How to choose a profession that will make all Mondays happy

Career development for most people is a lifelong process of choosing the job opportunities available to them. Each individual subject is influenced by many factors, including the society in which they live, their personal abilities and educational achievements. Some of these factors may change during professional life. Sometimes life circumstances change career paths.

Additionally, outside influences such as family and friends can change one's views or cause one to see one's professional goals differently.

Factors for choosing a profession

Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person makes in his life. Researchers have found that many factors influencing career choice quickly become apparent through honest self-reflection. True answers to the questions: what career are you suited for, where do you want to live, how much will you get paid for your work and how do you want to work can be the key to choosing a good career.

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When choosing a career, you need to take into account the rapid changes in the labor market and the low demand for graduates. Young people are concerned not only about the domestic labor market, but also about the foreign labor market, where many young people are striving. Economic and social conditions also provide a choice of criteria and must meet the requirements of the labor market and the expectations of the needs of young people. The most common criteria are:

  • stability of work;
  • salary;
  • company reputation;
  • prospects for promotion.

Location of work

Geography can influence career decisions in several ways. You may choose a job that requires you to live in a certain region, or you may find that job opportunities are more plentiful in a certain part of the country. You may also have a personal preference for where you want to live, whether it's a busy city, the countryside or a sunny region.

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Role of parents

Parents often influence the career paths their children pursue. A parent can encourage a child to pursue a profession that is similar to his or her own or that demonstrates high returns .
Children are often attracted to a particular line of work because of the parents' professional history, which likely provided immediate prospects in that type of work. Parents' influence on children's career choices is often decisive. The most commonly used family arguments are:

  • safety and future of the profession in the labor market;
  • expected material benefits;
  • preservation of traditions (continuity).

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Marriage and children

If you're married, your significant other may influence the choices you make regarding your career.
When couples make decisions as a unit, there must be some tricks and compromises. For example, if your spouse is offered an exceptional opportunity to work abroad, you may decide together that the best option is to pursue professional opportunities in the new location. Many people change their career prospects when they have children. You need to decide whether you want a less stressful or hectic career so you can spend more time with your children. On the other hand, we need to look for ways to increase profits to ensure their well-being and future education.

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Potential income

The income potential of your chosen profession is one of the main factors influencing your career path. Personal financial needs can also influence career choices.

Industry and economic changes

Changes in the industry or economy can influence career choices. If you find that the profession is inundated with new college graduates, the potential may diminish and you may decide to take a different path. Likewise, new developments in your field can open the door to expanded professional opportunities. Even a changing global economy can affect the choices you make in your career.

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The number of people who have difficulty entering the labor market and sustaining their careers is growing around the world. Unemployment resulting from excess labor supply is a macroeconomic imbalance with the worst consequences for both individuals and the entire economy. Labor mobility through regional migration plays an important role in labor redistribution. Labor migration is one of the ways a person adapts to economic changes.

Conditions for choosing a profession

The French thinker Saint-Simon said: “The cause of almost all troubles in society is failed callings, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasures and evil passions.”

This idea is very true, because the chosen profession affects our whole life, and therefore it is very important to choose a job “for love”.

Let's learn more about the conditions for choosing a profession.

In this lesson we will look at the model of professional choice, as well as the system of factors for successful choice of profession.

Choice of profession, or professional self-determination

, acts as the most important stage of human self-realization. The formula for choosing a profession was developed by the Soviet psychologist Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Klimov to help graduates choose a profession.

He proposed using the “ octagon of the main factors for choosing a profession”

”, which included factors such as: individual inclinations and interests, one’s own abilities and capabilities, the prestige of the chosen profession, the informativeness of the description of the essence of professions, the opinion of parents, the position of friends, classmates and peers, the demand for the profession, the presence of an action plan for choosing and achieving goals .

In accordance with this, the following system of factors for successful choice of profession is identified: “I want” - the interests, preferences, wishes and inclinations of a person in the professional field; “I can” – one’s own professional capabilities, abilities, knowledge, skills and abilities; “need” – professions in demand on the labor market, that is, employer vacancies.

The most suitable professions for a person are at the intersection of all three components. Only a comprehensive coordination of the factors I want - I can - must create the most comfortable conditions already at the stage of mastering the profession, and in the future will prevent possible problems when looking for a job, and will also allow you to receive satisfaction from the position and a decent salary.

