How I cured bladder neurosis

Bladder neurosis can occur in many people. It should not be confused with inflammation, an example of which is cystitis.

During neurosis, the organs of urine emission are absolutely healthy, but their functionality can bring significant inconvenience to a person. The disease is accompanied by damage to the nervous system, which causes symptoms of frequent desires to empty the bladder or delays in doing so.

A patient with signs of urinary neurosis in most cases is a sensitive, shy and conscientious person, fearing judgment or critical remarks from his own environment. Symptoms in these patients may be mild, moderate, or severe.

Why does neurosis occur?

Various types of disorders develop due to the presence of other pathologies: prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. To exclude these causes of symptoms, the specialist will prescribe the necessary examination. If diseases of the bladder and genitourinary organs are not identified, then a diagnosis of Bladder Neurosis is made.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the nervous system are responsible for the functioning of the urinary tract. The first forces the fibers to contract, preventing urine from escaping.

Another section is responsible for relaxing the muscles that hold the sphincters. Its activity can provoke contraction of the inner walls of the bladder. This helps urine pass smoothly through the ureteral canal.

This condition is not considered a disease, but a psychological disorder. It is caused by stress, severe fears, and various emotions of a vivid nature. From strong excitement, the nervous system is overloaded, any of its departments can become very excited. This is how one of the types of neurosis develops.

Causes of frequent nervous urination without pain

Preparing the body for fight and flight

In a state of chronic anxiety, the human body is constantly preparing to fight or flee. This preparation is completely physiological, including hormonal, in nature.

In this case, the body prepares itself for flight rather than for fight and removes everything “unnecessary” from itself. Evolutionarily, this approach to preparing for a meeting with danger is completely justified, because the lighter the body, the faster it runs.

Frequent urination, caused by the body's hormonal preparation for escape, is always associated with the release of sufficiently large amounts of urine.

Excessive muscle tension

In states of anxiety and stress, muscles are often overstrained. The abdominal muscles can put pressure on the bladder. And this may cause a constant desire to run to the toilet, even when the bladder is almost empty.

Intrusive thoughts

This reason occurs in almost all patients with anxiety disorder (vegetative-vascular dystonia) who complain of frequent urination.

Regardless of what is the trigger for the initial frequent visits to the toilet - hormonal changes or muscle spasms, or both - the neurotic is frightened by his physiological sensations. He imagines various fused faces in his imagination and eventually begins to focus on his desire to urinate.

Of course, such close attention to the condition of your bladder makes you want to run to the toilet more and more.

How does the disease manifest?

This problem has another name - urinary cystalgia. But there are no general reasons linking it with cystitis. The only signs that are similar are those that indicate the emergence of a problem and signal that a course of treatment should be started urgently.

Frequent desires to urinate or false sensations are the most likely symptoms confirming the development of bladder neurosis. The patient begins to understand that he cannot control the output of urine himself. For this reason, symptoms appear, characterized by the sensation of urine not being released in full.

Patients may complain that they no longer feel their own bladder. This is aggravated by the forced measure of going to the toilet on a schedule, without waiting for the urge to do so.

At such moments, pain begins to occur in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, above the pubis or in the perineum. Pain can occur at any time.

The process of urination may be accompanied by discomfort and pain.

Bladder neurosis

Some people know firsthand what inflammation of the urinary system is. Especially women who are more susceptible to cystitis and pyelonephritis. If we talk about neurosis, then there are no organic changes with it, but still functional disorders interfere with living an ordinary life.

Symptoms of bladder neurosis vary depending on the type.

Today there are two of them:

  • pauresis;
  • neurogenic bladder.

In the first case, a person cannot relieve himself when there are people in the immediate area. Many people have encountered this. Most likely, childhood trauma associated with visiting the toilet during school years is to blame. And no wonder. After all, schools usually have open cubicles, and during breaks a huge number of visitors come into the toilet.

