The concept of the psyche. Basic functions and structure of the psyche.

Create the right mood

Here it is important to create an image of your happiness, imagine what it is like, that you have already achieved it and feel pleasure from what is happening. All this will give a huge charge of positive emotions, you need to use them. No matter what troubles lie in wait in life, you must always remain in your dreams with your thoughts and move on with your head held high. If you have a strong desire to achieve something, then it will definitely happen. Thus, there will always be an atmosphere of well-being and happiness around you, and gradually it will spread to the people close to you.

If you want to live, be flexible

What image comes to mind when you hear the word “sustainability”? Many people associate this quality with a mountain (which is why, for example, many meditations use this image to create a feeling of inner balance and groundedness). But there is a problem: we are still living people, not mountains, so sustainability is not inherent to us by nature. We are made up of 60–70% water. Our emotions fluctuate almost every minute in response to external influences or our own thoughts. Even our life principles and beliefs can change. And it is this variability that can play into your hands if you learn to use it.

One of the modern areas of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, called Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), pays special attention to the development of psychological flexibility . We are talking about the ability to remain in contact with any of your experiences, even the most unpleasant thoughts, feelings and sensations, and at the same time make your life more and more meaningful.

This is especially important these days because we easily lose touch with what we experience from moment to moment and what is truly meaningful to us - in other words, with our values. When this happens (and this happens to all of us to one degree or another at different periods of life), then there is a feeling that life loses its meaning and turns into a continuous struggle or painful service.

The essence of psychological flexibility is to stop fighting what you find intolerable. Russ Harris, one of the leading experts on ACT and its popularizer, explains: “If you find a certain emotion positive, you may try to experience it again; If you write it down as negative, you will strive even more desperately to get rid of it. Thus, judging emotions sets you up to deal with them... Making judgments is the most common way the mind exacerbates our emotional discomfort.”

Be optimistic in everything

There are such people - optimists. Their main difference is that they enjoy any events in their lives. You need to convince everyone around you of your optimism; even bad events can be looked at positively. Such an attitude towards life will not only allow a person to endure difficulties more easily, but will also prepare his psyche for unexpected misfortunes. If a person manages to act like an optimist for at least a few months, then in the future everything will work out by itself, on autopilot.

Self pity

This is probably the most dangerous destroyer of the human psyche. Self-pity leads a person to a dead end, at first laziness appears, gradually this feeling drains all the energy from a person and in the end apathy awaits him. Complaining is simply wasting your life.

A feeling of self-pity prevents people from making the right decisions that could change their lives for the better; a person begins to walk in circles. If a person feels sorry for himself, then along with pity he lets in all other negative feelings. Hatred, anger, resentment appears. Perhaps all these feelings are directed towards the person who caused the offense, or maybe towards himself. Scientists have long been able to prove that negative emotions have a negative impact on human health, and various diseases such as cancer appear.

Forget about the past

Absolutely every person can completely change their life in just one moment, without the need to make superhuman efforts for this. We must constantly remember this and never remember mistakes made or missed opportunities. It is necessary to stop looking back into the past , scrolling through various missed moments. What has already happened cannot be changed; you should not be afraid to make mistakes; every mistake only makes a person stronger. We need to move on.

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