Let's take a closer look at the factors of the formula “I want - I can - I need”


The intention to acquire a profession is dictated by interest in it and the need to satisfy this interest. That is, “I want” is interests, inclinations towards certain activities, desires.

Interest is an emotionally charged, increased attention of a person to any object or phenomenon. Interests are expressed by the phrase “I want to know.” Stable interests often develop into addictions.

An inclination is a desire to engage in a certain activity, gradually accumulate knowledge, and improve the skills and abilities corresponding to this activity. Inclinations are expressed by the phrase “I want to do.”

Interests will acquire the nature of inclination if a person intensively and constantly engages in a certain type of activity. There are many similarities between interests and inclinations, but there are also differences.

For example, when there is an interest in painting, but there is no desire to become an artist. This means that there is interest, but there is no inclination. A profession must be chosen with stable interests and inclinations.

That is, the “I want” factor represents activities and actions that a person performs with interest, with desire, on his own initiative. If you like the chosen business, then the person will work with pleasure, strive to improve his qualifications and, as a result, will enjoy authority and earn more.

Otherwise, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve significant heights in your career, or it will cost you physical and emotional costs that are incomparable with your salary.

When choosing a profession, special attention should be paid to the “I want” factor, because the right motivation and interest are the basis of all professional activities.

Having understood your interests and desires, you need to analyze your physical capabilities and psychological characteristics. After all, any specialty has its own specific set of professionally important qualities.

In order to make the right choice of profession, you need to know your strengths and weaknesses. Answers to the question “What can I?” can help you figure this out.

The “can” factor indicates the abilities, health capabilities and professional qualifications of a person. This is the level of his knowledge and skills. Ignorance of your abilities, health status, psychological and physical characteristics, as well as the inability to correlate them with the requirements of the profession can lead to an erroneous choice.

Health status.

This is the simplest factor, which is nevertheless often forgotten. For some professions, health status is not particularly important, but for others it plays a decisive role, and the road to the profession will be closed forever.

For example, a person with poor eyesight will not be hired as a sniper, and people with color blindness are unlikely to be able to obtain driving qualifications.

Even if the requirements for a particular profession do not indicate health contraindications, it is necessary to correlate your physical characteristics with the process of future work.

Personal qualities and psychological characteristics.

This may include temperament, character traits and other personal qualities, both positive and negative. Psychological tests, conversations with professional psychologists, or simple questions to friends and acquaintances will help identify them.

These are important factors when choosing a profession. Thus, introverted people should not choose specialties related to communication with other people, and active creative individuals are unlikely to be able to fully realize themselves in monotonous work.

Professional predispositions and abilities. Capabilities

- These are the individual capabilities of a person in a particular field of activity. It is understood that a person has both individual knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as a readiness to learn and new ways of assimilating information.

There are four levels of abilities: reproductive (the ability to assimilate knowledge, master activities according to the presented samples); creative (creating something new, original; elements of creativity and novelty are included in reproductive activity); high (creation of something fundamentally new and original, non-standard problem solving; abilities at the level of talent); the highest (creating something original, new in the field of scientific research, production, art, literature, etc. People with this level of development of abilities are said to be geniuses).

Thus, the “can” factor includes personal qualities that should ensure the success of professional training and its effectiveness.

If, when choosing a profession, you exclude this part of the formula for choosing a profession or do not give it due attention, then the likelihood of not entering an educational institution for the chosen specialty or getting a job in a good company increases significantly.

If you managed to graduate and get a job, then to achieve professional success you will have to make much more effort than your surrounding colleagues who have the inclinations and predispositions for this profession.

The “must” component in the formula for choosing a profession indicates the demand for the profession in the labor market and the possibility of employment.

To choose the right profession, you need to understand which areas will be actively developing, what new technologies, products, management practices will be born in them, and what new specialists employers will need. When choosing a profession, it is important to focus not only on its demand now, but also take into account the forecast for the next five to seven years


The more specialists of one profession there are on the labor market, the lower the salary they will be offered. But the work of a person with a rare profession will most likely be valued much higher.