It is quite difficult to relax in such an atmosphere. Having matured, a person retains a pattern - as soon as he goes to the toilet, he needs some time to calm down and relax. The problem most often occurs in public toilets, but for some the situation is even more complicated - they cannot empty their bladder in the bathroom of their home if they can hear the active activity of household members nearby.

In the second case, we are talking about a “nervous” bladder, when, under any stress, a person needs to empty it. This often happens during a conflict or before speaking in front of a large number of people.

Bladder neurosis in children is not uncommon. If we talk about adults, then behind both types there is a strong fear of shame. It's different for children. They may react this way to anxiety after a traumatic event.

To get rid of the problem once and for all, you need to go to a psychotherapist and work through your phobias with him. When the fears are over, the bladder will return to normal on its own. The root of all misfortunes is sought in social phobia, which has been formed over the years in the difficult conditions of children's groups.

Causes of pathology

Our body is under the control of two parts of the nervous system: parasympathetic and sympathetic. In the latter case, the protection mechanism is triggered. During mobilization, all muscles tense, the heart beats faster, and the pupils dilate. The body is ready to attack or flee.

Despite the calm times, our body still lives by the same laws. The parasympathetic system takes care of relaxing all muscles. Thanks to its work, food is easily digested and all other organs function normally. Both systems are never put into operation at the same time. They alternate each other.

If neurosis occurs, then both departments can spontaneously turn on and off. This is the mechanism of panic attacks. If there is cystalgia of the bladder, in which, in addition to increased urine output, there is also pain in the lower abdomen, then the situation is even more unpleasant.

Neurosis is characterized by conflict in the functioning of parts of the nervous system. The parasympathetic sends a signal to empty the bladder, while the sympathetic, on the contrary, gives the “order” to contract all the muscles and prevent urination. And even with a strong desire to go to the toilet, this cannot be done.


Neurosis and cystalgia of the bladder have different symptoms, since the etiology of these problems is not similar. In the first case, as we have already said, everything is tied to the psychological level. With cystalgia, physical trauma occurs as a result of medical manipulation or any other disruption of the body.

Below we will talk about the clinical picture of both cases so that the patient can see the difference.

Symptoms of cystalgia

This problem is characterized by:

  • pain in the bladder area;
  • the frequency of urine output is disrupted;
  • when going to the toilet, you can’t empty your bladder and have to push;
  • due to excessive muscle tension during the act of urination, pain and discomfort can be observed all the time.

We said above that there are two types of neurosis. The symptoms of paruresis are different from the manifestations of bladder neurogenicity.

Symptoms of paruresis

With paruresis, a person experiences the following suffering:

fears if you have to go to the toilet located outside the home walls; refusal to go to the bathroom if there are guests at home; strong fear that someone may hear the sound of pouring urine and smell feces;

Even at home, it takes a long time to adjust to emptying the bladder.

In the most advanced cases, patients do not leave the house for months, and if they do, they try not to eat or drink anything that could cause urination to become more frequent.

Symptoms of neurogenic urea

With this psychological pathology, the patient does not trust his body. All thoughts are aimed at the fact that the bladder will make itself known at the most inopportune moment.

That is why, for “survival,” the amount of urine released is controlled.

Always before important events, such people go to the toilet more than once before leaving the house and without the urge, if they understand that an important meeting is coming up.

The main symptoms are:

  • before a trip or meeting, a person knows in advance where the toilet is;
  • irrepressible anxiety from the fact that the fantasy draws pictures of shame when it was not possible to hold back urination in public;
  • constant trips to the toilet with the release of a minimal amount of urine;
  • wearing urological pads or diapers to avoid embarrassment.

Such patients build their lives only after an “agreement” with the bladder. As a result, many interesting events have to be avoided. And even if bladder neurosis has not become a hindrance, constant anxiety does not allow the patient to enjoy the long-awaited event.


Some are sure that if there are no organic disorders, then there is nothing special to treat. But today there are a lot of specialists who are ready to provide help and support, as a result of which a person will become happy again.


