Pink color in interior design. Photos of fashionable combinations 2021

It has probably already become a stereotype that pink is preferred only by teenage girls who have not yet played enough with dolls of a famous brand, usually dressed in such colors. Hence the prejudiced attitude towards this color, and often we think that the color pink means, first of all, immaturity, frivolity and having our head in the clouds. Is it really? And what does the color pink mean in certain manifestations of our lives?

What does this color symbolize?

Pink is very pleasing to the eye. We enjoy admiring pink flowers or a girl in a pink dress. The first rays of the sun appearing at morning sunrise paint the skies pink and give us hope. When many people see this color, their aggressive mood decreases and irritability goes away. First of all, it is the color of tenderness, as well as femininity, beauty, softness and care. Pink color is designed to pacify, create friendliness and positivity.

Pink is based on two colors - white and red. At its core, white is a neutral color and should go with any color. Red carries powerful energy, love, passion and activity. Combining in pink, white softens the effect of red with its purity and innocence, making it more gentle.

Use in clothing and interior design

Blue color in psychology - meaning, for whom it is a favorite color

Conventional wisdom says that pink is a color for children and young girls; adult women should not wear these colors. The palette of this color consists of more than 100 shades, so everyone can choose the right one from them.

In clothes

Girls with blond hair will look good in both soft pink and bright colors. Dark and brown hair is combined with shades of fuchsia, raspberry and coral. In a business look, muted tones are used, such as gray-pink and ash; they can replace the white color of a blouse in a business suit.

The main advantage of pink is that it is limitless; it can be skillfully used both in a business and evening look. If most of a girl’s wardrobe is in shades of pink, she is prone to childishness and romance. Such clothes are chosen by extroverts - people who are open to communication and who like to be the center of attention.

In the interior

In interior design, pink should be used carefully, since each shade has its own character. Muted and ashy tones are suitable for the bedroom; they relax and set you up for sleep. Bright shades can visually turn a bedroom into a “doll’s house,” which a man will definitely not appreciate. Lovers of bright details can use coral and fuchsia.

Salmon and dark raspberry shades are successfully used in kitchen design; they enhance appetite. It is not advisable to use them in their pure form; they should be combined with white or cool shades. Delicate pink can be used in large quantities in a child’s bedroom; psychologists recommend decorating a room in these colors for girls under 11-13 years old.

In public places, beauty salons, sweets and cosmetics stores are decorated in this color. It is used in decoration when you need to attract children's and women's attention.

Cafe interior

Note! Color not only has a mood and evokes emotions, it also has taste associations. Pink denotes a sickly sweet taste; candies and gum colored in it appear overly sweet.

Pink is one of the most cheerful shades that symbolizes youth and freshness. It is considered the most feminine and always evokes only positive emotions. It is simple and solemn at the same time - wearing clothes in pink tones, any girl will feel elegant and romantic.

Pink color in psychology

Psychologists consider pink as a color that carries the feminine principle, which with its softness can smooth out conflicts and rough edges. In psychology, this color is widely used in color therapy, and its positive effect has been proven. It helps in cases where a person needs to relax, relieve irritability and nervousness.

It has also been proven by doctors that if you look at delicate pink shades, a person’s increased heart rate normalizes, blood pressure decreases and fatigue goes away.

Contemplating pictures with a predominance of objects of this delicate color, a person tunes into a positive mood, black thoughts go away by themselves. Psychologists recommend using pink tones more often in the interior or clothing during the autumn-winter period or if you are prone to frequent depression.

Pink in human character

What does the color pink mean in human psychology? From a psychological point of view, we can say about people who prefer this color in clothes that they do not accept cruelty, value lightness and comfort, often invented by themselves, they also have talents and do not have ambition.

However, as we know, everything should be in moderation, and too much love for pink from a psychological point of view can tell us about a too frivolous, irresponsible person and the inconstancy of his character, but at the same time a very vulnerable person. Women of a certain age who overdo this color in their clothes are most likely either trying to look younger or to attract attention.