It is illogical to choose a profession that is not in demand on the labor market or is gradually losing its importance.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to accurately predict the prospects of a profession in a few years, but it is possible to trace general trends. To do this, you can read the opinions of experts, look at state educational plans, find relevant analytics and form your own opinion.

The labor market is always in flux; with the development of technology, new professions appear and old ones gradually die out.

Therefore, even after getting a job, it is necessary to improve and improve your skills in order to remain a competitive and successful specialist in your professional field.

Excluding the “should” factor when choosing a profession will lead to the fact that finding a job in your specialty may be difficult.

Thus, the basis of professional success is the successful combination of all three factors of the formula “I want - I can - I need.”

In this case, it will be easier to achieve professional success and become a sought-after specialist. After all, the chosen profession will be at the same time: interesting for the employee; corresponds to the employee’s capabilities; is in demand in the labor market.

Excluding one of the parameters of the formula can lead to adverse consequences

: from the inability to obtain satisfaction from work to difficulties in finding employment in the specialty.

In addition, at different stages of a person’s professional development, various options for combining factors of the formula “I want - I can - I need” are observed.

After all, at each subsequent stage there is an accumulation of professional qualities, and accordingly, the “I want” and “I can” parameters increase. Due to this, a list of professions is growing that satisfy both the interests of the applicant and the requirements of employers.

If there are no intersections between the factors I want - I can - I must, then in order to meet the requirements of the labor market it will be necessary to adjust personal professional aspirations.

However, it is not always possible to find a job that is both liked, successful and in demand. In this case, it should be taken into account that none of the three components is leading and determining. It all depends on what is most significant and important for the person himself. The main thing is that in the process of choosing a professional path, all the “I want”, “I can”, “I need” are taken into account and priorities are consciously identified.

Let's look at one simple way to choose a suitable profession

. All you need is a blank sheet of paper and a pen.

Draw yourself or a large beautiful letter “I” in the center of the sheet.

Then, like rays from the sun, draw arrows extending from it.

Write your favorite activities and hobbies along the arrows. These could be lessons, hobbies, just pleasant and simple activities that are not necessarily related to the world of professions. The more such rays you get, the better.

Next, come up with several suitable professions for each resulting ray. If difficulties arise, you can search for information on the Internet, magazines, newspapers, and ask friends and parents for advice. In this simple way you will get a list of professions that may suit you. Select from 5 to 10 the most interesting ones and find out as much as possible about them: required education, average salary level, requirements of employing companies, and the like. You can add a list of suitable educational institutions and suitable courses for developing professionally important skills. Check the correctness of your choice with the help of the opinions of people significant to you (parents, teachers, friends), passing career guidance tests, and consulting with a good professional psychologist.

Do not forget that solving the questions “How to choose a profession”, “What to become?” and the like is only the first step on the path to a successful career, but your future success and relevance as a professional depends on it.

Teenagers' choice of profession

Many factors influence an adolescent's career choice, including life context, personal ability, teacher, and educational achievement. Addressing this important developmental challenge is critical in the lives of adolescents.

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has been found to play an important role in how youth learn about careers and influence the choice process . Strategies that target parents and communities to increase their involvement in youth career choices can support good decision making.

An important turning point in life is the career choice they make in high school . Often viewed by family and community as simply the beginning of job readiness, this decision plays an important role in setting youth on a path that opens as well as closes opportunities.

Interdependence of family, school and community culture

Young people, through interaction with family, school, and community contexts, explore and explore careers that ultimately lead to defining their path. The interdependence of family, school and community culture plays a decisive role in shaping the professional choice of young people.

Adolescents are influenced by very different social and economic contextual factors in their pursuit of different career paths during the transition from school to work.

The job choices young people make are embedded in their perceptions of the “ideal job” and their career decision-making maturity. Professional selection is not just a matching process; rather, it is a choice made in the context of many influencing factors. The perception of the “ideal job” acts as a filter for job appropriateness and influences the selection process.

Initial career decision making is a cultural developmental goal that adolescents are expected to achieve by the end of their school year. In the secondary schools surveyed, the range of career preferences varied. Young people with wealthy parents, as a rule, make decisions about their future career quickly. For children of low-income parents, lack of career decision-making is normal.

