How to understand that a man does not love you: 100% signs

Men try to appear cool, strong, confident and calculating. And, in fact, young, insecure girls who think that they are gods are buying into this. In fact, men, so to speak, are the same people. They, just like us, are afraid that their feelings will be rejected and trampled. Therefore, before starting active operations, they carefully test the ground in order to confidently launch an offensive.


Eyes are the mirror of a person's soul. Even if a person wants to hide his emotions, his gaze always gives him away. You just need to learn how to read eye expressions correctly. If a man wants a woman, he looks at her in a special way. Typically, a revealing glance lasts a fraction of a second, so an inattentive person may not notice it. But if you watch, or better yet, record a man on video, signs of lust will be visible:

  1. “Devouring”, a close look at the woman’s breasts and lips. It means that the man really wants it and does not intend to hide it.
  2. Quick glances sliding over the woman’s body, frequent lowering of the eyes. The man is embarrassed and tries to hide his desire.
  3. An appraising look in the back. A man views a woman as a sexual object.
  4. Frequent, but not long-term eye-to-eye contact, a wandering gaze. The man wants to seduce.
  5. Keeping your eyes open. If a man is interested in a woman, he will try not to lose sight of her.
  6. Dilated pupils are a sign of excitement.

Experiment. To confirm your feelings, you need to move a few tens of meters away from the man and observe (secretly) his behavior for 10-15 minutes. If he periodically glances in your direction, you can judge increased interest and a possible desire to get closer.

Nonverbal signs of a man in love who hides his feelings

Nonverbal communication is considered to be the most effective branch of psychology. With its help, you can “read thoughts,” guess a person’s mood and look for ways to win him over. Nonverbal signs of a man in love who skillfully hides his love are easy to detect if you know the basics of effective communication.

Body language and gestures

The human body can tell a lot. Posture, pose, gestures always mean something. The body gives vent to emotions through them. If a person tries to suppress his feelings, his blood pressure rises. Scientists use this fact for lie detector testing. But how do you understand that a man wants you? Look out for the following signs:

  1. Tilt of the body or head towards the woman. Shows the man's strong interest.
  2. Conversation in close proximity. A man filled with desire will strive to catch the scent of a woman, which can only be done by getting significantly closer to her.
  3. Accidental touches, straightening hair, removing “specks”. You always want to touch the desired object. And because a man cannot afford to immediately grab a woman’s private parts, he will touch her in a “decent” way.
  4. Copying a woman's movements and gestures. If a man wants to please, he begins to unconsciously repeat body language. This means simultaneously swinging your leg, squeezing your hands, crossing your legs, and supporting your head with your hand.
  5. Heat, straightening his tie, unbuttoning his shirt, swallowing saliva, hoarseness in his voice. When a man is sexually aroused, his body temperature rises and his throat becomes dry. To feel better, he will be forced to swallow saliva or drink water(s). He will also try to get rid of excess clothes.
  6. Tapping fingers, manipulating a wristwatch or other objects, rolling from foot to foot, etc. Reveal awkwardness, nervous tension, a desire to hide something (possibly sexual arousal).
  7. Touching your “dignity”, placing your fingers behind your belt, barely noticeable movements of your hips back and forth. A man unconsciously gives signals that he is ready to make contact.
  8. Facial flushing is another clear sign of sexual arousal.

Your feet will tell the whole truth. For some women, confirming a man's desire is not enough. They want to know how serious and direct his intentions are. Feet speak most reliably about honesty. If a man has nothing to hide, then his feet will be brought together and his toes will be pointed in your direction.

Great Picture

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Men are not as simple as many women think. Just because they don't know how to express their feelings doesn't mean they don't have them. And when they do decide to express them, many women simply cannot and are not ready to understand them.

But for a relationship to truly succeed, women must understand a few things that men cannot tell them about themselves:

1. Men equate love with respect. For them it's the same thing. You can't love him and not respect him. If he feels your respect, then this is a confirmation of your love for him.

2. Your man may seem strong on the outside, but on the inside he feels like a scared little boy. He has so much responsibility - to become a “real man”, to provide and protect his family, to be always strong - that it is stupid not to be afraid of not fulfilling all this. But he hides these fears.

3. Most men don’t just want to provide for their family, it’s his need. This is an evolutionary, instinctive part of his self-assertion and fulfillment of his male role. Even if you earn enough and can be on an equal footing with him, give him the slight advantage of being the main earner.

4. Sometimes a man needs to step back before solving a problem. Have you noticed how a man can avoid discussing an issue that has just arisen? His brain is just wired differently, he needs to think things through for himself first.

5. Lack of sex can cause a lack of confidence. Your man doesn't just want sex, he wants you to want it. His self-confidence depends on this.

6. Men, even those who are in a happy marriage, cannot help but notice attractive women . And this does not depend or affect your relationship in any way, these are purely instinctive impulses.

7. Men are romantic, they just show it differently . Because of these differences, men often give up, simply because they don't know what romance means to you, what you want and how you see it. Just tell him straight out.

8. Men don't care if you've gained a little extra weight as long as you continue to take care of yourself and be confident in your body. If you take care of your body, it is the same as if you take care of it.

