10 Signs of a “normal guy” - This is how easy it is to determine the adequacy of a man!

If you want to build a lifelong relationship full of warmth and care, then it is important to understand as best as possible how to understand a man. Do you want to learn how to use a man’s desire to be a hero so that he feels that you are the woman for whom he performs feats, and you see him as your protector and provider?

Yes? Then read this article carefully. I will tell you how to understand male psychology in relationships, how male emotions work and why they do this, and how it affects falling in love, attraction, sexual attraction and the ability to live happily ever after.

Most women think that they understand men to some extent, but are usually shocked to find out how far they were from this understanding. This is because they are trying to understand men from the perspective of their own, feminine values, and therefore they are constantly faced with unexpected actions of men that ruin their plans and even break their hearts.

Once again about a real man

Let me remind you of the definition of a real man, from which I base my reasoning.

A real man is a man whose lifestyle, skills and personal qualities correspond to MALE NATURE.

Male nature, and not socially expected ideas, moral teachings of parents or teachers at school.

Male nature is a combination of energies and instincts

Now, what exactly does male nature consist of? This can be explained in two ways that I regularly use: evolutionary and energetic. From a biological point of view, male nature is determined by a set of instincts that homo sapiens males received as a result of evolution. If you like Darwin's theory of evolution, this explanation is for you. From the point of view of the chakra-energy model, which is promoted by Eastern teachings, masculine nature originates in masculine energy, which is the totality of the energies of the three chakras - the first, third and fifth. In essence, it is the same explanation, only in different words: it is the presence of a certain energy in the male body that leads to the emergence of the corresponding instincts. Although, materialists-Marxists-Darwinists think that everything is the other way around, or that there is no energy at all, but this does not matter now

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