Young people recognize that there are obstacles to their future career choices and are looking for ways to overcome these obstacles . The majority of young people state that the main obstacle is the lack of financial resources for education. Youth wishing to work after graduation identified lack of employment opportunities as their second barrier to achieving employment goals.

The vast majority of rural youth plan to leave the countryside to look for work. Some young people wanted to stay if they could find work in the area.

The career choices that adolescents make are decisions that influence not only their development but also their existing context.

Developing programs and strategies that help both parents and youth explore a wide range of occupations can open doors to new and non-traditional career options. Providing teens with learning opportunities that challenge them to think about the situations they face in different types of employment can give them a better understanding of career options.

Community-based learning that engages teens while solving real-life problems in the workplace connects them directly to the reality of different jobs. Involving parents and communities in actively supporting career exploration and choice provides a context that helps adolescents successfully transition into adult roles in the workplace.

How to choose a profession: typical options

Since childhood, several typical scenarios for choosing a profession have been imposed on us:

To understand what you like best, talk to representatives of different professions.

Career Guidance Tests

You probably went through these in high school. But tests for children are not suitable for adults, since they are based only on preferences, a very rough understanding of the characteristics of professions and personal qualities. And tests for adults, in addition, take into account the professional experience already gained.

What tests do we recommend?

Career guidance test "Career" from Happy Monday. It consists of 300+ questions, determines your strengths and weaknesses, personal qualities, and allows you to evaluate various intellectual components. Afterwards you will receive a list of 12 professions that are most suitable for you and recommendations for improving your weaknesses. In addition to the test, there is an hour-long consultation with a career specialist who will explain the results and answer any questions you may have.

John Holland test. The test is based on 6 personality types: realistic, intellectual, social, conventional, enterprising and artistic. As a result, you will not receive a list of professions, but areas of activity recommended for your personality type.

Test according to the method of Evgeniy Klimov. The author of the test identifies 5 types of professions: man-nature, man-technology, man-person, man-sign system, man-artistic image. As a result, you will know which of these types suits you best. However, the test is simple (only 30 questions), so don’t expect any serious insights.

Reading books about careers and self-discovery

Of course, there are hundreds of such books, and you simply won’t have time to read them all. Therefore, here are a few that we recommend you study:

  • Barbara Sher "Your dream job. How to make money doing what you love";
  • Barbara Sher "I refuse to choose! How to use your interests, passions and hobbies to create the life and career of your dreams";
  • El Luna “Between I need and I want. Find your path and follow it";
  • Elena Rezanova “Never. How to get out of a dead end and find yourself";
  • Tamara Sukhenko “How to choose the profession of the future”;
  • Larisa Parfentyeva “100 ways to change your life.”

Without a relationship at 40: 10 professions that increase the risk of loneliness

Completion of various training programs

The best way to find out if you like something is to try it out. It is not necessary to immediately go for expensive and lengthy training. There are many free options.

Here's where to look for them:

  • Google Digital Workshop
    . Here you can improve both hard skills and soft skills. For example, simultaneously learn the principles of time management and business promotion on social networks.
  • Coursera
    . Thousands of courses from the world's leading universities that will allow you to study areas of interest from different angles - from management to the basics of programming. The training materials themselves are mostly free, but if you want to receive certificates of completion, you will have to pay.
  • My own business
    . For those who want to study management and business administration.
  • Creative Flow
    . For those who plan to work in the design field and want to learn how to use Photoshop.
  • Cambridge in Colour.
    Here they help you master the skills needed by photographers.
  • Learn to code HTML & CSS
    . For those who want to understand programming and learn HTML and CSS.
  • The Code Player
    . A resource based on teaching HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and other programming languages ​​through video instructions.

The best way to understand whether you like a profession is to try it in practice, even for free.

Selection factors according to Klimov


A person achieves better results in the area that he likes.

Abilities and talent

Just being interested in something is not enough; you also need it to succeed. And this requires certain abilities. So, to play the violin, it is not enough to love music: you also need musical abilities.


The choice may be determined by:

  • profession;
  • place of work;
  • place of residence;
  • climatic and weather conditions.

All these factors can enter into conflicting relationships or, conversely, overlapping each other, outweigh in favor of any choice.

Influence of parents, family

Relatives and friends often want to take part in choosing a job. The opinion of relatives and their experience cannot be neglected, but you need to understand that this is not the only factor.

