Why don't men say they love you? Expressing feelings like a man

How to find out if your husband loves you?

Happy is the woman who knows exactly about her husband’s love. Those who doubt need to carefully study the behavior of their spouse. Actions show the true state of affairs more objectively than words.

In addition, many men consider beautiful confessions unnecessary and are embarrassed to express tenderness.

10 phrases that men say when they love

When experiencing doubts about her partner’s feelings, a woman needs to turn off her emotions. Nervousness, suspicion, and unreasonable jealousy can extinguish the flame of an existing feeling of sympathy.

Ladies want everything to happen as in films about love: a romantic atmosphere, intimate twilight, hand in hand, eye to eye and a long, lengthy speech from a man, openly expressing love.

In life, guys often use other phrases that speak of serious intentions and deep feelings:

  1. I want to introduce you to your parents (friends, colleagues);
  2. How can I help you, what can I do for you?
  3. I dream that we (will go on vacation, buy, build);
  4. Did you have lunch (put on warm clothes, take your medications)?
  5. I'm worried about you (worried);
  6. I'm lucky to have you;
  7. Love you;
  8. I miss;
  9. I want to be the best for you;
  10. We are fine?

The phrases may look different, but the meaning remains the same. A loving man is interested in his girlfriend’s thoughts, dreams, and plans. He is worried about whether she has money, how she will get home, when he himself cannot accompany him or bring the girl.

I can’t understand whether my wife needs me or not?

Hello, Alexander! In fact, it is difficult to judge your problem without knowing your wife’s opinion - since in practice, spouses’ ideas and motivations for relationships and for seeing problems are different! The behavior you describe in your wife may indicate her immaturity (I want everything now, running away from problems, accusations and criticism), selfishness (since she doesn’t think about your feelings), irresponsibility (inability to develop relationships, build them as between spouses, between father and mother - in your new roles; building relationships in the form of a battlefield!) - all this does not bring harmony to the family, does not give satisfaction from the relationship to you, for her - it is not known - maybe this struggle does bring satisfaction , the ability to prove to yourself that you will do everything for her and go to any lengths - but in any case - this suggests that your opinion, your feelings are not taken into account, you are taken for granted, for which you do not need to work on yourself! - and you, in turn, are like a gladiator who is striving for freedom, but never gets it, and there is still a new and new battle!

You can tell your wife out loud exactly about your feelings and emotions - without blaming, without criticizing - say that you feel close, do not feel interest in yourself, that you, as a spouse, need support from the person closest to you (her), that It hurts you that this offends you (what exactly? - when he leaves, he expresses disdain...), that it’s hard for you too and you won’t be able to give everything into the relationship without receiving anything in return, that you are also tired and if the relationship does not grow and change - then most likely you don’t see a future in such destructive relationships!!! and then she will also think about the relationship, what can be changed and why - and then you will have a real opportunity to see what you can expect and what can happen in the relationship, what kind of future it has - in any case - you won’t be nice by force and it’s worth it Should you expect any changes from a person that this cannot give - you will find out the truth and then you will decide.

But if possible, it is better to consult a psychologist together in person - such a consultation can help both of you express everything that is behind this criticism (it is not at all necessary that the problems are in your relationship; her own problems in her family may also come up, and in yours in this way projection occurs...there are a lot of options) - and it will help both of you hear each other!!!

If you decide, you can call - good luck to you!!!

I can’t understand whether I stopped loving the guy or not?
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How to understand whether your husband loves you or not: 5 tips from a psychologist

Family relationship specialists are sure that a woman who is wondering about her true feelings knows the answer deep down in her soul.

It is necessary to honestly test family relationships:

  1. The husband notices that his wife is excited, upset, sad, and asks about the reasons for the change in mood. Does he react adequately, offering help, comforting, encouraging?
  2. Is your spouse ready to be the first to seek a truce in a conflict?
  3. Intimacy is devoid of selfishness. A man strives to please his partner

Signs that a husband doesn't love his wife

There are some tips, recognized by psychologists, that contribute to understanding the process and will clearly tell the lady that her suspicions are not groundless.

The spouse does not like any tactile touch. A man has become irritable if his wife wants to hug him, touch him, or show affection. When a person truly loves his chosen one, then every touch will be joyful. When a spouse shows affection, the husband should want to reciprocate.

However, if passionate kisses, touching hands and hot hugs are unpleasant, cause nervousness or even anger, a man brushes it off when his chosen one reaches out to him, then this is a serious reason to think about the current situation.

In every family, over time, there comes a period when love experiences have cooled down a little, hormones have come to a calm state, bright emotions have been replaced by calm, peace and mutual respect for each other.

