Why is a woman irritable during menopause?

Normal or disease?

What is menopausal neurosis? In essence, this is the same conflict between what is desired and what is real, which is the cause of all types of neuroses. Only in this case it is aimed at a woman’s self-perception as a representative of her gender.

During menopause, you have to admit that old age does not happen to someone else, but is just around the corner and will soon knock on the door. Some roles that a woman is used to playing become complex - a conqueror of hearts, a lover for her beloved husband. A conflict arises between the desire to stop time and the manifestations of the approaching menopause hidden from oneself. It can cause numerous mental and autonomic symptoms.

In addition, during menopause, a woman experiences surges in hormones, and against the backdrop of mood instability, irritability and tearfulness, it is much more difficult to accept the new realities of life and an unusually working body, which suddenly began to “fail” at the most crucial moments.

Women are ashamed of hot flashes and sweating, angry with themselves for being irritable, but any doctor will say: everything that happens to you is absolutely normal and natural, just as all changes in a woman’s body are natural - in adolescence, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during premenstrual syndrome and menstruation.

Classic signs of menopause

For most women, symptoms of menopause include:

  • fatigue;
  • sweating;
  • hot flashes with redness of the skin;
  • difficulty falling asleep;
  • sudden awakening and inability to fall asleep again;
  • irritability, tearfulness;
  • suspiciousness;
  • pressure surges;
  • tachycardia;
  • heart pain without organic causes;
  • rapid mood changes;
  • noise in ears;
  • constipation, flatulence;
  • itching in the genitals;
  • pain when urinating;
  • “floaters” in the eyes;
  • dizziness.

All of them are associated with changes in hormonal levels, surges in estrogen and progesterone, and the body’s adjustment to the new “hormonal reality.” In the future, when the menopause passes and menopause occurs, these symptoms will disappear. And their place will be taken by gradually developing changes in posture and skin elasticity, gray hair and wrinkles, and weight gain. Sometimes increased bone fragility and mastopathy develop; Also, menopause can become an impetus for the onset of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The listed signs of aging develop in different women at different rates and volumes. Much depends on heredity, amount of movement, quality of food, the presence of bad habits and, most importantly, on the way of thinking. It is known that cheerful and kind people age more slowly, and even in old age remain active and full of energy.

Developmental stages and symptoms

Menopausal neurosis is characterized by the presence of the following symptoms:

  • chronic fatigue and irritability;
  • increased sweating;
  • sleep disorders;
  • hypertension;
  • pressure surges;
  • heart pain and tachycardia;
  • mood lability;
  • noise in ears;
  • emotional instability;
  • apathy;
  • critical attitude towards one's appearance;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of appetite.

Menopausal neurosis includes several types of mental disorders:

  • asthenic: memory loss, fatigue, decreased performance;
  • depressive: prolonged bad mood, depression;
  • hypochondriacal: excessive worry about one’s health, attributing to oneself symptoms of various diseases;
  • hysterical: instability to stress, touchiness, tearfulness, capriciousness.

Symptoms of menopausal neurosis must be treated promptly. It is known that treatment of symptoms of menopausal neurosis, for example, VSD and panic attacks, is the prevention of many complications.

The hypothalamus is responsible for the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. The hypothalamus influences the stable course of metabolic processes, the disruption of which can lead to osteoporosis.

Menopausal neurosis occurs in three stages.

  1. Precursors of neurosis appear. The woman observes the first irregular symptoms. This is why women usually ignore symptoms, attributing them to fatigue.
  2. The severity of symptoms increases. As a rule, at this stage women visit a doctor. In the absence of treatment, the transition of menopausal neurosis to the next stage occurs.
  3. Serious changes are observed that affect the structure of the personality. The selected treatment is not effective.

Panic attacks

In 15% of cases during menopause, symptoms of panic attacks are detected. Women experience an uncontrollable feeling of fear, which significantly reduces their quality of life.

Fear is a natural feeling associated with the instinct of self-preservation. However, with menopausal neurosis, fear arises unreasonably and without cause.

Panic attacks are manifested by causeless anxiety and fear. Uncontrollable symptoms of panic attacks appear as a result of malfunctions of the nervous system. The female body experiences stress, which causes increased production of cortisol and adrenaline.

In addition to fear and anxiety, women with panic attacks experience the following symptoms:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • difficulties associated with the act of breathing;
  • pressure surges;
  • fainting;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • rapid pulse;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • numbness of hands and feet;
  • tides.

