Manifestation and prevention of school maladjustment in children

School maladjustment can happen to every first-grader. According to child psychologists, the reason why a first-grader is lagging behind in his studies is his maladaptation to school conditions.

And only a family can help a child become successful during the difficult time of transition from carefree childhood to school education. But many parents, without pedagogical education, do not know how to properly prepare their child. What is student maladjustment?

School maladjustment is a complex of problems

When entering first grade, a child must wean himself from previous living conditions and adapt to new ones . If the parents and the kindergarten were involved in preparing the child, then the process goes well and after a couple of months the first-grader feels great next to the teachers, finds his way around school, and makes new friends in the class. However, often everyday problems prevent parents from devoting the necessary time to their child.

And then it happens that the child:

  • afraid to go to school;
  • begins to get sick often;
  • loses weight, loses appetite, sleeps poorly;
  • behaves withdrawn at school;
  • does not seek help from school teachers;
  • may get lost in the school building;
  • loses self-care skills: cannot change clothes for physical education by himself, forgets things, textbooks, etc.
  • may begin to stutter, blink his eyes frequently, cough, etc.;
  • does not learn the material in class, is inattentive, absent-minded or moody.

These are signs that the baby is experiencing school maladaptation in children of primary school age.

If you do not pay attention to these signs in time, the child will, at best, be a poor student; at worst, you will have to treat him for a long time with a neurologist, or even with a psychiatrist.



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Mother Nature has her own laws. Reluctance to fulfill one's parental duty, wars, various social disasters, abuse of children... In general, there is something to save them from. And then the care of such children passes to the state. One of the main mechanisms that would reduce the number of children in boarding schools is to find a new family for them.

During the existence of the institution, from 1995 to the present, 345 children have found shelter there. From the first days of living in our institution, the child does not lose hope that he may return to his biological family or acquire a new one in which he will be dear. But even if this dream is not destined to come true, then while he lives with us, his moral pains and anxieties will be compensated by the care and understanding of the center’s staff.

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A team of students and teachers from the Kandalaksha Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care, “Bereg”, addresses you!

Every child left without parental care has the right and must live and be raised in a family. And even in cases where the family arrangement is difficult, the child must be surrounded with individual attention and care. And in addition to the staff of the school, the Center (former orphanage), such children should have a significant adult mentor or friend who helps them acquire skills for a future independent life. Being a mentor or just a good friend means communicating with a child, perhaps inviting them to visit, take a walk together, go to the cinema or to any event in the city. And at this time, listen to the child, give life advice on why it is the right thing to do and not otherwise. From work experience we can confidently say that even short-term communication with a child has a positive effect on his condition. And often with their problems, for help and advice, children turn to this person, while living in a government institution. We would be very happy if there were people willing to become a friend, a mentor for a child left without parental care. So that an adult is no longer an abstract source of attention and goodwill, but a specific person with certain qualities (marital status, age, profession, etc.). The activity of a mentor is not that he himself solves all the problems of the student in the shortest possible time, but in motivating the child to change his lifestyle and behavior.

If among your work colleagues, relatives, neighbors, acquaintances there are people (persons) who agree to be a friend, mentor, good acquaintance for our children - call, write, come.


"Accessible environment" "LIVING TOGETHER"

State regional budgetary institution for orphans and children without parental care, “Kandalaksha Center for Assistance to Children without Parental Care, “Bereg”

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Reception schedule for citizens: Monday from 9.00 am to 5.12 pm

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Deputy Director for ACh - Elesina Valentina Sergeevnatel/fax 8(81533) 9-46-01; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organizations, institutions, citizens - not indifferent and ready to help, to provide attention to our center or to a child personally, can contact the director of the institution at a convenient time for them

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Why does school maladjustment occur?

Difficulties in getting a child accustomed to school can be caused by both the characteristics of his

personality, and improper upbringing in the family.

Reasons for school maladjustment:

  • The child is not prepared for school: he does not realize the importance of the transition to education, and does not know how to make volitional efforts in order to concentrate on his studies. They say about such children: “He should play all the time.”
  • He is often sick and has serious health problems.
  • The processes of formation of thinking, attention, and memory are disrupted.
  • Has movement disorders.
  • Unbalanced, frequent unjustified mood swings.

How does school maladaptation manifest itself and what needs to be done to eliminate it?

