7 qualities that only a real woman possesses

Ask any girl if she has an idea of ​​what an ideal man should be like, and she will immediately dictate to you an impressive list of qualities that she would like to see in her chosen one. But imagine, men also have their own list, and they also have a clear idea of ​​what an ideal girl should be like. Therefore, we should not relax, being completely confident in our irresistibility. Want to know how you measure up to the male ideal of a woman? Then let's start studying the parameters that guys dream of seeing in girls.

What are the main qualities a true woman always has?

What should a real girl be like? Although the word “should” is not very appropriate. I know it is repulsive to most people. True, when it comes to worthy men, ladies happily list what an ideal knight in shining armor should be like. What about the girls? Regarding: what they should and what they shouldn’t, I have already written in the context of modern obligations in a couple and outdated stereotypes. Now let's focus on the basic qualities of a woman.

I think you understand that the most important feature is femininity. And its concept contains the whole universe within you. This is a multifaceted quality. Only by revealing it completely does a girl become a real woman. Do you agree? Write your opinion on this matter at the end of the article, I read everything.

What is femininity really?

Surely dresses, skirts, long hair, a soft voice, a flirtatious smile, etc. come to mind. However, femininity manifests itself not only externally, but also internally. This is a special sparkle in the eyes, lightness, sincerity, attentiveness, kindness, loyalty, caring, neatness, naturalness, female intuition, intelligence, motherhood, tact, thriftiness, cunning, creativity, the ability to inspire, a sense of taste, sensitivity, psychological flexibility.

Look how many qualities are combined in one? That's why it's important! Femininity must be awakened and strengthened step by step. Without her, the girl is like an empty vessel. She may be beautiful, but she is not fulfilled internally. She will not have that energy that radiates light and love, gives a feeling of warmth, attracts the attention of men and good luck. But besides femininity, as I already said, there are other important features.

6 more valuable qualities of every woman:

  • Self confidence

Without it, femininity cannot be revealed. A girl with low self-esteem cannot become a worthy woman.

  • Emotionality

A vivid manifestation of feelings makes a girl memorable, open, sincere, which, of course, attracts.

  • Wisdom

An important quality in communicating with the opposite sex, as well as with loved ones and children. Wisdom always protects against rash steps.

  • Patience

But not in the sense that a woman should endure everything. And the fact is that it is important to be able to wait and work for results.

  • Gratitude

Being grateful is quite difficult, but this quality dramatically changes a woman’s life. Especially in a relationship with a man.

  • Self-respect and self-love

Accepting your body, having a personal opinion, appreciating it and not being afraid to express it, not allowing your own dignity to be humiliated, taking care of your health means being in harmony with yourself.

Here she is a true woman - a queen in the eyes of others and the mistress of her own destiny. Feminine, open, confident, wise. But how to become like this?

Of course, every girl has a quality that needs to be improved. In modern realities, in general, many women push their nature into the far corner. And then they suffer, not fully understanding that it’s a matter of self-awareness. If a woman wants to be a woman, she needs to awaken her inner strength, which is inherent in each of you from birth.

The ideal girl through the eyes of men

It is believed that a woman is difficult to understand. And, of course, men think so. More than one generation of scientists in the field of psychology has been trying to unravel what a woman really wants. But delving into the male mind is not so interesting for them. I wonder why this happens? After all, women strive to a greater extent to meet the expectations of a man, but what he wants is not known.

We invite you to reflect on the topic “What a man wants, or an ideal girl through the eyes of men.” Of course, all men want to see a smart, beautiful, economical woman next to them. But the qualities described are highly generalized. And every man sees something different under the words “smart”, “beautiful”, “economical”. And also, these characteristics cannot be measured quantitatively, that is, the result of comparing, for example, two smart women will greatly depend on the subjective factor, as well as on the role this same woman plays in a man’s life. After all, a woman-mother, a woman-friend, a woman-boss should have different qualities. But we will still try to describe what an ideal girl is, according to men and guys .

