What is self-discipline and the basic rules for how to develop it?

Greetings, dear readers! It happens that there is a desire and opportunity to achieve something, but it doesn’t work out! There are other things to do (laziness), but running, diet, a new project are postponed “until tomorrow”, and so on all the time. And why? Yes, because self-discipline is very weak. And you can’t go anywhere without her! That is why here and now we will tell you what self-discipline is and why it is needed at all. And the main thing is how to increase its level in yourself. And why without it it is impossible to accomplish your plans and achieve success in any business.

Self-discipline: instructions for development

Achieving goals is impossible without self-discipline. It is an extremely important attribute required for the acquisition of any personal quality, sportsmanship, virtuosity in art and business or, as a result, outstanding work. Having self-discipline means being able to make decisions, take necessary actions and stick to your plan regardless of obstacles, discomfort or difficulties that may arise. But to develop self-discipline, it is necessary to create certain conditions. You will learn about them from this article. Read more…



When answering the question of how to develop self-discipline, it is imperative to address the issue of planning. I often say that 5 minutes spent planning can save up to 15-30 minutes in completing a task. This even works when writing articles - according to a ready-made plan, they are written much faster. What can we say about real life? This may not be so noticeable in the initial stages, but if you compare your performance with and without a plan, you will notice a serious difference.

But let’s return to the issues of self-discipline and how to relate it to planning:

  1. You can set a specific time for completing tasks and try to complete them exactly within the scheduled time period;
  2. You can simply set a list of tasks that need to be completed during the day, and then choose the most appropriate ones, depending on the context of the situation;
  3. You can use block scheduling. For example, in the morning you need to do this and that, and in the evening you need to do this and that;
  4. Set long-term goals so that you can correctly relate them to short-term ones;
  5. Drawing up a plan should be done in the evening the next day, but not in the morning.

Remember that to develop self-discipline, you must have a plan. And you should definitely follow it. If it says that you get up at 06:00, then you need to get up at this time. Not at 05:55, not at 06:10, but precisely at 06:00. Otherwise, the rest of your schedule may be thrown off track. Yes, at first it will be quite problematic to stick to all this, but soon you will notice that a properly drawn up schedule allows you to quickly cope with your goals and significantly increases your efficiency.

Self-control: what it is and how to develop it

The modern high-stress world places special demands on psychological stability. Nowadays it is not enough to be smart and sociable. It is very important to be able to control your desires, feelings and emotions. First of all, negative ones that interfere with achieving goals. This requires self-control. In this article you will learn what it is, why it is important and how to develop this skill. We will also talk about the difference between self-control and self-suppression and how to distinguish one from the other. Read more…


The relationship between discipline and regime

Everyone knows the hygienic importance of the regime. Its strict adherence becomes both a universal method of prevention, and an essential condition for the successful treatment of almost all diseases, and an effective method of promoting health.

If a person, say, always eats at the same time, the digestive organs are reflexively activated to their usual mode, and this regulates appetite and promotes better absorption of food.

By going to bed and waking up according to a schedule, you can adjust your nervous system accordingly, and then you will be able to quickly fall asleep without sleeping pills and wake up without an alarm clock.

When a person gets to work exactly at a certain time, then there is no need to “build up”, things go well from the first minutes.

It is also important what instructions you give to others, how you give them and how you monitor their execution. Orders should not be given with anger and irritation, but also not in a way that looks like begging.

Requirements must be reasonable and feasible for the child. Must not conflict with your other orders. Having assigned something, you must check whether it was done and how it was done: on time or late, carefully or somehow.

Self-control: developing self-control

According to Wikipedia, self-control is the ability to control your emotions, thoughts and behavior. It is based on will - the highest mental function that determines a person’s ability to make conscious decisions and implement them. It can also be trained and improved, which requires specific methods and strategies that will help you resist or avoid temptation. Yes, these are two fundamentally different ways. The first is considered hardcore, effective and incredibly difficult to implement. The second is perceived by many as weakness, because how can you train willpower and self-control if you simply avoid temptations? But it is both methods in combination that work perfectly. Read more…


What is self-discipline?

The definition of self-discipline is: this is a person’s ability to force himself to act when needed, regardless of mood, condition and external conditions.

That is, a person’s ability not only to plan, but to take steps to achieve his goal. The key expression here is “force yourself.” In fact, self-discipline is a great tool for personal development! Simply put, if someone decides to start running, he starts from tomorrow morning (and not from the 1st of next month), and does not give up, even if it rains.

If you decide to work on your weight and body, you immediately go on a diet and start going to the gym or regularly exercising at home. You decide to earn money for a car - you write an action plan, look for a second job and earn money. And so on, in any field - in studies, sports, business, and so on. You don’t blame politicians, people, or your own laziness.

Self-discipline training is an important stage in the life of every successful person who achieves his goals.

