Emotional Abuse at Work: A Silent Passion?

This type of psychological pressure can be used by management, for example, against an employee who has been reinstated to his previous job through the court. There are no obvious obstacles for him to perform his job duties, however, his superiors or, on his instructions, his colleagues can do everything to prevent the employee from completing his work on time and with high quality. Subsequently, claims against the employee are documented and disciplinary sanctions are imposed. And the employee quits on his own or at the initiative of the employer.

Mobbing - what is it?

What is the reason for mobbing at work? This is connected not only with the victim, but also with the people who are the provocateurs. As a rule, work issues and subordination to management, helpfulness can be tied up and, as a rule, in some companies they do not like such people. And they come up with various ways of revenge and punishment.

Mobbing manifests itself in pressure on this very person. There may be unfounded criticism from the team, and the spread of gossip, often of a false nature. Ridicule, ignoring, insults to your face, intimidation and even physical abuse are common.

It also happens that pressure is exerted by the boss on his subordinates, this is called bossmobbing. As a rule, the leader thus wants to increase his own authority and simplify subordination. As we say:

“They are afraid, that means they respect”

People from the “black sheep” category may fall into the risk group; they are simply different and often think that they are better than others, without any particular reason.

Why then does mobbing exist?

This is an easy way to “survive” an unwanted employee without resorting to administrative resources - dismissal, reduction

An example of mobbing, when a manager wanted to remove an employee he didn’t like (I quote Olga):

“This was my first job. Position: Public Relations Specialist. After university I wanted to move mountains, the desire to work was enormous. I was happy to get into such a large company and get a job in my specialty. But, unfortunately, my joy was short-lived. In my department it was me and my boss. A very important point: it was the director of the department who insisted on my candidacy, and not he... It turned out that my immediate supervisor was forced to accept her point of view. I grabbed every assignment, every task. She did it quickly and reported the results. Of course, I was alarmed by the small range of job responsibilities. But I thought and hoped that the situation would change and I would be given more important directions. But time passed... The boss did practically nothing at work. And I was left to my own devices. Editing a corporate publication (my main task) took up 30% of my working time. The remaining 70% I almost looked for something to do myself. I got tired of running to my boss for instructions, which he gave as if he was doing a huge favor, in the second month. It was boring. I read books at work. I realized that I was wasting my time here. But she couldn’t leave. This is the first place of work, and I had to stay for at least a year. Plus, it was a good salary for a young specialist.

We sat next to each other, but kept in touch only by email. By the way, I often heard my supervisor communicate with the director of the department about my work, saying the following phrases: “She doesn’t do anything. She has no aptitude for journalism.” Some of the tasks that I completed simply did not reach the higher-ups, and my boss referred to the fact that I did not have time to do anything. The last straw was the situation before the New Year, when the manager reported that I had not prepared anything for the New Year. It turns out that I had to come up with a holiday script. And my boss had to do everything. I was furious, but no one believed me. Naturally, I did not receive any assignments from him. I quit after holding out for a year. On the day I submitted my application, I was happy.”

By the way, the game of “silence” is also one of the manifestations of mobbing. The employee may also be removed from contact. If we look at this situation specifically, it looks more like personal hostility on the part of the manager and a desire for the employee to quit as soon as possible. The strategy was a wait-and-see approach - work for seniority and leave. By the way, in this situation we can recommend acting “over your head.” Talk to the director of the department: based on the employee’s words, he was still loyal to the specialist. But it’s worth saying that there were risks here too – gaining a competitor. And most likely this would happen. In general, the employee acted wisely if he just wanted to work for a year. The position of the department director is alarming - why did he allow himself to discuss the specialist’s actions with the manager when he could have heard. He could get involved and act as a mediator to resolve the hidden conflict.