Panic attacks are similar to heart attacks. The duration of a panic attack varies from several minutes to several hours.

Mental manifestations of panic attacks include:

  • feeling of danger;
  • fear of death and madness;
  • lump in the throat;
  • distortion of reality;
  • clouding of mind;
  • lack of control over one's own actions.

With menopausal neurosis, unusual symptoms of panic attacks sometimes appear:

  • loss of voice;
  • gait disturbance;
  • speech problems;
  • deterioration of hearing and vision.

Panic attacks often develop with the following pathologies:

  • migraine;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland;
  • allergy;
  • smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Treatment of panic attacks includes taking sedatives, antidepressants, tranquilizers, hormonal drugs, massage, breathing exercises, and psychotherapy. Treatment for panic attacks takes a long time and is not always effective.

During a panic attack, experts recommend performing breathing exercises. The woman takes in air for three seconds, holds her breath, and exhales. The technique includes 15 repetitions. Some women find it helpful to think about something pleasant to distract them from negative thoughts and abstract themselves from feelings of fear. If serious symptoms occur, you should call an ambulance.

Prevention of panic attacks includes:

  • adequate sleep, which should be at least 8 hours;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • lack of stress;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • breathing exercises and light physical exercises;
  • proper balanced nutrition;
  • drinking regime.

Panic attacks need to be treated by a specialist. Self-medication can cause panic attacks to progress.

Symptoms of menopausal neurosis are often associated with VSD. This pathology has the following reasons for its appearance:

  • the effect of estrogen deficiency on the functioning of the central nervous system and brain;
  • circulatory disorders and changes in vascular tone;
  • cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • obesity;
  • poor nutrition;
  • physical inactivity;
  • stressful state;
  • smoking.

VSD in menopausal neurosis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • weakness and fatigue;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • pressure changes and rapid pulse;
  • panic attacks;
  • violation of thermoregulation;
  • severe headaches;
  • mood lability;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • heart pain;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent urination;
  • increased nervousness.

With menopausal neurosis, four forms of VSD can develop.

  1. Cardiological. The following symptoms occur: heart pain, palpitations, pressure surges.
  2. Hypertensive. Symptoms associated with increased blood pressure increase: hot flashes, sweating, palpitations, headache, panic attacks.
  3. Hypotonic. The pressure drops, asthenic syndrome, dizziness and fatigue occur. Symptoms include: nausea and vomiting, mood lability, panic attacks, bitterness when lying.
  4. Mixed. The symptoms are varied and do not belong to any of the above forms.

Symptoms of menopausal neurosis

According to various sources, about 40-60% of women aged 45 to 55 years suffer from menopausal neurosis. Treatment in this case is mainly psychotherapeutic. Since, if a woman experiences menopause, as the end of her attractiveness and the loss of the meaning of life, neurotic symptoms may be added to the usual symptoms:

  1. Excessive preoccupation with appearance or emphasized indifference to one’s appearance.
  2. Depression, apathy, reluctance to do anything, lack of faith in one’s abilities.
  3. The feeling of being useless, unsuitable as a woman.
  4. Decreased self-esteem.
  5. Reluctance to communicate, even to the point of social phobia.
  6. Increased anxiety, fears for yourself and your family.
  7. Fear of loneliness.
  8. Obsessive thoughts and states.
  9. Suicidal thoughts.

In general, the manifestations of menopausal neurosis can be divided into several groups:

  • vegetative (decreased attention and memory, performance, high fatigue, insomnia);
  • depressive (predominance of despondency and anxiety, sad thoughts about old age, fading beauty, the finitude of life);
  • hypochondriacal (search for diseases, confidence in their presence; patients read about the symptoms of diseases and try them on themselves, demanding attention from relatives);
  • hysterical (theatrical, “for show” behavior, frequent complaints and whims, excessive touchiness).

Treatment of neurosis during menopause

Treatment of neurosis is restorative and symptomatic.