After all, we are weak people. And often the period between decision and action is filled with doubts, laziness, inaction, and distractions. And if self-motivation is lame, and no one trains willpower, then it doesn’t even come to action!

How to control your emotions: rules and exercises

The issue of managing emotions will never lose its relevance. The ability to restrain emotions (control anger, rage, aggression, etc.) will be useful everywhere: from ordinary communication with family and friends to resolving work issues and conducting business negotiations. If you know how to always control yourself and maintain composure, we can only be happy for you. But there are people for whom this is very difficult, and this article is intended to help them master this skill, which is useful in everyday life. We will also talk about why we need to control emotions at all and which ones need special control. Read more…


Motivation and Self-Motivation: A Guide to Development

The importance of motivation and self-motivation manifests itself in one of two cases: when a person is ready to study and work for hours without stopping, and when it is given to him with great difficulty. Everyone wants to be productive, but motivating yourself every day is incredibly difficult. There is no easy way to teach yourself to wake up in the morning with sparkling eyes and a desire to achieve your goals. Therefore, this article is intended to collect all the most important and interesting things in order to help you understand yourself and your motives. We will look not only at motivation as such, but also go through different areas of life where it plays a special role: sports, study and work. Read more…


The Importance of Discipline

Discipline as a certain order of behavior that corresponds to the established norms of law and morality in society is necessary not only in the interests of society. It becomes an important condition for human well-being. Coordination of actions and their orderliness make it possible to achieve the highest results of work and obtain those material values ​​that each member of the team uses. By following a generally accepted routine, a person feels more comfortable.

Discipline is a law of life that exists at all levels. Nature itself teaches us a lesson in orderliness:

  • day and night;
  • sunrise and sunset;
  • ebb and flow;
  • The changing phases of the moon and the changing seasons are strictly cyclical.

What is the vital activity of an organism if not constantly bringing disorder to order?

The body steadfastly guards the constancy of its internal environment, every hour and every minute it puts into motion dozens of its regulatory mechanisms, adjusting individual processes to the needs of a single system.

This concerns, for example, the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, speed of reactions, and the ability to concentrate attention.

Ways to self-motivate

Self-motivation is an internal struggle between “confidence” and “fear” - you either achieve a lot or lose everything. Also, self-motivation is a set of methods, techniques and exercises that set in motion an internal engine that helps you solve complex problems and conquer any heights, but only if you are focused and self-confident. The “executioner” of motivation is uncertainty, inaction and lack of clear plans. In this article, we will look at several effective self-motivation exercises and give recommendations that will help you learn how to motivate yourself. Read more…


The Self-Improvement Paradox

Any attempt at self-improvement contains a paradox when the imperfect “I” tries to improve itself. Watts compares the endeavor to trying to pull yourself up by your own shoelaces.

You can look at the same situation from the opposite side. From the point of view of any esoteric teaching, a person is absolutely perfect from the moment of birth until death. Without exceptions or reservations. But at the same time, subjectively, a person may have an illusory feeling of his own imperfection, which we observe everywhere.

What happens if this perfect person tries to change himself? If I stand in the center of the circle, then no matter where I move, I will leave this center, right? And, therefore, any attempt to improve what is perfect will lead to the loss of this very perfection. - The same problem.

Self-improvement is just a game. You can participate in it if you like the process, but you should not indulge yourself with the illusion that it brings any development and improvement.

The same paradox is present in the matter of self-discipline. The undisciplined self tries to discipline itself, but in order to succeed in this, it ALREADY must have discipline. It turns out that we do not have the slightest opportunity to self-discipline.

Real life is much simpler. When there are external disciplinary circumstances, a person begins to comply with the most sophisticated systems of rules without any difficulty. For example, military service or work in a life-threatening industry.

Or in another situation, when internal priorities come to the fore, requiring great and regular effort, discipline immediately arises by itself, without persuasion or training. For example, the process of developing a program or writing a book, when inspiration comes and you don’t even have time to sleep.

And if there are neither internal nor external circumstances, then what is the point of discipline?

Some useful tips for self-motivation

Do you ever feel like you don't want to do anything? It’s not that I’m lazy, I’m just not in the mood, there’s no energy not only for active, but even for inactive actions. But you can always find the strength to surf the Internet, read VKontakte news or watch a TV series. So where do you get the energy to do anything worthwhile? In this article we will not just talk about motivation, but look at examples of people whose motivation is simply off the charts. They had many times fewer initial opportunities, and the results of their activities were higher than those of the majority. Read more…


Why does the question of self-discipline arise?

A person takes on one thing, another, starts some kind of project, but everything remains in its infancy. What is the reason? Someone will say: “I don’t have enough motivation,” “I don’t have enough time, I’ve taken on too much.” They may be partly right. But there is another reason here that is rarely remembered. This is discipline.


Every person creates some rules of life . He understands that it is necessary to adhere to a certain work schedule and regime in order to achieve success .