Competition in a department helps improve financial performance - a myth very common among managers. And in fact, this is the best ground for mobbing

Really healthy competition in the sales department helps increase sales.
For example, ratings, rewarding the best. Here is an example of unhealthy competition. The incident happened with one girl, an employee of the marketing department: “I worked in the department for four months when the manager changed. With the arrival of a new boss, everything changed. It was as if she began to “push” us together. For example, the phrases began to be heard quite often: “Sasha, look at how Alina works. She always succeeds, unlike you.” It is not surprising that relations with Alina gradually began to deteriorate. By the way, she worked in our company for more than four years. Our relationship with her was strictly business. Although before the manager arrived, we still communicated as friends, sometimes we went to lunch together. With the arrival of a new boss, everything changed. Alina seemed to become her right hand. But this was expressed rather in negative actions - she reported on every step of the department employee. In just a month, Alina turned into an “enemy of the people.” At the same time, two more people worked in our department. And within a month, we turned from successful employees into losers and incompetents. By the way, one of my former colleagues even began to doubt that she would be able to find a job at all. The situation was resolved by the fact that we all gradually quit, and the boss created another team. I remember during this period it began to seem to me that I could not do anything.” Irina.

In a situation of mobbing, self-esteem can really decrease greatly. People begin to believe that they can't do anything. The mechanism of “learned helplessness” is triggered. By the way, after five years of working in such an environment, many no longer believe in their own strength. What should the girls from the marketing department do? Openly communicate with the manager, talk about Alina’s behavior. Ask the manager what they need to do to make the job satisfying. But if this option does not provide a solution, then leave. Why work in such an atmosphere, in a team where you are not valued, where you are not trusted. After all, in fact, there are a lot of companies where the atmosphere is quite democratic.

If we evaluate this situation from the position of a manager, then it is logical to assume that he wanted to create his own team. Alina in general has become such a person of her own. Only one thing is not clear - what is the reason for the rejection of other employees. There may be a mismatch in qualifications, or the goal is to free up space for your team.

The boss may have three models of attitude towards manifestations of mobbing: complete indifference and detachment (“what do I have to do with it?”), stimulation of competition and tacit encouragement of rivalry (survival of the fittest, and we just need such people), and, finally, intervention into conflict and attempts to resolve it.

The boss is incompetent, has little knowledge of the specifics of the activity and “shifts” some of the tasks to his subordinates, demanding results from them

“The manager and I argued constantly. The main reason, however, was that he did not fully master the process, and as a result he was fired. He knew how it should be, but he didn’t know how to do it.” Elena.

As a rule, a manager who has little understanding of the specifics of the company’s activities may take the position of “shifting responsibilities,” and aggression is a defensive reaction.

Mobbing at school

In elementary and middle grades, such entertainment is very common - bullying one student by the whole class. Mobbing at school is a very common phenomenon. And this is an integral part of the development of children; willy-nilly, there is a person who cannot stand up for himself or will show weakness in any situation.

Children are especially cruel during adolescence

Then, of course, he will regret it for a long time. Because constant ridicule, threats, causing material harm, planned “pranks” by the whole class on one person will not give him a normal life. What to do in such situations? How to get rid of mobbing? More on this below.

I believe that school mobbing is the most dangerous, because at this stage the formation of the human psyche occurs. And the actions that he performs lay down the internal behavior for the next stages of life. Although, remembering my class, I can give an example that refutes my opinion.

There was a boy in our class who was bullied by everyone and he couldn’t do anything about it for a very long time. But having met him many years later, after we had all graduated from institutes and universities, my opinion changed somewhat.

We were at one fashion show, where that same boy Oleg came up to me, said hello and told me that he was now a designer, everything was fine with him, he looked great, there was a beautiful girl with him. And He was no longer bothered by those problems that remained in the past.

Block 5. Mobbing. Resistance.

5.1. To resist or not to resist?

In the process of mobbing, TARGET subjects are able to resist the attackers and be effective, up to the complete capitulation of the aggressors. However, we should not forget that the active process of resistance leads to open, acute conflicts! And then senior management is forced to intervene in the process. At the same time, the original TARGET may end up being fired, if they are employees of the company, simply because for the bosses it will seem like the easiest way to solve the problem. Surely this is not fair to the TARGET!

But is life built exclusively according to moral patterns?

If active resistance does not occur, then the TARGETs very quickly, sometimes within a month, become victims who have received mental trauma and reputational losses that are incompatible with further stay within the organization.

You can, of course, reassure yourself that I was hooked, bullied, envied, and staying in this “jar of spiders” is more expensive for yourself. But the fact remains that the TARGET is hit by the “arrows” of the mobber(s).