Opinions of peers and friends

The opinion of classmates and comrades is important, as it reflects the level of popularity of certain professions, but the choice of profession is a personal choice.

A personal plan is a map that makes the path forward easier. The main goal and intermediate points should be marked on it. Reading reference literature, the experience of knowledgeable people, self-education, entering a certain educational institution or club will give you the opportunity to form your opinion about the shortest path to achieving your immediate goals. In addition, it is necessary to have backup routes in case insurmountable barriers arise in the implementation of the main plan, that is, there must be a plan “A”, “B”, etc.

Knowledge of professions

Before making a choice, you need to get to know the different professions in depth. Lack of knowledge in the field of modern professions most often becomes a stone obstacle in the problem of self-determination.

The needs of society are constantly changing. Therefore, in order not to choose a profession that will later turn out to be unnecessary, it is necessary to constantly update knowledge about the situation on the labor market.

Choosing a profession is one of the most important choices in a person’s life.

Choosing a profession is one of the most important choices in a person’s life.

Confucius once said: “Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a day again!”

Choosing your future profession is a very important step in life for every person. This choice cannot be approached thoughtlessly, spontaneously, or by chance: you need to think about your choice very well; as they say, weigh all the pros and cons in choosing your future profession, since this choice is especially responsible both to yourself, as well as in the future and to other people.

When choosing a profession, a person can only determine his preferences for a certain area: he will both see and evaluate what his soul is most drawn to, as well as in what area he has talents, where and who he sees himself in the future. Some people have a preference for the profession of journalist, some have talents in the field of medicine, and some have an aptitude for the exact sciences and teaching. The choice of profession for each person is his personal choice, based on certain capabilities, hobbies, abilities and other personal criteria.

When choosing a profession, you need to decide on the region of work and residence, determine the demand in the labor market after graduating from an educational institution (it does not matter whether it is an educational institution of secondary vocational or higher vocational education), you must also prioritize the relevance and demand of your future profession.

It is safe to say that almost half of the graduates of both secondary vocational educational institutions and higher vocational educational institutions are not entirely satisfied with the choice of their profession, therefore they are in no hurry to find a job in their specialty, or do not work at all.

How can graduates explain this fact; Why did you go to study not where your soul lay, but in a completely different place, in a different specialty? – The answer to this question is completely simple: continuity of generations, parents forced me to study, they didn’t go where they wanted, they didn’t get into the budget, just so as not to go to the army, it didn’t matter where to go to study. As a result of this choice, many years were spent studying, and graduates get jobs “wherever they can.”

Features of career guidance

Each person is an individual and has certain personality abilities, personal interests and distinctive personality traits that make him suitable for certain professions.

This tendency is one of the key characteristics of a person’s personality that can be identified. And the sooner this inclination is identified, the sooner a person will be able to decide on a future profession, and also understand how well he corresponds to it.

Psychodiagnostics plays an important role in diagnosing the choice of one’s future profession. In modern times, career guidance work is very often underestimated, considering that this work is outdated and inferior. And in vain, since school graduates often choose a specialty, being under the influence of a whole complex of external factors, such as: prestige, the opinion of loved ones, future economic benefits, benefits of various levels, attributes, etc. It must be remembered that the choice of a future profession must be approached as balanced, responsible, thoughtful and serious as possible, so as not to suffer from the wrong choice of profession in a job that is not yours and not to spend extra money on retraining.

Algorithm for choosing a profession

The prestige of the future profession and the level of salary are the main criteria that applicants are guided by when choosing a future specialty.

It is important to remember that satisfaction from their work is obtained by those people who independently, thoughtfully and responsibly approached the choice of their future profession, in turn, without being influenced by external factors.

Modern society lives and educates the new generation based on prejudices, for example, such as - some professions - plumber, builder, junior kindergarten teacher - are not only not prestigious, but also unworthy to work in this direction and in these positions. In turn, parents insist that their child should only receive a prestigious profession, such as a doctor, economist, lawyer, teacher, which leads to the fact that after graduation, graduates do not strive to work in their specialty, and the diploma they receive is left to gather dust on a shelf from parents.