  • The child does poorly in all subjects. It occurs as a result of unpreparedness for school, improper upbringing in the family, developmental deficiencies, as well as lack of help and support from teachers and parents. Recommendation: together with the teacher, find out which processes necessary for successful learning are not developed in your child, try to follow the teacher’s advice.
  • The child cannot independently regulate his behavior, is noisy in class, may burst into tears or laugh unexpectedly, is inattentive, distracted, and does not want to study. This is usually the behavior of children who are either very strictly controlled in the family or, conversely, allowed everything. Recommendation: talk with the teacher about his relationship with the child in the class, contact the school psychologist for advice on changing the child’s behavior. There is no need to sharply tighten or loosen the requirements for a first-grader; the formation of new skills should occur gradually so as not to traumatize the child, who is already having a hard time.
  • The child is often late for school, does not have time to complete assignments in class,

    gets tired by the end of the school day. These signs appear in schoolchildren who are often ill, and also indicate a weak nervous system, possible developmental delay or improper upbringing at home. Recommendation: try to teach your child to do everything on time, change the load on him during the day.

  • The kid is afraid of school. More often, such children come from dysfunctional or divorcing families. Recommendation: the child needs the help of a psychologist.
  • The baby is well developed intellectually, but there is no interest in learning, he is undisciplined, and does not study well. The child’s behavior can be explained by several reasons: the family treats him as if he were small, trying to keep him in childhood for as long as possible; the child is not psychologically ready for school; The situation at home is unfavorable, so school is not of interest to him at the moment. Recommendation: normalize the situation in the family; Treat the child according to his age. Together with school teachers, shape the child’s readiness to learn.

Find out what mistakes parents make most often when their child moves from kindergarten to school (read here ), as well as how to ensure continuity between kindergarten and school ( read here ). - maladjustment is

Human maladjustment, its causes, prevention and overcoming

Disadaptation (from the Latin prefix de... or French des...) - means, first of all, disappearance, destruction, complete absence and is only much less often used as a decrease, reduction. A number of scientific publications use the term “disadaptation” (from the Latin dis - in the first meaning - disturbance, distortion, deformation, much less often - disappearance).

Consequently, if we mean a violation, a distortion of adaptation, then we should talk specifically about disadaptation (through “and”), since complete loss, the disappearance of adaptation - this, when applied to a thinking being, should mean the cessation of meaningful existence in general, because while this the creature is alive and conscious, it is somehow adapted to the environment. At the same time, the Latin de is read both as “de” and “di”. Consequently, the essence of the word “maladjustment” is determined by what is included in it. This fact means that “disadaptation” and “disadaptation” in domestic literature and in practice are considered as synonyms.

Most often, disadaptation (disadaptation) is understood as a discrepancy between a person’s sociopsychological and psychophysiological status and the requirements of a life situation, which in turn does not allow him to adapt to the conditions of his environment. The phenomenon of maladaptation can occur in a separate (typical) or any environment. For example, at home a child feels quite comfortable and does not experience maladaptive phenomena, but in kindergarten, on the contrary, he feels uncomfortable.

Disadaptation, like adaptation, is considered as a process, manifestation and result of personality.

Disadaptation as a process means a decrease in a person’s adaptive capabilities in the conditions of the living environment or in certain conditions (for example, in a kindergarten, class, group, etc.). It can manifest itself over time and lead to completely different consequences. In particular, maladaptation can have a sluggish current character and be practically invisible, becoming at a certain stage a serious problem that manifests itself sharply when a person in a certain situation turns out to be completely unadapted to it and cannot find himself. In this case, the consequences can be quite serious. For a child, long-term maladjustment is fraught with delays in development, the formation of negative attitudes, and anxiety.

Disadaptation as a manifestation is an external characteristic of any human ill-being, which is expressed in his atypical behavior, attitude and performance in given environmental conditions. Each child has its own forms of manifestation. It is often difficult to identify it externally. It is necessary to know the person well and his typical manifestations in various situations. The ability to timely understand the signs of maladjustment allows the teacher to quickly respond to the situation, preventing deep-seated negative consequences. We are not talking about creating greenhouse conditions for the pupil, but about preventing significant negative deformation consequences for him under the influence of maladjustment.

