How to warm up a man's interest in himself (psychology)

How to keep your man's interest in you

What is the secret of success of those women who have been surrounded by representatives of the stronger sex who love them for many years? Take advantage of our simple tips on how to keep a man interested in you.

1️⃣ By all means, give yourself a personal 15-minute every morning.

During this time, you will have time to do basic daytime makeup, take care of your facial skin, tint your eyelashes, and comb your hair. Even if you are a housewife or on maternity leave, you should look neat and decent.

Take care of your appearance. No matter how interesting and deep your inner world is, do not forget to take care of your appearance. Let your loved one admire your beauty and grooming more often. A man loves with his eyes, let him rejoice from the very morning.

2️⃣ Well-groomed hands are a woman’s business card.

How nice it is when a woman has smooth, delicate skin on her hands, clean nails, and a good manicure. Nothing adorns a woman more than well-groomed hands: this is an indicator of elegance. So don’t be lazy, take care of your hands and take care of them!

No one is forcing you to run to salons, but painting your nails a couple of times a week is not at all difficult. If you don't like bright nail polishes, then just make sure that your manicure is neat and your hand skin is smooth and soft.

3️⃣ Monitor your home image.

You spend most of your time together at home, so try to choose decent clothes for everyday chores. Old sweatpants with stains and a shabby robe are best thrown into rags, or even thrown away altogether. If before marriage your man always contemplated you in elegant trousers, then believe me, you in stretched sweatpants are a completely different woman for him.

4️⃣ Surprise will add sexuality.

Be sure to buy beautiful sexy underwear, but under no circumstances drag your man to the store to help you choose it. Make this purchase a pleasant surprise for him. Unobtrusively show off your lingerie while getting ready for bed and undressing in the bedroom in front of your man. No man will miss this change. And a possible question from his side: “Is this underwear for me?” - will only warm up his interest in the woman he loves and awaken passionate notes of physical attraction.

5️⃣ Change your image, always be different.

To maintain male interest in yourself, change your image regularly. Experiment with new hairstyles, try to dress in different styles, and do new makeup from time to time.

There is such an old advice to women: from time to time, radically change your hairstyle and style. Let's say you were a curly blonde and became a brunette with straight hair. You need to accept it as a fact: your man sometimes, in his fantasies, dreams of an affair with another woman. By changing your image, you can fulfill his secret desires.

Every woman has a creative side. Find an interesting hobby for yourself and your man will definitely appreciate it. After work, it’s definitely not fun for your husband to hear about how you washed the dishes, how much detergent it took, and how you tried to arrange them beautifully in the closet. Leave these topics for your friends and neighbors. It will be much more interesting for both you and him to talk about your free time, which you spent on embroidery or origami. And if you say that you are doing this for him and your children, he will definitely support you in your new hobbies.

7️⃣ Maintain a warm atmosphere in your home.

Don’t start quarrels over trifles, praise your man, laugh more, entertain him with your excellent mood. A man should always want to go home, where he is greeted with warm words and kisses. You can even come up with a fun tradition for picking up your loved one from work. This will help him relax and relieve fatigue, because men love women’s eccentricities and mischief.

Become the most desirable woman in the world for your man: surprise and seduce, encourage and captivate - and then his interest in you will never disappear!


Tips for women on how to keep your husband interested in you

To maintain a man’s interest in herself, a woman needs to pay attention to the points outlined below.

Men love with their eyes - they say. That's how they are built. First of all, a woman’s appearance is assessed, and then her spiritual qualities.

Often a woman attaches little importance to how she walks at home. Not a robe or a tracksuit, but good clothes for the home. One that you can no longer wear to work, or a new one, specially purchased.

In Soviet magazines, I remember, psychologists advised not to walk around the house in front of your husband wearing curlers. Nowadays there are few curlers, perhaps some people use them. But it’s worth taking another look at yourself in the mirror to make sure your hair is neatly styled. Not to mention that they should always be clean and not hang like icicles.

Everything about a woman should be beautiful. It’s good for those who are given natural beauty from birth. They don't have to make any special effort to look good. But if the body is not perfect, you can emphasize the advantages. And don’t worry too much about it.

One man said: “If you love, you don’t notice the flaws in your appearance.” However, there are many women around who suffer because of their appearance. If you feel beautiful, others will not notice flaws.

You need to tell yourself convincingly: “I am beautiful” and not listen to those skeptical voices that sit inside and tell you the opposite. It is useful to choose winning facial expressions for yourself using a mirror, those that you like. Record this expression, remember it, move away from the mirror and walk around the house with it. In the right situation, it is enough to remember this expression and demonstrate it.

In the same way, you should choose winning smiles, hand movements, gait and stance. You also need to learn to sit gracefully. A mirror will help with all this. We must learn to be effective. “You are beautiful and spectacular!” - say every time you look in the mirror at your reflection. Smile at yourself, say: “I love you!” And you will hear the same words from those around you.

