What men value in women: an unexpected truth

The question of one’s own attractiveness to the opposite sex concerns almost all women.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand why beauty, success, and erudition do not bring love, but, at best, only the respect and admiration of men.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of what kind of women men love. For every type of man there is a woman who can win his heart.

The qualities that men value in women often have nothing to do with looks, bust size, or any other stereotype.

A man is a creative type, how to win his heart

Men of this type are always absorbed in some incredibly interesting activity. These could be businessmen, artists, writers, or simply workaholics or fanatics of their craft.

What unites them all is a certain isolation from real life and deepening into their inner world, reflections, calculations, creative ideas.

The plan for conquering such a man should be something like this:

Unnoticed, enter his inner circle. This must be done carefully so as not to evoke negative emotions in a man if there is a sudden invasion of his living space. Such people, as a rule, are very sensitive to new acquaintances and do not immediately allow people to approach them. You will have to try to prove to the “creator” you like that you are safe for his personal peace of mind and that you are exceptionally committed to his ideas.

Don't try to get on the same level with him and argue about transcendental heights. Such men do not need this at all from their beloved. It is easier and more familiar for him to discuss the intricacies of a new project in a raised voice with his colleagues, among whom, by the way, there may be women. But don't let that bother you. They don't know the key to his heart, but you will find out in the next paragraph.

Provide him with the highest possible level of domestic comfort in your conditions. This also needs to be done extremely delicately and try not to draw his attention to such little things once again. We prepared a delicious dinner - let him eat it and, perhaps, not even say words of gratitude. This shouldn't bother you if you want to build a long-term relationship with this person.

Try not to be near him continuously for long enough that you don't start to be seen as something like furniture. Take care of yourself too, come up with an interesting hobby for which you can leave home. Let the man feel in contrast what it’s like to eat dry meat from a nearby store or delicious hot potatoes with meat prepared by your own hands.

Remember that you are a woman and when you are next to the man you like, you should look attractive and smell pleasant. Let him associate the aroma of your perfume with a calm haven, acceptance and care. There are enough troubles and stormy emotions in his life, you can believe it.

Of course, not every woman is capable of becoming a companion for a man of this type. This is a kind of self-sacrifice. However, if you are in love with him, then you can take a risk and try to build a relationship with him along the lines of “all the best for my master.” Maybe this is just what you need.

How to please a guy, how to please a man and make him fall in love with you.

And so, in order for a man to like a girl, you must follow some rules. I’ll tell you more, you need this even more for yourself. After all, you want to always be SUPER?! Then these tips are for you. I like a man, what should I do?

First. Appearance.

Properly designed, thoughtful appearance. No, these clothes are not necessarily the latest in fashion. It’s not at all important, but you shouldn’t dress like a flea market either. High-quality clothes, for reasonable money, better tailor-made just for you. The main thing here is to highlight your curves and hide imperfections so that a man will like you in these clothes. What do they like most about our appearance?

Firstly, there is the hourglass body shape. Yes, that’s right, men are crazy about them. That's why you choose clothes to match this image.

Secondly, it's hair. They should be long, at least to the shoulders, this is now a trend. With long hair, you can come up with a lot of hairstyles and styles. Your hair should be beautiful, it should stand out, it should be a very important part of your appearance. The advantage to this is that they attract a man’s gaze, force him to admire them, pay attention, and distract them from some of your shortcomings that you would like to hide. Constantly look after them, keep an eye on them, keep them in shape. They must be perfect. Men often peck at the hair. This is the easiest way to please a man.

Sometimes you can just let them down to the waist and that’s it, the man is yours. Play with them, come up with a different shape for them each time. And you will definitely find one that a man will like. It happened to me when I was changing my hairstyles, at one point a guy came up and said: “Girl, yesterday you had such a gorgeous hairstyle, don’t do another one, it’s perfect for you!” And that's it, I got caught.

A man is a homely family man, how to tame him

These men are attracted by the stability, sobriety of their views and reasoning. They stand firmly on their feet, have reliable jobs that bring decent income.

We are ready to carry out all the necessary tasks in everyday life, without postponing them for some unknown period. Physical work brings them pleasure and a sense of self-worth.

