How to apologize to a friend: advice for guys and girls. Apologies to a friend in prose

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In the heat of heated proceedings, you can often offend the person closest to you—your best friend. But over time, as they say, passions subside, and guilt worries the offender. If you want your friendship to last, you need to know how to ask your friend for forgiveness. In this article we will consider advice from experts and the main nuances of the issue.

How to ask for forgiveness

It would seem that asking for forgiveness is not so difficult; it is enough to say just two words, “Forgive me.”

But, despite the apparent ease, these two words can be very difficult to come by, especially if your friend does not want to meet with you. Women are quite vulnerable and touchy, they do not forgive insults very quickly, but do not despair, true friendship can overcome a lot, except betrayal.

To answer the question of how to ask for forgiveness from a friend, remember what the quarrel was about and what she loves most


Give her a surprise

before asking for forgiveness. Invite her to meet at your favorite place, invite her to your home to talk, she is unlikely to refuse you.

After all, even someone who has been offended experiences a disagreement with someone dear to him. And your attempts to make peace will not go unnoticed. Explain to her why you did what you did, what caused the hurtful words. Who, if not she, will understand you.

There is no need to start sorting things out again, even if you both got excited. Your task is to understand how to ask your friend for forgiveness, and not to renew the quarrel.

Remember that you are the one asking for forgiveness, so silently listen to the complaints

and tell him you won't do that again. If the quarrel was not so significant, and you sincerely asked for forgiveness, your friend will definitely forgive you.

Try not to hurt her anymore, otherwise, after several quarrels, none of the ways to ask your friend for forgiveness will help you regain your friendship. Appreciate your friends

and protect their feelings, because the most painful thing is to hear evil words from a loved one.

What to do if she doesn't want to talk

It happens that the offended party is not ready to enter into dialogue. She is probably overcome by negative feelings - she should wait until this passes. If quite a lot of time has passed, you can try writing a letter or SMS. Another option: ask mutual friends to help organize a meeting.

It is not always possible to quickly find a way to use it, and sometimes, once a loved one wants to put an end to communication forever - which he also has the right to. If you have tried everything on your part, but have not been able to earn forgiveness, you should just let the situation go. This is not always the worst option, especially if quarrels and showdowns have become the norm of communication.

Let's be realistic: anyone can offend a friend. Therefore, you shouldn’t spread rot on yourself too much, but you shouldn’t justify the trouble with general imperfection. Often reconciliations make friendships stronger - but only if they are sincere. A quarrel is a kind of test of strength.

Sometimes it’s not easy to find the strength to take steps towards application. Many people find this behavior humiliating. But on the contrary, such things require great strength of spirit, which a weak person is incapable of. This is an opportunity to show that a loved one is more valuable than your own pride.

You should not talk about the conflict. Such information is embellished by every gossip and is annoying even when everything has passed. Someone may take advantage of a disagreement to completely quarrel close people.

Whatever way to restore friendship is chosen: a conversation, an original gift or a good joke, it is important that the friend understands the purpose of all this. In the future, all you can do is remember the trouble with laughter and not repeat past mistakes.

Marina, Nalchik

I know that it’s not easy to forgive me, But believe me, it’s even more difficult now, To realize that I hurt my friend, This makes it doubly painful.

Let's forget past grievances, I feel so bad without you, I'm not lying, Therefore, hoping for forgiveness, I ask for an apology.

I’m very sorry that this happened, It all turned out very stupid, But I ask for forgiveness And I apologize.

My beloved friend, I am to blame. Sorry. I know we love each other - The grievances will be behind us.

Did I offend you? Believe me, I didn't want to. Something came over me, I didn’t notice my tongue.

Forgive me, friend, I didn’t do it on purpose, I won’t repeat it, it will be a lesson to me.

I am so ashamed, uncomfortable, I feel bad in my soul, Please forgive me, I will improve, I will become better!

I want to tell you, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I pray you, don’t be angry anymore, I didn’t mean to offend, Well, let’s make peace quickly!

Just imagine how I will be, Without my dear friend, Without you I will go crazy, You are the only one I need.

You are my sunshine, Who broke through all the clouds, And with you it’s so easy for me, Stop tormenting my soul.