Therefore, when choosing a profession and educational institution, it is first of all very important to take into account the personal aspirations and personal qualities of your child. Since the lack of joy from one’s work, which is expressed by routine, or, on the contrary, by an overly active and useless rhythm and constant distraction on various kinds of issues, will someday drive a person into depression.

Significant indicators when choosing a specialty

Each profession is individual and presupposes that each person has individual, specific qualities and traits.

Thus, relatively popular entrepreneurship implies that the entrepreneur has entrepreneurship, social involvement in the profession, physical activity, stress resistance, certain organizational skills, persuasiveness, and confidence in his actions. It is impossible not to list that an entrepreneur must be careful, moderately flexible, have the strength to stop in time, sometimes have the willpower to retreat, rethink the strategy for further work and approach the issue from a different angle.

When a person understands that leadership qualities are present, but the intellect to some extent does not reach independent leadership, one can consider alternative industries such as logistics, construction, etc. Work that requires manual labor, accordingly, implies that the performer has certain responsibilities , for example: strength, dexterity, patience, scrupulousness, attentiveness and perseverance.

As for most office professions, they necessarily imply attentiveness, resistance to stress, immersion and involvement in one’s profession, responsibility, self-control and endurance.

Medical workers, for example, do not have a unified psychological standard. If, if necessary, we analyze the personal qualities of people working in this direction, then they are all completely different in all understandings.

When focusing on choosing a specific specialization, it is necessary to keep in mind the presence of such qualities as responsibility, meticulousness and consistency - this is the smallest part of psychodiagnostic indicators. These indicators, however, cannot be considered as a dogma, since in our rapidly changing world new technologies appear every day, and accordingly, the requirements for representatives of the relevant fields of activity undergo changes.

Rules for choosing a profession

There is a special algorithm that helps you approach the selection of your future profession in the most thoughtful, responsible and balanced way.

First of all, it is necessary to make a list of professions that are interesting, and precisely in which a person sees himself in the future. After which you need to assess your compliance with them based on your personal qualities, character traits, your skills.

In addition to all of the above, there are also requirements that directly apply to a particular profession. It is also necessary to independently determine the correspondence of intellectual and psychological abilities and professional qualities, as well as potential health, to the chosen profession and future work.

When the decision to choose a profession is finally made, it becomes necessary to choose an educational institution and decide how to develop qualities that are important for a specialist of a certain profile; the choice becomes to acquire practical work experience, as well as to increase competitiveness and attractiveness for the employer.

The choice of profession is conventionally presented in the form of a formula: “I want - I can - I must,” each element in which is mutually determined.

Thus, the first element represents a very attractive profession for the applicant, certain activities from which a person will receive, not only material benefits, but mainly satisfaction.

The second element is the presence of certain traits and qualities that are required in a particular profession.

The third element is direct demand in the labor market. It is also important to understand that the labor market is a rapidly changing phenomenon. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on those areas that remain unchanged, which are not affected by either the economic or political situation, because some professions quite quickly lose their relevance, demand, and then disappear.

So, to summarize, you need to remember that your future profession is not only a specific name, but also the matter of your entire future life. Therefore, the choice of a future profession must be approached with all seriousness, so that in the future you will be in love with your business, believe in your successes and your career development. You must choose your future profession according to your heart and only according to your own decision.

And you need to know that your future is in your hands!!!

Deputy Director for Academic Affairs

MBOU Secondary School No. 9 named after. I.D. Brazhnik p. Oktyabrsky

Glagolko Anna Sergeevna

Influence of character

Understanding which careers are best for you based on your personality is what will make you happiest at work. People who can apply their personal strengths to their careers have been found to experience greater job satisfaction. For example, it is better for sociable people to work in a team and, conversely, if your character trait is isolation, then it is better to choose an individual work mode.

A person's character strengths can be considered friendliness, self-control, and kindness, which you demonstrate and practice daily.

According to research, people typically have between three and seven strengths, and the more strengths an employee can actually use in the workplace, the more satisfied and productive they will be.

Self-esteem and understanding of your inherent characteristics will determine what direction you should take your career, whether you are early or mid-career.

Taking into account your inner world will not only be useful on a personal level, but it can also give you an advantage in an interview. Knowing that employers are increasingly assessing personality types, you must demonstrate your best qualities while also asking appropriate questions regarding the workplace environment.

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