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Three Ps or Principles of Proper Nutrition

It's no secret that a beautiful figure is the result of not only hard training, but also proper nutrition.

With any physical activity, the human body must receive the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins, minerals and water. Proper nutrition not only provides the body with energy for intense training, but also promotes rapid recovery.

In this article we will look at the basic principles of proper nutrition and hope that this will help you in the fight for beauty and health.

To understand a proper diet, you need to know the chemical composition of the foods we eat. The main components of any product are fats, proteins and carbohydrates.


- play a huge role in the functioning of our body and are necessary for a healthy diet. But it is important to control the quantity and quality of fats supplied with food. A large amount of fat leads to weight gain and poor health. But a lack of fat also contributes to poor absorption of vitamins and improper production of hormones. That is why you should not reduce your fat intake below the physiological norm.


. An important component of food, which serves in the construction of muscles, skin, nerve cells, and is involved in the synthesis of hormones, enzymes and blood. The human body breaks down proteins into many amino acids, each of which has its own functions. Excess protein is harmless to humans, but it does not bring any benefit either. Excess protein turns into either carbohydrates or fat.


- the main source of energy in the body. Carbohydrates are divided into complex (starch) and simple (glucose and fructose). Excessive consumption of simple carbohydrates leads to excess weight, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. That is why healthy eating involves a complete or partial abstinence from sweets.

Having briefly familiarized yourself with the functions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is not difficult to understand that they are all important for the proper functioning of the human body. But it is important to consume these components in the right quantities. In dietetics, there are general recommendations on the norm and ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but you need to understand that these norms are conditional and very individual for each person, depending on his physical characteristics, lifestyle and desire to achieve certain results from training.

In addition to the correct ratio of the necessary components in the diet, there are several recommendations for a proper nutrition system. Let's look at each of them point by point.

Variety in the menu

Diversity in food must be constantly created. A properly formulated diet should include all food groups to provide the body with the necessary microelements and vitamins. For example, dairy products are rich in protein and calcium. Cereals and grains are rich in fiber and B vitamins. Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A and C, and potassium. In addition to a variety of vitamins, fruits contain simple carbohydrates in the form of sugars. But it is worth remembering that a varied diet is not about indulging your taste preferences, but about the need to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

Calorie content

Maintaining the required calorie intake is one of the basic rules of healthy eating. Our body spends a lot of energy to ensure its vital functions. The number of calories needed for this varies from person to person; it all depends on age, weight and height, as well as the level of physical activity. To calculate this norm, there are special formulas that nutritionists successfully use. Once you know how many calories your body burns, you can adjust your diet to suit your goals. To maintain weight, it is enough to consume exactly as many calories as your body requires. To lose weight, calorie intake should be reduced by 20-30%. But any restrictions must be reasonable and well thought out so as not to harm your health. Drastically cutting calories in your diet can slow your metabolism and break down muscle tissue.

Meal frequency

We often hear that you need to eat little and often. This is the main principle of healthy eating. This diet allows you to saturate the body evenly, avoiding overeating and increases the speed of metabolic processes. The optimal ratio of meals: 3 main meals and two snacks. It's best if your snacks are rich in protein (dairy products) and fiber (fruits and vegetables). Uniform saturation of the body also eliminates the feeling of hunger, which helps not to break down during the period of restrictions and adjustments in nutrition.

Water balance

For good functioning of the body and proper absorption of all necessary microelements and vitamins, it is necessary to maintain the required water balance. Any loss of fluid in the body can lead to serious disorders and slowdown of metabolism. It is recommended for an adult to drink at least 2 liters of liquid, it is better if the majority of this volume is clean drinking water. There is no need to wait until you feel thirsty; just take a few sips of water every 20 minutes. If it is difficult for you to drink regular water, you can resort to a little trick and add a little lemon or lime juice to it, this will give the water an aroma and a light flavor.