I know I offended you, And for that I sincerely apologize, You’re bored without me, Bring my mood back!

Please don’t be angry with me, I’m guilty, I admit, It’s better to just smile, I love you with all my soul.

You are my friend, dear little man, I will never be closer to anyone than to you.

This is all because of me! It's my fault, friend. And now I regret that we quarreled with each other.

I want to make peace. I suffer in a quarrel without you. Well, don't be angry, I beg you. Excuse me, dear!

Forgive me, dear friend! I am very guilty before you, I don’t know what came over me then, something terrible was happening to me.

You are my support and hope, And I couldn’t find anyone better around. I'm sorry! Let everything be as before, You are my best friend in the world.

But, you are interested in me, And even if sometimes I enrage you, Forgive me, my friend, I sincerely ask you.

The sun doesn’t shine for me without you, And even the chocolate has lost its taste, Stop being angry, I’m afraid of losing you.

Let's make peace, forget this quarrel, I won't offend you anymore, I'm unbearably sad without you, I don't even have anyone to chat with!

I'm sorry that I did this, I know that, of course, I was wrong, That I told you too much, That my words hurt you!

I hope that the ice will thaw little by little, because I value friendship very much! My soul cries and sobs, I ask you for forgiveness for everything!

I ask you, don’t be offended, And you shouldn’t be angry with me, We’ve been friends with you for so many years, Let’s make peace as soon as possible.

Why harbor resentment in your soul? Let's learn to forgive. We may be proud in appearance, but we still want to become kinder.

You and I both understand that everyone can make mistakes. But it’s not easy for us without each other, And we really need to make peace.

A best friend is a loved one with whom you can chat all day long, go shopping all day, laugh for no reason and share your most intimate things.

But sometimes, even between the closest people, misunderstandings and quarrels occur. And no matter who is to blame for the conflict, it hurts both. To stop these emotional experiences as soon as possible, you must know how to apologize to your friend.

How to ask your best friend for forgiveness

  • The women's site strongly recommends: do not ask for forgiveness as if you were not to blame for anything, but simply decided to do so because you felt sad and lonely. Forgiveness must be asked from the bottom of your heart
    and only if you are truly guilty and have realized your guilt. Otherwise, all words will sound insincere and are unlikely to be received favorably.
  • In case of a serious quarrel, when your best friend does not want to talk to you, ask for forgiveness in writing. The Internet, a postcard, an ordinary letter - all this can help you ask for forgiveness from your best friend. Find words
    that will touch her soul, because you know her like no one else.
    A written apology
    is the easiest way to say “I'm sorry.” After all, waiting for a decision while feeling someone’s gaze on you is very unpleasant. It's best to write the words of the apology manually, it's more intimate, but if you decide to use email, then choose a good picture that can bring a smile to your friend's face.
  • Start your letter with a warm, friendly greeting.
  • The entire letter should be imbued with sincere regret
    and a desire to make peace.
  • Re-read what you got. Remove words that could offend your friend or be misinterpreted, and wait for a response.
    If he's gone for a long time, don't despair. The main thing is that you made it clear to your friend that you regret what happened.
  • If you decide to personally ask her for forgiveness, briefly explain what caused your unsightly behavior, but do not make too many excuses.
    An attempt to justify yourself can be understood not as a desire to ask for forgiveness, but as a desire to say once again that you are not to blame.
  • Try not to remember in detail what happened; it’s better to talk about how you can restore the previous good relationship.
  • If it is very difficult for you to personally ask for forgiveness from your best friend, then call her after 10 days
    and start communicating as if nothing happened between you.
  • Remember what pleases and inspires her, and give it to her, and then without a doubt you will be forgiven.
  • Finally, ask how to ask your friend for forgiveness. She will be confused, then she will laugh, and peace will be restored.

Try not to hurt your family and friends. There is nothing more valuable in the world than them. Only real friends

They will support you in difficult times and lend a shoulder.

There is a real one in the world, and this priceless gift must be protected. How to ask for forgiveness from a friend - each woman can decide for herself, but if you use a few recommendations, you can not only receive forgiveness, but also strengthen your friendship even more.

