Soft men and strong women. Yin and yang in the relationship between a man and a woman

Yin Yang - masculine and feminine... Nowadays it’s even a shame not to know that all the things around us, and even we ourselves carry the masculine and feminine principles of yin and yang. Our entire boundless Universe consists of these two strong energies, which simply cannot exist without each other; they must always interact.

Let's say the space that is inside the cup is yin, but it cannot exist without the cup itself, which means the cup is yang. Black coffee poured into this cup is calm Yin energy, but the heat that the coffee gives off is active Yang energy.

Esotericists, lovers of the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui and psychologists speak about the merging of these principles, about their mutual transfusion and flow into each other, about the importance of taking this fact into account in solving life and internal problems.

Moreover, anyone who is well versed in the meaning of this symbol knows that it is not just the masculine and feminine principles, the yin yang philosophy is much broader and deeper. This ancient Chinese philosophical concept is used in many areas of our lives, from medicine to music.

Yin feminine

As the yin yang philosophy teaches, the ultimate task for a person who wants to comprehend and understand the mysteries of the world around him and himself is to learn to control and correctly use the yin yang energies in order to come to true harmony with himself and the Universe.

Yin is the feminine principle, it is the lunar, dark side, it is intuition, gentleness, wisdom. Every person needs yin in a certain concentration in order to develop creative abilities, show emotions, sense and sense the slightest changes within themselves and around them.

Yin is our inner self, which we often do not listen to or take care of, which leads to disharmony. Passive feminine energy symbolizes chaos, the one that existed before the appearance of all material things.

Yin, in search of harmony, strives for the opposite of yang. Therefore, a woman is advised to enhance her femininity, softness, and natural essence. Then the man will be attracted to her like a magnet. Experts who deeply study this issue are skeptical about such a statement, which contradicts the law of Tao.

Yin is always peace as opposed to yang activity. Therefore, a true woman carries peace within herself. When female peace collides with male activity, merging, these two energies align and come to balance. This explains the harmony in some couples that seem ideal to us, but the relationship between them is incomprehensible.

No one can teach a woman to be feminine, everything is already inside her, you need to be able to feel the yin in yourself. As soon as a woman begins to awaken the feminine principles in herself, it means that she will begin to act, and this is a matter of yang energy. As a result, there is no harmony again.

Let's enlighten

Each of us, regardless of gender, contains both energies, feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang), but for harmony and a sense of personal integrity, it is important that women have more feminine energy, and men have more masculine energy.

Otherwise, various perversions and distortions begin to occur at the level of energy, health and psyche. What kind of distortions these can be and where they arise and come from, we will talk a little later, in the following articles, but for starters it is useful to generally understand what is the difference between feminine and masculine energies.

In astrology, feminine energy corresponds to a planet such as the Moon, while masculine energy corresponds to the Sun. Hence, the feminine principle is everything that is unmanifested, it is darkness, twilight, the abyss, hidden, mysterious, because the Moon and the feminine principle are everything deep and unconscious in us, everything that is hidden in the depths of our psyche, consciousness, Soul. Masculine, on the contrary, is everything obvious, manifested, it is the power of the mind, while feminine power is the power of intuition and emotions.

The feminine principle corresponds to the principle of fluidity, flexibility, hence such primordially feminine qualities and behavioral characteristics as softness, acceptance, tenderness, the ability to forgive and accept, corresponds to the principle of non-action, passive action, internal action. The masculine principle corresponds to the principle of activity, energetic action, strength of action, fighting spirit, ability to implement, courage, rationality, logic, reason and technical thinking. Its physical counterpart is in the left hemisphere of the brain. While the “female” hemisphere is the right one, responsible for emotions, feelings, creativity, and the ability to work with symbols and hidden signs.

Hence such images that describe the essence, the essence of female energy, such as Shadow, Mirror. Just like a mirror, a woman has the ability to reflect and the shadow is also a reflection of us. And this conceals the meaning that when interacting with a man, a woman has the ability to feel him, know his fantasies and even understand his secret (suppressed) feelings. The more Yin energy a woman has, the more she is able to reflect, perceive, accept, because female energy is the consumption of energy, when energy is taken from the outside and consumed inside, and the masculine principle is when energy comes from an object, goes out, is given.