If a person does not accept the color pink in any form and is disgusted by it, we can say that he is excessively irritable. Often such a person is conservative by nature or just needs a good rest.


  1. If you give preference to pink in clothes, then you need to know that bright shades look ideal in the warm season, while calm and pale shades look ideal in the cold season.
  2. If you want to wear something pink when going to a business meeting, then it is better to dilute it with gray. Otherwise you will look too frivolous.
  3. If a girl is going on a date, she can wear an outfit of this color; it is also suitable for going to a restaurant or walking in nature.
  4. Pink goes well with black and white, it also looks beautiful with purple, and a symbiosis of green and pink will also look beautiful.
  5. A man in a pink shirt will look very romantic. The pink outfit is suitable for resort wear.
  6. It is better not to overdo it with pink clothes and accessories, otherwise you will look vulgar and immature.
  7. Bright colors are perfect for shopping or a party.

Now you know what the psychology of this color means. As you can see, it is preferred by gentle people who need love and care; it is also the color of romantic natures. Surround yourself with pink things and accessories if you feel the need for this color.

Pink dreams

Having figured out what this color means in a person’s mind, let’s figure out what it can mean during an unconscious action - during sleep.

If you notice what color something was in your dream, then we can say that your dream was really bright. After all, people usually don’t have colorful dreams, and only emotional experiences allow us to think that the dream was colorful.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account many features of what you saw in a dream, whether you woke up after a dream with a good or bad feeling. However, usually seeing pink in a dream means something good and bright. Color in a dream promises possible love and happiness, but it can indicate that you often create illusions for yourself and live in them. Also, this color can often be dreamed of by individuals with a rich imagination, who should come down from heaven to earth.

Pink glasses

It is often said to many people that they see the world through rose-colored glasses or see life in rose-colored colors. What this means remains a question for many. Of course, you should not take these phrases literally, these are just phraseological units.

These phraseological units are used in relation to people who live in their own world, do not want to treat the surrounding reality objectively and often embellish reality. It would seem, why should this be bad? We can say that such a person is an optimist, and this is not bad. But we are not talking about optimism, but about a person’s naivety and being in his own illusory world. Even in his actions, such a person does not notice anything negative.

Phraseologism has a disapproving connotation, with irony and regret aimed at a person who is said to see life in rosy tones.

Although sometimes you can and even need to “put on rose-colored glasses” in certain life situations. After all, a positive attitude towards life is very important, and you need to find positive aspects in everything. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Beautiful flowers

In nature you can often find flowers of pink shades. And this is not surprising, because the main mission of flowers in nature is to attract bees to pollinate their species. Pink color copes with this task perfectly; it is clearly visible among the green mass of grass and leaves.

People have been giving flowers to each other for several centuries, and the color of the presented bouquet can speak without words about the feelings of the one who presents this bouquet. What does the pink color of flowers in a bouquet mean? First of all, it expresses the sincere admiration of the donor, high, pure, platonic tender feelings. But we are not talking about love, but for now only about admiration and the expectation of reciprocal sympathy.

It is not customary to give pink bouquets to men, since it implies admiration for a cute girl or woman. But for your beloved mother, lady of your heart or for a friend, a bouquet of pink flowers will be appropriate and will tell about your sympathies for her.


  1. List of widely used colors » DLE Templates - templates for CMS DataLife Engine
  2. "Chic value", Daily Telegraph
    (London), 2003-10-24, . Retrieved April 26, 2008.
  3. Schiaparelli, Elsa.
    My shocking life / trans. from fr. A. A. Bryandinsky. - M.: Eterna, 2008. - 336 p. - (Mémoires de la mode). — 3,000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-480-00189-1.
  4. Akiko Fukai, Tamami Suo, Miki Iwagami, Reiko Koga, Rei Nii.
    History of fashion from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute. - M.: TASCHEN/Art-Rodnik, 2003. - 736 p. — ISBN 5-95610016-8.
  5. Fashion. The century of fashion designers. 1900-1999 = Mode. Das Jahrhundert der Designer. 1900-1999 / editor Charlotte Zeling. - Cologne: KÖNEMANN, 2000. - 656 p. — ISBN 3-8290-5414-9.
  6. Russian color. M.: Economic newspaper, 2011. P. 285
  7. Bely A.
    Symbolism as a worldview / Comp., author intro. Art. and approx. L. A. Sugai. - M.: Republic, 1994. - ISBN 5-250-02224-3.