Unlike motivation, which is now fashionable to talk about, discipline is not based on emotions

It is associated with reason, certain skills, and responsibility.

You have set yourself the goal of writing a book. You have an idea, a plot, conditions for writing it. You set a deadline for yourself of one to two years, figuring that you will work from eight to ten hours a day. All this is good, but a year passes, and only a sonorous title has been added to the plot. Every day you say to yourself: “Tomorrow I will definitely get to work!” Another day, a week, a month passes, and things are still there. This is the lack of self-discipline . How we miss that teacher who would say: “Sit down. Don't turn around. Open your notebook and write."

Achieving the goal

Negative motivation: definition, techniques, examples

Often as a child, we heard similar phrases from our parents: “You won’t sit at the computer until you do your homework,” “You won’t get candy until you eat porridge,” “If you don’t clean your room, you won’t go for a walk.” And, as a rule, our parents achieved what they demanded of us, and this happened due to the fact that they influenced our strong desires, directly pointing out that we might not get what we wanted. This technique is one of the aspects of negative motivation. Why is it worth resorting to? What does this achieve? Is this useful? We answer these questions in this article. Read more…


Why is this necessary?

Everyone now knows what motivation is, everyone expects it, everyone is looking for it. Someone goes to trainings and says that motivation is bullshit and you need inspiration. All this is true, BUT! Motivation is a temporary phenomenon. Inspiration is unpredictable! But self-discipline - it either exists or it doesn’t, and if it exists, then it is constant and controllable!

The bottom line is that self-discipline is most important. Close the fuck up motivational videos and throw away motivational books.

Set an alarm for 6:00 and wake up at it every day. Every evening write a plan for tomorrow

Focus on effective things to do. Execute the plan every day. Yes, it happens that you overestimate your strength, sometimes you can postpone a couple of tasks until tomorrow, but this should not be the rule, but a rare exception. Control your activities

If you plan to publish 10 articles, but you are on Pikabu, then something has clearly gone wrong! Important things first, then a pleasant rest! This thing works very well for me, first I do some important things, for example, collect technical notes and technical specifications for 20 articles (2-3 hours of work), and only then I go to look at the statistics and check my email. That is, I turned on the computer and immediately started working!

It is important to understand that only constant actions will lead to results. If you lay 1 brick a day, then when the house is ready, you will already be old and decrepit

Organize yourself, put in 5 creeps, don’t work too hard, but don’t give yourself any slack either.

Online program “Mental self-regulation”

In this online program, in just 6 weeks, you will learn to cope with stress at work and school, difficult relationships in a team, anxiety and fear before important events, apathy, difficulty taking the first step and procrastination. We have collected scientifically and practically based techniques and presented them precisely from the point of view of real application in life, and also tried to give the necessary minimum of theory and more games, tests, and exercises that will allow you not only to gain knowledge, but also to develop skills. Find out more...

The ability to motivate yourself and control your mental states is a skill that requires a thoughtful and serious approach to master. We think that this collection of articles will help you find such an approach and bring it to life. We wish you success!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Several ways to develop willpower from the “Father of Self-Control”
  • Best of the year. Part two
  • Flow state: what is it and how to enter it
  • Self-control: what it is and how to develop it
  • How to Develop Long-Term Focus
  • Self-control: developing self-control
  • How to control your emotions: rules and exercises
  • Self-control and self-motivation
  • Mindfulness and its benefits
  • Self-discipline: instructions for development

Key words:1Psychoregulation

The best books about self-discipline

And finally, I advise you to read sensible books on this topic, here is a list of those that helped me and my friends. You can easily overcome almost every one of them in 10 days if you read daily:

  • Dan Waldschmidt "Be the best version of yourself";
  • Kelly McGonical "Willpower";
  • Stephen Covey in his best-selling book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”;
  • Dan Dubravin, The Psychology of Emotions: Feelings in Control;
  • Brian Tracy, Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. Change your life. 21 methods of increasing personal effectiveness";
  • Walter Mischel, "Developing Willpower";
  • Charles Duhigg "The Power of Habit"
  • Brian Tracy "The Power of Self-Discipline"
  • Kelly McGonigal, Willpower. How to develop and strengthen"
  • Sharon Melnick, Resilience;
  • Heidi Grant Halvorson, The Psychology of Achievement.

Finally, a motivational video that has 2.2 million views. And only 1% of people do this:

What is self-discipline? This is not an innate quality, but an acquired one. And each of you, if you want to achieve something, simply must work on it. That is, acquire it with conscious effort, experience, actions, daily! I hope this article and the advice from it will help you in this difficult but vitally important task. We recommend that you start your journey by mastering the wonderful book “Be the best version of yourself.”

Until next time, dear readers, do not forget to comment on articles, like and share blog materials via social networks with friends. Thank you all in advance for this!

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