Making a wish map: forming wishes for 2021 correctly!

In this article we will tell you about the wish map for 2021, or more precisely, how to correctly make a wish card so that it fulfills all your dreams, and the rules for drawing it up. This is the personification of our thoughts that are transferred to paper. Let our advice help you create the right message for the fulfillment and realization of your desires.

Be afraid of your wishes - they come true!

Well, here we go again, another New Year’s article about “100 ways to become happy and rich without doing anything,” you might think. And oh, how wrong you are!!! No magic!!!

When to make a wish card for 2021

The ideal time to start working on your wish map is the new moon. This astronomical phenomenon is considered special in terms of positive energy that will help charge the wish card and activate it. In December, the new moon will occur on the 14th, so if you want to make a wish card for 2021 in advance, there is no better time.

However, if you did not have time to make a map for the new moon this month, do not be upset: you can also work on the map during the waxing moon. But during the period of the waning Moon, you should not create a wish map: this time is considered unfavorable.

Experts also recommend choosing a time based on the eastern horoscope. According to him, the year of the White Metal Ox will begin on February 12, and the same day will mark the start of a new lunar cycle - you can’t think of a more favorable moment to work on the map.

What is a Wish Card

Each of you has a diary in some form: paper or reminders in your phone. It is the reminders and daily to-do list in the planner that allow you not to miss your junior’s classes, congratulate a colleague on his birthday, make work calls on time and buy peas for a salad at the store.

But if there is a diary for routine things, then why not make a reminder of what we really want on a global scale?

Often we want something, I don’t know what... “I want everything to be good in the New Year!” How good?))) What does this mean?)) Without specifics, we do not move in any direction, routinely living another year. If you clearly formulate a specific task for yourself, the brain itself begins to look for solutions to implement it, using its own reserves that have not yet been studied by mankind.

The Desire Card is an easy way to change the situation in our favor. This is a kind of diary for the most pleasant and desirable things, it is an accelerator for making dreams come true and it works!

Horoscope for 2020, year of the Metal Rat

General horoscope and horoscope by zodiac sign for the coming year of the Metal Rat.

Find out what the future holds for you!

What you will need

You don't need an ancient manuscript or a book of spells to create a vision board. All you need are ordinary office supplies: scissors, glue, pencils, pens, markers or paints with brushes. The basis for the map can be a regular Whatman paper, but if this format seems too cumbersome to you, give preference to the A1 or A2 format, but A3 will be too small and it will be inconvenient to place pictures on it.

Nowadays, many people make a map not on paper, but on a cork board or on magnetic boards - it’s easier to make adjustments and replace goals that have already been achieved.

You can make a wish card using online services and then print it out. This option also has a right to exist, but it’s still better if the card is made by yourself - this way it will be charged with positive energy.

How to choose the right pictures

Once you have decided on the card format, you need to understand which pictures can and cannot be used. Experts do not recommend choosing photographs from magazines; they have a downside that can give a negative meaning to the image. In addition, it limits your imagination and takes much more time.

Therefore, images can be taken from the Internet on sites with free stock photos. Give preference to bright pictures in light colors that evoke only positive emotions in you.

It’s even better if you know how to draw and can personally depict your thoughts - in this case, the card will become a powerful tool for fulfilling desires.

Very important: if you want to find love, do not post a photo of a person you know personally - this is considered interference in his fate and can have extremely negative consequences for you. It is better to choose more abstract images.

For the rest, follow your intuition and imagination: the map should reflect your inner world, so make it the way you want - minimalistic, in the form of a large collage, in a retro style, or in the format of a pirate treasure map.

Selection of pictures and photographs

To select pictures, you can use magazines, newspapers, brochures, printed images from the Internet, stickers, etc. But you should remember that you cannot use photos of specific people. A person can be depicted with his back or side; in other cases, you need to glue your head or face to him. It is advisable to use only photographs of yourself, as well as your significant other and children, if you have them.

It is strictly forbidden to place the following on the wish card:

  • Pictures with defects, in which the image is of poor quality or broken objects, a broken car, etc.
  • The desired item is separate from you. If you want a car, stick a photo of yourself so that it looks like you’re in it.
  • When striving for financial well-being, you should not depict “rain of bills” or wads of money separately from you - they should be in your hands.
  • Desires that you are not sure about or would like to wait on. For example, if you want to have children in 1-2 years, then you shouldn’t place them on the map just yet.

If you can’t find a suitable image, or the selected photos are missing something important for you, then just complete it. Sometimes it is useful to include specific dates next to images. Those who want to enroll in college this year can paste an image of the desired university, their photo with a diploma and indicate the years of admission and graduation.

How to make a wish map by sector

According to Feng Shui, the wish map consists of nine equal sectors, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. Each of them also has its own color, which is recommended to be used in the design, but this rule does not have to be followed. The map should start from the central sector, and then from the upper left corner clockwise.

The central sector is responsible for health , it can be done in shades of yellow. Here in the very center of the card you need to place your own photo. Choose the photo you like best that shows you with a big, genuine smile. There may also be happy memories associated with this photo. On the sides of the photo, place pictures that are associated with beauty and health: pictures of healthy food, photos of yoga or fitness, and so on.

