How to stop loving a person using magic: rules for using conspiracies

When there is no strength to endure the pain of separation and loss, they read a plot to fall out of love. The ritual is performed independently or by turning to sorcerers. To get rid of depression and melancholy, girls are recommended to read and perform a ritual. Requires the work of magic and auto-training. Breakups are rarely expected. With the help of white magic you can forget about non-reciprocal love. The sacrament can be performed at home. If all rules are followed, effectiveness is guaranteed.

Types of conspiracies to stop loving and forgetting a man

By turning to sorcery, you can start life with a blank slate. From time immemorial, magic has been used to solve various problems. Situations often arise when it is not possible to cope through one’s own efforts.

There are many rituals that allow you to stop loving a man using a conspiracy. Women have a choice. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and believe in the power of magic.

Orthodox girls are recommended to turn to church-sanctioned rituals using Christian prayers. Adherents of pagan culture can work with the forces of nature, runic layouts, and appeal to the Gods of the Slavic religion. The use of black magic and conspiracies entails retribution - the health of loved ones worsens.

Ritual for longing for a person

A person’s life will be filled with colors when relief from despondency comes. The feeling is comparable to waking up from a nightmare. The use of rituals helps to rid the soul of suffering and severe psychological conditions that arise due to the death of a loved one.

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In order to fall out of love, learn the text of the spells by heart, read the words when the first rays of the sun appear. It is necessary to imagine the image of the departed. Use photography to focus your attention. Pronounce:

“Beyond the distant shores of the oceans on the enchanting Buyan - a magical island, under a thousand-year-old oak tree in a clearing (name) is spinning and suffering. The elders walked by and said: “How long will you be bored? The trouble has moved away from you. Driven from my heart and thoughts.” They broke the melancholy and scattered them around the world. There was no place for her in anyone’s home; she was not accepted or warmed up. I speak to (name) from that melancholy from this minute to the last.”

You need to repeat the spell three times.

For the second version of the sacrament, you should pour holy water into the vessel, whispering over it:

“Don’t pinch your heart, don’t be sad, soul, don’t whine. Rely on the holy son of god. Come down, Christ, from the cross, take away the black mortal boredom from me. Go, melancholy, underground, into dark dungeons, under age-old gates, unbreakable walls.”

The action must be repeated in the morning until relief occurs.

Ritual for a knife

A knife is a weapon used in everyday life and a frequent attribute of magical actions. The object contains the power and strength of metal. A complex but effective conspiracy that realizes the desire to stop loving a person. You need a Russian stove, so you should find a house where it is preserved. You need to soak a sharp knife in seven waters:

  • taken from the river;
  • infused for three days in a silver bowl;
  • from a spring or well;
  • infused for 24 hours with rowan berries;
  • after morning ablutions;
  • boiled;
  • saint.

To stop loving it, dip the knife in containers of water, then wrap it in unpatterned red or black fabric. The item should be hidden in a dark place, inaccessible to strangers. In the morning, light the stove, put a blade into the flame, reading the plot:

“You can’t hold a knife in life with smoke, and green melancholy can’t stay in your soul.”

The words are spoken nine times. Wrap the plot knife in a rag. In the evening you should read the Lord's Prayer nine times. It is necessary to hide the thing so that no one finds it. He will retain bitter feelings. This method is used to take away mistresses and lovers, destroy other people's relationships, and get rid of the induced dryness.

Ritual for burning love

The plot will transfer suffering and sadness to a material object. A ritual is performed using photography. You should write your name and your wish to stop loving a man on a white sheet of paper. A photograph of the person who left the girl or committed treason is wrapped in paper. It is necessary to light a candle purchased in the church. Then move the bundle over the flame in the direction of the clock. After the ceremony, you need to put the envelope in a saucer and set it on fire. While the paper is burning, read the plot:

“Fire consumes love and turns it to dust. Feelings will fly away with smoke, and the heart will be freed.”

Scatter the ashes in the wind, throw away the candle stub and saucer.