Disadaptation as a result is evidence of a comparative assessment of a qualitatively new state and manifestation that does not correspond to environmental conditions that are not typical for this person, based on his previous behavior and attitude (kindergarten teacher, student, etc.) to peers, studies and activities. In relation to a child, this is evidence that his behavior, relationships and performance (in relationships with children and adults, studies, games, etc.) do not correspond to the social norms that are characteristic of him (his peers) in these conditions environment.

In the specialized literature and in practice, the category maladapted is used in relation to a certain category of people: maladjusted children, maladjusted child, maladjusted group, as well as in relation to the environment that caused deformation phenomena: school maladjustment, family maladjustment, etc.

Maladjusted children. These are children who, for various reasons, cannot adapt to the conditions of their living environment (kindergarten group, class group, peer group, etc.) on an equal basis with their peers and other children, which negatively affects their self-expression, development, education, training, for example, a student who is performing poorly in class. At the same time, poor academic performance may not be the result of maladaptation, but a reflection of the student’s individual cognitive abilities in learning, reluctance to learn, etc.

A maladjusted person. This is a person who is different from other people due to problems of adaptation in the environment of life that affected him, his development, activity, and ability to solve problems that are natural for this situation.

Maladjusted child. A child who differs from his peers due to problems of adaptation in the environment that affected him, his development, socialization, and ability to solve problems that are natural for his peers.

A certain category of children quickly overcomes the state of maladjustment that they encounter in life. They do not encounter any particular difficulties in the process of natural adaptation to the conditions of the new environment. However, it should be emphasized that, despite the fact that children are quite dynamic in adapting to various conditions, they often experience great difficulties, which seriously affect maladapted children, their subsequent self-realization and self-improvement. Such children need help and support at the adaptation stage. The absence of these can have serious negative consequences for them.

School maladjustment. It is most often noted by teachers of primary schools, where children study who have difficulty adapting to school reality. It is typical for children aged 6-8 years, who do not understand the classroom situation, who do not have good relationships with classmates, and against this background there is practically no progress in the development of their cognitive activity or its pace is reduced. Such children need special attention and help from the teacher, an individual approach to their education and upbringing. An equally important role in stimulating the adaptive capabilities of these children belongs to the class team, its respectful attitude towards them and support.

If the teacher is able to build pedagogically appropriate relationships with maladjusted students, their parents and the class, school maladjustment can be largely overcome within 2-4 months after the start of the school year. In more severe cases, when children have persistent negative reactions to the learning situation in the classroom, it is necessary to obtain professional advice from specialists, including a psychologist, and in some cases, when the child has neurotic reactions in the form of irritable tearfulness, nervousness, aggressiveness in combination with sleep and appetite disorders, then see a neuropsychiatrist.

Various categories of children, under certain conditions, need targeted support and assistance to prevent the occurrence of maladaptation or overcome it in the process of their upbringing and education. Maladjusted children with pathological forms often need educational work with them in special educational institutions, oriented taking into account the factor that led the children to this condition. To work with them, special techniques and trained specialists are needed.

The main causes of human maladjustment are groups of factors. These include: personal (internal), environmental (external), or both.

Personal (internal) factors of human maladjustment are associated with insufficient realization of his social needs as an individual.

These include:

- long-term illness;

- limited opportunities for the child to communicate with his environment, people and the lack of adequate (taking into account individual characteristics) communication with him from his environment;

- long-term isolation of a person, regardless of his age (forced or forced) from the environment of everyday life;

- switching to another type of activity (long vacation, temporary performance of other official duties), etc.

Environmental (external) factors of a person’s maladaptation are associated with the fact that they are not familiar to him and create discomfort, which to one degree or another restrains personal manifestation.

These include:

- unhealthy family environment that suppresses the child’s personality. Such a situation may occur in “at-risk” families; families in which an authoritarian parenting style predominates, child abuse;

- absence or insufficient attention to communication with the child from parents and peers;

- suppression of personality due to the novelty of the situation (child’s arrival at kindergarten, school; change of group, class);

- suppression of the individual by the group (maladaptive group) - rejection of the child by the team, microgroup, oppression, violence against him, etc. This is especially typical for adolescents. Manifestation of cruelty (violence, boycott) on their part towards peers is a frequent occurrence;

- a negative manifestation of “market education”, when success is measured exclusively by material wealth. Unable to provide sufficient income, a person finds himself in a complex depressive1 state;

