Essay “Difficulties in professional work, how I overcome them”

We learn to answer questions about career failures and setbacks in such a way as not to reduce the chance of getting a position.

Questions about mistakes at previous jobs cause a lot of problems for job seekers. It is not often asked during interviews, so rarely does anyone prepare answers. As a result, when an HR manager nevertheless asks to talk about the biggest failure in their career, candidates are confused, silent, or get off with general phrases and jokes.

Trying to get out will not lead to anything good. After all, an experienced HR person will always identify the falsity in such an answer, and you risk giving the impression of a frivolous and insincere person or being refused. But the ability to admit your mistakes, analyze them and the willingness to honestly talk about it will show that you are a professional and mature person.

Admitting your mistake does not mean labeling yourself a failure. Consider, for example, how many great discoveries scientists have made through experiments in which something went wrong. But how can you turn defeat into victory? will tell you.

Why does the recruiter ask this question?

HR officers do not ask about professional failures in order to torment candidates or find black spots in their work history. You may be surprised, but the HR manager does not expect perfection from you. After all, everyone knows: only those who do nothing make no mistakes.

Objectives of the question:

  • Find out about the applicant's past experience.
  • Understand whether he knows how to admit his mistakes and learn from them.
  • Assess whether he is prone to self-criticism.
  • Determine what it means to make mistakes and achieve success in his mind.

Career Stages – How to overcome challenges at work

“The road can be mastered by the one who walks...” Disputes have been going on for decades about who is the author of this phrase. Although this is not so important. Another important thing is what meaning is hidden in it. For each of us this is something deeply personal. For some, these are health-related problems, for others, the main issue was their personal life, and for others, and there are many of them, career stages. On this path, a purposeful person stops at nothing. Rest, personal life, communication with friends, children, parents - everything is relegated to the background. Usually, at first a person tries to be on time everywhere, and then work becomes the dominant factor. But, even in this case, a person finds an excuse for himself, which lies in the fact that for some more time he devotes himself entirely to work, and then the long-awaited position is in his hands. And then it will be possible to relax, travel, and enjoy communicating with loved ones. And then one, far from wonderful day, a situation arises when such a familiar path to a career comes to a dead end. Someone else, smarter or luckier, comes along and takes the position that the person has been striving for all his life, overcoming many difficulties at work . What to do in a situation when it seems like you have no strength left. Few people in such a situation can say that they are not familiar with the feelings of grief, fear and panicked helplessness. Most people fall into depression, from which it is very difficult to get out. But, under any circumstances, you need to continue your path, including your career path. This is the law of life.

How to overcome the difficulties of moving up the career ladder

• First of all, you need to calm down and pull yourself together. After all, a temporary stop is not the end of the road, and the problems that arise should be considered a fleeting obstacle.

• You should not bring negative emotions home, since home has always been considered a place of relaxation and it should be associated with positive emotions.

• You can’t think about your problems all the time, much less complain about them to your loved ones and colleagues. If, nevertheless, there is a need to discuss certain difficulties, then this should be done with the sole purpose of finding a way out of the current situation.

• You need to believe in yourself and very sincerely imagine yourself working in the long-awaited position.

• In order to be ready for a promotion, you need to constantly improve professionally, strive to acquire new knowledge, be able to analyze it and extract something useful for yourself. It would also be useful to observe the work style of your competitors; there is also something to learn from them.

• Maximum optimization of working time and targeted planning of your production activities will provide the opportunity to learn as effectively as possible.

• It is necessary to concentrate on the main goal. Often, in an effort to stand out among his employees and become “irreplaceable,” a person takes on many responsibilities that he should not perform. The result will be physical and mental stress. People in this state simply “burn out.”

• You need not to be scattered, but to become a professional in your chosen direction. After achieving the goal, you can outline new career stages in your activities and begin to achieve success in them.

• Determination and ability to bring what has been started to completion and be firmly convinced that the next task should be taken on only if the previous one has been completed.

An active lifestyle should become a way of life. Overcoming difficulties, people become stronger. “The road will be mastered by the one who walks...”

How not to answer a question about failures

Most often, job seekers, when asked to tell about their biggest mistake at work, become confused and fall silent. If you haven't prepared your answer in advance, take a deep breath and ask for a few minutes to think. Think, speak, but under no circumstances remain silent .