5.2. What negative happens to the TARGET during the mobbing process?

1. The TARGET loses a positive assessment of himself as a person. Overall self-esteem decreases.

2. The TARGET begins to doubt his professional competencies and achievements. The role of the “business professional” is blurring!

3. The TARGET is constantly under tension. Feels anxious about a possible attack by the mobber(s). Neuroticism is increasing.

4. TARGET transfers the conflict from the environment where mobbers are present to other contexts (family, contacts with other people in a different situation). Personal conflict increases.

5. The TARGET does not attempt active and tough resistance to the attackers, takes a conciliatory position, tries to behave peacefully and kindly with mobbers, like “I am Leopold the cat.” This is a serious mistake because mobbers are “playing to hit the TARGET.” This is a fight! Only in children's cartoons are “mice” constantly punished due to circumstances and their own stupidity. In everyday life, mobbers can be very smart, inventive, and fortune can smile on them!

5.3. Example of responses to mobbers.

Now let's look at situations where a mobber attacks a TARGET and how to counter it.

Situation No. 1.

A mobber colleague uses the " You're a clown " technique and greets an employee with irony at a meeting in the presence of other people.

– Look at her, didn’t she show up covered in dust? Irina, were you stuck in the same traffic jam from yesterday again?

TARGET uses the “ If you demote me, it’s bad for our relationship ” technique.

– Andrey, I am concerned about the neglect and lack of respect for myself when they publicly say such things about me! Let's agree that this won't happen again. We need to eliminate negativity before it’s too late, because it harms our relationships.

Situation No. 2.

Mobber boss uses the " You're a fool " technique in public, criticizes the TARGET.

“Olga, you’re not capable of anything, you can’t do anything, you’re doing everything wrong.” They wanted the best, but they got it in one place, nothing new.

The TARGET subordinate uses the “ Are you capable of not demoting me ” counter technique after the meeting, individually.

- Albert, at a meeting in front of everyone you called me a person incapable of doing his job, it sounded humiliating and hurt my feelings, it is in your power to prevent this from happening again, is it possible?

Nonverbal responses must be congruent with the verbal. Look straight into the eyes, speak in a serious, low voice, at an average pace, without smiling!

Mobbing at work and in a team

As mentioned earlier about mobbing at work, the danger here lies more in the work process. Since distraction by this kind of behavior indicates a low level of people’s development, and the employer should think about it. After all, he himself will bear the losses first of all.

Reduced employee performance and all the ensuing consequences. Here's what this could mean for the company.

If you want to get rid of mobbing on behalf of your manager, immediately take a number of measures that will help get rid of this type of entertainment in the team.

There are two types of mobbing – vertical and horizontal.

Vertical is pressure from superiors.

Horizontal is the pressure of a group of people within a team on one person.

All against one: mobbing in the workplace

“Personnel officer. ru", 2012, N 9


Mobbing (from the English mob - crowd) means moral persecution, bullying, public humiliation of a person by members of a certain group. Its manifestations are constant criticism, artificial social isolation, shouting, ridicule, spreading lies and rumors, and negative statements. Both the “white crow” and the most common “black crow” can become a victim of attacks. Typically, the person towards whom aggression is directed feels psychological discomfort, which can quickly develop into severe stress. At work, things most often end in voluntary dismissal. How to recognize mobbing and what to do if you are unexpectedly subjected to such pressure in the workplace?

Thousands of people around the world hate going to work. “I never know where to expect the next trick”, “Today it’s like going into battle again at the office”, “Oh, it would be better if I got sick today” - does this sound familiar? According to survey statistics, every eighth office employee has encountered mobbing in one form or another. However, its existence can be considered normal wherever there is a collective. Many can recall cases of bullying by classmates at school, hazing in the army, quarrels with neighbors, and for some, attacks on the Internet, especially on social networks.

The general public first started talking about the phenomenon of mobbing in the 1970s. after the publication of research by Swedish doctor Peter-Paul Heinemann on aggressive behavior among children towards their peers. A decade later, professor and practicing psychologist Heinz Leimann published his work. It was he who first began to use the concept of mobbing in relation to bullying in the workplace and identified as many as 45 of its variants.

