Why do men leave women?

Love and relationships

October 11, 2020, 11:35 pm

  • What does a man need?
  • Causes
  • Neglect
  • Invasion of personal space
  • Lack of gratitude
  • Ungroomed
  • Dejection
  • Types of women that men avoid
  • Loneliness. Relationships don't work out. Left by a beloved man. The day comes when a woman begins to think about these questions. Many people blame men for everything. There is a category of women who blame themselves. This is also wrong. In everything that happens between two people, one cannot be to blame . Ladies who try to analyze relationships and understand the reasons for separation behave correctly.

    What does a man need?

    When a man leaves a woman, this does not always mean that he is leaving for a younger, more beautiful woman. He is leaving a relationship that has become unbearable. Living together requires other qualities. A normal man needs a woman who creates comfort in the home, with whom he has common interests.


    If you don’t feel like going home after work, then it means something isn’t working for you psychologically or in everyday life. There must be good reasons for leaving. Unwashed dishes are not a reason, it is a reason for a quarrel. This conflict is based on more serious premises .

    If there is a desire to save the family, a frank conversation is required, after which disagreements are eliminated

    Why do men leave? 5 reasons

    Hello, dear readers and those who accidentally came to this blog.

    Below in this article we will write 5 reasons why men leave you.

    I often left girls and there were always reasons. There were times when, when I left, I didn’t understand the reason, but now, having rethought it, I clearly understand. And I understand that there is always a reason and no man ever leaves a girl just like that. And I also realized that surprisingly, girls do not adequately evaluate a man’s departure.

    They build illusions and guesses and often live in hope. Well then. Now I will destroy your illusions and tell you why men leave you. And most importantly - where do they go!

    Life is destructive.

    Everyday life in itself is not scary, but the behavior of many girls (in this article we will not consider men, they are also good) in everyday life is simply cruel. Sometimes there are simply no words and only emotions. As you might guess - negative.

    A man wants to see a beautiful princess every day, he wants a mystery and wants to conquer. It’s just by nature that he wants to win the heart of his girl. But how? How the hell do you win the heart of someone who sits and picks her nose or goes to the toilet without closing the door? Or she sings terribly, but thinks that her singing is the trill of a fucking nightingale. Or she walks around like a 90-year-old granny in a filthy robe that smells of borscht and not even romantic cutlets! Cucumbers on the face and lazy fat on the sides, which becomes more and more massive every year. Or what the hell is the princess who sits with her mouth open and watches another series that was filmed for complete idiots. What association does a man have? I think it's clear...

    And I don’t need to talk about the difficult life of women, children and other problems. Make your boyfriend feel sorry for him, I know what I’m talking about and everyday life destroys a lot of families. And if you have a question - why did a man leave you, so white and fluffy, then think - maybe your whiteness smelled like cutlets? You need to start with yourself...

    Well, a note to future housewives. Don’t create a life that you want to leave. Always remain a princess.

    Oh yes. If you constantly take a man shopping and drag him along with you through the departments, then I can imagine how soon you will find hair on his clothes that is a slightly different color than yours. I see girls walking into the shopping center, and her boyfriend trailing behind like a dog, looking as if another day of his life has been lost. If your boyfriend doesn’t volunteer to go with you, then why the hell take him with you? And as a result, a girl with an open mouth and sparkling eyes walks through the boutiques, followed by a tired and dissatisfied guy who stares at other girls out of boredom. Just watch, I'm not making this up. Men will support me in this.

    It seems like princesses should show off their outfits, and not drag princes to choose them. Or I'm wrong?

    Mommy is not exciting.

    Men are not turned on by their mother, and he also does not want his aunt and his sister, even if she is very beautiful. And often men leave because their girlfriend begins to associate herself with a relative. But we don’t want relatives, we love our relatives, but we don’t care about them. And the girls make a global mistake. They begin to take care of their boyfriend like a mother takes care of her child. Yes, the man’s behavior is often to blame for this, but no one forces a woman to become a standard wife with a standard family code with the distribution of responsibilities and fulfillment of marital duty. Debt is always bad! And also standard and boring.

