How to understand that a guy only needs sex: main signs

How important is sex for women?

In the fairer sex, sexual desire is determined by hormonal fluctuations, age, and emotional state. Thanks to this, women can, to a certain extent, do without sex. However, sexuality and sex are an integral part of the human psyche and interpersonal relationships. Full intimacy is important for women's health, as it is the prevention of gynecological and oncological diseases.


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In addition, sex has a beneficial effect on the overall well-being of the female body thanks to oxytocin - the love hormone, which is not only responsible for emotional attachment, but also helps to better cope with stressful situations. Also, regular sex helps increase the level of immunoglobulin A. These antibodies protect against the penetration of respiratory viruses into the body.

You met him on a dating app

In the 21st century, mobile dating apps are the natural habitat of womanizers. And even if on the first date he admits that he’s only recently been there, and on the second he says that he decided to delete his account “out of boredom,” then don’t be lazy to check: he was most likely online last night and even updated his photos.

The importance of sex for men

The basis of male desire is physiological characteristics. A high level of testosterone, which is responsible for arousal, provokes an instant reaction to an external stimulus. However, men's perception of intimacy differs from women's. If a woman first enters into an emotional relationship with a partner, and then into a physical one, then a man acts in the opposite order. He starts with sex to compensate for his feelings of vulnerability.

The idea that a man needs sexual intercourse more than a woman is not supported by science.
This misconception is convenient, since it can be associated with a lack of harmony in intimate relationships, male infidelity, as well as female adynamia. The reasons for this prejudice can be considered:

  1. Physiological justifications. Sexual desire is equally strong in both men and women. However, male attraction, manifested in the form of erection and ejaculation, is obvious, while female attraction is characterized by invisible processes in the body.
  2. Psychological aspects. Sexual desire can be interpreted as aggressive and therefore condemned. If society is tolerant of male aggressiveness, then it is difficult to accept it in relation to girls. The statement that women's libido is weaker than men's is based on the sincere belief of the weaker sex in the need to submit to the will of the chosen one. In this way, the apparent danger of one’s own desire is ignored.
  3. Hormonal changes. A woman's body of reproductive age produces eggs that must be fertilized. Therefore, readiness for sex during the period of ovulation is justified. However, it is incorrect to say that attraction is subject only to hormonal rhythm, since this means reducing the concept of sexuality to one reproductive instinct. That is, this would only apply to women of reproductive age on certain days of the month. The reproductive instinct is the basis for arousal, but it is only the root cause. Love relationships involve much more than hormonal changes.
  4. Historical and cultural connection. Over time, there has been a tendency to understand female sexual desire as a threat to the institution of marriage. There was an idea that a passionate girl would not be satisfied with one man, which threatens the appearance of illegitimate offspring. Public opinion has developed in such a way that female sexual desire has come to be considered a need to satisfy the maternal instinct. Now we can observe how the modern woman continues to rush between “mother” and “mistress”.


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With the same physiological and psychological conditioning of the libido of both sexes, it is easier for a man to show sexual initiative. These and other factors create favorable conditions for the introduction and implementation of such a concept as a pickup truck in social interactions.

Ways to show a man that a girl needs him

Some men are so insecure that they are afraid to confess their love to a girl. They are ready for such a serious step only when they feel mutual sympathy. In this case, you should either directly talk about your feelings or hint at them.

Through correspondence on social networks

A good option for shy girls to talk about their crush is social networks. Firstly, writing is much easier than saying while looking into your eyes. Secondly, a certain distance is maintained. Thirdly, you can correct messages as many times as you like; you have time to think about both the recognition itself and your further responses.

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How to act to let a guy know that you like him:

  1. Study your chosen one's page to understand if he has a girlfriend, what he is interested in, what his hobby is. Subsequently, this information will help start a conversation and skillfully support it.
  2. Like good photos, leave comments, participate in discussions under public posts. This way you will show your interest and, perhaps, arouse mutual interest; you will get to know the young man in absentia so that he does not have questions “Who are you?” and “What do you need?” when you write in a personal message. Perhaps the guy is already not indifferent to you, then you will definitely push him to take decisive action.
  3. Be active, but in moderation. From time to time, send jokes or jokes, leave good songs and interesting posts, repost his posts. You can invite him to a good game and make him part of your team.
  4. When you establish a virtual contact, you can write in private messages. Start with common interests and gradually move on to the main topic. Try to gently hint about your sympathy and invite you to spend the evening together.

It is easier to communicate through social networks, so many people choose this option. In this way, you can talk about feelings without blushing in front of a guy and without hastily trying to find the right words.

In person

Some representatives of the stronger sex are so slow-witted that they do not see or perceive hints at all. For such a guy to understand that he is really needed, he needs to be told about it directly. But you should understand that it is inappropriate to approach a stranger and talk about your feelings directly. This is only permissible if you are already dating or just communicate well.

It is better to make a confession in a quiet, cozy environment face to face, and not in the company of friends. A romantic dinner in a restaurant, watching a movie together at home, a walk in a beautiful park or a slow dance to beautiful music are some good options for talking about your strong sympathy.

With the help of hints

You can show your attitude towards a man with the help of hints. Here you need to act without fanaticism and behave naturally. An attentive man will definitely notice sympathy and show his interest, of course, if the woman is not indifferent to him. The most effective way is to use sign language:

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  1. Make eye contact. Catch his gaze, lower your eyes in embarrassment, and then look at the guy again. An attentive person will notice this and begin to show interest.
  2. Smile only for him. A sincere, open smile radiates warmth and indicates a willingness to communicate.
  3. Touch as if by chance. Give a hug when meeting or saying goodbye, shake hands, touch palms, kiss on the cheek.
  4. Shorten the distance. Move closer while talking, lean towards him to whisper something in his ear.