  1. It is important to establish a comfortable sleep and rest schedule, take care of yourself, and not overexert yourself, even while doing your favorite things. Serotonin is produced during sleep, so it is important to get enough sleep if you are experiencing symptoms of depression.
  2. It is necessary to properly nourish the body - include fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, fatty fish, and nuts in the menu. It is better to minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates, and replace sweets with dried fruits, honey, goats, muesli. It is not recommended to completely give up sweet taste. Doctors advise limiting drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa) and foods (red and black pepper, ginger) that stimulate the psyche, as they increase anxiety and mood swings.
  3. It is very useful to regularly walk in the park, on the shore of a pond, in the forest or in the mountains. Views of nature, staying in beautiful places are a powerful therapeutic agent for all types of neuroses.
  4. The most important thing during menopause is to accept the changes that are taking place, to love your age and get rid of fears associated with the aging process. A competent psychotherapist will help you do this; you need to choose him with your heart. But this does not mean that the work will be as simple as a conversation with a good friend. You need to be honest with yourself, approach your condition objectively and not run away from problems.
  5. Auxiliary means in the treatment of such a mental disorder as menopausal neurosis are physiotherapy, exercise therapy, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy and massage. And only in especially severe cases are antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics or sex hormones temporarily prescribed.

So, what should a woman do if she experiences neurotic symptoms during menopause? First of all, pay attention to the body and get enough sleep, eat well, and get a massage. And after that, be sure to work with a psychotherapist, because anxiety and depression always serve as an outlet for repressed emotions.

Need help, contact us

Psychologist, Tanailova Victoria Vyacheslavovna

tel. +79892451621, +380986325205, +380666670037 (viber WatsApp telegram)

How to choose a sedative to treat menopause?

Increased irritability sometimes pushes you to act rashly, and in a fit of anger you want to grab the first pill you come across in order to come to your senses and calm down. Such a rash decision is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Firstly, almost all sedatives have a cumulative effect, so relief will come within a few days. Only potent drugs that are sold by prescription and require the calculation of an exact dosage have a rapid effect. Buying a drug based on the advice of friends or random phrases in forums is at least imprudent and dangerous to health.

After the first signs of menopausal syndrome appear, it is necessary to undergo an examination that will show the general condition of the body, confirm the deficiency of sex hormones and identify individual characteristics, allergies or possible drug intolerance.

What is included in the examination?

To obtain a complete picture and develop a treatment plan for neuroses and comprehensive support for the body, the attending physician needs the following results:

  • tests for sugar, clotting, hormone levels, cholesterol;
  • Ultrasound;
  • ECG;
  • mammograms;
  • examination by narrow specialists.

Based on this data, an individual card is filled out, which will remain an important document throughout the entire period of menopause. Based on it, a decision will be made on prescribing the necessary medications and carrying out symptomatic treatment of chronic and newly acquired diseases. When choosing drugs for the treatment of neuroses, side effects should also be taken into account.


Itching and burning in an intimate place in women: causes and treatment during menopause

For example, most herbal-based products contain substances that have a sedative effect, combined with a slight hypnotic effect, and therefore are not recommended for those who drive a car or are engaged in production that requires attention, concentration and speed of reactions.

Please note! The attending physician must be warned about the peculiarities of your lifestyle.

There is a whole group of sedative tablets without a hypnotic effect, the best of them for menopause are Glycine, Persen, Novo-passit, Afobazol, Dormiplant, Tenoten.

Types and characteristics of sedatives

The main reliance is on sedatives. The most common are valerian and motherwort in the form of herbal tea, tablets or drops. They are inexpensive, act gently, and have almost no side effects, except for individual intolerance.

Tranquilizers have a combined effect and are prescribed as a sedative during menopause for the treatment of menopausal neurosis. Taking medications provides:

  • improving sleep quality;
  • stabilization of emotional state;
  • prevention of epileptic seizures due to nervousness;
  • reducing feelings of anxiety, obsessive fears;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • prevention of the development of depressive conditions.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are Grandaxin, Buspirone, Phenazepam, Atarax. Despite all the benefits of the drugs, you cannot take them yourself.

Antipsychotics are used to treat severe neurotic conditions. Indications for prescription are bipolar disorders, schizophrenic manifestations, psychosis, neuralgia, depression. Most are sold in pharmacies only by prescription, for example, Quetiapine, Triftazin. You can buy Serdolect and Depral without a prescription. The peculiarity of the drugs is the need to gradually increase the dosage and also carefully reduce it, otherwise a relapse occurs.

Mood stabilizers are sometimes called mood stabilizers. These include Valparin, Zeptol, Seroquel. They are also taken in courses with gradual dosage adjustments.