The upper left corner is the wealth sector ; it corresponds to the purple color. This is one of the most problematic areas of the map, since images of gold bars and bundles of banknotes taken from the Internet are often placed here. It is not recommended to do this; it is better to try to find drawings that you associate with wealth. For example, jewelry, yachts, airplanes - allow yourself to dream big and remember that the main thing is not the image itself, but the emotions that you put into it. You can also print out a Bank of the Universe check on the Internet and write in the amount you would like to receive.

The middle left sector is the zone of family happiness , it can be made in green. Here you can place photos of your family, images of children and pets. The brightest and lightest emotions should be associated with this sector, so pay special attention to it.

We go lower and find ourselves in the sector that is responsible for your self-development : it corresponds to shades of beige and brown. If you are about to receive a diploma, find an image on the Internet with a diploma from your university. Here you can also place images of medals, certificates, flags of states, languages ​​that you want to learn, as well as a license to drive a car.

The lower central sector is responsible for career self-realization. Make it in blue and light blue colors. Here you can safely paste a check with the amount of salary that you would like to receive, and if you are still looking for a job, then find photos of your dream office, people working as a team, or simply images that reflect your career preferences.

The lower right corner is responsible for two areas of our life at once - friendship and travel. It is recommended to do it in metallic shades. Here it is worth marking up photographs of the countries you dream of visiting, if the size of the map allows, print out a plane ticket and write in it your name, destination, number of satellites - everything that will help make the trip perfect. There may be photos of your friends nearby, or if you don’t mind meeting new people, just images of a friendly group having fun.

If you go higher, you will find yourself in the creativity sector , which corresponds to the color white. Here we post everything that is associated with hobbies and talents, as well as pictures that give you inspiration and personify your creativity - brushes with paints, musical notes, a typewriter.

The upper right corner is the zone of personal life and love , so it is not surprising that it is recommended to decorate it in shades of pink. Images of couples in love, hearts, rings and other romantic paraphernalia can be located here. If you have already found love, then you can put your common photo here, and if you are still looking for your other half, then paste into the free space an image of a person who matches your ideas about an ideal partner.

The final sector, which is located in the center of the top row, is responsible for fame and achievements - it is decorated in a rich red color. Place pictures here that evoke your associations with achievements - images of sports cups, the number of likes and subscribers on Instagram, or a certificate for the best employee of the month.

How to correctly formulate desires

The work on the wish map does not end here; now you need to start the most important moment and come up with the right captions for the pictures. Please follow these rules.

  • Desires should be formulated in a positive way - do not use negative particles. For example, the phrase “I never get sick” is better rephrased: “I am completely healthy and feel great.”
  • Formulate your goals using the SMART method: the desire should be clear, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound. For example: “By June 2021, all industry representatives know about my startup, and we are regular participants in specialized conferences.” This way, your goal is time-bound, measurable, achievable, and realistic.
  • Some experts advise not to limit the desire in time - then the Universe itself will choose the right moment for its fulfillment.
  • Formulate your signatures in the present tense, as if they have already been fulfilled. For example: “This year I will meet my love,” let’s rephrase: “This year I met my love.”
  • Desires must belong to you: you cannot wish for other people, because in this way you interfere with their fate. At the same time, you can use a little trick and formulate this way: “I’m happy that my family is healthy.”
  • Avoid ambiguous and vague statements, such as in the following example: “I received a lot of money this year.” Firstly, the exact amount is not indicated here, and secondly, we may be talking about receiving an inheritance from a deceased relative. To avoid this situation, it is better to clarify: “I have enough money to go on the trip of my dreams.”
  • And most importantly: wishes must be formulated in an environmentally friendly way: you cannot make illnesses, misfortunes, divorces for people you don’t like. Otherwise, what you write may come back to you like a boomerang, so it’s better to write down only good wishes.


In drawing up a wish map, you can make a number of offensive mistakes, which we will now analyze:

  • Formulate your desires clearly - the picture of a blue sky in the Career sector makes little sense;
  • Try to move towards your desires - do not forget to look at the map, think about your goals, move in their direction;
  • Do not leave empty sectors. If you do not want, for example, to open your own business, place pictures in the sector related to success and profit growth, but do not leave it bare;
  • Be realistic - no matter how hard it wants, the Universe can't make you Brad Pitt's wife, so set goals that have potential;
  • Don’t make wishes that could harm someone or play against other people’s interests. Most likely, you will attract trouble to yourself.

A correctly drawn up map will please the eye, give you a good mood and make you believe in your own strength.

How to work with a wish card

You have made a wonderful, beautiful card and hung it in a prominent place in your room - this is the point at which many consider the process complete, and then wonder why the wishes do not come true.

Don’t forget to activate the card: place a wish on it that you can easily and quickly fulfill and please yourself. For example, buy a chocolate bar, a book, or simply order dinner from your favorite restaurant.