Do not claim that you have an impeccable career , you have never made mistakes and have succeeded in all positions you have held. The answer seems neutral, but from the recruiter's point of view, you failed miserably. This shows that you:

  • you don’t know how to critically evaluate yourself;
  • never took responsibility or took decisive action;
  • your failure story is very serious and you don’t want to make it public.

A story about a funny incident from the life of your household or a funny thing that happened to you on vacation is also a bad option for an answer. Jokes in this case are inappropriate.

Requests for help Write your story Hello! I've been thinking about suicide for the last couple of months. The fact is that I don’t have a profession at the moment, I’m constantly stressed and on edge, I have health problems. I haven’t worked for a year and a half now, I stay at home with my husband. We moved to Minsk from Moscow, and it so happened that my life here went downhill, my work here is not working out, I am an accountant by training and I cannot use my education in this country. I would become a programmer to get a job in Minsk, but I don’t have the intelligence to understand all this. I completely lost myself in Belarus. I really want to go back home to live in Moscow, where I worked, but my husband has a good, well-paid job in Minsk, and he doesn’t want to come back. I can’t live without him, but it turns out that I am completely dependent on my husband and if he leaves me, I will be left with nothing, without a profession, without everything. I can’t help but work anymore, I have a long break, after which it’s unclear who will hire me. Constant quarrels and swearing with my husband. Now I have health problems due to nervousness, there is no guarantee of getting pregnant. Support the site:

Alexandra, age: 25 / 01/05/2020


Hello Alexandra, living in constant stress leads to depression, and this is already a disease. So you urgently need to get out of a stressful situation, you ask how? You can make money on the Internet, especially if you can work from home. So you need to calm down and start thinking positively, negativity ruins life. There is a very good book, the Bible, that teaches you how to live and calms your nerves. For many people, reading this book has changed their lives for the better, and do not forget that your creator, God, loves you. Try asking Him for help, what do you have to lose if you are already contemplating suicide. I am sure you will get answers to your problems. Good luck in life and find an interesting job.

Ivan, age: 53 / 01/05/2020

Good evening. I realized that you are dependent on your spouse in the relationship itself, because you are afraid that he will leave you. Is he afraid that you might leave him? Your husband, as a man, sees his responsibility for his family and wants material wealth for it. On the other hand, you, in Moscow you have a good job and prospects, but in Minsk there is only depression. My friend also took his young wife to another, but distant city. His wife didn’t like it there, but his work there was very nice and stable, but he returned with her to the city from which they left. Don’t quarrel with your husband, talk calmly and discuss. Let him help you find a job or can he help him find a good job in Moscow? If the problem cannot be solved, do not ruin yourself and you can go to Moscow, for example, to see your parents or other relatives. Your thoughts will come into order. Suicide is not the answer. Suicide is something after which there is no way out. We are in this world once. We lose something and gain something. You are an expectant mother. Don't you want to see how your future baby falls asleep and wakes up? See his first steps? When the Soviet Union collapsed, millions of people at once lost not only their jobs, but their professions were no longer in demand. Now we can work from anywhere on the planet. Why don’t you hire Russian companies (and maybe Belarusian ones) for accounting services via the Internet. Many cannot afford a full-time accountant, but outsourcing is affordable. Good luck to you!

Oleg, age: 26 / 01/05/2020

Hello. Dear Alexandra, do not be discouraged. Once you have moved, try to get a job in a new place, look for any job, maybe not in your specialty. Pray for the work of St. Tryphon. Don’t quarrel with your husband; quarrels and shouting won’t solve anything! Take vitamins and antidepressants as prescribed. I wish you success. Peace and goodness to your family.

Irina, age: 32 / 01/06/2020

Hello, Alexandra! Since you moved to Minsk from Moscow, you first need to get comfortable, explore this city and get used to it. Then try to find a job that you like. But you don’t need to live in constant stress. And argue less with your husband. I wish you success. Hugs to you, Alexandra.