Causes of nervousness during menopause

For many women, menopause occurs with complications. From a medical point of view, this is easy to explain. The body depends on hormones. Estrogens are invisible protectors of the patient's mental and physical health. When their production by the ovaries decreases, women experience disruptions in the menstrual cycle. After some time it stops, and the woman loses her ability to bear children.

A sharp decrease in estrogen in the blood becomes a serious stress for the patient’s body and nervous system. Often women develop climacteric neurosis with vegetative-vascular disorders.

What happens when the ovaries stop producing estrogen:

  • blood vessels become less elastic;
  • the patient's metabolism slows down;
  • the skin loses its elasticity.

Not all women can be philosophical about the fading of their beauty.

Impressionable and suspicious natures can fall into long-term depression. A vulnerable woman perceives the aging of her body with rejection and bitterness.

One of the causes of neuroses in middle-aged patients is changes in the hypothalamus. This is the name of the part of the diencephalon that regulates the functioning of the most important glands of the human body. This part is connected by nerve pathways to almost all parts of the central nervous system.

The hypothalamus regulates the following reactions of the human body:

  • feeling of hunger and satiety;
  • falling asleep and staying awake;
  • sexual desire.

This organ affects a person’s ability to remember information and the emotional state of the patient. It is easy to guess that age-related transformations of the hypothalamus affect the functioning of the most important organs of a woman.

Manifestations of the problem

Common symptoms of menopausal neurosis in women:

  • increased sweating;
  • dyspnea;
  • noise in ears;
  • sudden jumps in blood pressure;
  • heart pain;
  • a feeling of unbearable heat, which is accompanied by redness of the skin;
  • increased irritability;
  • apathy;
  • tearfulness;
  • sudden change in mood.

A woman complains of constant fatigue. She may also have trouble sleeping. Many ladies at this time of life are bothered by numbness in their arms and legs. This unpleasant condition develops due to poor circulation.

Menopausal neurosis, manifested by vegetative-vascular pathologies, is eliminated by drugs with phytohormones. The patient may need sedatives.

People around you may notice that the woman’s suspiciousness has increased. During menopause, a woman may exaggerate her ailments, and also perceive with painful attention the signs of aging (gray hair, wrinkles, age spots on the skin). Ladies over 45 often go to extremes regarding their appearance. They come in two types.

  1. The woman stopped taking care of herself and keeping her clothes tidy.
  2. The lady resorts to bold methods of rejuvenation (does Botox injections, turns to plastic surgeons for help). Many women dress too brightly and provocatively.


The prescribed treatment depends on the severity of menopausal neurosis. In the early stages, doctors advise paying attention to the following components.

  1. Full sleep. It is important to go to bed on time. The duration of night sleep should be at least eight hours. It is also necessary to observe a work and rest schedule. While working, you should take breaks periodically.
  2. Balanced diet. During menopause, nutrition plays an important role. The diet helps prevent many pathologies, in particular, menopausal neurosis and panic attacks. Fatty, spicy and salty foods, strong tea, coffee and alcohol are excluded.
  3. Walking in the fresh air and physical activity. Staying in the fresh air and exercising have a beneficial effect on psychological well-being and health.

Treatment for menopausal neurosis is selected individually. Often, for panic attacks and VSD, sedatives and antidepressants are prescribed.

Hormonal drugs

Neurosis and menopause are often interrelated. Estrogen deficiency affects the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, in particular the autonomic one. In addition, all the centers of the brain are located in close proximity, which causes the occurrence of characteristic symptoms.

In some cases, it is advisable to prescribe drugs that affect hormonal levels. Hormonal drugs are:

Hormone replacement therapy is used to treat menopausal neurosis, in particular panic attacks. HRT involves the use of estrogen, progesterone and androgens. As part of combination treatment, low-dose drugs are most effective. In the initial stages, hormonal treatment is used in courses, while in advanced forms it is used continuously.

Hormonal treatment may increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. In addition, the treatment has a lot of side effects. In some cases, hormonal treatment is contraindicated:

  • tumors;
  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • endometriosis;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • thrombosis.

Hormonal drugs are used in the form of:

  • tablets and capsules;
  • suppositories;
  • ointments, gels and creams;
  • plasters.