- negative influence of the media in “market education”. Formation of interests that do not correspond to age, promotion of the ideals of social well-being and the ease of achieving them. Real life leads to significant disappointment, complexion, and maladjustment. Cheap mystery novels, horror films and action films form in an immature person the idea of ​​death as something vague and idealized;

- the maladaptive influence of an individual, in whose presence the child experiences great tension and discomfort. Such a personality is called maladaptive (a maladaptive child is a group) - this is a person (group) who, under certain conditions in relation to the environment (group) or an individual, acts as a factor of maladaptation (affecting self-manifestation) and, thus, restrains his activity , the ability to realize oneself most fully. Examples: a girl in relation to a guy who is not indifferent to her; a gynergic child in relation to the class; difficult to educate, actively playing a provoking role in relation to the teacher (especially a young one), etc.;

Depression (from Latin depressio - suppression, oppression) is a painful mental state, manifested in experiences of melancholy and despair against the background of emotional, intellectual and motor inhibition. Drives, motives, volitional activity, self-esteem are sharply reduced. Behavior in this state is characterized by slowness, lack of initiative, and fatigue.

- overload associated with “concern” for the development of the child, which is not suitable for his age and individual capabilities, etc. This fact occurs when an unprepared child is sent to a school or gymnasium class that does not correspond to his individual capabilities; overload the child without taking into account his physical and mental capabilities (for example, with sports, school, club activities).

Maladjustment of children and adolescents leads to various consequences.

Most often these consequences are negative, including:

— personal deformations;

- insufficient physical development;

- impaired mental function;

— possible brain dysfunctions;

- typical nervous disorders (depression, lethargy or excitability, aggressiveness);

- loneliness - a person finds himself alone with his problems. It can be associated with external alienation of a person or with self-alienation;

- problems in relationships with peers, other people, etc. Such problems can lead to suppression of the main instinct of self-preservation. Unable to adapt to the current conditions, a person may take extreme measures - suicide.

A positive manifestation of maladaptation is possible due to a qualitative change in the living environment of a child or adolescent with deviant behavior.

Often, disadapted children include those who, on the contrary, are themselves a person who seriously influences the adaptation of another person (group of persons). In this case, it is more correct to talk about a maladaptive person or group.

“Street children” are also often classified as maladjusted. We cannot agree with this assessment. These children are better adapted than adults. Even in difficult life situations, they are in no hurry to take advantage of the help offered to them. To work with them, specialists are trained who can convince them and bring them to a shelter or other specialized institution. If such a child is taken from the street and placed in a specialized institution, then at first he may turn out to be maladapted. After a certain time, it is difficult to predict who will be maladjusted - he or the environment in which he finds himself.

High adaptability to the environment of new children with deviant behavior often leads to serious problems of a negative nature in relation to the majority of children. Practice shows that there are facts when the appearance of such a child requires the teacher or educator to make certain protective efforts in relation to the entire group (class). Individuals may well have a negative impact on the entire group and contribute to its maladjustment in learning and discipline.

All of these factors pose a direct threat, primarily to the intellectual development of the child. Difficulty in education, social and pedagogical neglect pose a danger of maladaptation of the child himself in the field of education, training and education, as well as of individuals and groups. Practice convincingly proves that just as the child himself becomes a victim of maladjustment in the new environment, under certain conditions he acts as a factor in the maladjustment of others, including the teacher.

Considering the predominantly negative impact of maladjustment on the personality development of a child and adolescent, it is necessary to carry out preventive work to prevent it.

The main ways to help prevent and overcome the consequences of maladjustment in children and adolescents include:

— creating optimal environmental conditions for the child;

- avoiding overload in the learning process due to the discrepancy between the level of learning difficulties and the child’s individual capabilities and the organization of the educational process;

— support and assistance to children in adapting to new conditions;

- encouraging the child to self-activate and express himself in the environment of life, stimulating their adaptation, etc.;

— creation of an accessible special service for socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to various categories of the population who find themselves in difficult life situations: helplines, offices for socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance, crisis hospitals;

— training parents, teachers and educators in methods of working to prevent maladaptation and overcome its consequences;

— training of specialists for specialized services of socio-psychological and pedagogical assistance to various categories of people in difficult life situations.

