Emotional leadership. The art of managing people

The history of EQ.

In 1912, the first mention of IQ appeared. This concept was introduced by William Stern (a psychologist from Germany). He decided to introduce a measure of intelligence. 83 years have passed and his American colleague Daniel Goleman made a sensational statement - IQ is not so important, it is much more effective to measure EQ and emotional intelligence. The psychologist motivated this by the fact that to determine intellectual abilities, it is better to assess the ability to manage one’s emotions and capture extraneous feelings.

Goleman introduced another concept, “ emotional competence .” It means the ability to understand and acknowledge one’s feelings and the feelings of other people for motivation, managing emotions for the purpose of internal harmony and building normal relationships.

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Expert opinion.

After analyzing Goleman's work, psychology experts determined that the effectiveness of management activities depends 85% on EQ and only 15% on IQ. By developing emotional competence, a leader can view his own emotionality and his subordinates as a resource that can be used to increase productivity.

It is necessary to understand that EQ is not literally related to the emotionality that everyone is accustomed to. When defining it, the phrase “emotional intelligence” is inseparable. For example, an overly temperamental person may have a low EQ, while calm and outwardly unemotional people tend to have a high EQ.

When assessing emotional intelligence, the following are taken into account:

  • the ability to immerse oneself in one’s own emotions, feel them, live them;
  • the ability to rationally analyze one’s feelings and make decisions based on logic.

A person with developed EQ is able to maintain a balance between feelings and logic. In a critical situation, they do not give in to anger, despair, despondency, irritability, but know how to pull themselves together and make a decision or produce a result.

According to Salovey and Mayer, intelligence and emotions cannot be opposed, as many are accustomed to doing, they are closely intertwined, and a person’s success not only in business, but also in the interpersonal sphere depends on their correct interaction.

On the role of a leader in managing an organization

“The art of managing people is the most difficult and highest of all the arts,” a wise man once said, and he was absolutely right. Today, perhaps, there is no more difficult profession than the profession of a manager, which is usually called complex, requiring a person to possess many skills. A manager-leader must know about everything - from the secrets of marketing to the tricks of financial science, from methods of organizing modern production to the secrets of human psychology [1, p.60]. And, of course, he must have leadership qualities.

A leader is the most authoritative member of a group who determines and organizes its activities to achieve group goals. There is a distinction between formal and informal leadership. The formal leader is usually appointed or elected in accordance with an established procedure, thus acquiring the official status of a leader. An informal leader is a group member who, advancing thanks to his personal qualities, most fully meets group values ​​and norms [2, p. 113].

In modern organizations, the leader plays a dominant role. Without a good leader, organizations will not be able to function effectively, even with highly qualified personnel. The leader creates a cohesive team of followers, unites specialists for more effective work and controls their activities. A modern leader must be at the center of the organization's attention and must inspire employees to achieve a common goal.

Leadership is a critical component of effective leadership. It is found wherever there is a stable association of people. The word “leader” itself means “leader”, “leading” [3, p.31]. Leadership differs from management, which presupposes a fairly rigid and formalized system of relations of dominance and subordination.

The importance of leadership for the management of an organization raises the question of influence on this phenomenon. Leadership needs to be managed (as much as possible), i.e. identify leaders, develop constructive ones and eliminate destructive leaders.

An important role is played by the leader in creating and managing the organizational culture of the organization. Depending on the type of organizational culture, a leader performs different functions.

The role of a leader in personnel management is determined by his efforts to select worthy candidates for the work team; he must direct group energy to solve organizational goals and objectives. Leadership also finds expression in influencing group members, encouraging them to show their strong personal qualities and restrain the manifestation of weak character traits [4, p.62].

A leader's effectiveness is reflected in his ability to manage social conflicts. Managing a social conflict consists of the consistent activities of a leader seeking to constructively influence the situation that caused the conflict, the participants in the conflict and the nature of the interaction of all interested parties. Depending on the nature of the conflict and the characteristics of its participants, the leader trying to manage the conflict may choose the role of mediator or judge.

The effectiveness of leadership is directly related to the ability of leaders to manage organizational and interpersonal communication, influencing its nature. The development strategy of an organization and the effectiveness of leadership are associated with the objective and subjective capabilities of the leader, his ability, firstly, to manage coalitions, and secondly, to create and strengthen cooperative and partnership relationships with organizations, interaction with which becomes an essential factor in the effective functioning of the organization [5, With. 169].

Leadership issues are key to achieving organizational effectiveness. On the one hand, leadership is seen as the presence of a certain set of qualities attributed to those who successfully influence or influence others; on the other hand, leadership is a process of predominantly non-forceful influence in the direction of achieving a group or organization’s goals. Leadership is a specific type of managerial interaction, based on the most effective combination of various sources of power and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals [6, p.12].

Thus, in order for the organization’s activities to be successful, the manager must devote a lot of time to developing leadership in the organization, since success. The choice of leadership style affects not only the authority of the leader and the effectiveness of his work, but also the atmosphere in the team and the relationship between subordinates and the leader. And I would like to end the article with the words of V. Ward: “A mediocre leader expounds, a good leader explains, an outstanding leader shows, a great leader inspires” [7, p.15].

What does emotional competence consist of?