  1. Almost half of the male population of our country places a woman’s intelligence in first place. But at the same time, most men categorically do not like it if a girl or woman demonstrates her intellectual advantage over the stronger sex. From here we draw a simple conclusion: through the eyes of men and guys, the ideal girl should be smart, but at the same time skillfully hide it.
  2. Men ranked external data in second most important place. But there is probably no more subjective indicator than female beauty. And we will not surprise anyone if we say that the ideal of female beauty is different for every man or guy.
  3. Two female qualities are placed in third place. This is kindness and loyalty. And if with fidelity everything is more or less clear, then with kindness additional nuances may arise. Some people believe that it is enough for a kind woman to be responsive, sympathetic and tolerant of people, and some men understand kindness as a tendency towards selfless service to people and self-sacrifice.
  4. Also, the ideal girl through the eyes of guys should be feminine. By this criterion, guys and men understand meekness, feminine weakness, grace, tenderness and many, many other positive qualities.
  5. Undoubtedly, the ideal girl should be sexy and desirable for a man. But again, taste preferences among men vary greatly. And even taking into account the fact that a man loves with his eyes, it doesn’t matter that one man may like the same women, but not another.
  6. It is interesting that few men put forward such a criterion as being thrifty. Their opinion is this: a girl does not necessarily have to be a housewife; rather, it is a pleasant addition to the rest of the set of feminine qualities. But when choosing one single life partner, housekeeping comes almost to the fore. Therefore, girls should think about it if their boyfriend is loyal to your inability to cook or dislike of cleaning. Perhaps he simply does not see his future life with you.
  7. The ideal girl through the eyes of guys and men should have honesty and patience. A sense of trust in you is also important. But here it is important not to go to the other extreme and not show indifference to what is happening. Therefore, try not to pester a man with questions, and especially do not demand from him a detailed account of all the things he did during the day. But also show interest if he himself wants to tell you how his day went.
  8. Remember about jealousy too. No, we do not advise you to be jealous of your man with every woman passing by. But don’t be afraid to express your feelings if something seems suspicious to you. Moderate jealousy will only benefit your relationship.

How to develop feminine qualities?

So what exactly should you do? I could answer with one sentence - increase your marriage rating in all areas. Let me remind you that it includes: physical, emotional, spiritual, energetic and intellectual. That is, it is important to watch your figure, develop spiritually and intellectually, rest on time, train facial expressions, show more emotions, and the list goes on. But let’s take something right now that will help you immediately switch to the wave of femininity:

  1. Flirt more. At home, at work, in transport, subway, traffic jams. And now I’m not talking about hints of sex or vulgar flirting, but about light coquetry, an open smile, a look. I give a lot of recommendations on how to flirt correctly and why. Flirting will quickly charge your feminine batteries.
  2. Add purely feminine items and colors to your wardrobe. By the way, color affects a lot. Including self-awareness. Develop your sense of taste by observation, use color therapy. You can take any fashion magazine now, look through it and note what you like and buy a cool item from the new collection, for example.
  3. Keep a gratitude journal. Fill it out before going to bed. And also praise your beloved man more often, look for pros in him, not cons. Give thanks even for what you are only dreaming of. Rest assured, you will not be left without a reward. Start today, don't wait for the right moment.

I write even more about how to fill yourself with feminine energy in the “Women’s Purpose” section. Come in, read and be sure to share your secrets.

Girls, the development of all valuable feminine qualities is a continuous work on yourself. It is important to get rid of stereotypes and negative attitudes, use special practices and psychological techniques, and understand how and what to work with. It is often impossible to deal with all this alone.

Therefore, I invite you to my online course “Secrets of Women’s Happiness”. You will receive working tools for internal changes and support from like-minded people. I am sure you deserve true female happiness. Register for the next stream here on the official website of the Pavel Rakov shopping center. Write to the support chat and they will tell you everything.

Girls, write, what qualities would you like to improve and why? You don’t have to register on the site and leave your opinion anonymously. I respond to all comments.

Is it possible to become ideal for everyone?

As you can see, we are not the only ones who have our own ideas about the ideal partner - men are no exception. Of course, it is very useful to find out about their preferences and try to match them. But you must not forget that the concept of “ideal” is a matter of taste. Your idea of ​​perfection may be radically different from other people's idea of ​​it. So, you should try to be perfect, but only in the way that feels right to you, and not in the way that someone else tells you to be.

Be yourself! Never change because other people put pressure on you. If one of the guys starts criticizing you, just ask yourself questions: “Do I trust this person? Should I listen to his advice? If you answer “yes” to these questions, then take action to address the criticism. And if you answer “no,” then simply shake off the criticism. Most likely, he is just jealous of you, so he is trying to confuse you!

Finally, never change to please your friend unless you yourself think there is something wrong with you. If a guy doesn't appreciate you for who you really are, then he will never truly love you. He will always find something to complain about. Then just keep your eyes wide open so as not to miss the very, wonderful and only guy who will consider you the most ideal girl in the world!

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