What behavioral manifestations can be considered mobbing? We have already mentioned that these are mainly aggressive statements, manipulation and other actions aimed at humiliating a colleague, creating an inadequate imbalance of power between the aggressors and the victim, and deliberately inflicting psychological trauma. Oddly enough, mobbing can be difficult to recognize. Often, it may seem to the victim that his colleagues have been simply in a bad mood for several days, tired, stressed, etc. In addition, an ideal situation is created for the emergence of feelings of guilt: “It’s me who is doing something wrong, that’s why they don’t want to communicate with me/they’re rude to me.” /they don’t invite you to a meeting.” Due to mixed feelings, uncertainty naturally arises about how to properly react to the situation and how to act further. So, you can consider that you are dealing with mobbing if the following attributes of aggressive behavior are present:

- duration in time;

- regularity of attacks;

— increase in aggression;

- unequal strengths of the parties;

- targeting a specific person.

What are the consequences of mobbing from an organizational point of view? The company suffers losses at the lowest level - they can hardly be tracked. Alarming indicators are an increase in the number of sick days, failure to meet project deadlines, increased staff rotation, lack of motivation and demoralization of workers.

The concepts of mobbing, bullying and bossing are closely related. These very similar words to “-ing” of English origin can mislead the reader, so let us immediately explain what we are talking about. When it comes to bossing, everything is pretty clear from the name. This term refers to “vertical” relationships, when attacks on a subordinate come from management. As for bullying, this is a broader concept than mobbing, rather implying one-on-one aggressive behavior. But in a team, such a conflict rarely goes unnoticed. As a rule, unfolding over time, this process inevitably involves new people who, by choice or in spite of it, find themselves on the side of the instigator and support the desperate pursuit of the victim. Therefore, psychologists often believe that bullying and mobbing are essentially one phenomenon. In this article we will also talk about mobbing-bullying in a broad sense.

The role of animal instincts

Many articles on mobbing note that this term originally described the natural protective behavior of an animal herd, aimed at driving out the enemy. This is true. But then colorful examples usually follow: how a flock of crows attacked an eagle owl, how wild pigs attacked a dog, and how zebras intimidated a leopard. Undoubtedly, among animal psychologists it is precisely this activity of animals that is mobbing in its classical sense.

However, such behavior is associated with the manifestation of interspecific aggression, which serves to preserve the species and is simply necessary for survival. But it is incorrect to transfer examples from the animal world to human relationships. When we talk about mobbing among people, we mean only intraspecific aggression. This is persecution of one’s own kind, because even a white crow does not cease to be one of the flock of birds.

Interspecific and intraspecific processes are wonderfully described in the book “Aggression” by the outstanding Austrian scientist and researcher Konrad Lorenz. One of the founders of evolution also reflected on the origin of aggressive behavior in animals and humans, drawing interesting parallels. He noted that thanks to ethology, he studied the behavior of animals. In particular, over time, humans no longer need to worry about hunger, cold and attacks from wild animals. Then intraspecific selection became a new selection factor, and neighboring tribes began to fight with each other.

Note. “The first time she may have called me Emily simply by mistake, but the second time she certainly did it on purpose. The best way to humiliate and depersonalize a person..."

"The Devil Wears Prada"

Lorenz defined the role of intraspecific aggression as socially organizing. He wrote that each of the individuals living together knows “who is stronger than himself and who is weaker, so that each can retreat before the stronger without a fight - and can expect that the weaker, in turn, will retreat before himself if they will get in each other's way." Thus, intraspecific aggression simultaneously contributes to the construction of a social hierarchy and the coordination of the activities of all layers of the collective. Doesn't sound so bad, right?

But in a socially organized environment, such supposedly natural but unethical behavior is regarded as cruel. Aggression is not welcomed in society, and, fortunately, unlike animals, humans are capable of rational assessment and control of their actions. But why do offenders appear? For what purpose do some employees suddenly begin to spoil relationships in the team, provoke attacks, and how do they choose their “enemy”? Emotional abuse in the workplace has long been a pressing problem for many teams and can affect everyone. This means that we need to talk more about this problem and look for solutions.

Why do they do this?

On the one hand, human behavior depends on many social, personal and biological-psychological factors that determine his readiness for certain reactions. This also applies to readiness for aggressive behavior. But it is impossible to analyze behavior in isolation from environmental factors. After all, on the other hand, the situation can be provocative for the aggressor if, for example, he assesses it as a threat to his security. Thus, the environmental factor is only one of the catalysts that aggravates the situation. In addition, the reasons for aggressive behavior lie within the team, that is, they are associated with the personal characteristics of the people who unleashed psychological terror.