Pink rose. Meaning

The rose has long been recognized as the queen among flowers. She looks beautiful and smells amazing. Nowadays, there are several dozen varieties and types of roses. The color of the rose can be varied, with recently developed rose colors such as exotic blue, black or green. But the delicate pink rose, which has come down to us in its original, natural color, will always be relevant and loved.

Like any flowers, roses carry a message of certain information. The pink color of a rose means a symbol of high taste, elegance and sophistication. Unlike the red rose, which expresses love, passion and ardor, the pink rose expresses calmer, nascent feelings and emotions. A pink rose can also be given as an expression of pride and gratitude.

Language of roses

There is an unspoken language of flowers, and if you know it, you can express much more feelings with a given bouquet than with words. With their variety of shades of pink, from light pink buds to dark cherry blossoms, pink roses are given as gifts for a variety of occasions. In the language of flowers, soft pink roses mean that they express sincere sympathy for you, especially if the buds have not yet opened. Bright pink, even rich cherry color, help to express gratitude to the person who gives them.

When accepting classic pink roses as a gift, you must believe that a bright feeling and admiration for you arises in the heart of the one who gives them. Pink roses can symbolize the beginning of a warm relationship, but you should not think about love while it is only tender, friendly emotions.

It is also worth paying attention to the degree of opening of the rose. Light pink buds of roses that have not opened at all are usually given when they want to express a lot of compliments to a young girl. More open rose buds are given to girls, wanting to say that their beauty is in full bloom, and their intelligence and talents are admirable.

Pink all around

When using pink color in the interior, you need to take into account some features. Light pink shades of the walls expand the space very well and make it bright.

The shade of pink can be either warm, if red pigments predominate, or cold - all lilac tones with a predominance of blue pigment. Warm tones of pink wallpaper are best used for rooms facing north or with little sunlight. Cool shades are suitable for the southern, sun-drenched side and small rooms that need to be visually expanded.

Does soft pink mean that it can only be used for a child's girl's room? Now this is not at all necessary. Pink color is well suited for the interiors of rooms such as the bedroom, dressing room and even the kitchen. The bedroom can have relaxing tones such as coral or a subtle shade of salmon, which do not look childish and can enhance sensuality. In the kitchen you can use elegant fuchsia or Parnassian rose. These shades slightly increase appetite and create a positive mood.

However, you should not get carried away by the abundance of pink in the interior; an excess of this color can cause apathy. You shouldn't make a big pink box out of the ceiling, walls and floor. It is enough if the furniture or interior decorations are pink.

Hot pink

Hot Pink[1]
RGB¹ (, , )(252, 15, 192)
CMYK (, , , )(0, 94, 24, 1)
HSV² (, , )(315°, 94%, 99%)
  1. Normalized to [0—255]
  2. Normalized to [0—100]
External images
Marcel Verte[fr]

The rich pink color of fuchsia flowers is known in the fashion world as “shocking pink” (English: shocking pink[2], neon pink

perfume bottle (1937) by fashion designer Elsa Schiaparelli:

The name must begin with the letter S

- because of my superstition... And the color itself caught my eye - brilliant, incredible, immodest, captivating, full of life, like light, the combined color of all the birds and fish in the world, the color of China and Peru, not at all Western, shocking, pure , intense... And I called my perfume
, that is, “Shocking.” And their presentation will be shocking! Accessories and lingerie will be shocking too! This caused a slight panic among my friends and employees, everyone thought I was crazy and no one would buy it! After all, this color is nothing more than “pink for blacks.” "So what? Negroes can sometimes be unusually elegant!” - I objected.