Estrogen-progesterone drugs include:

Preparations containing estrogen:

Medications that include melatonin:

Drugs with a sedative effect:

Hormonal treatment is often replaced by homeopathic treatment, which uses phytoestrogens, which are plant analogues of female sex hormones. This treatment has a minimum of side effects and includes the following drugs:


Often, in case of menopausal neurosis, psychotherapy, rather than sedatives and antidepressants, is recommended first. Moreover, many experts believe that without psychotherapy sessions, taking sedatives and hormonal drugs, like other drugs, will be ineffective. This is due to the fact that climacteric neurosis is often based on serious psychological problems that need to be resolved.

Psychotherapy sessions can be either individual or group. As a rule, psychotherapy is long-term, especially for panic attacks.

Use of antidepressants

The use of sedatives and antidepressants is justified by the fact that in 40% of cases the symptoms of menopausal neurosis, for example, panic attacks, have a psychosomatic basis. Doctors may prescribe antidepressants as a sedative during treatment. Unlike hormonal drugs, antidepressants have a small number of contraindications during treatment.

Sedatives, in particular antidepressants, prevent disorders in the nervous system and prevent neuroses, stress and depression, and panic attacks. Sedatives or antidepressants have both analgesic and restorative effects.

Experts highlight the main advantages of antidepressants.

  1. Complex impact. Antidepressants relieve unpleasant symptoms by acting on nerve receptors. Anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants are used to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  2. Normalization of thermoregulation processes. As a result, the symptoms of hot flashes and sweating can be eliminated. Antidepressants have a sedative, antispasmodic, and analgesic effect.
  3. Various dosage forms. Antidepressants can be used in the form of tablets, dragees, drops, syrups and tinctures.

Like all medications, antidepressants have a number of disadvantages. Sedatives or antidepressants can be addictive, and the intensity of symptoms may increase after you stop taking the drugs. Treatment with antidepressants and sedatives is sometimes accompanied by drowsiness.

Natural antidepressants include the following sedatives.

  1. Valerian. The sedative is effective in the initial stages. Valerian stabilizes blood pressure, eliminates anxiety, insomnia, and reduces pain.
  2. Motherwort. The sedative normalizes sleep, eliminates cramps, irritability and increased excitability.
  3. Oregano. A natural antidepressant relieves hot flashes and copes with various nervous disorders. It is most often used in the form of an herbal tea.

Sedatives are often used in the form of herbal remedies and teas.

Medicinal sedatives are represented by the following drugs.

  1. Grandaxin. The sedative has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. Grandaxin eliminates asthenic disorders.
  2. Novo-Passit. This is a tranquilizer that is available in the form of tablets and medicine. Due to its estrogen-like effect, the sedative stabilizes sleep, blood pressure and thermoregulation processes. In addition, the product eliminates pain, anxiety and irritability.
  3. Persen. It is a natural antidepressant that includes valerian, motherwort and mint. It has a calming effect, eliminates the symptoms of hot flashes, sleep disorders, and neuroses.

Homeopathic sedatives:

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the most popular antidepressants, which are often prescribed for menopause, in particular, menopausal neurosis and panic attacks. One of these antidepressants is Coaxil. The antidepressant has an analgesic effect and eliminates disorders of the nervous system. Antidepressants and other anti-anxiety medications should be prescribed after the examination.


Drugs of this drug group relax muscles and improve blood flow. Anticonvulsants reduce the frequency of hot flashes, which are accompanied by redness and heat. The following side effects may occur during treatment: dizziness, insomnia, allergies.

Antihypertensives and antispasmodics

Menopause causes increased stress on blood vessels due to loss of elasticity of their walls. As a result, blood pressure often increases. Jumps in blood pressure may occur. Elimination of hypertension improves thermoregulation, eliminates fever, sweating, and headache. Antispasmodics weaken vascular spasm, reduce blood pressure, and improve heart function.

Treatment with sedatives and antidepressants should be prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment with sedatives is unacceptable. Antidepressants, like many sedatives, are available from pharmacies only by prescription. Taking antidepressants is long-term and lasts at least six months.


Frequent ailments

People far from medicine may think that neurosis during menopause is the usual whims of middle-aged women. This opinion is wrong. Every second woman experiences the painful symptoms of menopausal neurosis to one degree or another.

A dangerous relationship arises between the instability of the lady’s emotional state and physical ailments. Deterioration in well-being causes a woman to become hot-tempered and tearful. Too violent emotional reactions become the culprits of tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), shortness of breath and insomnia.