You can also highlight the following features of feminine and masculine energy.

Yang, male energy corresponds to the following characteristics:

  • Action
  • Choice
  • Solution
  • Determination
  • Control
  • Planning
  • Composure
  • Give protection, a feeling of safety
  • Reliability
  • Matching the given word

Yin, feminine energy corresponds to:

  • Inaction
  • The ability to selflessly desire
  • Creation
  • Pacification
  • Focus on the process
  • Faith
  • Unconditionality
  • Confidence
  • Kindness
  • Care

At the same time, in the modern world little is said about the characteristics and strength of female energy; this is not taught from childhood, but on the contrary, there is a bias towards nurturing masculine qualities in girls. However, it is important to remember that Nature, God, Higher Powers, and the System did not just create a division into female and male genders on our planet. In addition to the fact that each gender has its own functions, energy moves in us differently. The Vedas say that each person has 7 mental energy centers, chakras, and we are designed in such a way that in men and women the energy in these centers moves differently, which is why a man and a woman together complement each other.

Let's look at the energetic differences between the masculine and feminine principles in the chakras. The lowest, first chakra is Muladhara (the chakra is associated with vital energy, its quantity, the ability to live and survive), it is designed in such a way that for a man this chakra is (ideally) active, and for a woman it is passive. That is, a man gives energy, and a woman receives it. In society, this is manifested in the fact that the male function is to provide protection for the survival of women. The duty of a woman is to learn to accept this protection, to completely trust a man, and rely on him.

The second chakra - Svadhisthana (the chakra is responsible for the reproductive system, for pleasure and desires) works differently - for women it is active, and for men it is passive, a woman gives, and a man receives. Hence such ancient “professions” of women as hetaeras and concubines. Even the Vedas say that a man is the enjoyer, and a woman is the one through whom one enjoys. This suggests that the task of women is to create a comfortable and cozy world for men.

The third chakra - Manipura (connections, money, achievements), is active in men and, accordingly, passive in women, that is, a man gives to a woman, and a woman receives.

The next chakra is Anahata (responsible for love and feelings, intuition, extrasensory perception), this is a female chakra, which means women should give, and a man should accept, everything that relates to this chakra.

The fifth chakra is Vishuddha (communication, self-expression, working with information). In life, it is very important for a man to express himself, to realize himself, and this chakra is active in men and passive in women.

The sixth chakra - Ajna, the third eye (clairvoyance), is active in women, here the woman gives - the man receives. In theory, every wife should be her husband's main assistant. And its main help is to provide him with information about the secret, about what is hidden from him, about what is not visible with ordinary vision and reason.

The seventh chakra - Sahasrara - works the same for everyone - this is our connection with God, with the Spirit, with the Supreme, there is no longer the concept of gender as such. At the level of this chakra, it no longer matters whether we are a man or a woman, but what is important is that, first of all, we are the Soul, and the Soul has no gender. Sexual differences are important here on Earth in order to fulfill the karmic tasks for which we have incarnated in this body, and gender creates the conditions for us to fulfill these tasks, to realize our Destination.

If we consider the work of the chakras together, then we distinguish two types of feminine energy. Sexual feminine energy is the feminine energy of the lower energy centers. Thanks to it, children are born, because it is this energy that ignites passion in a man, and it is this energy in a woman that makes men lose their heads and peace. If this energy predominates in a woman, then things like:

  • men around women only want sex,
  • the woman has few or no friends (no one wants to introduce her husband to such a friend - this is dangerous),
  • this energy does not allow a man to rest and relax next to such a woman,
  • there is no respect in family, relationships, but there is only sex, only passion.

Practices for developing this energy usually come down to intimate gymnastics, the science of flirting and seduction. Very often, this is exactly what girls do who do not yet have a partner - they think that they simply lack sexuality. And this usually leads to the fact that partners appear, but there is no husband.