— Elsa Schiaparelli. My Shocking Life[3]:150.

Subsequently, this shade of pink became a kind of trademark of the fashion designer[4]:483, who used it not only for outfits, hats, packaging and cosmetics[5]:154, but also on product labels and in the design of her store at Place Vendôme, 21 .

Shades of pink

  • The thighs of the frightened nymph are pale pink.
  • Merry Widow is an antique shade of pink.
  • Hydrangea - soft pink.
  • Judas tree is bright pink. The tree of Judas, or cercis, according to legend, is the same tree on which Judas hanged himself after betraying Christ. This tree blooms with bright pink flowers.
  • Magic-gulaf - red-pink.
  • Mov is mauve.
  • Marquise Pompadour is a complex shade of pink named after the favorite of Louis XV.
  • Frisky Cowgirl is an old, lost shade of pink.
  • Pink Ash is a soft gray color that fades to pink.
  • Parnassian rose is a shade of pink with a purple tint.
  • Salmon is a shade of pink, similar to the color of fish meat.
  • Old rose - dirty pink, desaturated in color.
  • Magenta - as a rule, rich pink is called magenta [6].

Pink image

If you like pink shades, but you are afraid to use them in clothes, since pink is considered to be the color of little girls, then you should not blindly believe this stereotype. The palette of pink shades and tones is so diverse that you can definitely choose the appropriate shade of this color for any age.

It is important to choose a pink that suits your skin tone. You can do this if you follow the golden rule - warm pink tones suit warm skin tones, that is, golden, peach skin. Cool shades of pink will suit cool skin tones that are pale and translucent.

You can also express your love for pink through accessories, bright accents, pink jewelry or makeup. If used in moderation, a pink bracelet, shoes or bag will be a great addition to your look.

Pink aura color: meaning

People with such a biofield are incredibly purposeful and persistent in achieving personal happiness. True, the standard of life itself for these individuals is very high, but this does not prevent them from following their own principles almost always and even fighting for their opinion. Such individuals like to plan and imagine the desired financial well-being.

Surprisingly, pink, with its tenderness and grace, is also a shade of true materialism. Therefore, a person with bright energy combines a thirst for success with a subtle perception of the world.

We must not lose sight of the main quality of people with a pink biofield - spiritual love. For this reason, most individuals seem dreamy and even detached. They believe in mysticism, fairy tales, their dreams of sublime feelings. Calm character and relaxation, surrounding oneself with coziness and comfort in everyday life - these are all “pink” people.

Such individuals have difficulty agreeing to adventures, active forms of recreation, and traveling in extreme conditions. But they can take part in gambling because of the love of money. In the financial sphere, carriers of the pink biofield, as a rule, are lucky, but if the forces are overestimated too much, defeat and the loss of all savings are inevitable.

The pink color in a person's aura causes a constant feeling of care and purity.

Such a subject is capable of sacrificing himself if necessary. At the same time, the individual is characterized by hard work, but only if the actions do not run counter to his beliefs. A person with pink energy has a large supply of positive emotions, and if it is not spent, the aura will begin to dim and decrease.

A frequent problem for the bearer of such a biofield is dependence on the external environment and lack of self-realization. We must fight this problem very actively, finding a suitable favorite activity for ourselves and breaking out of the atmosphere of monotony and discomfort. “Pink” people should definitely try to fulfill their dream, even if all friends and family members have to explain the reasons for their extravagant act. However, such individuals are lucky with their surroundings, so they will definitely understand and support.

Due to their extraordinary gentleness and desire to always help, such people may begin to feel like they are being used. In this case, you need to use such situations to train your level of responsibility and the ability to answer “No”. It may seem difficult, but cultivating a caring attitude towards yourself is just as important as cultivating a caring attitude towards others.