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A complete collection of materials on the topic: asking for forgiveness from a friend in your own words from experts in their field.

Words of apology to the guy

Today you are in no mood at all, you don’t smile and don’t joke like before. The whole reason is only in me and I am aware of it. I offended you today, brought you undeserved pain. Forgive me, please, my beloved and only one. I am so ashamed of my action, but there is no going back. Now all I need to do is earn your forgiveness. Darling, let's forget all the bad things and make peace again. I promise that this will never happen again. Believe me, please, my dear.

It turned out so bad yesterday, I just can’t forgive myself for offending you. And the worst thing is that the offense was not deserved. I apologize to you and hope for your forgiveness. I know that you have the kindest heart, the most angelic character. I feel so good with you and I can’t even imagine that I could lose you because of this stupidity. Forgive me, my affectionate and most beloved person in the world. Let our quarrel be like the worst dream. Let's wake up together from this nightmare and in reality everything will be fine with us, as before.

Forgive me for your fatigue, bad mood and whims. I'm sorry that in this crazy world I may not pay enough attention to you. I know how frustrating it is when you want to reach the depths of the soul of a loved one, but he does not listen to you, he is tuned in to his own, different wave. But you should know, my dear, how much I appreciate your support and understanding, your patience, your reliability. I am happy to be with you and with these words of apology I want to tell you: “I love you”!

I apologize for the inconvenience in prose

Let me deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused. Circumstances were such that this situation was inevitable. I did everything to somehow alleviate the situation, but it turned out to be not enough. Regret.

Especially for

A short apology to the girl

Again a scandal, again an insult. There's sadness in my heart again. I'm very sorry that I offended you. My only one, excuse me.

Words of forgiveness to your beloved for the pain caused

I'm sorry. I ruined everything again. It’s always like this with me: I want to seem sincere and spontaneous, but it turns out to be rude and cynical. I feel bad without you. I will do everything to keep us close. I promise that I will never offend you again. Let's make peace?

Especially for

I'm terribly upset that I offended you. Please give me a chance to prove my devotion and sincerity to you. When I think about how you feel now, I immediately feel like the last scoundrel. Forgive me, I will never hurt you again. I promise.

Especially for

Apologizing to a friend in your own words

Once upon a time, you and I shared candy, then dreams, then plans, then problems, troubles and joys. Along the way, we managed to quarrel over a guy, argue about whose favorite group is better, whose favorite team is the real champion. Forgive me my youthful antics, my whims. After all, our friendship has gone through many trials. I know that no one will console me better than you in my heartache, no one but you will wipe away my stupid tears and say: we will still fight, we are the best! Forgive me with the hope that our friendship will protect us throughout our lives!

We are both very different, That's why we quarrel, But real friendship is built on respect. That’s why I’m happy to be the first to meet you halfway, After all, I was more to blame Yesterday, probably. Let's forget the barbs that were said in our hearts, Let's not waste our youth on unnecessary gossip. Let's become a little more tolerant towards each other, And the sun will shine, And the world will become happier.


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Create a postcard

I'm a fool

Sorry, what a fool I am. All this is our women’s language. You know my intolerable nature, I’ll immediately start screaming.

Every day I scold myself. I want to ask for forgiveness. I'm no stranger to you either. Try to forgive me.


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Create a postcard

captured by the wrong ones

Even those closest to you are capable of betraying. Why this deceit and pathos? Is it really that hard to just accept? And at least fix it if you can.

Instead, you pretend as if there were no quarrels or resentments, Just think, our limit has simply expired And all the megabytes have been destroyed.

And we can’t get back the years we’ve lived, We can’t get back our old friendship, We made a vow of silence to each other, And we completed that service,

Which we swore to serve until the end, Until pain, until blood, until death.
Who would have thought that our hearts would be captured by different devils. Apologies to friend

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Create a postcard

Friend, I was wrong.

I was wrong, I'm sorry, darling. The chapter of my life is empty without you. And flipping through the pages, I realize the omission. And I hasten to offer my apologies. To my best friend - I have only you! How can we live without each other? I was wrong!