Alexander, age: 23 / 01/07/2020

Hello, Alexandra. Suicide is not a way out of the word “at all” for many reasons; the entire history of mankind does not speak, but shouts about it. There is an incredibly huge amount of evidence that life after death exists, there is material on the website, there are stories of survivors after attempts There are great chances of becoming disabled, greatly complicating your further earthly life, but still this is much better than death after an attempt, the fate of a suicide in eternity is very terrible according to the main religions and testimonies people after clinical death, in comparison with it, any earthly suffering, even the most terrible, is nothing, a moment. The fate of the relatives of a suicide is hell already during earthly life, many cannot stand it, they leave behind. In the fight against suicidal thoughts (there is a whole section of the website about them, the Sacraments of the Church (Confession, Communion) and prayer are the best help. Please talk to an Orthodox priest about how to prepare for them and start living with God, also ask for prayers for yourself and advice. Much of the material I have proposed relates to issues of faith, which not everyone wants to discuss or even think about, but it is not difficult to understand for yourself that God exists; it is difficult to accept; pride does not allow you to understand. Professor A.I. Osipov claims that mathematicians have calculated the mathematical probability that a living cell was accidentally born in a chemical broth during the process of evolution and it is equal to one chance of a completely astronomical figure, absolute zero! What then can we say about a person in whom the most complex physical, chemical, mental and spiritual processes operate? And about all living things, which exist with amazing intelligence both independently and in relation to each other. Except for man, of course, because only man is given freedom of choice. And freedom is both a great gift and a great danger of mistakes, which we all regularly and “successfully” make. What is conscience in each of us? Where is it located and why does it convict us when we make mistakes. The more a person leans toward evil, the less he hears her, why? Other physicists argue that all organic and inorganic matter, including macro-objects of space, are subject to the same laws. Who created these laws? What kind of Reason controls all this intelligence? Atheism says that “nature” is soulless and unreasonable, and why not God? Why does atheism believe in chance, because chance is stupid and unpredictable, and isn’t there too much chance at a time for at least one living cell, not to mention more? Atheism is also a faith, but it has nothing in its arsenal, absolute zero, except for the proud “there is no God,” including from some people with academic degrees in various fields of science who have nothing to do with religion, while the majority do not who even bothered to read the Bible. On the Internet in the public domain there are lectures by Professor A.I. Osipov in audio, video, printed format, in much more detail, with a much greater quantity and quality of arguments and facts, you can start with the lectures “Religion and Atheism” if you want. Very reasoned and accessible. It’s not easy for you to leave home, but suicide is definitely not a solution. If your husband wants to provide for you, this is quite normal for the family, because sooner or later you will want to become a mother, and there is nothing higher than this calling for a woman. Profession and knowledge are secondary... but the truth is, provided that the rear is reliable, I agree with you. But can you build a family life on mistrust? In any case, it is necessary to calmly and consistently solve problems; I think homesickness plays a significant role in your condition. Try not to quarrel with your husband, it is also not easy for him in this situation, because he is primarily responsible for the financial situation of the family and it is completely understandable if he defends this position. Please hang in there, look for a job, something you enjoy. Helping someone who is worse than you can help you solve your problems, spiritual laws very often work regardless of whether we believe in them or not, goodness tends to return to its source. God help you!

Vitaly, age: about 50 / 01/22/2020

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How to answer questions about failure

Anything is possible, and during the interview you will be asked questions about your strengths and weaknesses, where you see yourself in 5 years, but they will not ask you at all about career mistakes. But it is better to be prepared for such a turn of events. Therefore, the story about the mistake and the conclusions that it taught you needs to be thought out in advance. So, let's begin.

Choose a “good” mistake

You need to talk only about real failures; there is no place for fiction here. But it’s not worth talking about all the mistakes in a row and their scale.

Tell the story briefly and clearly

Your story about career failure should not drag on for long. Try to describe the situation briefly, explain why everything went wrong in the task entrusted to you. Dwell in more detail on the culmination of the event, namely, how you saved the day and dealt with this or that problem.

Share your findings

The story should end with the conclusions you learned from it, with examples of how the experience gained was useful in the implementation of other projects. You can base this part of the story on answers to questions like these:

  • What did the mistake teach me?
  • What conclusions did I draw?
  • How did the situation help me avoid failures in the future?

End your answer on a positive note.


My first professional failure occurred when I held the position of office manager in a large company. I had to order four printers, arrange for their delivery, and make sure they worked properly. But when the courier delivered the order, I was too busy to check each printer, so I checked only one and signed that I received a working device. But it turned out that three other printers did not work.