But there is another feminine energy, the energy of the upper centers (upper chakras), this is the energy of purity, friendship, love and tenderness. This energy:

  • makes you want to take care of a woman and take responsibility for her,
  • allows you to deepen relationships,
  • pacifies men, and they can restore their strength next to such a woman.

But this does not mean that we do not need sexual energy, it is simply important for it to know the place and time. In addition, blocking sexual energy is fraught with female diseases and difficulties with childbearing. However, its abuse is no better, both for health and for the soul. Therefore, it is important for every woman to maintain a balance of these two energies within herself. And the beginning of this path is to honestly look at yourself and analyze whether you have more feminine or masculine energy, and what are the signs of a lack of feminine energy, read on our website in a separate article.

Author: Ksenia Kupriyanova - tarot reader, astrologer

Yang masculine

Hot, assertive, active yang energy translates yin “ideas” into real life. Logic, intelligence, common sense, life direction - all this is inherent in masculine energy.

Yang is the bright side, it is clarity, precision, dominance. If yin is the moon, then yang is the sun. Frozen and calm yin energy provokes strong yang energy into action and external manifestations.

It is important that in all their manifestations, yin and yang do not contradict each other, but rather complement each other.

What will help you achieve harmony?

As Chinese sages and philosophers say, when a person learns to control his qi energy, then the harmony of his internal yin and yang will come, which will allow him to touch the ideal balance of yin and yang in the Universe. But to achieve such a result, a person needs many years of work on himself.

After all, yin and yang are opposites that constantly conflict with each other, and this applies not only to the constant struggle on earth between good and evil, but also in the human essence this struggle occurs every day. And every day one side outweighs the other, which does not allow a person to achieve harmony.

History of the Yin Yang Symbol

The Chinese saw the Buddhist yin-yang symbol and transferred it to their philosophy.
And this event happened in the first-third centuries AD. The black and white image of yin and yang originally imitated a mountain. On one side the mountain is illuminated by the sun, and the other side of the hill is in the shadow, that is, darkened. As you know, the sun changes its position, and that part of the mountain that was dark becomes light under the influence of the sun and vice versa. Thus, literally everything in life goes through its cycle.

The symbol was understood as a confrontation between good and bad, good and evil, harmful and useful. However, experts who understand Taoism say that the symbol must be understood through the prism of opposites in nature. This has nothing to do with morality and ethics.

Masculine energy

Unlike women, she is active, even aggressive. It is characterized by actions: the embodiment of “yin” into reality, its materialization. Male energy is not internal feelings, fantasies and dreams. She is responsible for thinking, intelligence, speech, logic. Helps us act in the world around us, adapt to society and our environment.

Its symbol is “yang”. Denotes hot energy that breaks out from within and strives for the sky. It has the qualities of the “male” elements of Air and Fire, while the “yin” ones are Water and Earth. The feminine principle and the masculine principle are always diametrically different. If the second narrows, then the first always strives to expand, permeating with itself all life on Earth. “yin” is cosmic energy, without interaction with “yang” its embodiment and materialization in the world would be impossible. This process is called creativity, the inclinations of which live in every person. The harmony of masculine and feminine principles is a chance to show your talents and develop your abilities.

Symbol meaning and philosophical concept

The yin yang symbol is a circle divided into two equal halves, similar to droplets or fish. One side of an even circle is black and the other white, but in each drop there is a dot: inside the dark half there is a white dot, and on the light half there is a black dot.

The circle itself is our Universe, and it is infinite. Inside this Universe, two energies live, interact and complement each other - yin and yang, masculine and feminine. They are different, but are able to penetrate each other - this is indicated by the dots inside each half. The fact that there is no clear boundary between these halves is indicated by the wavy line that separates them.

If you look at this symbol, you will get the impression that the image inside the circle-Universe is moving, the halves smoothly flow into one another, the energies merge and separate again, and so on endlessly. Thanks to such metamorphoses, the Universe exists.

The theory of Taoist philosophy, described in the “Book of Changes,” is that everything in the Universe moves, changes, penetrates each other, one does not exist without the other, despite the opposite. The communication of these two energies gives birth to the elements. There are only five of them: wood, earth, fire, water, metal, from which matter appears.