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Create a postcard

You and I are both explosive, and emotions are overflowing. But it's time to forgive each other All grievances. And let's sit with you, as before, Let's drink red wine, Because without each other, our life will be boring!


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Create a postcard

Forgive me for God's sake! I didn't want to offend you. Maybe I lost my temper a little, But I already regretted everything... You were my closest friend, Without you it’s both bad and difficult for me. Don't be mad at me, I beg you! Excuse me, if possible.


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Create a postcard

I am writing you a letter, friend, Because I feel guilty.
But everything happened without ill will, a mistake, stupidity - and nothing more. We have been together for so many years. I’ll tell you without any flattery: “You are no more valuable and more expensive!” I am ready to shout to all passers-by, That I understand your pain, I will atone for my guilt. Of course, only time heals, But forgive me for this evening. And trusting hope again, Believe me, dear, as before. Apologies to friend

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Create a postcard

I miss you immensely, I feel very bad without you! And without you, I probably won’t be able to live another day!

Forgive me, it’s my fault, But I didn’t do it on purpose, believe me! I'm waiting for you, my friend, when you open the door for me again!


The topic of asking a friend for forgiveness is quite delicate, but very important. Sometimes situations turn against us, and at the moment when it begins to seem that nothing can be fixed, we simply give up. But female nature is such that a girl can react quite emotionally to even the most seemingly insignificant event. This behavior usually leads to quarrels and even a complete break in any relationship.

We begin to quarrel, sort things out, and in a fit of anger we don’t notice how we are hurting and offending someone close to us, our friend. This fleeting impulse passes, the realization of your own wrongness comes, but you are already in a quarrel and do not communicate. She doesn’t want to sort things out or make contact anymore, and you don’t know how best to act in such a situation. There is no need to think here, you need to do one thing - beautifully ask for forgiveness from your friend, sincerely, from the bottom of your heart.

Analyzing the situation

First, you need to abstract yourself from emotions and consider the situation as it is: what exactly hurt your friend - for this you need to look at what happened from her side. Talked to someone about her, and she took it as a betrayal? Didn't you say something important in your life? Didn't support you in a difficult moment? The claims may seem strange, but even if this is so, a person’s feelings are hurt and they must be treated with respect.

Perhaps in response, during the quarrel, I had to listen to a lot of unpleasant words. There is no need to go through them in your head, it’s better to just apologize - it was just a manifestation of the fact that a loved one is in pain. If you begin to develop retaliatory resentment, peaceful relations will not be achieved through mutual accusations.

We find a compromise solution

You need to try to understand how serious the friend herself considers the situation. It is clear that if you flirted with her boyfriend, a simple apology will not be enough, some action will be required.

You should consider what she loves and what qualities she has. Will she get a joke about this? Will he agree to listen to long explanations? Will she accept the gift with joy, or will she decide that it is a dishonest bribe? Sometimes it’s better to just give it time and not touch the painful part.

You can remember how the injured party itself resolves conflict situations, or how it spoke about different methods of reconciliation. This is usually no secret for close people.

A simple "sorry"

Sometimes simple words can do more than anything else. The willingness to admit guilt shows that friendship is more important than your own ego.

It’s good if you can find a good moment when her indignation subsides a little. At the same time, you can ask how to atone for your guilt.

Approach with humor

Perfect for those who like to joke. Surely there is humor that only you understand - then she will remember what unites you.

You can joke about yourself, about the situation, but you should not laugh at her feelings - even if it seems that she was offended for an absolutely ridiculous reason.

A reconciling gift

The gift will show the determination to make sacrifices to restore peaceful relations. It could be something that a friend has long wanted: a new toy for her souvenir collection, cosmetics, jewelry.

Some come to put up with a bottle of something alcoholic to finish the use of gatherings. In any case, the gift should bring joy to the offended party.

Sincere message

Sometimes it's better to put your thoughts in writing. This will help you weigh every word and wording. Great if your friend likes to interrupt or if you tend to get angry.

It is worth choosing a method of transmitting information: just SMS or a beautifully designed paper letter sent by mail. It is clear that the latter will cause more joy.

Intimate talk

Often, conversation plays an important role in how to apologize to your best friend - a simple “sorry” is not enough, although it all starts with it.