In some cases, a pink aura also develops timidity in a person, and then he needs to practice the ability to express his opinion in a free form, as well as develop confidence in his abilities.

Intense information about the earth and the inner voice are also the pink color of the aura. What does this characteristic mean? We are talking about developed intuition, literally of a planetary type. People with this biofield are very advanced, in the sense that they have managed to achieve perfect harmony between their spiritual and material needs.

A reverent attitude towards relatives and loyalty to friends is combined with career growth as a teacher, lawyer or financier.

Surprisingly, among people with pink energy there are the most dangerous enemies. They are very vindictive and vindictive, they fight for their point of view until the very end and act only as they need to. True, it is easier for these individuals to survive a collision with another person than a struggle with reality. Pink energy often serves as a dividing veil between the actual world and their particular vision of life.

Such people live in pleasure and peace of mind until some shock occurs that forces them to experience negative emotions. But even from such difficult trials, individuals in the pink biofield do not change their usual way of life and the habit of contemplating this world in dreams.

“Pink” individuals often do not know how to correctly assess the location of forces and current capabilities. They do not have criteria for analyzing the situation, so such people often make empty promises, offending those around them with their lack of fulfillment. With all this, the individuals themselves do not worry about trifles, and even if they are agitated by the situation, they calm down very quickly. This allows soft and gentle people to live into old age.

The combination of red and white or purple and red is a pink aura. What does this origin of this color mean? Fundamental shades give a person attractiveness and intelligence, sympathy from those around him. We can say that pink energy is the golden mean, because love for these individuals can be different. On the one hand, this is romantic affection, and on the other hand, dreamy love. Such people create families easily, surrounding their household members with tenderness, but they definitely should not choose jealous partners for life.

It is believed that the pink aura is ideally combined with the violet biofield. People with such energies create the most stable marriages. But the red aura should be avoided. If you want to attract the attention of a person with a pink biofield, be sure to be active, and do not just stand in the charm of his perfection, warmth and love.

According to Eastern traditions, people with pink energy are recommended to choose gold and yellow shades in interior and wardrobe details.

It is better to choose talismans from real gold, interspersed with amethyst - a purple gemstone. Why does a pink shade require gold tones? Because as a result, orange is formed, and such energy helps to be responsible and serious when making important decisions about work or in family life.

Pink in a man's world

Thanks to the established stereotype that pink is only intended for the female population of the planet, many brutal and not so brutal men are disgusted by this color. However, stereotypes are often destroyed by life and time itself.

Nowadays it is not considered shameful for a man to have pink clothes, and this is not an indicator of his weakness or femininity. What does soft pink mean in a man's wardrobe? The presence of pink in a men's wardrobe means that its owner follows fashion trends. Pink suits men just as well as women.

But we must remember that men can have pink shirts and shirts. A man's jacket and even a suit can be pink, especially if the man is a creative person, a presenter or a showman. Shades can be different: light pink, coral, peach, lilac, dark pink and others. But it is not customary to wear pink T-shirts for men. An exception may be polo shirts in pink shades.

Pink is a pale red color that is named after the flower of the same name. It was first used as a color name in the late 17th century. According to surveys in Europe and the United States, the color pink is most often associated with charm, politeness, sensitivity, tenderness, sweetness, childhood, femininity and romance. It is associated with chastity and innocence when combined with white, but is associated with eroticism and seduction when combined with purple or black.

Pink in symbolism and world culture

General associations and popularity According to opinion polls in Europe and the United States, pink is the color most associated with charm, politeness, sensitivity, tenderness, sweetness, softness, childhood, feminine and romantic. Although there were no strong negative associations in these surveys, few respondents chose pink as their favorite color. Pink was the favorite color of only two percent of respondents, compared to forty-five percent who chose blue. Pink was the least favorite color of seventeen percent of respondents; the only color I didn't like anymore was brown, with twenty percent. Significant difference between men and women; three percent of women chose pink as their favorite color, compared to less than one percent of men. Many of the men interviewed could not even correctly identify the rose, confusing it with purple. Pink was also more popular among older people than younger ones; Twenty-five percent of women under twenty-five named pink as their least favorite color, compared to eight percent of women over fifty. Twenty-nine percent of men under twenty-five thought pink was their least favorite color, compared to eight percent of men over fifty.