American neurologist Lawrence R. Huntoon drew attention to cases among doctors when doctors were deprived of their licenses due to personal hostility and other reasons completely unrelated to professionalism. As a rule, the final decision on the fate of the “exiled” was made by an entire commission consisting of fellow doctors, but Huntun saw an interesting pattern in cases of dismissal after attacks. He suggested that collective bullying always has an instigator, whose behavior has similar motives to typical hooliganism (aggressive actions directed at another person) and lynching (punishment of an aggressor by a crowd). The author argues that the instigator is usually a person who has achieved power in a certain way and takes pleasure in abusing it. Often the abuser's arrogance hides powerlessness, fear or envy. People who perceive themselves as unsuccessful in some area of ​​life may be inclined to compensate for their feelings by taking advantage of the helplessness of those who cannot resist them.

Now let's turn our attention to Wednesday. Whatever the gaps in the personal and professional life of the offender, there are reasons to talk about a number of situational reasons that trigger the aggressive behavior of the instigator. For example, the victim employee may hold a position in the organization that someone else is applying for, or achieve significant professional success or receive more pronounced recognition for his achievements.

American researchers argue that mobbing most often appears in organizations where work processes are poorly established, the workload among employees is distributed inadequately, and management is inattentive and incompetent. Unfortunately, such a company will not only not help the victim of mobbing, but will even provoke a worsening of the situation. Cases of escalation of conflicts among employees are especially common when there is poor internal communication and a lack of feedback. But unlike school bullies, “offenders” in an organization are forced to take into account corporate rules of behavior, so aggression can be both overt and hidden, very carefully disguised.

Fortunately, the very beginning of mobbing can usually be traced. The attacks usually begin after a conflict breaks out between two people. Instead of settling it with words or meeting each other halfway, the participants make it worse. The situation turns into a hidden form, the competition “I’m right and he’s wrong” begins. The instigator experiences anger and a desire to attack. The unwitting victim, who is a hostage to the situation, is becoming more and more anxious every day.

Severe consequences

Who is most often subject to psychological terror? As a rule, these are quiet and shy people, and also differ in some way from others - race or gender, appearance, sexual orientation, disability, etc. However, as we said earlier, anyone can become a victim of mobbing, and the consequences, alas, may not be the most pleasant, and sometimes even tragic.

Consider again Heinz Leymann's research in the 1980s. It was then that it was found that one of the severe side effects of mobbing could be considered post-traumatic stress disorder. Leymann noted that employees who were exposed to such aggressive influences at work showed similar symptoms to combatants or former prisoners.

The following factors provoke stressful experiences due to mobbing in the workplace:

- lack of control over the aggressor;

- unpredictability of attacks;

- expecting the worst;

- lack of support.

Victims of mobbing are at risk of depressive disorders, burnout syndrome, insomnia, and increased anxiety. There are also consequences in the form of severe personal and family problems, and sometimes deaths, when regular pressure becomes the last straw for a person. People with physical or mental disabilities are at particular risk. Heinz Leymann went even further in his research and determined that about 15% of suicides in Sweden are somehow related to mobbing in organizations.

In addition, it is known that prolonged and regular stress causes psychosomatic diseases. There are a number of somatic disorders that emotional persecution can lead to. Unfortunately, there are many of them: chronic fatigue, digestive problems, weight loss or gain, decreased immunity, the need for alcohol and drugs.

Get out of the vicious circle

In any form, mobbing can exist as long as all its participants allow. What strategies can you use to counteract bullies if you suddenly realize that you are a victim? First, you need to understand that what is happening to you has a name, and this is a comprehensively studied and, moreover, normal process. This is the result of not only your activities. And, truth be told, you wouldn't be able to improve much if you could turn back time.

To begin with, depending on the situation, it is worth making a decision about the rationality of further actions or inaction. Is it even possible to stop the flow of aggression at this stage? What consequences will this have for you? Try to comprehensively assess the situation at the moment. Who is ready to help you? It may be worth discussing this situation with someone you trust, as a third-party sound assessment can be very helpful.