Remember the film “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, when Oksana looked at herself in the mirror and said: “Good! Wow, that’s good!” From time to time you can playfully and laughingly say such words in the presence of your husband. And watch his reaction.

In general, a woman should be an artist, a flirt, cheerful, perky. Always in a good mood. Even if the cats scratch inside. You have to learn this. A man wants to see a cheerful woman next to him, not a tired woman who is always dissatisfied with everything.

A woman should be beautiful and well-groomed from the tips of her hair to her fingertips. We need to find time to take care of ourselves.

To please a man, you need to try to maintain physical shape: be in weight, with a waist free of fat and a sagging chin. Make time for home exercises or hula hoops.

Of course, changes often occur not by the will of a woman, but as a result of metabolic processes. But often women gain weight from uncontrolled food consumption, when tasty food is almost the main value.

The ideal option is to control your weight from youth, and if it doesn’t work out, then you shouldn’t worry and exhaust yourself with diets. I know women who are quite plump, but they feel great and behave like queens.

How to whet a man's interest?

If you have finally attracted the attention of the object of your affection, then it would be nice to think about how you can keep it. To hold on, of course, not by force, but to make him want to stay with you of his own free will, to occupy all his thoughts. But attracting a guy and keeping him interested all the time are two different things. Any girl can attract a guy, but only diligent and result-oriented girls can maintain his interest. To do this, you just need to set a specific goal, and then it’s a matter of technique. Here are some tips that are designed to help you in this difficult matter. Call on all your charm and intelligence and act!

Of course, there is no specific scheme by following which you can unconditionally keep a man. Therefore, you will need intuition, which, undoubtedly, every girl is endowed with.

So, first, you need to prove yourself. And I mean that in the literal sense. As you know, a man loves with his eyes, so in order to attract his attention, you should dress neatly and tastefully. It will hardly be a secret to you that I will advise you to wear skirts more. Men subconsciously pay more attention to women who wear skirts than trousers. For them, a skirt is a symbol of femininity, and they highly value this quality in us. Therefore, do not neglect such a simple opportunity to attract attention. In addition, men do not like provocative outfits, so do not overdo it.

Let's say you've already attracted a guy's attention, but now you have a more important task - not to lose his interest. Therefore, take a closer look at the following tips.

Let the guy know that you are not going to disappear into him. The fact is that many girls make this mistake. When we fall in love, we believe that we must surrender ourselves entirely to the object of our love, dissolve in him, do everything to make him feel good. Especially after his stories about what a bitch his ex was. But do not give in to provocations. The fact is that a man will very quickly lose interest in you. The stronger sex – they are hunters. And when a man realizes that the woman completely belongs to him, he suddenly loses interest in her and goes on the hunt for his next victim. To avoid this, show your man that you have friends, hobbies, and work. Simply put, show him that you have your own life that you are not going to give up. At the same time, you must give your man enough attention, affection and tenderness. This is not an easy task, but I am sure that every woman is able to cope with it!

Many psychologists write that in order to maintain a man’s interest, a woman must remain a mystery. I don't know about you, but I'm sure that a woman remains a mystery to a man without making any effort. Men and women are two different worlds that will remain mysteries to each other. But this is my personal opinion, I will not impose it. In any case, the advice to remain a mystery to a man exists and is valid. So, go for it!

Another very important detail. You must share the interests of your chosen one. Maybe not all of them, but try to love a couple of his hobbies. For example, watch movies online. This will give you some general topics to talk about, and besides, his hobbies won't annoy you. And there, perhaps, you will find yourself in some other area, for example, in skydiving. There can be a lot of examples. Ask him in detail about his interests and choose something that you are not disgusted or afraid of. After all, if a guy is into parkour, then you are unlikely to want to do the same. If you can’t share his hobby with him, then at least accept it, because you will have to listen a lot about the hobby of your chosen one.

Oddly enough, psychologists advise sometimes missing calls from your lover, being late for dates (which is not at all difficult for girls to do), and making him a little jealous. But only slightly, otherwise you won’t be happy. There are such jealous individuals that you are amazed! Let the guy understand that you have a choice and it is not the last in your life.

If your relationship is still at the dating stage, you shouldn't place too high demands on your guy. You should not torment him with scandals, endless grievances and whims. At first, guys are amused by this, but then they quickly get tired of it. And they go to another. Therefore, try to be a little more modest. And if something doesn’t suit you, tell him about it calmly, without shouting, insults or threats. Any man will appreciate this, believe me. After all, everyone is pleased to see a civilized, well-mannered partner next to them. And if this partner is also handsome and smart, this is a gift of fate. But we know very well that such girls exist, and there are a lot of them.

In conclusion, I would like to add that every relationship is individual, and you should not build it according to a certain pattern. Every relationship depends on some amount of luck. And maybe many will not agree with me, but I believe that if you are destined to be with this particular person, then you will be together with him.

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