7 hidden feelings that men express to women through hugs

Indeed, speaking frankly, men are indecently straightforward creatures and in 8 out of 10 cases it is enough to cast a fleeting glance at his fly - if a “sausage stick” is hidden there, then the gentleman clearly has very unambiguous views on the lady. However, it is worth considering other signs that are less noticeable, but no less clearly give an idea of ​​​​how to understand that a man wants you.

What is excitement?

Sex is one of the most important conditions for a harmonious and long-lasting relationship between a man and a woman.
In situations where a man loses interest in his other half, she should not give up on the intimate life of her partners. A wise woman has the power to return a man’s ardor and desire with the help of certain tricks. First, it’s worth understanding what male arousal is and what it depends on. The psychology of sexual arousal is approximately the same for both partners. It is associated with neuro-hormonal excitation, which gives an instinctive urge to discharge. Against this background, the man’s hunter’s instinct intensifies, after which all his thoughts are connected only with mastering a woman. The level of libido and the psycho-emotional background in the relationship between partners are also responsible for the degree of excitability.

Non-verbal signals

Whether willingly or not, a man shows his interest in an object of the opposite sex through external manifestations of behavior and body reactions. Nonverbal messages coming from your partner will help you understand his condition and readiness for sexual contact. Repeated actions often indicate his desire. This “mirroring” is a clear symptom of passion and a desire for a closer relationship.

There are several non-verbal body signals that tell better than any words about a man’s sexual state.

  • During a conversation, the guy begins to involuntarily move closer to the object of his attention.
    And gradually the distance between the bodies inevitably decreases. This will be followed by a light touch of the arms and legs. This gesture will not entail active actions; it will be practically invisible. But this is how a new love story can begin. Sexual state of a man
  • If a woman is nearby, a man wants to touch her, hug her. But it happens that circumstances do not allow this, and he tries to occupy his hands: he buttons and unbuttons his collar, fiddles with his tie, twists a button, smoothes and tousles his hair, straightens his jacket. With sufficient arousal, the young man wants his partner to know about it. A man can become aroused when he touches her hand or other parts of the body, straightens the lady’s hair, seeks a response glance, while literally leaning close to her. Therefore, do not be surprised when an outwardly calm gentleman suddenly begins to actively help you get out of the car or hand you a coat. Everything is understandable: pleasant gestures of participation are another way to touch the object of your interest. When sexual arousal comes, the guy begins to automatically stroke and twirl in his hands the object that has fallen into his hands, which has the shape of a cylinder. Be it a pen, a glass, etc. This is no longer a signal, but a decisive call.

Body language 2

Of course, nonverbal hidden sexual signals of lust are not limited to one person. The body plays an important role in this play of passion, signaling the flame of desire burning inside no less clearly than the face.

  • Hands

As already mentioned, they are eager to tear off the clothes from the lady and the gentleman himself and go on a research expedition to the female body, but with an effort of will the man restrains this impulse exactly until good old testosterone takes over. Then you have to use the remaining self-control to redirect them towards yourself. The sir straightens his clothes, hair, drums his fingers and generally uses all available means to occupy his restless limbs.

From time to time, the gentleman seeks tactile contact with his companion - touches her arms, shoulders, waist. If the level of mutual understanding is sufficient, then the man’s fingers play with the lady’s hair, gently glide over her clothes, without, however, crossing some conventional boundaries, beyond which tactile contact can already be called foreplay.

  • Legs

Returning to the beginning of the article and the hint at the groin area, it is important to note that the entire lower girdle of the limbs of the follower of Mars gives the answer to the question “how to understand that a man wants a woman?” In addition to the obvious and completely unambiguous sign mentioned in the same introduction, a man betrays his desire with the movements of his legs in general.

The tapping and twitching of the foot, the shifting from foot to foot - all this is a hint of excitement, so transparent that rock crystal in comparison is as transparent as sand-lime brick.

When desire overcomes everything that held him back until a certain moment, the man begins to involuntarily make slight movements with his hips. As in the case of lips, here it is important to catch the fine line between a man who is already losing his head with lust and a young man who has seen enough and read, if I may say so, lessons on pickup.