With such a guy, the girl will be like behind a stone wall. And now we will tell you what kind of women men of this type love.

The plan to win his love in general terms is as follows:

Do not show your competence in all life's troubles. Give your potential lover the opportunity to show his best qualities while being around you.

He will be happy to fix your faucet, help you take your parents to the dacha in his own car, and do many other good deeds. Let him invest in your relationship. Believe me, he has something to offer you. Such men, as a rule, are looking for an object to care for.

Be gentle, a little romantic and unpredictable. He lacks violent passions, interesting events and exciting surprises in everyday life. This, of course, does not mean that you should get on the guy’s nerves with or without reason. But sometimes a little emotional shake-up won’t hurt the development of relationships.

Be proactive in planning your upcoming vacation together. You will not expect passionate confessions and touching courtship from men who are supporters of your family and home. They are also in no hurry to go somewhere far away, deprived of their usual routine. Let it all come from you in this case. You must, like a locomotive, drag your relationship forward, constantly giving it spice and variety. Otherwise, boredom and everyday troubles will simply nullify your love.

Such men, unfortunately, are often tight-fisted. Expensive gifts and careless spending are not in their rules. Don't demand such feats from them. Learn to be content with little. After all, your loved one gives you confidence in the future. With his stinginess, he is preparing the foundation for your long-term happy union. He doesn't want you to be needy in the future and thinks ahead about his income and expenses. He treats money responsibly, as well as everything he values ​​in life. This is kind of the downside of his reliability and loyalty.

Men who are excellent family men can devotedly and sincerely love and take care of their woman in everyday little things. Your task is to provide him with the opportunity to demonstrate such rare qualities in our time. And to do this, don’t rush to do everything yourself, turn to your boyfriend for help more often. He will certainly love you, having invested so much effort in you.

I want men to like me

August 30, 2020

“I want to please men so that their mouths open when I walk...” Do you want this?

Of course, each of us wants to be beautiful, to attract and please men... It has long been noticed that many women in marriage look different than before marriage. Women complain that when they live together with a man, their shape becomes rounder and they no longer like themselves. Being worried, they make attempts to return to their previous sense of self, but, as a rule, they make little progress in this direction. And at the same time, most of them believe that this man has a bad influence on them, that it is because of him that they lose their slim figure and become lazy. Is it really?

It is not the body or appearance that are the deciding factors in a relationship. And your inner state and love attract men.

To please men, you need to become interesting to yourself. First you have to like yourself.

Incentives to be beautiful...

Everything that happens to you is so natural. In fact, it is natural to change externally as life changes. And the life of a married lady differs in many ways from the life of a woman outside of marriage. When a woman is in a state of so-called search, her life routine allows her to take care of herself, her nutrition, pay attention to herself, and maintain the desired shape. She has time, incentives to improve, and it is easy for her to control herself.

With a change in status, after marriage, for the first 2-3 years you still continue to live on the same wavelength, and little changes in your appearance. However, as the relationship develops, you begin to notice that it is increasingly difficult for you to maintain your usual daily routine, and both your diet and its quality are disrupted. Why is this happening?

The fact is that any long-term and close relationship with a man weakens your psychological defenses, and at the same time your weaknesses, fears and feelings, repressed into the unconscious, are activated. More worries and worries appear, you begin to fear for your love and relationships. Resentments awaken, which you, of course, associate with the man, although in fact it is your childhood disappointments and expectations that are expressing themselves. Forgotten desires and needs emerge from the depths of the psyche to the surface of consciousness. And it is clear that they do not find their satisfaction in relationships. And all this together naturally disrupts your usual way of life, and most importantly, your emotional background becomes very unstable. The peace of mind that was BEFORE the man is lost. And now you understand that it was the result of internal defenses.

In addition, not only internal changes become noticeable - external reasons also make themselves felt. You eat more, drink more alcohol, have more fun, and all this causes your body to change.

A single woman, without realizing it, maintains her shape in order to be attractive in the eyes of men. And no matter how much women convince themselves and others that they are doing it all only for themselves... imagine living in a world without men - would you also be interested in how you look? Oh yes, I forgot, there are still women who will critically examine all the details of your appearance. They are also quite a powerful incentive to be beautiful.