    Do you want a super secret - how to become the most beloved and most desirable for a man? Become his mistress for an indefinite period! All smart mistresses have one thing in common - the ability to give a man the freedom that he himself wants to get rid of. And men move mountains from this state. I’ll write about this in more detail sometime, if you’re interested, add the blog to your browser bookmarks so that you always have it at hand.

    Let me go conquer this world.

    A man wants to be a winner and conquer new lands. It runs in his blood. He wants to strive for something, well, at least something!

    But instead, he watches a movie with you, walks with your dog, visits with you and helps you cut cucumbers for salad. And one day the acute lack of victories in his life will hit him in the head with the decision to leave you and get a taste of victory. It is against his nature to use a man for other purposes.

    I was dating a girl who wanted to make me an assistant and I simply didn’t have enough time to realize my goals. I told her that I missed it, and she was offended, pouted and said that I probably didn’t love her. I began to feel insecure with her and eventually went to conquer the world, or rather the heart of another girl. The new girl did everything very competently and made sure that I constantly conquered her. This was really right. I will describe this technique in the book Love-personality. Otherwise it will be too long an article.

    And why you?

    I dated a girl for 5 years and everything was fine with her. But one day I looked at her very intently when she was telling me something and thought - why should I connect my life with you? And I broke up with her. I remember the pain and bewilderment at the lyceum. I didn't understand the reason then, but now I understand. I didn't think it was the best for one simple reason. She didn't make me feel emotional. I looked at her and felt nothing.

    She did nothing to make me feel emotions with her (both positive and negative). While I tried to surprise her, please her, shock her, make her laugh, make her angry, make her jealous, she didn’t do it. I don't need a teddy bear. So I just left.

    If a girl does not evoke feelings in a guy, then she becomes a bun. And the man is actively looking for emotions on the side. Subconsciously.

    Other girl.

    Everything is very simple. The whole point is that a man just wants a newer girl or just a different one. The other SEEMS SEXIER against the backdrop of the fact that many wives do not bother at all with their sexuality, so not only love, but also the man leaves them...

    It's a hit, it's always in the TOP. The reason why a man leaves is another girl. This is the answer to the question - where do men go? When a girl does not evoke emotions, when she does not allow a man to be a man and a winner, when she becomes a relative instead of being an eternal lover, when a girl makes life disgusting, then the man decides to leave for another.

    A man doesn't just leave. He doesn’t need a break from the relationship, he doesn’t need pauses and other crap. He doesn’t need you and that’s it, but he needs someone else. Who will make his life pleasant (at least at the beginning, and then he will make the same mistake anyway), who will be a mistress and will make the man himself want to become unfree, who will provoke him to move forward and not limit him in his aspirations and which will give him emotions.

    Don’t do nonsense, if a man left you, then he left for another girl. And now you know the reason. Don't step on this rake again.

    And don’t make 10 women’s mistakes in relationships so as not to lose your man.

    Bye! Good luck. Proud...


    There is no point in talking about when a man leaves because he fell in love with another. Everything is clear with this question. Lawless Heart. Besides this, there are many other different reasons .

    There are several main reasons why a guy or husband decided to call it quits.


    You should pay attention to how the relationship develops. A lady who constantly reproaches her other half for not being capable of anything sets the stage for separation. Neglect is one of the main reasons for leaving. A careless attitude is unsuitable even for things, let alone a living person.


    Girls should understand that she lives with this man, she chose him . It can't be that he has changed that much. Sometimes in response to the question: “Why did you marry him?”, we hear: “You were a fool!” Okay, but now she’s smart. Why live together then? So that you have someone to take out your resentment on for your failed marriage. A strange and childish position. Maybe it’s better now to approach the matter wisely and choose a good man? If you continue to live with this, start respecting it at least a little. More precisely, start respecting your choice , respecting yourself.

    By showing disrespect for your man, you are also showing disrespect for yourself.

    Invasion of personal space

    Many ladies believe that the stamp that appears in their passport means complete unity. Such girls call every hour and ask where their husband is. They try to control every step . Men, even when married, want to feel free. Such a paradox! A woman’s task is to at least try to create such an illusion .