As a result, it took a very long time to prove to the supplier that they were initially faulty. At the same time, they did not replace our equipment with new ones, but fixed the problem with the purchased one. It took two weeks. The management was extremely dissatisfied with my work. And I came to the conclusion that you always need to carefully check every little detail, since a minor mistake can stop the work of an entire department.

After realizing this simple truth, such failures no longer happened in my practice.

The issue of career failures is a tricky one, and they always require special preparation. Therefore, recommends preparing witty answers in advance and practicing. Practicing an interview may seem like an empty and ridiculous activity that distracts you from your job search, but believe me, candidates who pay special attention to it get the best job offers.

Damage to work: how to identify and remove it

Damage is an energy impact that is deliberately carried out by enemies to cause harm. One of the most common ways of negative influence is considered to be damage to work.

Most often, the presence of damage is felt intuitively. A person who has been negatively influenced begins to feel discomfort, his mood plummets, scandals become more frequent, and troubles follow on his heels.

Every person experiences difficulties at work from time to time. However, problems caused by spoilage are not solved. Life turns into one continuous black stripe, devoid of gaps. Not all people believe in the occult, but when the vortex of negativity draws in, skepticism disappears. It is important to take action in time, and most importantly, to understand if you are damaged and how to remove it.

Damage to work: what is it and who benefits from it?

Nobody likes someone else's success, but some people take it too far. Envy pushes them to take a serious step - no, not to improve their financial situation, but to try to ruin the life of another, more successful person.

Any damage is a kind of ritual action, supported by a strong energy message. This is done by ill-wishers, envious people, enemies, or knowledgeable people who are approached for this. The purpose of damage is to send a curse, destroy a person, ruin his life. Who benefits from this? Yes to any person who is annoyed by your happiness. Why damage to work? Because a lot in our lives depends on work: self-realization, financial well-being and, as a result, health and family relationships. Problems at work naturally lead to difficulties in all other areas.

How to determine if you are damaged

Troubles happen, and that's okay. It's not normal when nothing but trouble happens in your life. To find out for yourself whether you are affected by the loss of your job, you should analyze your condition. There is a list of main signs that indicate that your road is being deliberately blocked:

  • you were suddenly fired from your job;
  • when trying to find a new job, you are constantly rejected for no reason;
  • you constantly change one job to another, because you cannot stay anywhere for long;
  • you have a job that you are not passionate about;
  • at work everything goes badly: you are constantly fined, reprimanded, wages are delayed, deals are broken;
  • you experience a change in mood - depression, anger, melancholy, insomnia;
  • noticeable deterioration in health - exhaustion, excess weight problems, hair loss, pain in muscles and joints;
  • loved ones refuse to support you, although you have never noticed this in them before;
  • money slips through your fingers, even after your salary it doesn’t stay with you;
  • you are constantly in conflict;
  • you are experiencing stress that cannot be relieved.

In addition to everything that bothers you every day, you also find strange objects at work:

  • needles, pins stuck into tables, door frames, baseboards;
  • pieces of rusty iron;
  • balls of hair, thread, wool;
  • piles of earth or sand at the doorsteps or near the table;
  • other suspicious items that you or your colleagues have not noticed before.

If several of the listed signs occur frequently in your life, there is a high probability that you are being damaged. Try to protect your life, because many conspiracies can be carried out without special skills.

How to remove damage to work

Before you move on to the ritual of removing damage, you need to understand that damage is primarily a clot of low-frequency negative energy. Any negative energy can be suppressed or neutralized with inner strength. Your strength is positive energy, or the energy of love. Instead of sending back curses, forgive the insults. Don't be like these people: sooner or later envy will eat them up from the inside. Every evil done to another always comes back - these are the laws of the Universe. Wish the envious person happiness.

Ritual of removing spoilage with salt. This is the best, and most importantly, reliable and effective ritual that can neutralize other people’s interference. Salt has not only healing properties - it is actively used in magic, because it can absorb any negative energy.

To remove spoilage, it is best to use coarse white salt. A small handful is enough for you. No one should disturb you during the ritual. Take a saucer and throw salt into it, then say the spell:

“Forgive everyone who I accidentally offended, who I annoyed, who I insulted. I ask (your name) for forgiveness from myself too. Magic salt, take away everything bad from my life, sanctify it and cleanse me. No sooner said than done".

After reading the spell, wash the salt from the saucer with running water. The ritual should be performed every three days for a month. True, sometimes several times are enough.