What makes men excited?

To choose the right path to a man’s heart and learn how to excite a man correctly, it is worth knowing the main factors influencing sexual arousal. Specialists and psychologists distinguish several categories of them:

  1. External data. What is more important is the person's face. According to statistics, many men are attracted to a woman by a woman’s open and intent gaze and plump, sensual lips. Psychologists also note that men like women with a minimal amount of makeup, a round face, blush and loose hair. Hair length and natural appearance are two keys to attracting male attention for a woman.
  2. Voice. According to experts, success in the task of how to get a man depends on your voice. There have been cases when a man could fall in love with a girl just by her voice, without even seeing her external characteristics. It's hard to imagine a beautiful woman with a hoarse, rough voice that excites men. The voice should be vibrant, melodic, feminine and sensual.
  3. Cloth. It's no secret that using the right wardrobe items, any plain-looking person can turn into a stylish, catchy and unforgettable lady. Many women manage to use all the tools at once to make him aroused. In fact, you should choose one of your advantages to demonstrate, hiding everything else. Since men are breadwinners by nature, which means they will appreciate some understatement.
  4. Behavior. A girl’s behavior plays a significant role in the process of winning male attention. Men are not attracted to uptight and constrained ladies, but obsessive and hypersexual women are not an acquired taste. Ease of communication, a sense of humor and ease, coquetry and self-confidence will always be valued in a woman. It is acceptable to show your temperament, but the main thing here is not to overdo it.

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In combination, all categories of conquering a man will work 100% if, in trying to find things that excite, the woman left the right to initiative and action to the man himself. The hunter's instinct works in most cases, especially if the woman will always be different for him.

In addition to figuring out why men get aroused, you should be able to recognize all the signs that a man has been submissive. To do this, experts clarify several signs of a man’s sexual arousal, for example:

  1. Rapid heartbeat, blushing and shortness of breath. Also, all this is accompanied by dilation of the pupils in the eyes, all this is a consequence of increased blood circulation and pressure response.
  2. The changed intonation of the voice also symbolizes the reaction of a man to a woman. Usually, against the background of desire, a hoarseness is heard in his voice, the pitch decreases, the voice becomes muffled and intermittent.
  3. Nervous reactions against a background of excitement can also be noticed by an attentive woman. He may not find a place for himself, show some twitchiness, all this may indicate that the man simply cannot restrain himself.
  4. Erection. No man can hide such a sign of arousal, since physiology takes precedence over consciousness.

The only exception to the rule when a man’s erect penis should not be taken as a signal about upcoming sexual intercourse is a morning erection. In other cases, the penis can react in a similar way even just from the sight of a slightly open cleavage.

Courtship stage

If a man expresses sexual sympathy to a woman, he will definitely indicate this by his behavior. If the meeting takes place in a restaurant, then he will fill the glass, offer a snack, and help you sit on and get up from a chair. He will do all this not only thanks to good upbringing, but his actions will be guided by the instinct of the masculine principle - to get an additional opportunity to touch the object of his desire. This manifestation of care indicates that the young man is planning a joint breakfast.

"I want you"

When your partner wraps you in the tightest possible embrace, as if wanting to feel your entire body, imprint itself on it, smell your scent, you don’t need to be an eminent luminary of science to understand that he wants you in the most animal sense of the word. Most likely, the young man experiences not only strong emotions, but also an irresistible sexual attraction. And the further course of events depends only on your consent.

A couple of hugs a day can restore peace of mind, cause a surge of the happiness hormone and even strengthen the immune system. Hugs restore spiritual harmony and speak more clearly about feelings than all the words in the world. What more can we say? Hug more often!