Severe discomfort for women is caused by a decrease in the functions of the vestibular apparatus. How do these changes manifest themselves?

  • a woman is sometimes worried about imbalance;
  • my head is spinning.

Vascular pathologies are frequent accompaniments of menopause. The heart also has to deal with increased stress.

A cough during menopause indicates that the woman does not have enough oxygen. Emotional instability is to blame for this malaise. The patient is negative, so she worries too much about her appearance and is suspicious of any criticism (even that which is not related to appearance). As a result of frequent worries, healthy hearts begin to work intermittently.

Physical weakness and the inability to get a good night's sleep also negatively affect the woman's general condition. including on her appearance. A woman’s desire to keep herself in good shape disappears. If she previously devoted time to morning exercises every day, during menopause she may give up on herself.

Constant nervous tension can have such dangerous consequences as uterine bleeding and glaucoma.

Elimination of neurosis

No matter what ailments you may experience during menopause, you should not become discouraged. Seeing a doctor will help avoid worsening neurotic symptoms. Some women are embarrassed to consult a neurologist and ignore painful conditions. As a result, the disease can lead to personality disorders.

You should not turn a blind eye to the existing problem. Modern medicine is armed with effective methods of combating menopausal neurosis. Patients who adhered to the doctor’s recommendations soon noted that their emotional background had stabilized.

Special treatment will help get rid of the signs of neurosis during menopause.

Replenishment of estrogen deficiency. If a woman consults a specialist in the initial stages of a neurotic disorder, the doctor may advise her on homeopathic remedies. Medicines with synthetic estrogens help to achieve positive changes.

  • A soothing massage is an excellent way to bring unbalanced emotions into order.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Sedatives.
  • Psychotherapy sessions.
  • An important assistant in normalizing a woman’s psychological well-being is physical therapy.

Prevention of neuroses

Since neuroses during menopause are considered pathological disorders, to prevent their occurrence there are certain preventive methods that help normalize the state of the nervous system at the slightest deviation.

Daily long walks in the fresh air and physical activity will help suppress most of the emerging ailments. Such walks are especially recommended for office workers and other sedentary professions, who, due to work responsibilities, are forced to spend most of the day at a desk indoors. It is better to take walks in the fresh air before going to bed in the evening - this way you can also get rid of insomnia.

Traditional methods of treatment

In order for menopausal neurosis and its symptoms to become a thing of the past, healing must be comprehensive. It is possible to treat a woman with folk remedies if the illness has appeared recently, but without consulting a doctor, the patient will not be able to determine what the body and nervous system need most.

We will consider in detail proven ways to eliminate neurotic manifestations.

  • Dill elixir. You need to take 3 tbsp. l. dill seeds and pour boiling water. The liquid is poured into a thermos, where it is infused for an hour and a half. You need to add a liter of cool water to the resulting infusion. Drink a tablespoon of dill water 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts a month.
  • Tea made from mint leaves. Take a spoonful of fresh or dried plant per liter of boiling water. Oregano infusion: 2 tbsp. l. herbs need to be poured with 200 g of boiling water and left for 5 hours. Drink it three times a day, 10 minutes before meals.
  • Healing baths with herbs. Chamomile and thyme are best.

Popular sedatives for neuroses during menopause

If you listen to the body’s signals in time, you can prevent the development of neuroses during menopause or catch the very beginning of the development of a pathological condition, without resorting to potent drugs. Preference is given to plant-based products. Some components are used in folk medicine to treat depressive conditions, as well as:

  • sleep disorders;
  • mild forms of neurosis;
  • obsessive experiences;
  • emotional outbursts.

Long-term use, about 4 weeks. Further, depending on the dynamics of changes, the doctor cancels or extends the drug.


A product based on St. John's wort is taken according to the regimen of 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month. Reduces the severity of feelings, calms, increases stress resistance. Recommended for use during menopause; individual intolerance to the main component is a contraindication.


The active ingredients are extracts of mint, motherwort, and valerian. Indicated for stress, neuroses, and increased anxiety. The dosage should be strictly observed; if it is exceeded, apathy, weakness, and drowsiness appear. Does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms.


The drug was developed taking into account the changes that occur in a woman’s body during menopause. Recommended for paresthesia during menopause in women of neurotic origin, severe manifestations of menopausal syndrome, including dizziness, attacks of aggression and apathy, increased tearfulness, nervous tics.