Other meanings of yin and yang

Because the yin yang sign doesn't just show the dark side and the light side, it also shows the opposites. This means the fact that this applies not only to the dark or light principle, some compare yin yang with the feminine and masculine principle, and also say that yang is something hot, a force that destroys everything, and yin, on the contrary, is something cool and creative.

And also many sages said that we are filled with yin-yang energy through the consumption of food, therefore everything should be no less harmonious here, and they also argued that the balance of yin and yang begins with this.

It is worth remembering that yin is elastic, moist, cold, sweet, liquid, soft, and yang is bitter, astringent, salty, warming, hard and irritating.

You should not neglect the rules of maintaining balance here either, because if you exclude, for example, yin foods, you will develop diseases, and the same thing will happen if you exclude foods from the yang group.

The forces of yin and yang in everyday life

Wherever we look, we will see the presence, manifestation, interaction of yin and yang.
This applies to natural and everyday manifestations, as well as the internal state of a person, his spiritual fullness. Yin is silence, darkness, cold, death, passivity. Yang is lightness, action, life. But literally everything has both yin and yang. Another thing is that one energy can be expressed more strongly than another, and a person’s task is to balance these elements.

That is, if you imagine that you put yin on one side of the scale and yang on the other, it is important that there is no overweight, the scales must be in balance, in this case we find harmony. The harmonious manifestation of yin and yang should be in our inner essence, in our apartment, in what we do and even in what we eat.

According to psychologists who are inclined to perceive reality based on the Taoist movement, they say that people in whom yang predominates are quite aggressive, assertive, they try to take a lot from life, they are bright, energetic people.

If a person has more Yin, then he is usually lazy, often sad and bored, and often depressed. These people are very calm, creative, and have well-developed intuition.

If both energies are brought into balance, the standard of living will become much better. It is important to understand yourself here. A person who understands what yin and yang are begins to look at the surrounding reality differently, he becomes very observant and sees how one can affect the other.

Some people tend to consider the manifestation of yin and yang only in the relationship between a man and a woman. This is not entirely correct, but if we look at this issue from different angles, this is how yang and yin manifest themselves in love: these energies must complement each other and balance.

For example, if a woman is too bright, noisy, proactive, talks a lot, laughs loudly, behaves demonstratively, then there is a lot of yang in her.

If she is not able to find balance within herself, then in order for a woman to have a harmonious relationship with a man, the chosen one must carry a lot of yin within himself, that is, be calm and cold. If, with such a woman, a man strives to dominate, command, and show yang energy, he will receive from her chosen one yin - isolation and depression.

During childbirth, a woman spends a lot of energy, giving birth to a new life. Yang energy is mainly involved in this process. After childbirth, a lot of yin remains inside the mother, which helps the woman take care of the baby and show kindness.

If you go on a diet and eat, for example, only vegetables or proteins, then by default you will upset the balance of the Universe, which means you will not achieve results or will achieve them for a very long time and in a stubborn struggle with yourself.

Yang and Yin colors and their effects

• Warm colors are manifestations of yang energy, since they emit more qi energy, they have a stimulating effect on us. We feel this flow of qi in rooms as warmth and security. Yang colors include: red, orange and yellow. Their enhanced radiation also has another effect: if the walls in the rooms are painted in warm colors, they visually appear smaller - a natural consequence of the internal desire of energy. Physical reason: The wavelength of yang flowers is longer than that of yin flowers.

• Cool colors are manifestations of yin energy. For this reason, they create an atmosphere of coolness, a feeling of some severity, formality, and remoteness. Rooms built using yin colors appear larger than they actually are. Cool colors include green, blue and violet, and the impact of green varies greatly depending on the shade. Blue-green is more of a yin color, while yellow-green radiates more heat and therefore takes on yang properties.

• Light colors improve our mood because they reflect more qi. With them you can create a joyful atmosphere of activity. All colors can be activated with white.