The problem is psychosomatic. And a psychotherapist should treat her. First of all, a person is led to accept the situation. You definitely need to understand that there are a lot of such people. Some have dealt with the problem and are living a quality life, while others do nothing and quietly suffer, depriving themselves of communication and a normal life.

It is important to understand that bladder neurosis requires long-term treatment. The task of a psychotherapist is to find the root of fears. Most often, the reason was some episode in childhood, which today has lost its relevance. This will be the first step on the path to healing.

Without a specialist, it is difficult to cope with neurosis on your own. An experienced psychotherapist can smoothly replace an existing pattern with a healthy one. In this case, strong resistance may arise, resulting in stress.

A competent psychologist will not allow this, otherwise, in order to protect himself, the client will simply close himself off and remain with his fears. When choosing a psychotherapist, you should rely on your feelings.

If it’s easy with him, then the effect of therapy will not be long in coming.

At the same time, you can try to cope with the problem yourself. To begin with, go to the toilet with someone close to you, so that he stands outside the door for a few seconds, and then longer and longer. After successful attempts, you should go to public toilets. Using them regularly, the effect will be permanent.

Neurogenic bladder - what to do? With such a psychogenic pathology, it is necessary to influence the nervous system. You need to master relaxation techniques. For many years, a technique that involves recording the moment has been used. A person needs to look around and see the present, to relax. When the nervous system is balanced, you can soberly assess the situation and understand whether you want to go to the toilet or not.


In addition to psychotherapy, many patients often take medications to alleviate their condition. Bladder neurosis in children is also treated with medications, since children do not always understand what is happening to them.

It is quite difficult to find an approach to them due to the immaturity of the nervous system. Anti-anxiety medications are often prescribed. This must be done by a doctor. Among herbal remedies, valerian tincture is especially popular. It may also be more serious medications from the group of antidepressants or tranquilizers.

Having experienced bladder neurosis, the symptoms of which poison your life, you will easily breathe deeply when it becomes a thing of the past.


General information

Cystalgia (vesical neurosis, genital-vesical dysfunction, bladder neurosis, unstable bladder) is a common urological pathology, which is accompanied by large-scale urination disorders. The manifestation of symptoms of inflammatory processes is not typical.

In most cases, the disease occurs in females. The disease often takes a chronic form with obvious exacerbations during menstruation and pregnancy. Bladder neurosis negatively affects the psychological side of the patient, in particular, it has a huge impact on a person’s social adaptation.

Conditions of depression and neurosis are considered frequent in this pathology.

Modern diagnostic methods

It is very important to undergo laboratory and instrumental tests when identifying signs of urinary neurosis. The laboratory method involves passing the necessary tests.

Based on X-ray examinations, the following are performed:

  • survey radiography;
  • conventional urethrocystography;
  • excretory urography.

Ultrasound of the bladder and kidneys, cystoscopy, and urodynamic studies are considered excellent methods of instrumental examination.

Treatment of pathology

To get rid of neurosis, it is necessary to carry out a long course of treatment. It will consist of the use of medications, special gymnastic exercises, and physiotherapeutic procedures. Sometimes a psychotherapist is also prescribed.

To defeat the disease, you can deliberately provoke circumstances in which it is difficult to relax and go to the toilet, and try to overcome them. For example, ask someone nearby to be near the toilet door when the patient enters.

When the patient calmly empties his bladder, not paying attention to the person standing under the door, it is necessary to begin a new stage - start visiting a public toilet. At the first stage, a place that is not too crowded is selected, with a booth that has some kind of sound insulation. Gradually the place to visit becomes more complicated. A patient who works diligently on this issue will be able to get rid of the problem soon.

When fighting neurosis, you should determine the harmony in your own body. The patient should learn to relax his own nervous system, not paying attention to irritating factors.