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Something that will help you quickly find a partner

To excite a guy quickly and unquestioningly, every girl must find her own tricks and tricks, since every man is built differently due to his individual characteristics and preferences. But one thing is clear - you need to influence it at the physiological and psycho-emotional level. For example:

  • taking the initiative is always justified, this is how you can quickly turn on any man;
  • impact on erogenous zones guarantees 100% erection if a man has no physiological problems with this function (massage, foreplay, touching, kissing);
  • heels are the best weapon for seducing a man; according to psychologists, men are aroused by the sound of heels;
  • a smile is also a weapon against even the most unapproachable man, especially if it conceals coquetry and a woman’s expression of interest in her chosen one;
  • a piercing gaze works wonders, if it is from under fluffy eyelashes with sparkles of fire and passion, you just have to let the man know about your desires;
  • You can greatly excite a man if you sit on his lap, this is a 100% win-win knight move with a stunning effect;
  • Not only are there things that excite a man, you can turn him on with just words with a hint of how a woman desires him;
  • frank fantasies and desires to experiment will not leave indifferent even a spouse with 10-20 years of marriage experience;
  • underwear works wonders, according to statistics, 99% of men go crazy over lace sexy lingerie and similar outfits;
  • A woman's masturbation turns off a man's brain; risky ladies can use this technique over and over again, and the effect will only increase.

If sex has become commonplace, you can arouse your partner in no time by suggesting an unconventional method of intercourse. Almost 90% of men accept oral and anal sex; perhaps many of them do not dare to do this, waiting for the initiative from their lady. All that remains is to hint in some way that a woman is not at all against such diversity, just as the coldest man can turn into an ardent and passionate lover.

Male poses

Having noticed a sexually interesting girl, the internal toggle switch of the conqueror of a woman’s heart switches to the “alpha male” position. And here the movements begin that will tell about the man’s interest: a quick tuck of the abdomen, straightening of the back (a hint of good physical shape), turning the shoulders, spreading the legs in a sitting position. Such a gesture seems to indicate that he has something to offer a woman.

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The need to show sexual attraction in indirect ways was born in an era of strict norms and rules, when attitudes towards the intimate process were taboo by moral codes and church standards. Both men and women needed to demonstrate to their partner their readiness to take active action without fear of publicity and public censure. It was in such cases that nonverbal signals made it possible to learn about sympathy and desire.

Wanting a woman and not showing it to her is wrong, from the point of view of a normal man. Therefore, a potential partner, unconsciously or on an unconscious level, tries to demonstrate his interest to the object of desire through sexual gestures and poses.

When a man sees an attractive woman, he involuntarily begins to give out an “alpha male”. He indicates readiness for sexual contact by confident poses and showing the high tone of the physical state of his own body. This is usually visible through the following manifestations:

  • the man straightens his back and straightens his shoulders;
  • tries to draw his stomach in deeper;
  • if a man is standing, his legs become shoulder-width apart, showing special stability and a strong position;
  • it is also important to track the position of the toes of a man’s shoes; if he is interested in some attractive person, then they will be directed towards this woman;
  • if a man sits on a chair, he will involuntarily spread his legs, thus, as if demonstrating his own genitals, ready for mating.


An excited man begins to adjust his clothes and hairstyle in the hope of attracting a woman's attention with his appearance. Instead of an angular and heavy gait, he moves quickly, like an athlete, while simultaneously correcting figure flaws, straightening up and removing his belly. A sparkle appears in the eyes, the skin on the face automatically tightens, and the bags under the eyes disappear on their own. In general, passion makes a person much younger and truly more desirable to a girlfriend.

Signs of a man in love

1. He experiences sexual attraction Since the primary impulse of our rapprochement is the attraction of the sexes, then... The main sign of a man in love is desire, sexual attraction. If a man wants this woman, she has a chance to become loved. But this is not a guarantee that he is really in love with you. After all, any man by nature is in a permanent desire for physical connection; the instinct of procreation is the strongest human energy.

Let’s be honest: when a man looks at a woman, he almost always scans her for possible intimacy. In his brain, regardless of consciousness, a switch lights up: “Would she go to bed with me?” And all his subsequent behavior can stem from this natural male interest in the opposite sex. The hunter in a man awakens. Moreover, the more inaccessible the prey, the stronger and more sophisticated the desire for possession. With the help of sex, a man asserts himself. This is proof of his masculinity.