People who are able to easily defend their personal boundaries and enter into open disputes should behave with offenders in a more restrained but confident manner. Having felt that they can get a rebuff from you, the mobber most likely will not want to continue - at least, stick to the previous strategy. It is very likely that a new, more sophisticated way of influencing you will be invented. But why live in constant anxious anticipation and search for a catch? Sometimes it is useful to at least temporarily close your eyes to what is happening, because a philosophical, calm attitude to the situation is also an excellent way out.

But it is unlikely that a quiet and compliant victim will be ready to immediately change his attitudes, traditional views and methods of interaction. For such a person, there is an excellent gentle option of action - first turn to management for help, and it is best not with complaints, but with constructive suggestions. Then, most likely, the necessary steps will be taken to resolve the conflict. But, given the ambiguity of the situation, in which management, as a rule, is indirectly or directly involved in psychological terror, an employee in such an organization is practically deprived of help and is left alone with his stress. When mobbing is ignored, tolerated or misinterpreted, it is easier for the victim to quit than to seek justice.

If you nevertheless decide to start the fight “one against all”, think about whether the game is worth the candle. It is unlikely that a true careerist should remain in an organization where the paths to further growth are blocked, and remarkable efforts will be required to overcome psychological discomfort. Therefore, sometimes it is better to focus on yourself and leave on time. The final decision, of course, will be yours, but among psychologists, opinions agree: no workplace can be more valuable than peace of mind.

S. Tsarenko


Signed for seal



If we delve into the origin of this word, we will see that mobbing comes from the English word “tomob”, which means to attack in a crowd or surround. If we take the animal world, then there is interspecies collective struggle. That is, this is a genetic phenomenon. Using the example of crows, collectively attacking a potential enemy, such as a cat or a passerby. But in humans, this type of influence manifests itself within the species, do you think this is good or bad? Terror or bullying in a team does not lead to the most pleasant consequences.

Colleagues with weaker personalities may succumb to peer pressure

In Russia, the attitude to this issue is not so serious, but in Europe, the attitude is different - if a person was subjected to such an attack by other employees, then the employer pays a lot of money as compensation to the victim. There are even special clinics where treatment is carried out.


Mobbing is a type of emotional abuse, along with bullying.

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They even write books on this topic, for example, the book “Violence at Work” was published in 1998. It makes comparisons on the same level as robbery and rape.

The very consequences of mobbing will primarily affect human health – both mental and physical. Therefore, you need to take this seriously. Otherwise, this can lead to nervous breakdowns, depression, disorientation in society and other more serious consequences.

All diseases are caused by nerves, according to experienced specialists, and often people who are subjected to such emotional attacks are constantly on sick leave. This is due to the weakening of the immune system, which in turn is weakened due to constant neurosis.

The consequences of abuse can be more serious than self-doubt or depression

At the same time, labor productivity falls and relationships within the team suffer.

It's up to you to decide whether you need it or not. Whether you are a leader, a victim of mobbing, or a mobber himself.

Mobbing fee

In 1991, Brady Wilson, a clinical psychologist who specializes in treating work-related psychological trauma, wrote in Personnel Journal (now Workforce Magazine) that “psychological abuse of workers has resulted in the loss of billions of dollars. Psychological trauma received at work as a result of mobbing is a more destructive factor for the employee and employer than all other work-related stresses combined.” The actual losses, which are expressed in reduced productivity, medical care and litigation costs, not to mention the socio-psychological consequences, have yet to be calculated. Dr. Harvey Hornstein, a professor at Teachers College at Columbia University who works in the social psychology of organizations, estimates in his book Brutal Bosses and Their Prey that as many as 20 million Americans experience mistreatment at work each day. day, and it’s time to talk about the epidemic.

How to deal with mobbing?

And now we come to the most important thing: how to resist mobbing? And how to deal with it?

First of all, you need to understand the reason itself. Without understanding the reason, we can knock on a concrete wall for many years. I think this is clear to everyone.

If this is mobbing in an organization, then try to look at it from the outside, how it all started and what mistakes were made by the victim. If these were jokes, at first harmless, and then stronger and stronger, then here you need to first of all, first accept it, try to laugh together, and then also joke in response. Since the team likes it, then why not give it what it wants. But everything needs to be played out with sarcasm and irony.