In fact, the process of working on the map is just beginning here. Ideally, the card should be positioned so that you can see it immediately upon waking. Look at the images, say your desires out loud and try to reproduce the feelings and emotions that they evoke in you. You should feel lightness and happiness, as if you have already received what you want. You need to repeat this unique version of meditation in the morning and before going to bed.

“A wish map is like a blindfold”: a psychologist explained the success of the method

Today, a wish map is considered a very popular “tool” for realizing a person’s goals. Doctor of Sciences, psychologist Andrei Zberovsky, in a conversation with NewInform, explained the reason for the popularity of this method and spoke about its effectiveness.

Most people who have drawn up a wish map note that this method is very effective in achieving their goals and helps change their lives for the better. This psychological method that helps make dreams come true is called differently: a wish map, a collage of wishes, a vision board, or, in English, a vision board. However, this does not change the essence.

In fact, a wish map is a kind of surface on which a person places symbolic images of his “wants”. At the same time, applications are just one of the options. A person can draw, write text, etc.

It is noted that the wish card has an expiration date. It is not recommended to make such a map for many years in advance. Long-term desires are more easily forgotten, become irrelevant over time, and it is extremely difficult to see the result.

Psychologist Andrei Zberovsky believes that the reason for the appearance and popularity of such cards lies in the fact that now, thanks to television and the Internet, people are daily offered a large number of other people's goals and other people's interests.

“We watch movies, news, talk shows, read something on the Internet, and so other people’s life goals are imposed on us. Roughly speaking, 50-100 years ago a person had a narrow range of interests. For example, a woman wanted to become a mother, a man wanted to become an officer or engineer. That is, the person’s goals were quite clear. Anyone who wanted to become an engineer was not interested in the goals of businessmen, or scientists, or agricultural workers. And now, regardless of what we do, whether by will or not, we are drawn into the interests of the same athletes, businessmen, bankers, politicians,” the expert said.

According to the specialist, the abundance of other people’s tasks and goals distracts a person from his own desires and prospects.

“In order to protect your desires and aspirations from someone else’s, external influence, you can use a psychological map of desires. It allows you to focus your attention more narrowly on your own preferences,” he explained.

To better understand how this psychological method works, psychologist Zberovsky drew a parallel with blindfolds on horses.

“Horses have blinders that limit their field of vision to prevent them from being distracted by other objects. So, wish cards are a kind of psychological blinders that allow a person to look only forward, see only his own goals and spend his time and resources on them, and not on something else,” the speaker concluded.

It is worth placing the wish card exactly where it will often catch your eye. And so that its preparation does not turn out to be in vain, you need to activate the card. To do this, among all the desires there must be one that will be easily fulfilled.

Valentina Prokofieva

Why wishes don't come true

There are several common mistakes when working on a vision board, due to which dreams do not come true or come true, but not in the way we would like.

You chose the wrong pictures or formulated your desires in such a way that they acquired a negative interpretation.

Desires do not give you positive emotions - this can happen if you have placed on the map not your own desire, but what your parents, spouse or society require of you.

You made an unrealistic wish. Of course, you need to dream big; no one forbids you from doing so. But let's be honest, if today you earn 40 thousand a month, then the likelihood that tomorrow you will be offered a salary of 100 thousand more is extremely small. In this case, it is better to move forward in small steps.

You left one of the sectors empty. Of course, not everyone dreams of traveling, but because of this, the space on the map should not be left unfilled - this introduces disharmony, which is why the map turns out to be unbalanced and, therefore, unworkable.

You did not activate the card: you forgot to place a wish on it, which is very quick and easy to fulfill in order to charge it with positive energy.

You just hung the map on the wall and forgot about it. A wish map requires constant work on visualization, so simply drawing it up is only half the battle; then you are required to work on your desires every day.

You weren't completely honest with yourself. Ask yourself the question, are you ready for changes in your destiny? There are situations when we want to fix something, but at the same time we do not want to sacrifice our usual way of life for this. If you wrote that you want to move out from your parents, answer the question - are you really ready for independent life? If your dream is to have a child, ask yourself if you are ready to give up work and travel for a while.

Rules for filling out

1. Fill in the appropriate cells with your SPECIFIC desires in an affirmative form, for example, in the Travel section we write: “The whole family went on vacation to the Maldives in November 2021.”

2. Clearly state the conditions and wishes: “I bought a three-ruble note in the city center of 100 sq.m. or more, on the third floor and parking in the yard,” without generalizations, such as: “changed apartment.” Your brain may not understand in which direction to direct your efforts, and at the end of the year it turns out that you eventually changed the apartment, but for some reason it turned out that you don’t really like it for a smaller area and in general...

3. Remove the preposition “NOT”. For example, in the Health section, instead of “I’m not sick,” it’s better to write something like “My whole body works great, I’m young and full of strength.”

4. Fill in all cells without exception. The universe does not tolerate emptiness)))

5. Both text entries and corresponding pictures work. Only the pictures should suit you 100% and fully reflect what you want.

What to do if your wish comes true

So you have achieved your goal - one of your wishes has come true. Express your gratitude to the card and the Universe for your dream come true. And then come up with a new one, place it in the free space on the map and keep dreaming!

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