Source: Great Picture Men are not as simple as many women think. Just because they don't know how to express their feelings doesn't mean they don't have them. And when they do decide on them


A man who is burning with desire behaves differently than others. Hormones are boiling in his blood, he constantly thinks about how to get what he wants. These can be either direct actions of conquest or diligent efforts to hide their intentions. But nothing will escape an attentive person. So, how to understand that a guy wants you:

  1. When meeting, he is clearly embarrassed, blushes, deliberately “ignores” or rejoices, showers him with compliments. In general, it makes it stand out from the rest in every possible way.
  2. A man is trying to make friends. Many people consider this a great way to get a “young lady” into bed. The fact is that women rarely refuse friendship, much less often than sexual contacts. And the rest is a matter of technique.
  3. He's clearly exaggerating. Wanting to conquer a woman, a man sometimes “lies.” He just needs to make an impression, to appear better than he is.
  4. You often "accidentally" come across. It is likely that he has studied your usual route and is trying to strike up a closer acquaintance.
  5. The man began to look different. He can change his clothing style, hairstyle, iron his shirt and trousers more carefully, buy new perfume, join the gym. It's all about making an impression.
  6. He invites you to the movies, gives you gifts and flowers. A clear sign of sympathy and affection, of course, not without sexual attraction.

Author's advice. It is important to understand that each sign individually does not mean anything. For example, a dreamy look may indicate that a man is simply drunk. Tapping your fingers and shifting from foot to foot can indicate a rush, a desire to go to the toilet.

In order to form an objective opinion about a man’s thoughts and intentions, each individual sign must be perceived as a piece of a puzzle. If a woman is truly desired, they will come together.

How a man behaves if he truly loves

Does he love you or not? If this question arises in your head, and the guy says that he adores me, then you need to understand his feelings. Indeed, these words may hide a disposition towards a person of the opposite sex, but love has not yet appeared. He may shop around for a while. You should carefully observe his attitude towards the girl. Real men show their love through their actions.

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A lover likes absolutely everything about a woman - appearance, behavior, habits. He notices only the good and does not attach importance to shortcomings.

A man is happy when his beloved is well

When a young man truly loves a girl, her feelings become much more important to him than his own. He is emotionally attached to the person he adores. Making her happy is one of his priorities.

Said - done

Love is not just beautiful words, it manifests itself in action. When a man promises something, he always delivers. This way he confirms his love for you.


One of the main pillars on which relationships rest. Love creates respect for a woman's thoughts and opinions. The guy recognizes the point of view of the chosen one, consults with her in making important decisions that affect both of them.

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A guy in love has no doubts about his chosen one and trusts her 100%. She won’t follow her, arrange interrogations, where she was, why she was delayed. He does not prevent her from communicating with other people. When it comes to sincere love, and not selfishness, a man is able to behave with dignity. The guy is not even jealous of the past, although he understands that it happened, but the future together is more important.


This is the main manifestation of love. It happens that a man talks a lot about huge feelings, is not even afraid of the phrase “I love you,” but in reality does nothing. When a guy values ​​a girl, his heart beats at the mere presence of her or the thought of her. He will prove this with his actions, win him over with his deeds, and in the future constantly try to maintain relationships, develop and maintain the romantic fire of love.

Future plans

A man in love tries to immediately take an important place in a girl’s life. He plans a joint future, common children. Instead of “you” and “I” he begins to use “we”. The prospect of a long-term relationship opens up.

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If at first glance everything is gorgeous, you spend time together, he declares his love, covers him with kisses, surrounds him with affection and attention, but never talks about a future together, which means these topics scare him.


When a man sincerely loves, he protects the girl in any sense, protects her from problems and difficulties, tries to make life much easier - he will shield her from the crowd in a crowded minibus, carry her through a puddle. If the chosen one comes upset, the young man will show a desire to punish the offenders. He protects his beloved and tries never to upset her.

Financial support

Material care, if there is no hidden motive behind it, indicates love for the girl. For 70% of representatives of the strong half of humanity, this is a sign of deep affection.

Brings you into your world

If a guy takes a girl seriously, then he goes out with her, introduces her to relatives and proudly introduces her to his beloved.

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What's next?

Well, now you have made certain conclusions about the desires of a man. The question arises, what to do next with this? You can’t come up and say directly that it has been revealed and you know everything. No, the girl should act differently. If she is interested in a guy and she also wants to have a relationship with him, she needs to demonstrate her readiness:

  1. When the guy looks at you again, look him straight in the eyes and smile. Your openness will help him relax.
  2. Wear more modest outfits. Let one thing be open - neckline, legs or thighs. Firstly, a man should not be oversatiated, and secondly, when you are in a revealing outfit, it is more difficult for him to think and act.
  3. Ask for advice or ask for help. A proven way to get to know each other better.
  4. Be simple and open. There is no need to pretend to be impregnable and touchy. In this case, the man will burn out faster than decide to approach and admit his intentions.

In conclusion, it should be recalled that being mysterious and intriguing is a woman’s prerogative. The stronger sex works differently. If a man really wants something (especially a woman), he will do everything to get it. Even the most modest guy becomes persistent, purposeful and decisive. Therefore, a woman just needs to wait and see how he shows himself.

Olga, Moscow

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