Of course, many people care about their beauty only for themselves. But what does “for yourself” mean? For yourself - this is for your inner state. It is important to you. And it doesn’t really matter what you look like or what color your hair is. What matters is your internal state.

It happens that a woman decides that she should be thin and slender, but what matters is how you feel and feel in your body. In any case, wanting to be beautiful, a woman thinks about her condition and about the man. She is trying to build her image from the point of view of its attractiveness to a man.

How important is female beauty for a man?

Many women are convinced that their appearance is VERY important for men, and in order to please men, all efforts are directed towards their appearance.

Representatives of the fair sex are sure that men love with their eyes. And it's hard to argue with that. A man is truly visual by nature, and what he sees is important to him. But you need to understand that men and women perceive the appearance of another person differently, they see the same things differently.

Ignorance of this leads to the fact that a woman tries to evaluate her appearance from a female perspective and often focuses on what is completely unimportant for a man.

Being in captivity of this misconception, women are ready to torture themselves with cosmetic procedures and spend a lot of money in pursuit of perfect beauty. Often not noticing the line between a healthy and already unhealthy desire to be attractive. Sometimes a woman, carried away, does not see how she turns into a pitiful semblance of a beauty.

At the same time, you can often see how an absolutely unkempt woman, from the point of view of expensive care, and with a far from ideal figure, walks arm in arm with a prominent man who looks at her with adoration, and she is absolutely happy. And how often can you hear the comment of others: “What did he see in her?” This once again proves that men and women have very different ideas about female attractiveness and beauty.

No matter how well-groomed a woman is and takes care of herself, this alone cannot keep a man. Yes, it is possible to attract people, but it is also important to be able to maintain this interest.

Of course, this is not about not needing to take care of yourself at all. And it seems to me that among the ladies reading this article, there is hardly one who doesn’t give a damn about how she looks.

Have you ever encountered the fact that a man does not notice the little things at all? He doesn't see that you've changed your nail polish color or cut your hair unless it changes you dramatically. He may not notice your new dress, but he will react very sharply to changes in your image. He gets used to this image, and when you suddenly change your style, it takes him time to accept it, and a woman, as a rule, expects immediate admiration.

In general, even if a man notices changes in a woman, he sees her image as a whole, not details, and does not understand what exactly you have changed. This suggests that you and the man see the same thing differently.

How to please men? What is important to them in the image of a woman?

I repeat once again: it is the ignoring of details on the part of a man that greatly offends a woman. However, a woman, in turn, may often not see the whole picture, but not a single detail will go unnoticed by her. She can direct all her attention to a phrase accidentally thrown by a man, but not catch the essence of the conversation. Notice a detail of clothing, but miss the image as a whole.

Given such a different way of perception, it is worth emphasizing once again that for women it is the details that matter. They worry about their small breasts or thin lips, insufficiently long and slender legs, lack of a waist, etc. And at the same time, the majority of female representatives are absolutely sure that all men are attracted to large breasts, full lips and long legs. Is it so?

A woman, of course, wants to be not just attractive, she wants to awaken sexual desire in men. It is important for her that a man wants her. In an effort to arouse sexual desire in a man, a woman sometimes does not even realize this and then is very surprised that he only wants to sleep with her and nothing else. So many girls, posting their photos on dating sites, wonder why they receive sexual offers.

Coquetry is inherent in nature among representatives of the fair half of humanity, but they often do not realize what signs they are sending to men, and then they are offended by obscene hints.

If you gain a lot because of some parts of your body, then, of course, change. Maybe when you get rid of the complex that has darkened your life for years, your inner state will become different. And it is precisely this that will be the light to which men will rush. Your internal state, and not the corrected part of the body, will become this magnet.

You need to understand that men usually don't care about the details of your appearance and body. They instantly perceive your overall image.