• Dark colors absorb light, so they reflect less qi. As a result, they can cause a depressed mood. But dark colors, when used correctly, can also create a cozy atmosphere. If we dilute too bright, exciting colors with black, we seem to reduce their qi energy.


The strongest contrast is created by black and white colors. Both symbolize polar energies. The color black signifies perception and the feminine aspect of yin. No other color absorbs so much light energy, so it must be used very carefully in residential areas. White color, on the contrary, is rightfully considered the initial base of the entire color spectrum, because it always acts neutrally and brightens any other color. No other color reflects so much energy. The polar properties of black and white are skillfully used by Feng Shui specialists.

Now we will introduce you in more detail to some of the colors traditionally used in Feng Shui.


Correspondences: Tree, Dragon, spring, zhen, thunder, east.

Green is the color of vegetation and life. Already in ancient times, it symbolized long life and mercy - for this reason, in the bagua the sphere of health is assigned to it. As a spring color, it is a symbol of a new beginning and the awakening of nature. Since changes in nature, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui, are only a reflection of energy changes, green and its correspondences symbolize the beginning and growth of new projects. Green is associated with hope and trust that emerges after poverty and deprivation, with the transition from winter to spring.


Correspondences: Fire, Phoenix, Lee, South, Glory.

Once upon a time, an architecture professor taught us that every room should have a little red and a little humor. During the years of our practical activity, the thought always occurred to us that we Europeans were afraid to accept this powerful color. Only in very few cases does red find its application in apartments. Moreover, this color once had a deep symbolic meaning - in ancient paintings we often find red ribbons or amulets, most of them made of coral. They were supposed to protect from unkind glances. As in other cultures, the color red in China is considered masculine, is a yang color and symbolizes strong yang, warmth and activity. At the elemental level, red is the opposite of feminine Water. Red is associated with strength, activity and even aggressiveness.


Correspondences: Earth, (yellow) man, kun, gen, middle, southwest, mountain, relationships, knowledge.

Chinese legends tell us about a god-like perator who brought culture and wisdom to people; His name is Huang Di, the Yellow Emperor. The color yellow has a special meaning for the Chinese. Yellow and gold are related to each other, so this color in China was and remains a symbol of power: the walls of the imperial premises were golden yellow, often decorated with golden dragons. Yellow is the color of the Earth element, and the Chinese perceive it as the life-giving force of nature. In Northern China, it is dust from the loess of the Gobi Desert, which turns the land into fertile fields. In the cycle of elements, the Earth is in the center and thereby symbolizes balance and harmony. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese call themselves the Celestial Empire. In the Feng Shui color spectrum, yellow signifies sunlight. Rooms that lack natural light, and therefore energy, can be effectively harmonized with the help of yellow.


Correspondences: Metal, Tiger, dui, qiang, west, northwest, lake, father.

White color is a symbol of perfection. It contains all the colors and yet remains simple and unobtrusive. White is identified with the completeness of the unit and thus with courage and wisdom. The sage is so wise that he does not show off his knowledge; he knows: there is strength in calmness. This is also reflected in Feng Shui correspondences, where this color connects with the centrally directed energies of the elements. The energy of Metal always strives inward, due to which internal stability is achieved, which is the basis for influence from a strong center outward. In accordance with this energy, the sphere of assistants, mentors, teachers, whose knowledge and experience supports, was determined in the north-west. White color symbolizes the completion of the development cycle, followed by decay or transformation, which is indicated by the next element after Metal, Water. The Chinese are mourning

wrapped in white because it signifies belief in reincarnation, rebirth. Farewell to earthly life is considered at the same time as the beginning of a new one. White is thus the color of transformation and purity, because it itself is only possible under conditions of absolute purity.


Correspondence: Water, Kan, sea, Turtle, north.

Blue is the color of the sea and is associated in Feng Shui, just like black, with Water. This color conveys the impression of depth, some detachment, and coolness. On the other hand, blue symbolizes the nourishing element - Water, which allows rice, the main product of the Chinese, to grow. In Europe, blue is held in high esteem because it has been considered since ancient times the color of science and wisdom. Asians, on the contrary, do not attach much importance to it; in China they even often avoid it, since it is the second official color of grief.