Lapel spell for water

Water has been used in magic for a long time due to its ability to be charged with the energy of a message. You can cool yourself down to stop loving. You need to scoop up water from the source before the first rays of sunlight appear. When returning home, do not talk to anyone. Upon arrival, read the plot:

“I collected some clean water in the spring. I give away the sorrows, the tears in my eyes, so that they don’t know. (name) will become unlovable, his spirit has cooled.”

When the sun sets below the horizon, you need to water the plant outside, saying:

“Icy water came from the deep earth, the water went into the little earth. How a person’s heart could fall in love, will succeed and will fall out of love.”

Conspiracy with blue candles

On one of the blue candles you need to scratch the words along the entire length of the object with a new needle:

“Sick pain, suffering, rotten melancholy will be abandoned (name).”

On the second:

“The torment of the soul will burn with fire.” On the third: “Get away from me, heartache.”

For three days, burn one candle at a time, peering into the flame. Actions will help you stop loving a man who committed betrayal. Cinders should not be stored in the house.

Other conspiracies for freedom

If the rituals did not help or are not suitable for execution due to the lack of necessary items, try other methods of influence to stop loving. Many magical rituals have been developed with the help of which you can get rid of heartache.

Forget betrayal

You need to read the plot in the evenings:

“Lord, grant me the prudence to forgive what has been done against me. I forgive the lost, and my conscience is clear. It will be the way you want it. Amen".

Forget your ex-husband

You should speak water and wash your face with it for a week in order to stop loving. Text:

“I’ll wash myself with holy water - take sadness - sadness, take it into the blue distance. Outdated feelings will drown in the depths and abysses of the sea.”

Forget past relationships

You need to say the words three times over a container of water:

“A stream cannot meet a stream, a mountain cannot meet a hill, a forest cannot meet a thicket. I’ll go out into the field, look around, and shout at the top of my lungs that we can’t get along either.”

Drink half of the liquid and wash with the rest.

Ritual to the wind

You can stop loving a man using a conspiracy by attracting natural elements. The wind has long been known as a powerful helper. You need to go out into the field, walking against the wind, and speak loudly:

“Serpent of the heart - go away! The will will scatter with the wind, the heart will not suffer, the soul will repent. Crawl away, snake, into the black lair! Never let (the man’s name) love me, never wait by the window at night, never moan, never keep my thoughts about him. Take it, snake - snake! I’m going my own way.”

The stronger the air currents, the sooner the girl’s feelings will cool down.

Those who want to stop loving

You need to look at a photograph of a man with his arms crossed over his chest. Place a slice of rye flour bread in front of the image. Text:

“Thoughts about (name) are not loving, but with chills. They will be able to forget, let go. I remember learning to walk and talk. I remember life and the universe - but I don’t remember you! Day by day the birds will peck out the feelings that were mine. There is no place for them in the heart. And there will be no love there. Amen".

The ritual should be repeated in the evenings for 7 days, feeding the bread to the birds in the morning.

Ritual with a photo

To carry out this lapel of a husband from his wife, you will need a photo of them together and a church candle. There are the following requirements for photos:

  1. Good quality, their faces should be clearly visible;
  2. Absence of other people in the photograph;
  3. The photo is no more than one year old.

We spend it at midnight during the waning month. We light a candle on the table. On the back of the photo we write the word “NO”. Now we set fire to the photo paper from a candle with the words:

“As the photograph burns out, so will you part. Amen!"

Repeat until the photo lights up. We collect the resulting ashes and throw out a handful, saying:

“And you will only be together when you have collected all the ashes. Amen!"

After throwing away the ashes, you cannot talk to anyone until the morning.