It is a woman's privilege to evaluate each other and compare with ourselves. It is women who will pay attention to the brand of your clothes, shoes, manicure, and will notice gray hair and thin lips. We can solve a global problem: what kind of varnish should we paint our nails today... And this is great, if by successfully solving this problem, we will lift our spirits. But men in general are not interested in what color your nails are. Your smile, your shining eyes are important to him. He wants to see and feel that you are happy with him. A man needs to feel needed, he wants a woman to desire him, so that she is happy with him, because her happiness is his assessment of himself as a man.

It is important for a man to see a woman as a woman. Her gait, lightness, freshness, airiness, mystery, seriousness, accessibility and inaccessibility at the same time. But, of course, if some detail of your image stands out very much, then, of course, a man will pay attention to it.

It is important to a man what a woman looks like, especially if he is successful. And men with money want to have a beautiful woman because they believe that their companion reflects their strengths. If a beautiful woman is next to them, then for everyone it means that they have a lot of money or are good at sex.

But do you need men who are extremely important to you about your beauty? Do you want to be someone's attribute, like an expensive car, yacht or house?

Of course, you can torture yourself with diets and fitness, invest a lot of money in yourself and your appearance, but you must understand that you still cannot stop time. And a gradual change in appearance is a natural process.

We all want to be happy in a relationship with a man. But how can we accept it if we do not accept the natural course of events and age-related changes in ourselves?

I think that the problem is precisely that we want to control everything: our age, our body, time and... a man. The natural process of aging gradually prepares a person for death, changing his thoughts and even, perhaps, his way of thinking.

Appearance as a state of mind

Many women, by taking care of their appearance, fill a large gap in their deep inner insecurities, so they try to cope with the fear of death, gain control over time, stopping it in their body.

If you accept and love yourself, then it is so natural to change over time. It is not the body or appearance that are the deciding factors in a relationship. And your inner state and love attract men.

Don't think that your appearance is the main thing in your attractiveness. The most important thing is your opinion. What is he like? Do your eyes glow with joy and pleasure or are they full of sadness, loneliness and longing? Look at them in your reflection in the mirror. Better yet, take your photo without posing for the camera. And you will see your real look.

You can film only your eyes and try to feel the inner world radiating through them. Take a photo of your gaze and show it to someone and ask how that person feels? And you may hear a lot of unexpected things about yourself. And this is exactly what a man perceives when he is next to you.

And besides, the way you look at a man is important - your view directly depends on your deep-seated attitude not towards a specific male representative, but towards MEN in general.

Very often, observing the facial expressions and movements of unusually beautiful women, you can notice disdain, fatigue, arrogance and arrogance running through them. When meeting such a beauty, a smart man first of all considers this information, and does not get carried away by her spectacular appearance.

If some part of your body is far from perfect, do not think that this will be noted by a man; this detail will disappear for him in your image.

Focus on the image, not the details.

An image is an appearance permeated with an internal state.

If you are well-groomed and well dressed, but at the same time you constantly laugh loudly, walk with leaps and bounds, make sudden movements, then no matter how dressed and well-groomed you are, you will not attract male attention.

Remember, an image is a state of mind. And this is your mood, your perception of the world, your attitude towards yourself and people, your naturalness, your smile, your kindness and humanity. Mysteriousness and inaccessibility, a promise to be his forever... but don’t forget: you are a woman, and if you promised something today, you can forget about it tomorrow.

Remember how an oriental dance is danced, now opening and closing parts of the body, now approaching, now moving away...

This is an eternal game... the desire to merge in a single ecstasy with a man, and then leave him in the desire to be alone.

An image is a state. And the state is the inner music of your soul. The music of your nature. In order for a man to like you and be attracted to you, you just need to love yourself, life and people, be content and joyful.

Do you want to become freer, more confident, to please men, to understand how to build your relationships with the opposite sex? Come to the 2-month course “How to Meet Him.”

With love,

Irina Gavrilova Dempsey

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Category: Self-development

Man-tumbleweed, or womanizer, how to behave with him

Unfortunately, not all representatives of the stronger half of humanity are able to build long-term relationships with women. There are also men who are afraid to become attached to one girl.

Psychologists believe that such people have an avoidant attachment type. In other words, when a man feels that a woman is coming too close to him, starting to take up too much space in his thoughts and experiences, he simply leaves, “forgetting” to even say goodbye to her.