But sometimes this is just a way to overcome self-doubt. So he achieved his goal. Interest wanes. This means that desire does not always indicate love. But can we be satisfied with one point? Right! We can’t, because with every fiber of our soul we crave not just an erection, but love and tenderness. Just like them, however.

2. He is looking for spiritual rapprochement. He is looking for your company, calls, writes, hangs out at the front door, talks about himself, even listens. He tries in every possible way to find contact with you.

3. Willingly allows you into his life In general, men are so conservative that the opportunity to let someone into their life, space, bachelor pad is perceived as an attack on their precious freedom. If he still persistently tries to attract you into his actual space, this is a clear sign of love.

4. He is ready to make sacrifices. He is happy to change, make concessions, adjust his plans, life, spend time, effort, energy on you and your relationship.

5. He strives to take care of you Don't reduce everything to material things. Not every man manages to satisfy women's diverse needs for well-being, especially in our time. But appreciate his desire to do this. He tries to adapt to the mood and guess the desires. And he gets terribly upset if he doesn’t succeed. He rejoices like a child if he could bring you joy, make you laugh, surprise, calm, protect. And finally, the last thing. For some women who like to turn a blind eye to obvious manifestations of dislike, this is perhaps the most important thing.

6. He doesn't hurt you This means that he can't hurt you on purpose. He will never use you, methodically deceive and betray you. This is simply unthinkable for a man in love. The involuntary troubles that we so often cause each other due to our bad manners or narrow-mindedness do not count. We are talking about deliberate cruelty or pathological rudeness, humiliation, psychological pressure, which destroy the inner world, and sometimes the body of another person.

Physical manifestations

The state of arousal in a man is manifested not only by an erection of the penis, but also by other, often not so obvious, physiological signs.

A man, subject to passion, often adjusts the details of his clothes, loosens the knot of his tie, which begins to literally choke him. Breathing becomes rhythmic, the timbre of the voice may change to a lower one, the gaze becomes clouded, the pulse quickens, and blood pressure jumps. Peculiarities of behavior during this period are very difficult to hide from outside attention, and even more so from the object of desire - a woman picks up such signs instantly and consciously takes note.

A man can be aroused not only by direct manifestations of a woman’s sexuality, but also by obsessive thoughts about intimacy. The approaching wave of passion captures the partner, and his behavior changes depending on temperament and hormonal levels. General signs of tension of an erotic nature are the physiological indicators listed above, which in their symptoms resemble a stressful state.

During an erection, a clear liquid is released from the penis, which does not contain sperm, but is a kind of lubricant that allows it to penetrate a woman’s vagina without much effort. It rises along the walls of the urethra and remains on the head of the penis in the form of a drop.

The lubricant comes from the Cooper's glands and contains various enzymes. This clear liquid is designed to perform several functions:

  • it removes urine residues in the urethra;
  • the alkaline composition of the lubricant neutralizes the acidic environment of a woman’s vagina;
  • the viscous consistency of the lubricant allows you to prepare the urethra for the release of seminal fluid;
  • lubricant allows you to perform frictions during sexual intercourse without injuring the delicate skin.

The amount of lubricant depends on the individual characteristics of the man’s body and can range from one small drop to 5 ml. The main purpose of secreting this fluid is to provide a favorable environment for conceiving a child. Neutralizing the acidic atmosphere of the vagina is necessary to increase the chances of survival of active sperm.

The change in the size of the penis in an erect state from the usual one depends on the individual characteristics of the man’s body, but it has been noticed that a small penis increases more noticeably than a more impressive organ.

The erect penis becomes hard and elastic, which ensures its penetration into the woman’s vagina, the man at this time is completely ready for coitus and passion flares up even more.

During penetration into a woman’s womb, the man’s body becomes even more involved in the process of sexual contact. The heart rate increases, muscle tension reaches the limit, blood pressure rises even higher and it becomes almost impossible to restrain passion.