To protect yourself from negative energy from the outside, you should strengthen your biofield and attract as much pure and positive energy into your life as possible. Your energy is your strength. As long as it is weak, you are at risk. It is difficult to resist the attacks of envious people if you constantly think about the negative. It's time to practice positive thinking more often and become stronger. We wish you success,

Essay “Difficulties in professional work, how I overcome them”

Nadezhda Beresneva

Essay “Difficulties in professional work, how I overcome them”

Significant innovative changes are taking place in the educational space of modern Russian society. Their goal is to increase the competitiveness of Russian education and the social and innovative potential of society as a whole. And this role mainly falls on the shoulders of young specialists.

working as a teacher in January of this year. Starting my teaching career, I found myself in a new social and professional environment , in new modes of mental and physical stress, in a new sphere of relationships and interaction. In this regard, I set myself several tasks: to find optimal options for interaction with all participants in the educational educational process; skillfully apply the knowledge and practical skills acquired in a pedagogical educational institution.

Our kindergarten uses a systematic approach to improve the professional competence of young specialists, this allows them to quickly adapt to work , avoid moments of self-doubt, establish successful communication with all participants in the educational process, create motivation for further self-education, and reveal their individuality.

The social and professional adaptation of a young teacher is complicated by some difficulties, and I am no exception. I lacked knowledge on how to properly draw up a work and a long-term plan, but thanks to my mentor and senior teacher, I managed to cope with this problem. Since I am not a preschool education teacher with a diploma, all theoretical knowledge, including changes due to the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, I had to fill these knowledge gaps by studying pedagogical literature and attending professional training . I also didn’t have enough knowledge on early childhood development (I had to study psychological and pedagogical literature)

I overcame thanks to persistent efforts and desire to learn this profession .
After all, as G. Spencer said: “In the matter of education, the process of self-development should be given the widest place. Humanity has developed most successfully only through self-education.” Perhaps the most important difficulty in work was and remains responsibility for the younger generation. They say that learning is hard, but fighting is easy, but this is not always the case. You can write notes, essays, pass all exams with excellent marks; but when you first find yourself in a group of children with whom you have to work , you realize that the real difficulties are yet to come. Now your work will be assessed not by teachers - almost by colleagues - but by young children and their parents, and this is a much more demanding public. Each lesson needs to be carefully prepared, sometimes even rehearsed several times. It is necessary to quickly understand which of the guys is capable of what and what they are interested in, what their character is, and how to present them with knowledge. Experience is what allows a good teacher to work well with children . Sometimes you need to cope with difficult children, sometimes you need to come up with a new interesting event. These tasks require a creative approach, which allows you to find an individual approach to children. Willpower and determination support the beginning teacher on his difficult path of gaining experience and becoming a specialist.

When children participate in the educational process with interest, when they apply the knowledge they have acquired, you involuntarily feel proud. And for yourself, as a teacher, and for the children, as gifted little people who, thanks to you, learned something new and interesting. There is also such a very special feeling that you experience when you see how children enthusiastically tell their parents about the knowledge they gained during the day and the adventures that happened. This feeling of pride for “our own”

children, because during the time spent with the group, you learn so much about your little charges that you involuntarily begin to treat them as your own.

The longer I work as a teacher , the more convinced I am of the correctness of the decision made. In addition to performing the educational and educational parts of my work , I also try to be a friend to every child in the group. Children are interested in communicating with an adult on an equal basis, and adults could, when communicating with children, remember themselves at their age. Childlike spontaneity and an endless thirst for knowledge about an as yet undiscovered world... Growing up, we forget about those wonderful years that will never return. However, communicating with children allows you to feel younger, learn something new about yourself, and remember long-forgotten old things. It is difficult to imagine a profession that influences the future of society more than a teacher, and I will try to meet high standards in order to justify the responsibility assigned to me along with the position

to say that work is an everyday holiday; nevertheless, we deal with different characters every day. It can also be very difficult. Sometimes you just give up, but as soon as the child smiles at you and that’s it, you understand that you simply cannot betray them.

Every morning when I come to work I see the eyes of my children. In some - wariness, in others - interest, in others - reliability, in others - indifference. How different they are! Everyone has their own idea, their own special world that cannot be destroyed, which needs help to open up.

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