Causes and symptoms of neurosis during menopause

Initially, experts considered the cause of this condition to be a lack of hormones. Today its occurrence is associated with problems with the hypothalamus and hormonal levels in women.

Changes in psychological state are facilitated by external factors. Neurosis can develop due to:

  • character traits;
  • constant lack of sleep;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • weak immune defense;
  • stressful situations;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • overstrain of the body.

With menopausal neurosis, symptoms appear at different levels (physical, vegetative). They are expressed in:

  • constipation, flatulence;
  • heart pain;
  • increased fatigue;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • hot flashes;
  • pain accompanying urination;
  • tachycardia;
  • the appearance of tinnitus;
  • increased bone fragility;
  • paresthesia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • dizziness.
  • headache;
  • problems falling asleep;
  • unstable mood;
  • irritability;
  • touchiness;
  • negative, overly attentive, indifferent attitude towards one’s appearance;
  • tearfulness;
  • decreased appetite.

Neurosis is dangerous due to complications: depression, self-isolation, apathy, panic, mania. Such signs of the disease are the result of the internal state of a woman who has lost her reproductive function. Patients often develop suicidal tendencies.

Among the severe complications that can result from hormonal imbalance are the development of:

  • cancer of the genital organs, mammary glands;
  • mastopathy;
  • osteoporosis.

Among the symptoms of neurosis is the appearance of wrinkles. At the same time, posture and body may change, and weight may increase/decrease. The condition is complex when a woman suffers from both VSD and menopausal neurosis. Signs that appear in this case:

  • pressure surges;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • frequent urination;
  • Strong headache;
  • fear accompanied by hysteria, panic;
  • pain in the heart area.

Menopausal neurosis and the causes of its occurrence

A woman's reproductive function begins to fade during menopause. This is a natural stage in the development of the female body, which consists of a gradual cessation of the synthesis of sex hormones by the ovaries.

Despite the fact that menopause directly involves changes in the functioning of the ovaries, this process affects the entire woman’s body. This is due to the fact that hormones produced in the ovaries provide and regulate the functioning of various internal organs.

Estrogens are extremely important for the functioning of the female body. These hormones are produced by the woman's follicular apparatus. It is noteworthy that estrogens are capable of self-conversion in various tissues. For example, estrone can be converted to estradiol.

At birth, the female body contains about 2-3 million eggs. A small proportion of eggs are lost during ovulation. In the first phase, hormones ensure the growth of several follicles, which also synthesize the necessary hormones. By the middle of the cycle, the highest quality follicle with a viable egg remains. The remaining follicles are discarded. During ovulation, the follicle membrane ruptures, releasing an egg capable of fertilization. The egg is viable for two days. In place of the follicle, a cystic corpus luteum is formed, producing progesterone. On the eve of menstruation, in the absence of conception, the corpus luteum regresses.

Before the onset of menopause, about 10,000 follicles remain. After the cessation of menstruation, single follicles are observed, which soon also disappear. The ovaries decrease in size.

With a sharp drop in estrogen, increased production of FSH and LH is observed. This mechanism is necessary to increase estrogen levels. However, during menopause, the synthesis of sex hormones continues to decline.

During menopause, there is a decrease in estrogen synthesis until it completely stops. The female body reacts negatively to estrogen deficiency, since these sex hormones:

  • regulate the activity of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine systems, musculoskeletal system, and gastrointestinal tract;
  • ensure the supply of calcium and phosphorus to the bones;
  • strengthen nails and hair;
  • affect the processes of thermoregulation and metabolism;
  • affect vascular tone and skin elasticity;
  • are responsible for the female body type.

When menopause occurs, a woman’s body first adapts to a lack of hormones, and then to their complete absence. Each woman experiences menopause differently and has her own set of symptoms.

Gynecologists note that menopause is a long process necessary for the body to fully adapt to the decline of hormonal function. The slower the synthesis of hormones stops, the fewer consequences and complications arise.

There are several phases of menopause, unequal in duration.