    Husbands should have their own hour of solitude, their own corner where he can be alone with himself.

    Invasion of personal space

    Lack of gratitude

    Men are the stronger sex. Everyone is accustomed to this definition, so the thought does not even arise that they have any weaknesses or sentiments. But they exist. Men also want to be appreciated and admired . Give thanks for the nailed nail, for the flowers given.

    Find something to be grateful for, and the results will follow.


    Some women, after getting married, believe that they no longer need to diet or do their hair. At home, they allow themselves to walk around in an old, washed-out robe.

    Try to look like you did in the days when you first met. It just seems that your husband doesn’t notice what you look like. In fact, no one has canceled the fact that a man loves with his eyes.

    Well-groomed wife


    If the wife is constantly in no mood, then the husband does not want to go to this house. Someday this will happen, and he will make his reluctance come true. He won’t want to see a sad , always dissatisfied wife and won’t come.

    Psychologists say that often men do not leave for another woman or from a woman, they leave from failure, dissatisfaction, scandals, despondency, ingratitude, with which his life is filled to capacity. They are looking for peace and positive emotions that they could not find with their partner.

    Why did he leave?

    3 most common reasons

    He said goodbye, slammed the door and left a woman's broken heart to be torn apart by loneliness. How could he leave the one with whom he shared shelter and bed, to whom he once dedicated letters and froze with tenderness?

    Men leave in different ways. Some purse their lips offendedly and demand the return of all gifts. Others persistently convince others that their ex is the devil in the flesh and it is impossible to live with her. Very few people know how to part with dignity, without drama and empty accusations. So why do men leave even smart and beautiful women? Why does a love boat turn into a pile of wood chips?

    There are three reasons why a man begins to scratch his claws. Yes, there is a category of womanizers who will never give their soul to one single lady of their heart, so they tirelessly wander around other people’s beds. They cannot be corrected; polygamy is inherent in their genes. But often a woman herself is to blame for her unexpected loneliness. Some women's habits can cool a man down so much that he will happily go in search of something hotter. What are these habits?

    1. A woman lets herself go. When a couple begins to live together, the former modesty and mannerism disappear. A woman is no longer embarrassed to walk around in a greasy robe or grow abundant hair under her arms. Some ladies shamelessly parade around the house in washed underwear and holey tights. No, these things are not fatal and cannot immediately cool a man’s love. But if a woman shows with all her appearance that she doesn’t care about herself, then a man thinks that they are saving on him. As if he is not worthy of a beautiful and well-groomed life partner. A woman must always be attractive: both on the first date and at the golden wedding. Otherwise, the man will go looking for a better option.

    2. The desire to push a man under his heel. This strategy has ruined more than one relationship and broken up more than one family. When a wife or girlfriend wants to control everything, a man will avoid this control at all costs. Checking your phone and expenses, surveillance and causeless outbursts of jealousy can put a damper on a relationship. Men love it when they are trusted, and not told what to do, who to meet, and how best to spend their salary. From the ladies who do nothing but look after their faithful, these same faithful run away to more adequate women.

    3. Refusal of sex. If in the first months of a relationship a couple of lovers do not get out of bed, then during a long period of living together, sex may decrease to a frequency of “only on New Year’s.” No matter what family psychologists say about the importance of trust and honesty, without quality sex they are useless. When a woman repeatedly refuses intimacy, a man begins to doubt his attractiveness and masculine strength. When a lady dresses not in an exciting lace peignoir, but in a shirt with polka dots, she in every possible way demonstrates her disdain and reluctance to excite her man’s imagination. A conservative view of sexual pleasures also does not strengthen relationships.

    There are many opportunities in sex, you just need to use them correctly. A man never leaves just like that, because he has nothing to do. There will always be a reason for his escape. Often women themselves are to blame for their lonely status. They don’t take the time to take pictures, turning into domestic clowns in curlers and a polka-dot robe. Also, ladies are trying with all their might to turn a man into a weak-willed toy, putting him firmly under his heel. Refusal of sex will never deter the chosen one. He will probably go looking for adventures on the side. To prevent a man from running away, you need to think not only about your own comfort, but also about the pleasure of your chosen one.


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