This method is good when you don’t know the guy well yet or you’re too shy to talk about your crush directly.

Letter written by hand

If the guy is not registered on a social network or rarely visits his page, you can write a letter. Just don't type it on your computer. Write by hand and add romantic, cute drawings. Such a note, written from the heart, will be valued much more.

So that the guy can understand that the girl sincerely needs him, you can write the following words in a letter to him:

  1. I'm ready to shout about my love to the whole world. But for now I’ll tell you about this quietly and carefully.
  2. Thank you for this wonderful winter. Thanks to you, I realized that even in the most severe cold it can be hot if your loved one is nearby.
  3. I don't want to fall asleep without you. And all because I love and really hope for reciprocity.
  4. I’m so used to your morning and evening SMS, so banal, but necessary for me. They give strength and fill with energy, make you smile, but at the same time sad. I can no longer imagine my life without them and without you...

These beautiful words must be supplemented with your own, written from the heart. If a man is also serious, then such a letter will definitely push him to take decisive action.

Signs that a guy has only one thing on his mind

When figuring out whether a man only needs sex in a relationship, you need to pay attention to his behavior. Experienced seducers do not get acquainted trivially, trying to attract female attention not only with external data, but also with control techniques and influence on consciousness. Such men will try to create an ideal image, cleverly manipulating a woman’s desires.

You can highlight the most striking signs that a guy has only sex on his mind.

Hints and dirty jokes

To understand that a man only needs sexual contact, you can analyze your conversations. If most conversations boil down to outright hints and vulgarities, this is a reason to think about it.

Of course, this may be a unique way of showing feelings and emotions on his part, but not all conversations should be reduced only to the fulfillment of the desire for intimacy.

Where and how does he look?

You can tell that a guy only wants sex by the direction of his gaze. During a conversation, he looks at the lips, neck, his gaze appraisingly wanders over the chest and legs.

In addition, he will always note with words and actions a “great ass”, but will not say that a woman looks great in an outfit that emphasizes her figure. You will look hot, fiery and passionate, but never beautiful, gorgeous or sophisticated.


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Promises and an abundance of compliments

You can find out that a man only wants to satisfy sexual desire by analyzing his promises and the number of compliments. If, over time, your relationship never went beyond the bed, and promises remained promises, you should think about it.

At the same time, he will shower and cajole with compliments, claiming that he met “the best” on his way. Empty words speak about the value and importance of relationships for him. A man who strives only for intimacy does not consider it necessary to attach importance to any obligations.

Hints of privacy

If only physical intimacy is required of you, then this will be indicated by constant hints of solitude. He is not interested in communication, he does not attach importance to personal stories or attempts to speak out about his experiences.

In addition, a guy can turn a woman’s display of emotions to his advantage: offer to stay alone and “comfort” her.

Lack of attention

You can understand that a guy does not intend to commit himself to a relationship by looking closely at the signs of attention. In this case, the man does not consider it necessary to spend money even on a small bouquet or dinner in a cafe.

The lack of manifestation of an objective gesture is associated not so much with stinginess, but with a reluctance to invest in the relationship either emotionally or financially.

Doesn't talk about himself

If his plans do not include building a serious relationship, a man talks little about himself. At the same time, he can ask in detail about the girl’s personal life, pretending to be interested.

When the conversation turns to what he does, about friends or parents, he tries to change the topic. The guy only creates the image of a mysterious prince, an illusion that a woman wants to believe in.


A man who strives only for sex minimizes conversations, preferring to move on to action. These are signals that have overt sexual connotations. At the same time, the guy will try to come closer, unobtrusively stroke or touch the object of desire.


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It is touching or stroking that speaks of the excitement that has arisen and the desire to realize it.

How to find out that a man doesn't love you and doesn't need you

In this block I will talk about situations when you seem to be in a relationship, but you have doubts about a man. There has already been intimacy between you, and you want to know how he feels about you.

By some signs you can understand whether he needs you or not.

A man who has no feelings:

  • Doesn't worry about your health. Of course, he won’t jump around with a thermometer next to you all day, but if he sees that you’re not feeling well, he’ll definitely try to help.
  • Not interested in your affairs. He doesn't care how your day went or what you did. A man will only talk about himself, his problems. True, there is a category of representatives of the stronger sex who firmly believe that women cannot have problems. The most that can happen is a broken nail at work. And it doesn’t matter that you broke it while working at the machine 12 hours a day.
  • He's deceiving. This is about my painful problem. Indeed, a man who does not value relationships is lying. You can catch him in a lie, present arguments, and in response you will receive something incomprehensible, or even classic: it’s all your fault. It's one thing, of course, that he lied when he admired your new hairstyle. But constant lying is a sign of his absolute indifference. Well, you'll find out, well, you'll leave. He does not care.

In general, if he is not involved in your life, is indifferent to your problems and health, first poke him with a stick. Is it moving? It means he just doesn't love you.

You can find out if he is using you after reading this article.

Why are mistresses rarely married?

Psychologists name 10 reasons why men rarely marry their mistresses:

  1. Lost interest in ex-partner.
  2. Low self-esteem of a girl.
  3. Lack of respect for women.
  4. Claims or demands from a mistress.
  5. Pressure from relatives.
  6. Dependence on public opinion, fear of condemnation.
  7. There is no need to enter into a legal marriage.
  8. The eternal search for the “ideal woman”, which the mistress does not live up to.
  9. Stereotypical belief or fear that a woman will cheat.
  10. Lack of emotional attachment to the girl.

There is also one problem that provokes such behavior in men - the attitude of women themselves towards sex. Often, women's accessibility and gullibility become the driving factor that opens up the opportunity for ladies' men to act.


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