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See also:

  • Shrub (see also Plants, Flower).
  • Fortune telling using one card.

Yin Yang Talismans

If a person decides to wear a talisman or amulet in the form of a black and white circle, then he must well understand the meaning of yin and yang.
Without this understanding, the talisman will not work, and it must help its owner maintain and balance these two energies within himself in order to be in harmony with himself and the world around him. That is, a person must tune in to his thing in a certain way in order for a connection to be established between them.

Magicians and esotericists advise holding your talisman under water before releasing it into your biofield. The energy of the Yin Yang talisman should be only yours, otherwise the symbol will not work for you.

They say that you need to talk to your talisman and share everything that worries you. So you activate your amulet, your Yin Yang sign

Feminine energy

The feminine principle and the masculine principle exist in every living creature. One of them always dominates and displaces the opponent, so it is important for a person to learn to balance between the two poles living inside. Feminine energy is intuition, our inner “I”. It affects the perception of the world, creativity, emotions, sensations. This beginning helps to contact the source of the highest Wisdom. It is always passive, often trying to fill the void, spilling out like water into labyrinths of essence.

The symbol of feminine energy is “yin” - the dark side. Embodies the original chaos that reigned before the emergence of space, time and matter. This is a force trying to compress everything into a single black hole, it absorbs energy, preventing it from being reborn. Like everything in this world, “yin” reaches out to its opposite – “yang”. Masculine and feminine principles are compared as positive and negative, heat and cold, sky and earth, sun and moon, day and night, light and darkness.

Energy exchange

It is very important in the life of every person. People must understand that you cannot only receive and not give anything in return. Even if another freebie lands on your head, remember that sooner or later you will have to pay for it. Often the most precious and important to you. If the principle of energy exchange is violated, a person becomes a consumer, loses respect, friendship and success.

Unfortunately, there are more such people than creators, who, on the contrary, share everything they have with the outside world, without demanding anything in return. And that's bad too. Because only by balancing the “give-take” principle do we find harmony within ourselves. The signs of the masculine and feminine principles, “yin” and “yang,” convey to us that only by establishing a connection between the halves of the energies, we achieve balance. In everyday life, it manifests itself in such character qualities as self-confidence, fortitude, optimism, the desire to develop and improve, to get to know the world and the people around you. Such a person is truly happy and successful.


Harmonization of the masculine and feminine principles is a logical process, because people have long said that two opposites invariably attract each other. How does this manifest itself in our everyday life? The best example is the analysis of the stages of creativity.

It all starts with impulse, fantasy, intuitive vision. For example, an artist mentally imagines the image of a future painting; he knows that it will invariably be a landscape. What is it: “yang” or “yin”? Feminine or masculine? Of course, this is the dark energy of Mother Earth, which fills all imagination and pushes us to action.

The master reacts to the information received and transfers it to the canvas - this is already a masculine principle. It helps to detail images, determine their location, shape, color and angle. Without the interaction of “yin” and “yang” there would be no finished product in the form of a painting. Suppression of male energy leads to the fact that the idea remains only in our head and cannot materialize. If the feminine principle is not sufficiently developed, a person experiences pangs of creativity: a lack of imagination, a useless search for a muse.


Since the masculine and feminine principles are present in each of us in different proportions, we initially look for what we lack. If “yin” dominates, we are drawn to a partner with a strong “yang”, and vice versa. Until a person balances his two halves, only people of a certain type of character, lifestyle, and even appearance will pay attention to him. Look at your partner and you will see what you personally lack.

If a representative of the fair half of humanity makes friends with the “woman” within herself, then she becomes wiser. The girl understands that giving in does not mean admitting defeat, and eternal resistance is not a victory. A man, having established contact with his “yang,” is convinced that the source of courage is not in violence, but in the open expression of feelings. Awakening soft qualities in representatives of the stronger sex and hard ones in their ladies is the key to harmonious relationships, eternal love and affection. When the feminine and masculine are reversed, we gain a better understanding of the opposite sex.

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