In Japan, the color pink is most often associated with spring due to the cherry blossoms in full bloom. This differs from surveys in the US and Europe, where green is associated with spring.

Pink in other languages ​​In many languages, the word "pink" is based on the name of the pink flower; like a rose in French; rose in Dutch; rosa in German, Latin, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, Italian, Swedish and Norwegian (Nynorsk and Bokmål); pink in Russian; różowy in Polish; and گلابی gulabi in Urdu (and in English, "rose" also often refers to both flower and color).

In Danish, Faroese and Finnish, pink is described as a lighter shade of red: lyserød in Danish, ljósareyður in Faroese and vaaleanpunainen in Finnish, meaning "light red". In Icelandic the color is called bleikur, originally meaning "pale". In Japanese, the traditional word for pink, momo-iro (ももいろ), takes its name from the peach blossom. There is a separate word for the color of cherry blossoms: sakura-iro. Recently, a word based on the English version, pinku (ピンク), has come into use.

In Chinese, the color pink is called with the compound noun 粉紅色, which means "powder of red color", where powder refers to substances used for women's makeup.

Idioms and expressions In pink. Be in good shape, in good condition, in good condition. In Romeo and Juliet Mercutio says; “I’m very pink as a courtesy.” Romeo: Pink for a flower? Mercutio: That's right. Romeo: Then my pump blooms well." To see pink elephants, you need to hallucinate from alcoholism. The expression was used by American writer Jack London in his book John Barleycorn in 1913. About dismissal. To get a pink slip, you need to be fired or fired from your job. It was first recorded in 1915 in the United States. The phrase "pink collar worker" refers to individuals working in jobs traditionally considered "women's work." Pink money, pink pound or pink dollar is an economic term that refers to the purchasing power of the LGBT community. Advertising agencies sometimes refer to the gay market as the pink economy. Tickled pink means very pleased.

Architecture Early pink buildings were usually built of brick or sandstone, which takes its pale red color from hematite or iron ore. During the 18th century—the golden age of pink and other pastel colors—pink mansions and churches were built throughout Europe. More modern pink buildings usually use the color pink to appear exotic or to attract attention.

Food and Drinks According to surveys in Europe and the United States, pink is the color most associated with sweet foods and drinks. Pink is also one of the few colors that is strongly associated with the special scent of roses. Many strawberry and raspberry products are colored pink and light red, sometimes distinguishing them from cherry-flavored products, which are more often colored dark red (although raspberry-flavored products, especially in the United States, are often colored blue, Well). The tab drink was packaged in pink cans, presumably to subliminally convey the sweet taste.

The pink color in most packaged and processed foods, ice cream, candy and baked goods are made with artificial food coloring. The most common food coloring is erythrosine, also known as Red No. 3, an organoiodine compound, a fluorine derivative that is cherry pink synthetic. It is usually listed on package labels as E-127. Another common red or pink (especially in the United States, where erythrosine is used less frequently) is Allura Red AC (E-129), also known as Red No. 40. Some products use a natural red or pink food coloring, Cochineal, also called carmine. made with ground insects of the family Dactylopius coccus.

Gender In Europe and the US, pink is often associated with girls and blue with boys. These colors were first used as gender denominators just before World War I (for girls or boys), and pink was first established as a sign of female gender in the 1940s. In the 20th century, practice in Europe varied from country to country, with some assigning colors based on the child's complexion and others assigning pink to sometimes boys and sometimes girls.

Many have noted the opposite association of pink with boys in 20th century America. An article published in Earnshaw's Ministry of Infant Labor in June 1918 stated:

The generally accepted rule is pink for boys and blue for girls. The reason is that pink, being a more decisive and stronger color, is more suitable for a boy, and blue, which is more subtle and sophisticated, is more beautiful for a girl.