For this purpose, relaxation options are developed that take into account the individual characteristics of each patient. For example, for some, a simple distraction from the world around him and the harmless addition of numbers in his mind will be sufficient. It is very important not to panic and fight your own fear.

Medications are almost never used in the treatment of bladder neurosis.

Compositions of a calming nature can be prescribed to help stabilize the functioning of the nervous system - Valerian, Persen. In cases where the pathology is severe, stronger medications are prescribed in the form of tranquilizers or antidepressants.

To prevent the occurrence of concomitant diseases, the patient may be prescribed antibiotic therapy. To alleviate your general condition and get rid of thoughts about visiting the toilet, you should significantly limit your liquid intake, lowering the norm to one and a half liters per day.

Bladder neurosis and its symptoms

More than 20% of the world's population experiences symptoms of bladder neurosis, most of them are elderly people.
Pathology can manifest itself in the form of two radically different clinical pictures, everything will depend on the type of neurosis. The first type is more common than the second. It is characterized by constant urinary retention, which is psychogenic in nature. This form is commonly called paruresis.

Patients who suffer from this syndrome find it difficult, and in advanced cases, impossible to go to the toilet if there are other people nearby.

This problem is usually diagnosed at school when teachers notice that the child does not go to the toilet.

The second type is often also called neurogenic bladder. It manifests itself in the form of a constant desire to go to the toilet; the urge is so strong that it is impossible to restrain it. In addition, they can become significantly more frequent or intensified due to nervous stress on the body.

Why does neurosis occur?

Various urination disorders can develop due to the presence of any other pathologies in the body, for example, prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. To exclude such causes of symptoms, the attending physician should prescribe additional examinations. If no diseases of the genitourinary system are detected, then a diagnosis of “bladder neurosis” is made.

The functioning of the bladder is regulated by two parts of the autonomic nervous system - sympathetic and parasympathetic. The first one innervates the fibers and causes them to contract, thus closing the sphincters and preventing urine from escaping.

The second section is responsible for relaxing the muscles that hold the sphincters, and its activation also provokes contractions of the walls of the organ. This facilitates the smooth passage of urine through the urethra.

Divisions of the autonomic nervous system

This condition is considered to be not a physical illness, but a psychological deviation. Since it can be provoked by stress, severe fear or joy, in general, any very vivid emotions.

This is due to the fact that strong experiences overload the nervous system and can lead to too much stimulation of one of its departments.

Thus, either the first or the second type of neurosis develops.

Hyperreflexive bladder

How neurosis manifests itself

A patient who suffers from bladder neurosis is usually very shy and sensitive. He reacts sharply to any criticism and remarks, he is afraid that other members of society will judge him for something.

This is due to the fact that because of the problem, such people feel very insecure and are afraid that they will be exposed.

Depending on the severity of the clinical picture, bladder neurosis can be divided into three degrees of severity - mild, moderate, severe. The first two forms can also appear in completely healthy people, for example, a strong desire to go to the toilet before some important public speech. But a severe degree develops into a phobia and terribly interferes with a person’s life.

Depending on what type of neurosis the patient has, his behavior may differ slightly. Characteristic signs for paruresis:

  • to avoid visiting the toilet in public, patients severely limit their intake of liquid food or drinks;
  • in order to urinate, such patients need complete privacy and silence (they spend more time in the toilet than a healthy person);
  • such people cannot overcome themselves and urinate in public toilets, and they also cannot visit toilets anywhere, even with close friends;
  • patients are embarrassed to go to the toilet if someone else is at home (especially if someone is waiting in line to see a white friend);
  • they constantly have a feeling of anxiety, sometimes even panic, when the need arises to use a separate establishment;
  • patients avoid going to public places for long periods of time. Long trips and travel will also be torture for them.

