How to get rid of obsessive thoughts on your own?

If you are haunted by disturbing and obsessive thoughts, start chasing them yourself, then they will get confused (what should they do?!) and leave you alone. This is, of course, a joke, because negative thoughts that you can’t get rid of are a serious problem. Why is this really a problem and what can you do about it?

Before answering this and other questions, we suggest testing your current knowledge:

Now let’s try to figure it out and find a way out.

Intrusive thoughts: how to stop thinking about people

Women are more romantic and emotional creatures. They tend to keep memories of past relationships, connections and novels for a long time. They cannot immediately forget about their ex-lover on the day of separation. As a rule, thoughts about him swirl in a woman’s head for a very long time, especially if she has been abandoned. Memories usually concern the most touching and romantic dates, joint trips, lovemaking, dinners and other intimate moments. For a while, the woman even enjoys them, but then these thoughts can become so obsessive that the pain of separation seems to never go away. This is what will happen if you don’t stop this “mental chewing gum” in time.

How to stop thinking about a husband who, for example, left and went to someone else? Agree, it’s hard to do this, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It’s enough in these moments, when you want to think about your ex, to switch to something else. And not mentally, but in practice. For example, you can suddenly get up and start cleaning, read fascinating literature or go to see friends, or you can get dressed and just go outside. Then you will not be left alone with your heavy thoughts, and in a crowded place they will disappear altogether. This technique (replacement therapy) should be used whenever you feel that your thoughts have wandered into the “forbidden zone.” This method is suitable if you want to know how to stop thinking about a guy.

Another option is to find yourself a good passion or hobby. They say that this helps a lot, since all mental resources are directed to a new object. Not right away, of course, but gradually and then finally, thoughts about your ex will no longer bother you.

How to stop thinking about people in general? To do this, you first need to change a lot in yourself. For example, start appreciating and respecting your person, thanking and loving yourself just for being you. These thoughts will lead to increased self-esteem and, as a result, to the fact that other people's lives, opinions and actions will no longer have power over you. How to stop thinking about people? It is impossible to completely get rid of these thoughts, but they should not be negative and destructive.

Making lists

This obsession is an unusual fascination with creating lists. This may be one way to deal with stress. After all, lists are a form of anticipation for both positive and negative events.

People susceptible to this mania constantly make different lists. The lists can indicate not only things to do every day, but also words that need to be said in a given situation.

It is necessary to distinguish between ordinary planning of affairs and manifestations of obsessive-compulsive disorder. With OCD, people make lists to reduce anxiety. They constantly check and re-evaluate what they have written.

There is one important diagnostic criterion for OCD. People with this disorder place much more emphasis on making lists than on actual actions. Written planning of affairs becomes an end in itself for them. This has a negative impact on professional and social life.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a man?

What are “obsessive thoughts” and why do they settle in your head?

The mechanism of obsessive thoughts is formed under the influence of constant internal dialogue. Discussing problems with oneself is often characteristic of anxious people who are accustomed to taking events and words to heart.

Obsession - just the word alone repels a man, not to mention the fact that he will notice similar behavior in a woman. Thoughts are the basis of actions. By planting obsessive thoughts in our heads, we build an incorrect foundation for future actions, because the picture of the perception of the situation is initially disrupted.

Scrolling through images and fragments of past moments leads to the appearance of fear and addiction - a person becomes hostage to an obsessive state, which is accompanied by a number of neurotic manifestations:

  • insomnia, sleep problems;
  • exacerbation of VSD symptoms;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • decreased or increased blood pressure;

But how can we force ourselves not to think, that is, get rid of obsessive thoughts about a man or a situation/object of our attention? You can find out more about this in the second part of our article.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a man?

As psychologists note, obsessive thoughts about a man, obsession with his personality are manifestations of self-doubt. This is where the roots come from - from the persistent thought that “I am not worthy of happiness, so I must grab the best that I received.” As you know, men are conquerors. They don’t like it when the “prey” comes into their own hands. Of course, not all men are the same, but we are looking at a universal version of gender relations.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts about a man:

  • stop thinking (if you succeed, then you are the queen of your mind);
  • rationally argue why you are “obsessed” - find ways to get rid of attachment;
  • remove irritants (dialogues, photos, do not go to his page, do not check messages and mail);

Methods for getting rid of obsessive thoughts:

  1. Take responsibility for your own happiness, but leave the ways of realizing the female idyll in the hands of a man.
  2. Mentally relax - do yoga or meditation to create a feeling of peace within and silence in the air.
  3. Distract yourself or switch your attention to more productive positions: work, self-care, hobbies that attract any man to you like a magnet.
  4. Read books or information about anti-self-hypnosis, practice regularly.
  5. Hidden benefits - in the trash. We often want something from a man, so desires haunt us, stepping on the heels of daily thoughts. We refuse, ladies. So, at least my head doesn't boil.

Obsessive thoughts about a man are a pathological manifestation of self-disrespect or insecurity. You need to get rid of them by removing the irritant (and we are not talking about a man), and then introducing the main driving secrets of how to be interesting to a man a priori. Perhaps we should adopt the etiquette and behavior of ladies of the 19th and 20th centuries.

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    Drug addiction

    This mania consists of compulsive medication use. A person takes medications not for medical purposes, but “just in case” or “for prevention.”