EQ is built on four components:

  • Self-awareness . The main "ingredient". High self-awareness allows a person to recognize his strengths and weaknesses, weak and strong traits, his own needs, goals, and motives.
  • Self-control . It stems from self-awareness. A person who has studied himself learns to manage his emotions. Although they are initially driven by biological mechanisms, it is quite possible to learn to take control of them. The ability of self-regulation allows you to free yourself from the “fetters of feelings.” People capable of self-control can always pull themselves together and not succumb to despondency or excessive euphoria.
  • Empathy . This ability is already aimed at communication. It means the ability to understand the feelings of others, manage relationships, having knowledge of the emotions of another person.
  • Relationship skills . This can also be called communication skills. Some people confuse this trait with friendliness. In part, this is correct, but we are talking about friendliness, which pursues a specific goal. It is associated with establishing mutually beneficial relationships.

Communication skills

What is the difference between a person who can gain the trust of others and a person who does not inspire confidence? According to Goleman's Emotional Leadership, a person who has mastered the art of public speaking will not have much difficulty talking to people. The person will understand perfectly how to present himself, what to say to whom and when to smile. The interlocutor likes such self-confidence during a conversation. And the good attitude of the opponent, a well-timed compliment, or a pleasant, affectionate word helps the person feel good about the interlocutor. Using such techniques is very simple, but to know what to say and to whom, you need to practice a lot. The better your language works, the easier it will be for you to earn people's trust. Remember that a person always follows only the person he likes and who attracts him with his determination and charisma. You should not show your interlocutor your weaknesses or complain about life. Nobody likes such people who are always whining. To maintain a good opinion of yourself, you need to always be positive and have a few funny jokes or the latest news in stock to entertain your interlocutor during a pause.

The importance of EQ for a leader.

Emotional development is extremely important for a leader. It is impossible to manage other people without a sufficiently high EQ, because 90% of a manager’s activity is related to communication, delegation of responsibilities, and prioritization.

It is advisable not only to develop cognitive skills and accumulate specialized knowledge, but also to increase emotional intelligence, because resistance to stress, the ability to understand your subordinates and their capabilities, and the ability to establish a common language with clients and partners will depend on it.

According to research, about 70% of the competence required by a leader can be attributed specifically to the emotional category. Emotional leadership allows you to energize others, guide them, inspire them, and create the right work environment.

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A high self-evaluation

A person who is engaged in developing emotional leadership must think about his self-esteem. If a person is not confident in himself, then he will not be able to earn general approval. A person must understand why people should follow him. If a person does not have the courage to believe in his own uniqueness, then he will not be able to convince anyone of it. Therefore, a good leader is confident in his inimitability. But here we should make a reservation. A person should not be arrogant. What is emotional leadership based on? The art of managing people is to be able to speak with any person on an equal footing. Therefore, the person should not be questioned, and if necessary, she will even have to descend to the level of her less educated interlocutors.

Do you have problems with self-esteem? This means that you need to purposefully work to get rid of your complexes. Think about who was able to lower your self-esteem and who should be blamed for your lack of self-confidence? Remember the people who inspired such thoughts in you, and then think about why they did it. Perhaps you were indeed a very modest child as a child, and you were constantly told about this. Realize that you are now grown up and have nothing in common with that shy teenager. Therefore, you should not beat yourself up and think about your imperfections. Having dealt with children's complexes, it will be possible to move on.

Is it possible to develop EQ?

Scientists tend to believe that IQ is a coefficient that remains virtually unchanged over the years. But emotional intelligence can be developed and changed. But the emergence of emotions is still associated with physiology, but their management is the prerogative of the psychological resource.

Emotional development becomes possible through training, reading books, and attending seminars. Emotional flexibility is an excellent quality for a leader, but it cannot replace professionalism and the ability to logically weigh the pros and cons.

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Sign language

Want to understand how emotional leadership works? Goleman says that gestures play an important role in influencing people. A person must take control of his facial expressions and learn to master his body perfectly. How often do you feel surprised or chuckle without realizing it? The involuntary reaction seems impossible to control. Nothing like this. A person can, through an effort of will, extinguish any emotion, and replace it with something new. And not only professional actors have such abilities. Anyone can master sign language and use it to their advantage. The secret of successful leaders is that people can adapt to their interlocutors. For example, a good director will never conduct an interview at a desk. He will seat the candidate on the sofa and sit next to him. When speaking, the person will not cross his arms or legs. The person will behave calmly and relaxed. Such behavior attracts the employee and it will seem to him that he is talking not with the director of a large company, but with his school friend. Carefully study NLP and all the gestures you need to know. Even if you cannot master them perfectly, you will at least be able to see them in others.

Control of emotions

What does a true leader look like? This is a person who is confident in himself. Such a person always has everything under control. Emotional leadership assumes that a person will be able to save face in any situation. To do this you need to master the art of controlling emotions. You need to become impenetrable to most people. And to avoid being mistaken for a robot, you should openly demonstrate your emotions from time to time. But this must be done consciously. If you are now angry at a person, but the person standing in front of you does not deserve you to take your anger out on him, then remain silent. Sometimes, due to their ardor, many leaders lose their followers. And this directly affects their reputation. Therefore, you should not throw away the good attitude of your fans.

Remember that it is impossible to please everyone all the time. Therefore, you need to develop your own clear point of view and stick to it. At the same time, you need to be able to listen to others and respond adequately to criticism. Restraint and prudence will help a leader gain the trust of people, and will also give a person strings that, at will, the person can pull from time to time.

Ability to admit mistakes

No matter how good a leader is, he can still make mistakes. The main task of a person is to be able to admit his mistakes. Do you think this will make the leader weaker? Nothing like this. Any person learns from his mistakes, and the more there are, the smarter the person will be. So don't be afraid to make mistakes. When making mistakes, a person must learn from them. You shouldn't step on the same rake twice. Try to learn from every situation. Know how to hear adequate criticism and respond to it. Don’t neglect the opinions of people who know better in a particular area. By gaining knowledge from various sources, you become smarter and more experienced.

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