The boomerang came back to me. I cheated on my husband and he left for another woman

Sometimes they come back

It also happens that husbands ask to come back, and at the most inopportune moment. There are reasons that push them to do this.

Habit is second nature. Even if the spouse left for another, he will involuntarily remember his first wife. Over time, all the bad things will be forgotten, only bright moments will remain in memory. Men who are prone to idealization will definitely remember how it all began, what difficulties they had to endure, what they achieved together. If life with a new wife turns out to be not as rosy as expected, the man may ask to return, promising eternal love and fidelity.

As people age, they tend to reassess their values. Endless family squabbles provoke active action. Men pack their bags and head off towards a new, happier life.

But expectations sometimes disappoint. Living with a mother is convenient at first, but an independent person is unlikely to be satisfied with constant maternal care. We have to remember our values ​​again, returning to our beloved and not so harmful woman.

In some cases, husbands leave their wives for educational purposes. Thus, they are trying to convey their truth, put them in their place, and make them worry. It’s good when wives are lenient towards such measures of influence. Sometimes, for a man, his own educational measures end up unprofitable. He comes home, and no one is waiting for him there.

Women, as a rule, forgive their husbands and take them back, forgetting about pride and self-respect. Dear ladies, remember, it is much easier to prevent the departure of a loved one than to forgive an accomplished betrayal towards you.

How to let go of your ex-husband

To understand how to let go of your ex-husband, that the relationship is over, it is important to listen to the following tips:

  • First , understand why you need it . Let's imagine that your husband initiated the divorce. As you know, you won’t be able to force a person to fall in love with you, so your desire to correct the situation will be a failure. Understand that everything is already over. Don't threaten a man, don't blackmail him. This kind of behavior leads nowhere and will only ruin the relationship even more. Even if you threaten suicide, it will not bring back the feelings. He will be with you out of pity, but not for long;
  • talk to him . Tell me that you feel bad alone. Be prepared to hear something unpleasant. Few men are ready to return after such conversations. More often, partners say that they have already decided everything, and restoring the relationship is impossible. But it is worth noting that these are the words that help you understand the situation and sober up. You hear a truth that you will eventually accept;
  • switch your attention to new things . Volunteering is a great way to relieve depression. You will meet many new people, and perhaps new love. In your heart, you will quickly release the man into a new life. In addition, volunteering helps you look at life in a new way. This gives an understanding that there are worse situations in which people do not give up. Against this background, your breakup will seem like a real trifle;
  • if it helps you, then communicate with other members of the opposite sex . Immerse yourself in new novels to forget the bitterness of a breakup. But you shouldn’t pin your hopes on such a relationship. Take them as a pleasant pastime, otherwise the feeling of emptiness will consume you
  • if necessary, you can contact a psychologist . A professional specialist will certainly help you let the man go, suggest a solution to the problem, and you will see the relationship from a new perspective.

Remember that after any black stripe a white one will certainly come. Perhaps this is the beginning of a happy life.

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