    Drug addiction can be one of the manifestations of hypochondria. This is the name of a condition when a person is constantly afraid of getting sick with something. Due to excessive fears for his health, he begins to take various medications for the purpose of prevention. For example, he takes laxatives to prevent possible constipation.

    Such mania can have disastrous consequences. After all, every medicine has its own side effects. Uncontrolled use of medications can seriously harm your health. In addition, people with drug addiction often overdose on medications, which sometimes leads to severe intoxication.

    Obsessive thoughts - am I thinking about him, or is he thinking about me?

    Are you familiar with the situation when obsessive thoughts about the same person haunt you all day? You wake up and already think about him, you walk down the street and think, you go to bed and think. You are constantly replaying dialogues with him in your head, entering into new ones, arguing, trying to convince him of something. And so day after day, it doesn’t matter whether you saw each other yesterday or a year ago. And here the main question arises: “Am I thinking about him, or is he thinking about me?”

    Many people already know that thought is material. Smart people say: “Think before you speak.” And wise people strongly advise to think before you think .

    A thought (thought image, thought form) is a clot of psychic energy containing information. Having a certain vibration frequency, it can take shape, size, color, and smell.

    The question of how thoughts arise has been of interest to many scientists for a long time. In the mid-19th century, the German physiologist Buchner believed that the brain produces thoughts like the liver produces bile. By the end of the 19th century, opinion had changed, scientists came to the conclusion that no one could say how the brain generates thoughts. Today's psychology also adheres to this opinion, adding that the mental does not live in the brain, it is projected onto the outside world .

    Thinking about someone, we create a mental image, project it into the outside world and send it to the recipient. The thought image, carrying a certain energy charge, invades the energy body (aura) of the recipient. If a person thinks about someone for a long time, a communication channel is formed between him and the addressee, through which energy is exchanged.

    If this is a relationship between two loving people, then an even redistribution of energies occurs. For example, a woman feeds a man with her internal energy, and a man compensates her for the spent energy with material benefits. It’s not for nothing that they say that behind every successful man there is a loving woman.

    But if the relationship is one-sided or based on feelings of resentment, anger, guilt, and so on, then there is a loss of your mental energy, the most valuable resource on Earth. If you think that the most valuable resource is oil :), you are mistaken, it is psychic energy that is the basis for the materialization of any things and only humans have it. Sometimes a person does not even control how he spends this priceless gift. Various addictions, such as smoking, alcohol, gambling addiction; painful attachment to another person; membership in egregors is all based on energy exchange.

    What kind of techniques did I use to escape from obsessive thoughts: I meditated - imagined that I was letting him go, asked him not to come to me; mentally covered herself with multi-colored caps, trying to create a barrier in the path of his thought forms; I tried to stop the flow of thoughts with an effort of will.

    Do you think this helped? Whatever the case.

    Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that the best temporary defense against intrusive thoughts is not to resist them. I simply allowed thoughts to come, but the main thing was not to enter into dialogue with them. Then they, like clouds in the sky, will begin to float by. Undoubtedly, this technique also requires concentration, but the energy costs are much less than a tireless “conversation” with a mental image or conscious resistance to obsessive thoughts.

    Intellectual work also helps tremendously; in this case, the brain switches to another task, and obsessive thoughts stop bothering you for a while.

    Unfortunately, these are only temporary techniques, and if you seriously decide to deal with obsessive thoughts, then you need to “go inside yourself,” as Anatoly Nekrasov would say. If someone steals your energy, it means you allow them to do so. This could be a karmic relationship in which you have not been able to fully understand, and the image of your partner continues to haunt you, or a relationship colored by feelings of resentment, the desire to remake the other, anger that everything is not the way I want, or you use obsessive thoughts, as an escape from real life circumstances. In any case, the reason is in you, and until you consciously control your psychic energy, you are someone’s energy donor, and your life will be spent on other people’s successes and achievements.

    But, just in case, I would ask the Stars by asking a horary question.

    Maybe your friend has been secretly in love with you for a long time. So he thinks about the subject of his passion all day and night. Well, what a demand from a man in love! Even psychiatrists do not treat the diagnosis of “love”; they wave their hands and say: “It will go away on its own.”

    Why the horary question is one of the most proven and ancient ways to understand love relationships can be read here, and how to ask a horary question correctly can be read here.

    Let your beloved man think about you all day and night!

    Tanning mania

    In psychology, tanning mania is called tanorexia. It is an obsessive need to have tanned skin. Such people cannot do without sunbathing.

    This may be one of the variants of dysmorphophobia. This is the name of a disorder in which a person considers himself ugly and constantly looks for flaws in his appearance. Light skin seems unattractive to him, for this reason he is overly fond of tanning.

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    With tanorexia, people may lie in the sun for hours at a time, risking sunburn. Such an obsession not only interferes with a full life, but is also dangerous to health. After all, excess ultraviolet radiation can cause many diseases.

    In addition, this way you can become psychologically dependent on tanning. Staying in the sun promotes the production of endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and other “joy hormones”. Over time, a person loses the habit of receiving pleasure in other ways. He needs sunbathing for his good mood and well-being.

    An obsessive desire to sit or lie down

    Some people have an obsessive urge to sit down or lie down. It can even occur in a public place. This has nothing to do with fatigue or the desire to find a comfortable position. This mania is caused by an obsessive need to find and occupy a place.

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    A person with such an obsession can lie on the floor of a vehicle or sit on a shelf in a supermarket. This creates a lot of awkwardness in social situations.

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