The culmination of sexual intercourse for a man is ejaculation, accompanied by orgasm. Pleasure lasts 5-10 seconds and occurs due to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the prostate gland while simultaneously pushing seminal fluid filled with millions of sperm through the urethra.

A man may make jerky sounds and moans during orgasm. The volume of seminal fluid depends on the constitution of the person and the duration of abstinence.

  • Rapid breathing, enlarged pupils, parted lips, a slightly hoarse voice - this is a conditioned signal that the man’s thoughts have started working in a certain direction.
  • Slightly widened nostrils seem to catch the scent of the female, which indicates obvious sympathy.
  • At the same time, thirst appears, which is associated with an increase in body temperature.
  • Visible blush on the cheeks.
  • Touching the chin, nose, ears. According to psychologists, by stimulating these zones, the guy tries to hide reflex nervousness and autoerotic symptoms. When excited, the skin of the face becomes very sensitive to touch.
  • When a man is overcome by passion, he loses control over his gaze and speech. With blurred eyes, blushing and turning pale, even the most sane guy begins to talk such nonsense that a girl may doubt his adequacy. It’s simple - at this time information is processed that is not sent to the brain at all.
  • A sign of an excited state will also be a diversion of the topic of conversation towards intimacy. He may have an erotic association when discussing ordinary and everyday things.

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Any man gets excited by the visual image. So that a woman does not have to constantly monitor her erection and listen to her partner’s breathing, for fear of missing a moment of incipient arousal, it is worth learning how to interest a man and attract his attention.

And in conclusion, a little advice - do not turn off the light during love games, since the young man, without seeing the girl, will not be able to be sufficiently aroused, and she will not know whether he is ready for sexual exploits.

How to understand that a guy is excited: signs of excitement - Site about love and relationships

What are the symptoms and signs of arousal in men? How do you understand that a guy has already reached the desired condition, is sufficiently excited, and can move on to a serious offensive? In erotic games, the emotional, and not just the physiological state of arousal, preferably to a sufficient or even extreme extent, plays an important role. Let's look at the main signs of sexual arousal in men and how to recognize them.

The first symptom of sexual arousal in men

Quite often, signs of sexual arousal in a man can be recognized by a rapid heartbeat, deep breathing, a slight blush, and when looking at the object of desire, the pupils dilate. The reason for all this evidence is an increase in blood pressure, although not strong, but still noticeable. For a state of arousal, sexual or adrenaline, this is completely normal.

The second sign of arousal in men

For auditory learners, the best way to tell if a guy is excited is to notice changes in speech intonation.

The voice becomes lower, hoarse, and sometimes the man begins to stumble over his words, may suddenly become silent, and signs of male arousal can be heard by slightly intermittent breathing, as if he is trying to inhale more air after diving to depth.

An extreme degree of male arousal can be indicated by an unrestrained groan - which is more typical for women; men are usually more silent in bed. And, if he suddenly “gained the gift of speech,” then this may indicate a very strong emotional experience, which thus finds its way out. You can also read how to excite a man with words.

The third symptom of arousal in men

Strong excitement manifests itself in a slightly nervous reaction, when a man does not know where to put his hands, how to sit still, he becomes a little twitchy and tries to get as close as possible to the subject of his interest.

Really strong arousal causes a strong emotional reaction to every touch and a desire to grab the object of one’s passion, to press oneself to oneself, to show strength or even rudeness, such is the male hunting nature.

At the same time, he may not say anything at all, and it is better if at this moment you do not ask him anything, you will simply see that he is completely concentrated on receiving sensations from the passion and madness reigning in his head.

The fourth sign of sexual arousal in men

Even though this sign is considered obvious, it is worth mentioning. Arousal in men is indicated by such a symptom as an erect penis. But often the fact of erection should not be considered as a sign of arousal - in the morning this symbol of love simply reacts to a full bladder.

Although many men like to have sex in the morning, considering it more interesting than trying to squeeze out energy after a hard day at work. But it is not worth considering an erection in isolation as a sign of arousal, without the context of the above points.