During the conversation, you can better understand the position of the offended person and help her look at the situation from the other side. This will make it easier to come to a compromise.

You need to be prepared that your girlfriend will not immediately want to have conversations. It’s good if you can create a welcoming atmosphere.

What to say during a conversation

It's usually best to start by admitting your guilt. Even if it's unclear what happened, you can apologize for hurting her feelings and reassure her that it wasn't intentional.

Sometimes it is appropriate to explain the reason for your behavior: I said it without thinking, in the heat of the moment. If you did something wrong, tell me what the reason was. In any case, what is said must be true. If you are tempted to make up a mind-blowing story, you need to think about how dishonest it is, firstly, and secondly, what will happen when the lie is revealed.

Explanations should not look like an attempt to justify yourself or get out by making yourself look innocent. This causes hostility because it does not look like a sincere apology. And vice versa: when a person admits that he is guilty, the accusing party can find others involved.

Then you will need not to speak, but to listen, even if the answer is unpleasant. Most likely, she will repeat her complaints and feelings again - this is how women experience what happened. She will talk it out and she will feel better. You can then ask what she expects - what could be done to improve the situation.

If the conflict is serious enough, she may ask to give up something. For example, if you flirted with her boyfriend, she has the right to ask not to communicate with him anymore. And if the problem is gossip, then you should talk about what things can be considered acceptable for discussion and what are not. This behavior will show that the request for forgiveness is sincere and the problem will not happen again.

How to ask for forgiveness correctly?

On the one hand, it seems that there is absolutely nothing complicated here. You just need to say two words: “Forgive me.” But on the other hand, it turns out that it is not so simple. These two words are not only asking for more, but also that you are accepting and admitting your mistake. It can be difficult to say them, if only because your friend doesn’t want to see you. Girls are vulnerable and rather touchy creatures; understanding and forgiving them is not an easy task. But you should never give up, because true friendship will overcome all adversity and obstacles. In order to ask for forgiveness from your best friend, you need to analyze the situation that caused the quarrel.

Your task for the future is to try not to hurt her anymore, because a few serious quarrels can become a point of no return. Appreciate your friends, take care of their feelings, because the most painful words are perceived from your family and closest people.

Ways to make peace

Taking into account the characteristics of the offended person’s character, there are several ways to apologize to him.

1. Just ask for forgiveness

Sometimes, just saying “I’m sorry” is enough to apologize. But at the same time, you must sincerely admit your mistakes and, in no case, make excuses.

Be prepared to hear reproaches and unpleasant words from your best friend. You may experience shame or pangs of conscience, but you should not engage in self-flagellation.

2. Cheer

Is your conflict serious? If your quarrel occurred over a trifle, for an insignificant reason, then you can easily apologize to your friend, with humor.

Come up with funny excuses for your action and present them in your general style. Such an apology will help you make your friend laugh, which will be the key to your reconciliation.

3. Give a gift

To apologize to a friend or girlfriend, you can give this person a present. This doesn't mean that you have to spend a huge amount of money on an expensive gift. A token of attention in the form of a small but very useful thing will be enough.

For a girl, it could be lipstick, a beautiful brooch, movie tickets, etc. A friend’s positive emotions will help melt her offended heart faster.

4. Write a message

The easiest way to apologize to a friend or girlfriend is written repentance. To avoid getting lost during a conversation, write a letter, SMS or message on a social network to your offended loved one.

This way you will be able to express all your thoughts more clearly, without being interrupted. In addition, what is written can be read many times, thinking about every word. This way, it will be much easier for you to explain your action.

5. Have a heart-to-heart talk

This is the most effective way to improve relationships with your beloved girlfriend or boyfriend. During a frank conversation, you can not only apologize to the person, but also discuss the nuances of the current situation.

You will talk about your feelings about what happened, your friend will talk about hers. This will allow you to avoid similar situations in the future.

What to say during a conversation?

To sincerely repent and receive forgiveness, use the following techniques:

  • Express your regret for what you have done with the phrase “I’m very sorry.”
  • Show that you are able to answer for your actions with the words “I was wrong.”
  • To make amends for the emotional damage, say, “What can I do to correct the mistake?”
  • Express the depth of your repentance: “I will do everything to prevent this from happening again.”
  • Openly ask for forgiveness from your offended friend: “Please, friend, forgive me.”