One of the reasons for the increased use of pink for girls and blue for boys was the invention of new chemical dyes, which meant that children's clothing could be mass produced and washed in hot water without fading. Until this time, most young children of both sexes wore white, which could be washed frequently. Another factor was the popularity of blue and white sailor suits for boys, a fashion that began in the late 19th century. Blue was also a common school uniform color for both boys and girls. Blue was associated with seriousness and study, while pink was associated with childhood and gentleness.

By the 1950s, pink was strongly associated with femininity, but to the point where it was "neither tough nor universal" as it later became.

One study by two neuroscientists in modern biology looked at color preferences across cultures and found significant differences between the responses of men and women. Both groups preferred blues over other hues, but women had more favorable reactions to the reddish-purple end of the spectrum, and men had more favorable reactions to the greenish-yellow middle of the spectrum. Even though the study used adults and both groups preferred blues, and responses to the color pink were never tested, the popular press presented the study as evidence of an innate preference for pink in girls. The misinterpretation was often repeated in market research, reinforcing the association of American pink culture with girls based on imagined innate characteristics.

Toys aimed at girls often feature a pink appearance on the packaging and the toy. In its 1957 catalog, Lionel Trains offered for sale a pink model freight train for girls. The steam locomotive and coal engine were pink, and the freight cars of the freight train featured pastel colors. Kabuza was blue. It was a marketing failure because any girl who might want a model train would want a realistically painted train, while boys in the 1950s didn't want to be seen with a pink train. However, today it is a valuable collector's item.

As of 2008, various feminist groups and Breast Cancer Awareness Month use the color pink to convey women's empowerment. Breast cancer charities around the world have used the color to symbolize support for people with breast cancer and promote awareness of the disease. The main tactic of these charities is to encourage women and men to wear pink to show their support for breast cancer research and education.

Pink symbolized the "welcome hug" in India and masculinity in Japan.

Sexuality As noted above, pink when combined with black or purple is usually associated with eroticism and seduction.

In street slang, pink sometimes refers to the vagina. In Russian, pink (rozovoy, rozov) is used to refer to lesbians, while light blue (goluboy, goluy) refers to gays. In Japan, the genre of low-budget erotic films is called pink films (ピンク映画 Pinku Eiga).

Politics Pink, being "drenched" in red, is sometimes used derogatorily to describe a person with mild communist or socialist beliefs (see Pinko). The term little pink (小粉红) is used to describe young nationalists online in China. The term "pink revolution" is sometimes used to refer to the overthrow of President Askar Akaev and his government in the Central Asian Kyrgyz Republic following parliamentary elections on February 27 and March 13, 2005, although it is more commonly referred to as the Tulip Revolution. The Swedish feminist party Feminist Initiative uses the color pink. Code Pink is an anti-globalization and anti-war group of American women founded in 2002 by activist Medea Benjamin. The group disrupted congressional hearings and pushed President Obama for his public appearances. A common practice was to color the British Empire on the map.

Social Movements Pink is often used as a symbolic color by groups working on issues important to women and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

A Dutch newsgroup about homosexuality is called nl.roze (roze is the Dutch word for pink), and in Britain Pink News is a gay newspaper and online news service. There is a magazine called Pink for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community, which has different editions for different metropolitan areas. In France, Pink TV is an LGBT channel cable. In Ireland, the support group Irish Pink Adoptions defines the pink family as a relatively neutral umbrella term for gay singles, lesbian singles or same-sex couples who intend to adopt, are in the process of adopting or are in the process of being adopted. It also covers adults born/raised in such families. The group welcomes input from other people affected by adoption, especially people who were adopted as children and are now adults. Pinkstinks, a campaign founded in London in May 2008 to raise awareness of what they claim is the damage caused by gender stereotyping of children. Pink Guns is a gay rights organization. The pink ribbon is an international symbol of breast cancer awareness. Pink was chosen partly because it is so strongly associated with femininity.