People suffering from paruresis cannot go to public toilets

Symptoms of nervous bladder:

  • constant obsessive fear of not being able to resist and wet yourself in public;
  • reducing fluid intake to a minimum;
  • an increasing feeling of anxiety that occurs if such a patient needs to leave the house, especially for a long time;
  • before going even to the store, the patient carefully makes a plan where along the way he could go to the toilet;
  • patients constantly run to the toilet, trying to squeeze out every last drop, this becomes an obsession;
  • some always wear adult diapers to avoid embarrassment;
  • Such people constantly condemn themselves and feel abnormal.

To cure bladder neurosis, the patient will have to go a long way. Treatment consists of the use of medications, special exercises, physiotherapeutic procedures, and in some cases it is necessary to resort to the help of a psychotherapist.

To get rid of paruresis, you can deliberately provoke situations in which it is difficult to relax and go to the toilet and try to overcome them. For example, asking someone close to you to be near the toilet door when the patient visits.

Patients are haunted by the fear of wetting themselves somewhere on the street

After the patient can urinate calmly, despite the fact that someone is standing at the door, you need to move on to the next stage - visiting a public toilet. To begin with, it is better to choose a place where there will be fewer people, and the booth will have at least some sound insulation. Gradually we need to make the places to visit more difficult.

If the patient works hard on himself, the problem will soon go away.

In the fight against a neurogenic bladder, the most important thing is to find harmony within yourself. The patient must learn to relax his nervous system and not react to stimuli.

To do this, you need to come up with relaxation methods; each person must choose them for himself. For some, it’s enough to distract themselves from the world around them and, for example, add numbers in their heads.

It is important not to panic and fight your fear.

Medications are practically not used to treat neurosis of this organ. During psychotherapy, various sedatives are prescribed that stabilize the functioning of the nervous system - valerian, Persen. In case of severe manifestations of the pathology, drugs of stronger groups are prescribed - tranquilizers and antidepressants.

To prevent the occurrence of concomitant diseases, patients with neurosis are prescribed a course of antibiotic therapy. And in order to alleviate the condition and think less about visiting the toilet, such patients are advised to significantly limit their fluid intake, to approximately 1.5–1.6 liters during the day.



It must be remembered that urinary neurosis can result in serious problems. Despite the causes of the disease, discomfort in each case can penetrate into any area of ​​a person’s life. Performance problems occur and quality decreases. A person experiences numerous stresses that he is no longer able to cope with on his own.

Against the background of increased irritability, quarrels with loved ones are observed, and mutual relationships with them deteriorate.

Due to psychogenic urinary retention, the bladder or kidney can rupture, so it is because of this that doctors advise paying attention to the symptoms of the disease and undergoing examinations in order to begin the fight against the disease.

The symptoms of neurosis should not be hidden, so as not to further aggravate the situation.

Symptoms of psychogenic frequent urination

Symptoms of frequent urination due to anxiety include:

  • the desire to urinate more often than usual;
  • the desire to urinate immediately after the bladder has been emptied;
  • desire to visit the toilet 2 times an hour, or even more often;
  • the desire to constantly run to the toilet against the background of normal fluid intake.


Since all the symptoms listed above may indicate not only neurosis, but also serious somatic illnesses, before diagnosing yourself that “it’s all nervous,” consult your doctor.

In this case, the amount of urine excreted may vary. For someone with an urgent desire to empty the bladder, the result of this action is almost unnoticeable. Someone produces very large volumes of urine, it is unclear where it comes from.

Symptoms of frequent urination without pain can plague both men and women. The intensity of their manifestation can change from day to day: at one time they can be barely noticeable, at another time they can significantly disrupt the usual rhythm of life, and be almost unbearable.

Sometimes symptoms of frequent urination can be clearly related to a stressful event. Sometimes they can escalate as if on level ground.

For some neurotic people, consumption of diuretic foods, such as watermelon, can cause their condition to worsen.

Frequent urination may occur evenly throughout the day. Or it may have a persistent time dependence. For example, only at the beginning of the night, or only in the morning hours.

Sometimes symptoms of frequent urination may be the only physical symptoms of anxiety. But more often they are supplemented by other physical symptoms.

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