A physiological reaction may occur as a result of blood stagnation in the pelvic organs, and not at all due to the fact that you have a stunning blouse with a deep neckline.


Sexual arousal - what causes it? What excites men and women the most?

  • March 7, 2019
  • Potency
  • Natali Michaelis

Features of the cerebral cortex played a decisive role in people’s sexual behavior.

Previously, this happened only at the level of instinct, but nowadays people are able to control their own feelings. However, many will be interested in what is the mechanism of sexual arousal in women and men.

What is observed in the human body during this sensation? What affects arousal in a man and a woman? You can find answers to these and other questions in the article.

Fell in love?

What happens when we fall in love with another person? No matter how strange it may sound, when you fall in love, the amount of stress hormone called cortisol increases in the human body. Scientists assure that such a reaction is, of course, connected precisely with the excitement that a woman or man experiences before a new contact for them.

A curious fact is that during the period of falling in love, the amount of testosterone in the body slightly decreases in representatives of the stronger sex, while in women, this hormone, on the contrary, increases.

One theory states that these hormonal changes are an attempt by the human body to erase existing differences that are introduced by the hormone testosterone. With this phenomenon, no changes in behavior are observed.

If, during sexual arousal, testosterone in a woman’s body increases, then, logically, they should become more courageous. As for men, everything will be the other way around; aggression should decrease.

However, this is not observed when falling in love; this suggests that everything in the body is a little more complicated. It is interesting that some time after falling deeply in love, a person’s hormonal levels return to normal. This applies even if the couple continues their relationship.

Love is a disease

It is also interesting that the World Health Organization has included love in the register of diseases. Experts recognized it as a mental illness several years ago. However, each disease must have its own signs and symptoms. For love they are as follows:

  1. Severe mood swings.
  2. Obsessive thoughts about a person.
  3. Insomnia.
  4. Self-pity.
  5. Allergy.
  6. Increased sense of self-worth.
  7. Headache.
  8. Rash acts.

Arousal in men: what is it?

This condition is a very difficult process.

On the one hand, during sexual arousal, the nervous system begins to process information that was received from the outside: voice, appearance of the partner, smell and much more.

After this, the hormonal system and genital organs begin to respond. In this case, we are talking about blood flow to the guy’s genitals, as well as the production of natural lubrication in an excited man.

The hormone discussed above, that is, testosterone, is responsible for libido and male sexuality. During puberty in men, the level of this hormone in the blood increases significantly, as a result of which the genital organs develop and secondary sexual characteristics are formed.

Effect of testosterone

It is currently believed that sexual arousal is primarily dependent on the hormone testosterone, but data on this issue are contradictory. Scientists have found that representatives of the stronger sex with equally normal levels of this hormone in the blood can have different levels of libido.

Libido refers to sexual arousal or desire. In parallel with this, if the hormone level is low, then in almost all cases this leads to a decrease in libido. That is, a man can ejaculate and have an erection, but he simply will not want sex.

For this reason, testosterone replacement therapy for erectile dysfunction in men is not always able to help.

Arousal in women

Is there a main hormone in female sexuality? Many people probably think that estrogen is such a hormone, but this is absolutely not true. Testosterone is also responsible for sexuality in women. In adolescence, the level of this hormone also increases in girls, but only twice, which cannot be said about men, in whom it increases 18 times.

Studies have shown that a decrease in the amount of testosterone in the blood of the fair sex significantly reduces desire. If we talk about sexual behavior, then, in addition to hormonal activity, it is also influenced by some other factors.

Thus, during menstruation in women, the rate of sexual activity is the lowest. This is explained by the fact that at this time there is no fertility in the female body, so her excitability decreases.

And if we consider the middle of the cycle, then during this period the degree of excitability only increases. This is explained not only by the level of the hormone testosterone, but also by estradiol, which also increases in the blood.

Currently, scientists are still debating which specific hormone is responsible for increased desire and sexual behavior in women.

What turns men on?