Moreover, demanding an explanation in such cases is useless; the person himself does not understand why he constantly changes girls. It is possible to make him feel in love for a short time, but he is not able to experience it for a long time.

Such men are especially sensitive to bright appearance, since they do not have access to more subtle areas, unconsciously avoiding them. They are attracted to young, self-sufficient, beautiful women. They win them over, give them luxurious bouquets, and go on romantic trips with them. But communication occurs superficially, and one cannot count on unearthly true love with men who are womanizers.

So what does a man value most in a woman?

Firstly: femininity. A woman who is similar in character and behavior to a man is repulsive. Agree: who wants to see next to a rude, harsh, impudent creature who can show aggression, has a harsh expression on his face, smokes, expresses himself?

Secondly: coquetry. If a woman flirts with a man, it means she shows that she is interested in him, that she is ready to communicate and accepts his attention. By flirting, a woman tries to please her, and this alone drives men crazy: at the subconscious level, he feels needed, in demand, interesting, and this greatly increases self-esteem.

Third: positive. A smile has always been a powerful “weapon” and a woman who knows about this, who knows how to joke and smile sincerely becomes especially attractive. It is always very comfortable and easy to be around someone who radiates streams of positivity and joy. If a woman is not capricious, does not pile up her problems, does not complain, if she looks at what is happening in life with optimism, then a man will continue to want to communicate with her, he wants to please her and be happy himself.

Fourth: selflessness. No person wants to be used. Men are no exception, and a woman who is ready to communicate, and possibly love, without demanding anything in return, is highly valued. A normal, adequate man, if he likes a girl, will give her what she needs.

Fifth: self-respect. When a person respects himself, others have to do it involuntarily, because self-respect is based on the objective merits and achievements of a particular person, and when a man sees that a woman respects herself, he understands that she is interesting and self-sufficient, and this, in turn, is attractive.

Self-esteem is one of the components of success and well-being, so men like women who have a high degree of self-esteem; they unconsciously inspire them with future stable well-being.

And finally: intelligence. It is believed that men are afraid of smart women, perhaps there is some truth in this, but it only validly works when a man has to enter into competition with a woman (which men really don’t like), and so: a woman always has a subtle mind and high intelligence was valued by male representatives, because if a woman is smart, that means she can be wise, that means it will be good and calm with her.

A whining man, or a mama's boy, how to make him fall in love with you

These men conquer women's hearts with their tenderness, touching attentions and heart-to-heart conversations. Many girls admit that they perceive such young people as friends. You can share painful things with them, talk about your experiences, receive sympathy and moral support in difficult situations. Some women, yearning for male attention, become attached to “whiners” and hope that they will become a support for them in life, provide a strong male shoulder, and protect them from adversity.

But then it turns out that such guys are not capable of decisive action, are constantly full of doubts and are only ready to listen to others, in particular, their mother or wife, and not to defend their position and interests. However, if you really like such a man, then you can try to make him fall in love with you.

To do this, use the following method:

Immediately create an aura of calm and support around the vulnerable young man.

Take all decisions on complex issues concerning his life upon yourself and you won’t go wrong. Such men are just waiting for someone who will agree to bear for them the unbearable burden of responsibility for their own existence.

Give him gifts, arrange surprises. Perhaps he will respond to you with mutual gifts, but maybe not. Such guys often cannot support themselves, and they simply may not have the funds for flowers and cruises. Don't worry too much about this. When you build a family or just a close relationship with him, you can push him to look for a suitable job.

Whining men love clear guidance from women. They often have an authoritarian mother who has taught them to obey from childhood. Therefore, you can try to take the same position in order to firmly establish yourself in the heart of your chosen one.

However, do not forget to be tactful in your behavior with him. Do not allow yourself to make statements that insult man's dignity, otherwise all your efforts to build harmonious relationships will go to waste. Do not demonstrate your superiority clearly, because any man wants to feel more important than the woman he has chosen as his life partner. Present your decisions gently, gradually, as they say, water wears away stones. And then the affection of such a young man will be completely given to you.

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