Secondly, you need to accept this and build a plan in your head, preferably for short, medium and long periods of time. Try to assess your capabilities, what you can do, and whether you are ready to fight back. If the situation is critical, then of course it is better to change jobs. As a rule, this phenomenon is not common in prestigious jobs. Since we are all civilized people, and ridicule of weaker people is a sign of a narrow mind.

If such problems arise, it is necessary to take steps to counter such behavior of others

As they say, everything is in our head, and we are capable of anything, we just have to want it!

As my uncle told me as a child:

“People fly into space, but you can’t solve the equation...”

I think this is from the same series.

Try to prove yourself through actions that are worthy of respect.

At school, one of the easiest ways to get rid of mobbing is the planned action of a classmate who has a good reputation in the class. If he stands up for a student who is under pressure, he will only be respected more, and the bullying of the victim will also stop. Because it’s hard to fight back alone, because bullying is a collective influence.

Block 2. Mobbing. Responsibility.

2.1. Start of mobbing.

Mobbing at the initial stage is a form of hidden conflict, when the TARGET tries to “release the brakes” on a threatening situation, naively believing that an aggressive attack is a short-term act caused by certain reasons in the past, for example, someone “touched a nerve” , or fears for the future!

The TARGET's failure to start mobbing against itself is already a mistake!

The sooner an adequate and strong response to mobbers arises from the TARGETS, the higher the likelihood of mobbing fading or at least fixing it at the current stage without moving into a critical mode, when physical violence is already possible.

The later the fight against mobbers begins, the worse the consequences for the target and the lower the likelihood of exiting a conflict situation without significant mental and reputational losses.

Many TARGETs, without immediately offering resistance, believe that senior management, not involved in mobbing, is able to figure it out and cut off the mobbers, thereby saving the situation and those being attacked, simply because conflicts in an organization are always bad for the organization itself. This illusion of TARGETS can cost them dearly. Not understanding the structure of motives, desires, interests of senior superiors and throwing off responsibility for the fact that for some reason they have become TARGETS is a sign of infantilism, lack of education in matters of social and personal psychology.

The article “Is Desire in Psychology? Wonder what it is? What is the difference?"

The article “Is this a motive in psychology? Is motivation in psychology?

A person must be aware that if he has become a target of mobbing, then he is directly responsible for what happened yesterday, for what is happening now and for events in the future!

2.2. Responsibility of the TARGET for the cause of mobbing.

The TARGET is responsible for the fact that he (s) became the cause of the mobbing. The beauty of the target woman in mobbing with sexual overtones is the reason. The unattractiveness of the target woman is also a reason!

I believe that some will disagree with this statement. But note that in the vast majority of cases, a corpse, with the exception of extremely rare pathologies, does not evoke a desire to mock. If a living person looks and behaves like “half-alive, half-dead,” then the likelihood of becoming a target is negligible, since there are much more interesting characters around for mobbing.

This does not at all mean a call to be “the living dead” as a vaccine against mobbing!

This implies the fact that every strong-willed person can turn out to be a “weed” for other strong-willed people who decide to “weed the bed of life”!

No one is immune from avoiding the fate of becoming a TARGET due to various circumstances. Sometimes it’s enough just to join a new team and for that reason alone become a TARGET for mobbing for the “old guys” in conditions of “hazing”!

2.3. The TARGET's responsibility for the future.

The TARGET is responsible for how the situation will unfold further! What losses will be suffered, what damage will be caused!

2.4. The TARGET's responsibility for the fight.

The TARGET is responsible for how the confrontation will be organized! It is important for TARGET to understand that “saving drowning people is the work of the drowning people themselves”!

You should not wait for help from wise leaders, or the suddenly awakened conscience of mobbers, or faithful comrades, or good circumstances, such as luck!

Practical tips:

  1. If there is pressure from management, run away from this “sharazhka”, you don’t need such a workplace;
  2. If there is pressure from other employees, look at the situation to see if you can cope with it, fight back, find an ally, or commit an act that will turn the situation around;
  3. At school - identify the instigator, assess the situation, if you can do it yourself, then punish using your own method;
  4. If you don’t succeed on your own, then agree with a person from the class to help you, he will only gain from this, he will be respected more, and they will stop terrorizing you.

Competent ability to manage the behavior of other people helps to achieve great success in life and career

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