Maladjusted children need efforts to provide or help in overcoming it. Such activities are aimed at overcoming the consequences of maladjustment. The content and nature of socio-pedagogical activity is determined by the consequences that maladjustment has led to.

Prevention of school maladjustment

Here are some recommendations for parents.

  • Don't rush to send your child to school. Children develop readiness for school at different times. This can happen at 6 or 8 years old. Consult a child psychologist.
  • In order for your child not to be afraid of school, even before starting school, talk to him about this topic, explain what difficulties he may encounter and how to cope with them.
  • With the help of games, reading books, and helping out around the house, develop your child’s memory, thinking, attention, and teach him to make efforts to obtain the desired result. For example, while cleaning a room, you can play the following game: there are 7 different items on a shelf. Ask your child to look at them carefully, then close their eyes. During this time, hide one item. The child must open his eyes and determine which item is missing. This exercise develops visual memory, attention, and children really like it.
  • Play school with him, let his dolls and bears come to learn and get into

    various situations that the child must solve with your help.

  • Read to your child as much as possible, and not only fairy tales, but also educational literature. This awakens the baby’s interest in new knowledge, develops curiosity and cognitive processes.
  • Introduce your child to the school day routine through games or conversations.
  • Share your memories of teachers, creating a positive image of the teacher in your child to prevent fear of unfamiliar adults.
  • Draw pictures in notebooks using cells and rulers, this will teach your child to see them and develop the small finger muscles necessary for writing.
  • Fingers develop well, as well as imagination, drawing with paints, modeling from clay or plasticine, cutting out various figures from paper.
  • Play the game “Masha (Misha) is going to school”, teach how to quickly get dressed and collect the necessary items.
  • On the street, pay attention to the rules of behavior on the roads, teach them to be attentive and aware of the danger.
  • Play with construction sets, mosaics, educational games, introduce your child to the world around him, talk about what you pass by. Ask him to tell his dad (mom) what you did at home or on a walk in their absence, encourage the baby to share with you his impressions of kindergarten, and then about school, in order to develop his speech.

Your efforts will not go unnoticed. Your son or daughter will delight you with good behavior and excellent studies, and you will never know that maladjustment is the child’s inability to adapt to a new life.

Prevention of social maladjustment

6. Help him feel interested in what is taught at school.

Find out what interests your child in general. And then make connections between his interests and the subjects he studies at school. For example, if a child is passionate about computers and at the same time likes geography or history, then let him learn to make reports on these subjects in the form of presentations. Also look for any opportunities to show the application of school knowledge to activities at home.

7. Make special efforts to maintain a calm and stable atmosphere in the home when changes occur in your teenager's school life.

Stressful situations for a student are, for example, the very beginning and end of each school year. So, in September he needs to adapt and get used to constant study loads, and by May the body is physically tired. The transition to middle and high school is an equally difficult period for a teenager. The calmness of the home atmosphere will help the teenager in these difficult moments.

8. Support your teenager in his endeavors, even if they are temporary. Encourage your child's interests. Try to see a positive beginning in his strangest hobbies.

9. Strengthen your child's self-esteem. Teach him to analyze his failures. This will help the teenager avoid repeated mistakes in the future. By doing this, you will support his interest in his hobby.

10. Instill in your teenager the desire to understand the essence of the phenomena of reality and understand cause-and-effect relationships. This will help him see and comprehend patterns, as well as apply his knowledge in life.

As the data from the study show, the majority of fifth-graders successfully adapt during the transition from primary school to secondary school. However, about 15% of the total number of 5th grade students, due to a number of reasons, are maladjusted.

The reason for the maladaptation of younger fifth-graders in the process of socialization may be disrupted relationships with classmates, as well as a lack of motivation to study at school.

The prevention and prevention of maladaptation of younger adolescents to the learning conditions in a primary school can be facilitated by the implementation of special programs for organizing joint activities of a social teacher, subject teachers and parents within six months after the transition from primary school to primary school. In addition, it is necessary to ensure that 4th grade students are prepared for the upcoming difficulties of further education.

Such a program may include initiation blocks, organization of various types of activities for children and parents, individual work with them, and allows for a smooth transition from primary school to secondary school. At the same time, the work of a social teacher should be carried out in conjunction with the work of such specialists as an educational psychologist and a deputy director for an elementary school.

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