attacks of choking and spasms in the throat are a consequence of anxiety;
  • Try to be distracted by something while eating.

Swallowing is a reflex process. If you don’t focus on this, then everything will go easily and naturally. Try to set yourself in a positive mood, remember or imagine something pleasant.

How to get rid of fear on your own? First of all, it is recommended to get proper rest. Take a vacation, relax outside the city, get some sleep, reconsider your outlook on life. Learn breathing exercises and self-hypnosis. If the phobia is caused by fatigue, then this may be enough.

In more severe cases, it is recommended to use the following disposal methods:

  • art therapy;
  • meditation.

It is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and remove stress factors. Remember that the risk of developing a phobia is higher in tense, anxious people.

It is important! If independent methods do not help, then you need to come to a psychologist, say “I’m afraid of choking,” describe your feelings and thoughts. The doctor will help you understand the cause of negative associations and tell you how to recover.

Psychologist's advice

Professional treatment uses hypnosis and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. In some cases, a combination of these is used: first, a psychologist, using hypnosis, finds destructive attitudes and causes of fear, after which a program for getting closer to fear is developed, and the psychologist helps the client learn new methods of responding.

Another treatment method is neurolinguistic programming. The coach helps the client realize that only he himself controls his thoughts and fears. Having understood this, the client himself builds a new model of behavior.

In advanced stages, drug treatment is prescribed (antidepressants, antipsychotics, tranquilizers), but the problem is that with this phobia, patients cannot always take medications. Therefore, you cannot delay contacting a psychologist, you cannot wait for complications.

Stages of development and diagnosis

The longer a person has a fear of fear, the stronger and more often the attacks continue. Some begin to seek comfort in alcohol or medications, which only worsens the problem. There are three stages of development of this disease .

  1. Anxiety stage. It begins with the “shock phase.” During this period, the body ceases to resist circumstances. The adrenal glands, immune and digestive systems are involved in the formation of anxious feelings. Appetite, absorption and elimination of food are often impaired.
  2. Period of resistance. At this stage, the body begins to adapt to changed circumstances. The person calms down, all structures of the body are mobilized. Anxiety, aggression, excitability, signs characteristic of the first period disappear. At this stage, the person is in a calm state, but constantly expects new fears to arise.
  3. Exhaustion stage. According to the clinical picture, this period is similar to the first stage. But in this case, the exhausted body does not have the ability to resist circumstances. At this time, both physiological and mental disorders can occur. Mental disorders lead to depression and nervous breakdown. In this case, the help of a doctor is necessary; the person cannot cope with the situation on his own.

When a doctor approaches a person with this form of disorder, he takes an anamnesis. A psychological test is conducted before data collection. Diagnosis is carried out using methods according to various scales developed by WHO. These are the Beck Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Zang Scale, the Hamilton Scale, and the HADS Scale.

If diseases accompanying the disorder are suspected, a referral to an endocrinologist, cardiologist or neurologist may be given.

Why is sitophobia dangerous?

Sitophobia is the refusal to eat food. The danger of phagophobia is that tension and anxiety lead to a real spasm of the swallowing muscles. Because of this, a person loses the physical ability to swallow something. It feels like a lump in the throat, and attempts to eat something can result in the person actually choking. Persistent inability to eat food leads to exhaustion and death.

Phagophobia affects the client's social life. Because of fear, he cannot go to cafes with friends, does not go to visit relatives, and refuses corporate events. The latter is reflected in the labor sphere. As a result, there is not only a threat to health and life, but also a threat to lose your job, friends, and find yourself alone. The patient’s life cannot be called full; the person cannot self-develop and self-realize.

OCD often develops against the background of fear of choking. Patients come up with rituals, such as counting, which supposedly protects them when eating. Or the patient comes up with the idea that he needs to chew each piece a certain number of times, then he will not choke. If the patient loses count, he starts over.

It is important! If a patient cannot take medications, then any disease, like the inability to eat, turns into a serious threat to human health and life.

Treatment with paradox

There is such a technique in psychotherapy: paradoxical intention . The client says: “Doctor, I’m afraid!”, and the doctor says: “You couldn’t be a little more afraid.” For example, a person must speak in front of an audience and is extremely afraid of “failing”; his voice trembles, his hands shake. What does the good doctor suggest? Strengthen these sensations. Suffering from a phobia, people are afraid of the symptoms, and ultimately, of the fears themselves. And they are instructed: “Try to be afraid, expect fear, desire it!” It turns out that we take the phobia in check, begin to control it, and it disappears. In addition, a humorous approach always defuses the situation.

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