How to read conspiracies to fall out of love

It's easy to cast your own spell. It is important to adhere to the rules compiled over centuries by magicians and warlocks, which will guarantee the effectiveness and safety of the rituals performed. Recommendations:

  1. You need to cast spells on the waning moon. Actions will enhance the magical impact of the subtle worlds.
  2. If the result is not observed, you should repeat the spell and use new ones.
  3. To stop loving a person who doesn’t love you, you need to believe in yourself and the power of witchcraft. Don't perform rituals if you are a skeptic.
  4. Minimize contact with people three days before the procedure. It is recommended to walk, turn to nature, and meditate.
  5. The sacrament must be performed in private. It is forbidden to tell people about the deeds.
  6. You should fast the day before.
  7. In the evening you need to take a swim, put on a new beautiful dress or shirt, and let your hair down.
  8. Matches, candles, and dishes should not be used before the conspiracy.
  9. Spells must be learned by heart.
  10. Give thanks to the worlds and forces that are called upon in order to stop loving your soul mate. You should ask for forgiveness for the disturbance.

It is not recommended to use black magic or perform cemetery rituals, due to the occurrence of consequences.

When will the ritual take effect?

If a month has passed, but the pain does not subside, it is considered that the sacrament did not work. In such cases, esotericists advise trying other methods of carrying out the procedure or continuing to read the plot and stop loving the man, do not suffer and let him go. You can try to visualize the emptiness in your heart and head. It has been proven that the power of thought is a powerful tool that can be used to create and destroy.

Magic and conspiracies aimed at falling out of love, getting rid of feelings of attachment, work provided the girl is focused and confident. The presence of someone else's energy during the procedure, for example, an animal, leads to problems and harms the implementation of the ritual.

A man who is being forgotten can feel this. He will deliberately look for meetings, an opportunity to communicate on the phone. Having committed a conspiracy, eliminate the possibility of ending up in one place, ignore calls and messages. Prohibit mutual acquaintances from sending messages from him. After holding on for 7-10 days, a feeling of lightness and peace will come. Negativity will leave your heart and mind, painful memories will be released and will no longer bother you.

How to make a cooler that won't hurt?

Of course, it would be nice if it was possible to dry and dry it as easily as going to the store. However, any intervention in a person’s habitual energy environment does not pass without leaving a trace. Moreover, the consequences of coldness or dryness will be for both the object and the person wishing to enhance feelings.

There is no cold without consequences. The most “painless” cooling occurs when the guy himself turns to conspiracies in order to rid himself of the obsession with being with a girl who does not reciprocate his feelings. In this case, the ostuda acts according to the will of the object itself and is not considered a bad deed.

Wrong chill guy

Cooling down, like any other conspiracy, must be taken very seriously and carefully. The wrong word, a poorly chosen day for reading, or malicious intent when you are cold will, first of all, come back to haunt you. Maybe, to the delight of your revenge, both the guy and the girl you are reading about will feel bad, but this event will definitely not bring complete satisfaction to your soul. You will especially understand your mistake in what you have done when all the troubles from these people bounce in your direction.

Can you cool it down at a distance?

If the guy is far away, but it’s time for the feelings to end, or you are absolutely sure (in fact) that your husband has found a new family due to severe drought, you can perform a ritual of cooling off from a distance using an item or a photo. The only condition for influencing the energy field is a photograph of your husband or boyfriend that is no older than one year.

Over time, the energy captured in the photo is wasted and only a flat image remains, carrying memories and possible phantoms that only people with a certain gift can feel. A person burdened with earthly problems, who does not know magical signs, is not able to control such a photo.

Is it possible to stop the cold?

If you feel that pieces of ice have appeared in your relationship, and there are no particular reasons to break up, contact the church. Light candles for the health of all your family and loved ones. This is the very first and most important thing you can do against any type of conspiracy against your family. If you did the cooling yourself, but suddenly realized that you had made a mistake, you should perform a special ritual that is aimed at removing your work, but this is not very welcome, so you need to work consciously, having thought through and weighed everything a hundred times.

Never take on special methods while being emotional. You must be calm and confident.

What types of chills are there?

Ostuda is committed for various reasons. Therefore, the impact it will have on each person, including you, will be different.

  • Keep the husband away from his wife;
  • Cool off from a girl for another guy;
  • Cooling off a guy from someone else's woman;
  • Cool the guy away from you;
  • Cool down with personal items.
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