Full breakfast

Having breakfast every morning is the basis of proper nutrition. It is breakfast that starts metabolic processes in the body and prevents you from overeating during the day. If you had a full breakfast, then by the next meal you will not be very hungry and will eat less than usual. It happens that in the morning you don’t feel like eating at all, in which case try to have dinner earlier. During the night, the body will have time to digest the evening food and in the morning you will be hungry. Also, gymnastics and contrast showers help improve morning appetite; they help the body “wake up”. When choosing breakfast foods, give preference to dairy products, cereals and vegetables. They are high in protein, complex carbohydrates and fiber.

Food culture

Every meal should be enjoyable. You should not eat food on the go, swallowing quickly. You need to eat slowly. There is an opinion that before swallowing a particular product, a person should make at least 20 chewing movements. This will allow the stomach to prepare for food intake and give the brain a signal that the body is full. If you are tired, do not start eating right away, rest a little. While eating, do not think about problems, work and affairs, try to remember the pleasant moments of your life.

These are just the basics of proper nutrition. But for many of us, it will take some effort to get used to these simple rules. It takes time for changes in diet to become a habit and for you to see the long-awaited results!

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The principle of the three “P”s of Russian school food suppliers

Katerina Zhukova 02/03/2017 09:57

Nutrition, usefulness and transparency are the three “p” components of the nutrition of metropolitan schoolchildren. According to employees of Moscow educational institutions, they successfully managed to implement these principles through the introduction of outsourcing.

Having appreciated the advantages of this approach, the regions followed the example of Muscovites. People tend to believe not other people's words, but their own eyes and taste buds. Therefore, large food factories that provide food to children's institutions organize excursions with tastings, during which parents can see how and from what products food is prepared for schoolchildren and kindergarteners, and try the resulting dishes. Thus, in Volgograd over the past six months, several preschool educational institutions have switched to outsourcing. Kindergarten No. 30 organized an open day, to which employees of the food service company were invited. Parents could learn first-hand about all the features of cooking and the quality of the products used. To completely dispel all doubts, they were offered to try several dishes that the children were fed that day: noodle soup, beets stewed in sour cream, and buckwheat with vegetables and cutlets. By all accounts, the experiment was a success. And one of the guests even took the opportunity and asked the chefs for a recipe for cottage cheese casserole, which causes special delight among kindergarten students. Often these tastings are attended by public figures and culinary experts from large restaurant chains. Thus, at school No. 25 in Khimki near Moscow, in addition to parents, a chef from one of the large restaurants was invited to evaluate the new menu. Having tasted the first and second courses, as well as salads and pastries, the guru awarded the caterers the highest praise. In turn, culinary experts noted that they do not intend to stop there, and Caesar and Greek salads will soon appear on the school menu. But in Moscow, these dishes have been delighting schoolchildren for a long time. Suppliers pay special attention to the variety of menus for their little clients, so they are convinced that they never get bored with food from the canteen. All food is prepared under sterile conditions and undergoes special heat treatment, due to which it retains all its beneficial properties for a long time. These processes are carried out under the constant supervision of nutritionists, Rospotrebnadzor and the parent community. Tastings and excursions to factories in Moscow are held every month. In particular, one of them took place at the end of January at the State Capital Gymnasium on Belozerskaya, 12. According to employees of the educational institution, the quality of each menu item is assessed monthly by a screening commission consisting of a representative of the plant responsible for food at the school and a nurse. All wishes are entered in a special journal, then a second tasting is carried out, and only after the signature of each member of the commission is the dish entered into the menu. Needless to say, the parent community who attended the tasting was ultimately very pleased.

1.Systematic development and improvement of acquired skills

Both in work and in hobbies, you need to constantly practice systematically, or rather incessantly. Even if you have worked out certain patterns and learned a skill, don’t stop and develop it further. Don’t think that I already completely master this, that I no longer need to develop. There are no boundaries for perfection . If you no longer have equals, do not stop developing in any case.

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3.Set a goal

You must have a clear understanding and idea of ​​what you want to achieve today: earn more, come up with a new idea that can move you and your business forward, get out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Any successful person who runs his own business must plan and know specifically what he wants to achieve. If you do not have these principles laid down, you need to make sure that they appear in your life until you understand that you have plans, full dedication to your occupation and are ready to constantly develop, despite even the most severe defeats that , as a result, will help you become more experienced and stronger.

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