An ardent look is sometimes not enough to excite representatives of the stronger sex. A woman should take into account some psychological techniques that will help maintain passion in a relationship for a long time.

But what turns a man on the most? You should immediately pay attention to the fact that this condition can provoke not only the female body. The main role in this is given to feelings and a surge of endorphins, which are hormones of happiness.

This is the smallest list of things that can make a man excited.

Factors influencing attraction

There are some factors that can affect the level of sexual desire in men. This factor should include:

  1. Visual image. The fact is that the face of a beloved girl, the attractive smile of some stranger, as well as any other visual contact that has a sexual connotation can excite a man. At the same time, after such signals, images of future sexual intimacy with a woman begin to appear in his head.
  2. Excitement from smell. The smell has a stimulating effect on representatives of the stronger sex; in particular, natural women's aroma has a similar property. Essential oil and pheromones are often included in some mild pathogens.
  3. Hearing. Excitation from auditory contact is also possible. The sound of a name, a slight whisper can have an exciting effect for men.
  4. Taste. Few people know, but arousal can also be increased by certain aphrodisiac products that increase blood circulation in the genitals. This includes nuts, seafood, bananas, honey and chocolate.
  5. Touching. Of course, the most powerful will be the arousal from touch. In this case we are talking about a naturally physiological reaction. Any healthy man will get an erection even after short masturbation. Excitement increases during intercourse.

What turns a woman on?

Now let's take a closer look at what makes women aroused. Scientists have long known that among representatives of the fair sex, the left hemisphere is dominant, which is largely responsible for hearing.

This is why people often say that women love with their ears. However, it is not the dominant factor in such subtle debates as attraction.

That’s why let’s take a closer look at what specific factors influence arousal in the fair sex.

Exciting factors

Factors influencing arousal in the fair sex are as follows:

  1. Love. The most important stimulant for women is precisely this feeling. Girls always need kind, affectionate words whispered in her ear. At the same time, love wins not only in word, but also in deed. Therefore, a man should not be stingy with generous knightly deeds.
  2. The smell of a man. This factor largely determines the possibility of interaction between a woman and a man. In this case we are talking about natural pheromones. If we talk about perfume, then you need to approach it very carefully, carefully choosing this or that scent for yourself. Therefore, a man should not skimp on such an important aspect.
  3. Appearance. This factor is also of great importance in arousal. A stately representative of the stronger sex who goes to the gym and takes care of his body and health is already interesting for a woman. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of your hair, nails, even clothes. A woman can be turned on by a nice tie, a nice suit, a slightly unbuttoned shirt, the right underwear and much more. You should also pay attention to the fact that some women may be turned on by slightly spiky stubble, hairy and strong arms, as well as the feeling of a man's shaft. As for the latter, this is already inherent in nature.
  4. Situation. The setting, meeting or date plays a special role in arousal. Many people always strive for the best; the arrangement of things in this case is no exception. This should also include music, which can add more euphoria to a date, a beautiful place, delicious dishes, which also include the aphrodisiacs described above.

Source: https://eao24.ru/kak-poznakomitsya/kak-ponyat-chto-paren-vozbudilsya-priznaki-vozbuzhdennosti.html

How to understand that a man is aroused?

In contrast to the tricks and ways to excite a man, there are much fewer moments that do not excite him at all. But, unfortunately, many women make a mistake either through carelessness or ignorance. Asexual moments are as follows:

  • excessive vulgarity in behavior and appearance (revealing outfits, too much makeup, lack of a sense of style and tact in clothing, etc.);
  • unnatural appearance;
  • loud behavior, talkativeness and inappropriate jokes, constant laughter, rough voice and use of profanity in speech;
  • unkempt appearance;
  • a large amount of perfume (men love natural body odor);
  • stiffness, complexes and self-doubt.

It’s no secret that men love to woo a woman, conquer her and conquer her, but no one will knock on a closed door. If you show timidity, severe embarrassment, avoid intimacy, refuse a man, this can play a cruel joke, causing the opposite effect. But even a woman who is an open book with her soul wide open can intrigue few people.

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