  1. Perimenopause starts at approximately 45 years of age. It is possible that menopause may occur earlier or later, which can be either normal or pathological. At this stage, there is a decrease in estrogen synthesis, which primarily affects the menstrual cycle. Discharge during menstruation becomes abundant or scanty, and the cycle itself may lengthen or shorten. In the presence of spontaneous ovulation, pregnancy may occur. The main symptoms during the premenopausal period are hot flashes, pressure surges, heart pain, tachycardia, headaches, and VSD.
  2. Menopause occurs 4-5 years after the onset of premenopause. Menopause includes the date of the last menstrual period, after which there should be no bleeding for a year. Urogenital disorders come to the fore, which include processes of mucosal atrophy and changes in the quality of cervical mucus.
  3. Postmenopause is the longest period, which lasts until 65-69 years. During postmenopause, various metabolic disorders are possible. The risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack and Alzheimer's disease increases significantly.

The age of 45 years is conventionally considered the start of menopause. It is impossible to accurately determine the onset of menopause due to the mildness of the first symptoms. Women without serious pathologies experience a mild menopause. Gynecological and extragenital pathologies, which can lead to menopausal neurosis, significantly worsen the manifestations of menopause.

The age at which menopause occurs depends on the following factors:

  • heredity;
  • working and environmental conditions;
  • accompanying illnesses;
  • bad habits.

Menopause occurs earlier in women living in mountainous areas. Women who smoke have an early onset of menopause. To some extent, this factor reduces the risk of developing uterine cancer.

The onset of menopause can be:

Early and late onset of menopause does not always indicate pathology. In 3-5% of women, menopause develops earlier due to genetic predisposition. Women who smoke experience menopause three years earlier. In women with a history of fibroids, menopause occurs later due to the influence of an estrogen-producing tumor. In addition, usually in this category, menopausal syndrome usually does not develop.

Late menopause deserves close attention from both doctors and the woman herself. Often, late menopause disguises hormone-producing malignant tumors, the risk of which increases with age. In particular, breast and endometrial cancer occupy leading positions in terms of prevalence.

Treatment of menopausal neurosis

The process takes into account the neglect of the condition. At an early stage, strong medications are not required. Experts recommend:

  1. Stick to the right diet. It is necessary to exclude alcoholic drinks, give up tea and coffee. Frequent use of spices and foods with high amounts of cholesterol is prohibited. The diet uses vegetables, dairy and plant products, and fruits.
  2. Get proper rest and sleep. Short breaks during the day are necessary.
  3. Go outside regularly to breathe fresh air. Spa treatment is useful.
  4. Do physical therapy and massage. This helps to maintain a good state of mind and maintain physical performance of the body.


Neurosis often develops against the background of psychological trauma and problems, so its treatment is impossible without the help of a psychologist. It is important to communicate regularly with a specialist and to be honest in conversations with him. There are often cases when stabilization of the condition occurs after psychotherapy sessions, without the use of sedatives or antipsychotics.

Drug treatment

The selection of medications for menopause is carried out by a doctor individually. Preference is initially given to weakly acting antidepressants, drugs that are less harmful to the body. Among them are sedative sedatives, with the help of which:

  • pulse stabilizes;
  • blood pressure improves;
  • sleep is normalized;
  • the strength and frequency of hot flashes decreases.

To restore hormonal levels, hormone-based therapy is prescribed. The drugs used in this case are:

Features of the use of antidepressants during menopause

Quite recently, women were offered to combat the manifestations of menopause with the help of hormonal drugs. But now hormonal drugs are prescribed extremely rarely, since they have many side effects, and they are not able to cope with the manifestations of menopause. But antidepressants prescribed for menopause can safely help a woman survive this period.

As the name suggests, antidepressants are drugs that are used to treat depression. When used regularly, they reduce feelings of melancholy, anxiety, depression, and apathy. Improve mood, increase activity, restore normal sleep patterns. When treating with such psychotropic drugs, you must be careful and not use them without a doctor’s prescription.

What antidepressants can be taken during menopause and how to do this, the doctor will tell you when prescribing. But it is worth knowing that such medications are started and stopped gradually. This is done so that the body can first gradually get used to them, and then also gradually get used to them. This method of taking medications helps avoid some side effects.

Also, don't expect magic from pills. The positive effect of taking them does not appear immediately, since the active substances must first accumulate in the body. The first signs of improvement will be noticeable only by the end of the first week. And some types of drugs will begin to have a positive effect only after 2-3 weeks from the start of the course.

But if the described period has come, and there is no noticeable improvement, then you need to warn your doctor about this and continue taking the medications. After all, every body is unique and medications affect everyone differently. The specificity of depression is such that it is treated with medications in all patients, only over different periods of time. Therefore, you should have a little patience.

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