Academic dress In the French system of academic dress, the five traditional fields of study (art, science, medicine, law and divinity) are symbolized by a special color that appears in the academic dress of people who graduate from that profession. Red currant, an extremely red shade of pink, is a distinctive color for medicine (and other health-related fields) fr: Groseille (couleur).

heraldry The word rose is not used for any tincture (color) in heraldry, but there are two rather unusual tinctures that are close to rose:

The heraldic rose color is a modern innovation, primarily used in Canadian heraldry, depicting a reddish-pink, shadow-like color commonly called a rose. French heraldry sometimes uses a colored carnation that matches the skin color of fair-skinned Caucasian people. This can also be considered a rose tint, but is usually depicted as slightly more brownish-beige than rose tincture.

Calendars In Thailand, pink is associated with Tuesday in the Thai solar calendar. Anyone can wear pink on Tuesdays, and anyone born on a Tuesday can embrace the color pink.

Press Pink is used for the newsprint of several important business and sports newspapers, and the color is also associated with press aimed at the gay community.

From 1893, the London Financial Times used its salmon pink color for its newsprint because pink dyed paper was cheaper than bleached white paper. Today, color is used to differentiate a newspaper from its competitors at the print kiosk or newsstand. In some countries, the salmon press defines economic newspapers or economics sections in "white" newspapers. Some sports newspapers, such as La Gazzetta dello Sport in Italy, also use pink paper to stand out from other newspapers. He awards the pink jersey to the winner of Italy's most important cycling race, the Giro d'Italia.

law In England and Wales, a brief to a barrister is usually associated with a pink ribbon. Pink was traditionally the color associated with defense, while white ribbons could be used for prosecution. Literature In Spanish and Italian, a "pink romance" (novela rosa in Spanish, romanzo rosa in Italian) is a sentimental romance marketed to women. In "Young Goodman Brown" by Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Vera" wears a pink ribbon in her hair, which represents her innocence. A Brief History by Carl Sury Pink Dinsdale is a coming-of-age story about a young man growing up in Berlin in the 1930s dealing with issues of gender, sexuality and politics.

religion In the yogic Hindu Hindu and tantric Buddhist traditions, rose is one of the flowers of the fourth primary energy center, the Anahata heart chakra. The other color is green. In Catholicism, pink (called rose by the Catholic Church) symbolizes joy and happiness. It is used for the Third Sunday of Advent and the Fourth Sunday of Lent to mark the halfway point in these times of repentance. For this reason, one of the candles in an Advent wreath may be pink rather than purple. Pink is the color most associated with Indian spiritual leader Meher Baba, who often wore pink coats to please his closest female follower Meher Irini, and today pink remains an important color symbolizing love for Baba's followers.

Sports In Major League Baseball, pink bats are used by baseball players on Mother's Day as part of a week-long program to benefit Susan G. Komen's cure. Pink may refer to the scarlet coat worn in fox hunting (aka "hound riding"). One legend about the origin of this meaning concerns a tailor named Pink (or Pinke, or Pinque). The leader in the Giro d'Italia cycling race wears a pink jersey (maglia rosa); this reflects the distinctive pink newsprint of sponsoring Italian newspaper La Gazzetta dello Sport. The table for diners at the Kinnick restaurant at the University of Iowa is painted pink. The decor has sparked controversy, which some perceive as suggesting sexism and homophobia. Palermo, a football team based in Palermo, Italy, traditionally wear pink home jerseys. WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart, as well as other members of the Hart family of wrestlers, are known for their pink and black wrestling. The Western Hockey League's Calgary Hitmen originally wore pink as a tribute to Bret Hart, who was the team's owner at the time. The NRL's Penrith Panthers wear a pink jersey. Snooker uses a pink colored ball which is worth 6pts when canned.

Tags: Shades of pink Shades of red Shades of violet

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