If a spouse stops loving his other half, then it becomes normal for him to insult the lady, offend, even humiliate, especially in front of strangers. In each of his screams towards his wife, he selects expressions that can hurt her more, make her worry, feel guilty.

You should not attribute his speech to fatigue or a bad mood. All this should be very alarming, especially if this has not happened before.

There is practically no communication between close people. If before the husband often called and found out what his wife was doing, now the situation is exactly the opposite. If the wife nevertheless decides to call her husband herself, then he either does not answer, or hangs up the call or refers to being extremely busy at work and urgent matters. In the evening, the spouse relaxes, watching TV or sitting at the computer.

Why men rarely say words of love

It would seem that it could be simpler than just saying: “I love you.” But this is beyond the power of many representatives of the stronger sex. Honestly, those three words are a huge step for many men. For them, this means much more than just expressing a feeling. For some, declaring love to a woman is an expression of serious intentions; for others, it is fraught with danger.

Many men are afraid that by saying “I love”, they will lose independence, freedom and will become emotionally dependent on the woman they love.

Also for them the words: “I love you” mean: “I offer my commitment. I'm going to be here to do something for you." For them, love is expressed through action, so these words are a promise of something to be kept. A man may feel unsure that he can keep his word.

When people say “I love you,” it means “I won’t leave” or “I will always be faithful.” These are very serious words for men who believe that the words themselves are a promise, and if the promise is broken, they will suffer. Men don't want to break their promises.

How men express their feelings

You've probably wondered more than once why most men don't say out loud how they feel? After all, a man is a person who can be vulnerable, unable to do what is expected of him. A man loves, just different people express their love in their own way. In fact, love means different things to a person at different times in his life.

If you're tired of waiting for your husband to tell you those three magic words, try looking at the problem from a different perspective. After all, he can confess his love to you in other ways:

  1. Present. The most banal things are sweets, flowers, decorations. By presenting a gift to his wife, the husband wants to please her and this is already a manifestation of feelings.
  2. Shared time. When your husband spends more time with you than with his friends, he shows that he loves and appreciates you, and he enjoys being with you.
  3. Care. Showing feelings is support in difficult times, help, problem solving. You are sick, and your husband is looking for an open pharmacy in the middle of the night or carefully wraps you in a blanket and gives you hot tea - this is love, caring for a loved one.
  4. Physical contacts. This can be expressed in anything: from simple touching to sex. In fact, men find it easier to express their feelings during lovemaking. In sex, they can show that they love and feel loved. Physical contact breaks down barriers and creates the feeling of intimacy that is feeling. For a man, sex means satisfying his partner's needs.
  5. Communication with relatives. Pay attention to how your husband behaves towards your relatives. Despite the differences, in order not to offend you, he will treat your family members with respect, trying to establish contact with them. This is a sure sign that family relationships are important to him and that you are a big part of his life.

How to define a woman's love in words?

Unlike men, who are often silent, beautiful ladies love to talk. I recommend paying attention to this. How can you tell whether your wife loves you or not from her words?

  • She speaks glowingly about you among her friends and family.
  • He supports you even when you make a mistake.
  • She gives wise advice and does not insist on her opinion as the only correct one.
  • She compliments your sense of humor and you as a person from the bottom of her heart.

Well, how did you manage to understand that a woman truly loves? In any case, continue to work on your relationship. If you don’t support them now, you may soon find that your spouse’s feelings have faded away. I also advise you to read the articles in the section “Ideal love relationships,” where I talk about how to prevent discord in the family. Or sign up for a “Summer Camp”, where you can come together with your wife and refresh your senses.

What to do if your husband says he has fallen out of love?

There is no single scenario for what to do if your husband says “I don’t love you.” Psychologists are unanimous only that you cannot humiliate yourself and beg a man to stay. Scandals, reproaches and hysterics will also only aggravate the situation and increase the desire in the spouse to separate quickly.

You need to calm down, think about the current situation and decide what to do next. Perhaps your feelings have also faded. It is necessary to understand whether a woman wants to return her husband’s love. Next, you need to try to understand why the old feelings went away.

Often women themselves are to blame for the fact that their husband no longer loves. Family routine, constant worries about children, workload make a woman less attractive. Perhaps the husband loved the laughing girl that the woman was before the wedding. Now a tired and sad woman is not attractive to him.

You need to let the man go, doing it calmly, without tears. His departure should serve as a signal for change. A woman needs to pay attention to herself - remember what brings joy, do what she loves, and transform her appearance. If your husband stops loving you, then you need to love yourself. Often the cooling of feelings is temporary.

Reasonableness, calmness and positive changes in a woman can force her husband to return. However, if soon after the separation the ex-husband got married, then you should not hope for his return.

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