Under no circumstances should you be false. Your lies and pretense can cause a new wave of resentment that will be much more difficult to stop.

If you are best friends, this does not mean that you should see the world around you in the same colors. Two people always have different views on certain issues. Therefore, if you value your friendship, just don’t touch on “dangerous” topics.

Any conflict is a test for relationships. And if you value your girlfriend or boyfriend, be sure to take the first step.

Perhaps you were the victim of a misunderstanding or an unfortunate set of circumstances that did not depend on either you or your best friend. Therefore, the faster you resolve the current situation, the less pain and disappointment you will place in the soul of your loved one.

Conflict situations in friendship are not uncommon, but very unpleasant. Often, quarrels with friends occur over minor trifles, which subsequently only cause laughter. If there is a conflict between you and your friend, then you must understand that its outcome depends on you. Taking the first step and apologizing is not humiliating at all! If this person is really dear to you, then finding a way to apologize to your friend will not be difficult for you.

Written apology

Are you thinking about how to ask your friend for forgiveness if she doesn’t want to see or talk to you? There is only one option left - in writing. This could be an email, a postcard thrown into the mailbox at the entrance, and so on. Your task is to find words that will definitely touch the soul, because you know this person like no one else. You can ask your friend for forgiveness with a poem of your own composition, or you can find beautiful words in a book. In fact, a written apology is the easiest way for the offender to ask for forgiveness. You don't have to make eye contact, wait for harsh words, and so on.

If you decide to ask your friend for forgiveness in your own words, then it is better to write them manually, it will look more sincere than through social networks or email. Start the letter with warm, friendly memories and continue the text so that every word is literally imbued with sincere regret and a desire to renew the relationship. You can ask your friend for forgiveness in prose, not necessarily in poetry. Find an excerpt about friendship from your favorite book or dialogue from a movie, rewrite it and add a few words of your own. Be sure to re-read what you got to remove everything that might upset your friend. Now there is only one thing left to do: send a letter and wait for a response.

It's hard to say - you can always write

How to make peace with your best friend if direct contact with her is excluded? For example, she doesn’t want to see you and avoids you in every possible way, or you feel so guilty that you don’t find the courage to look her in the eyes. Even in such a situation, a solution can be found. You probably have access to her social networks or at least a mobile phone. So why not take advantage of at least this thread leading to a truce? Write her an SMS or personal message on VK with words of repentance, apologize for your statements, your behavior that offended your friend. Likewise, the prose in such a personal message will be a good option for an apology. For example:

“My dear friend, I really want us to quickly resolve all the misunderstandings between us! Forgive me if I was wrong about something! We have been friends for many years, and can resentment really come between us? Let’s not remember what happened and preserve our friendship for many years to come!”;

“Today I quarreled with a friend... Out of my stupidity, I offended my loved one... Darling, please forgive me, I was wrong! I am very sad and hurt at the thought that I could lose you. I promise to value our friendship and not do such stupid things again!”;

“Girlfriend, forgive me for my words. At that moment, I didn’t even understand that I could upset you so much... I miss you very much, I miss your voice and laughter. I hope that you will forgive me, and we will walk together again, chat and laugh... Do you remember how good we are together? “I remember, and I’m very sad without you... I would really like you to forgive me.”

You can write a similar message to a friend in your own words, and she is unlikely to remain indifferent.

Video “How to apologize to a friend”:

Personal apologies

If you have decided to ask your friend for forgiveness in person to the point of tears, by all means start with a brief explanation of the reason for your ugly act. But don’t go too far, if you start making overly active excuses, it will only ruin everything. Don't describe in detail what happened, there's no point. Focus on how you can now restore friendship, understanding and trust. Some psychologists recommend this option: do not ask your friend for forgiveness, but let her cool down, call her in about a week and communicate as if nothing bad happened between you. Remember what she loves, what makes her happy and inspires her, give her a gift related to this and her heart should melt.

When is it better not to ask your friend for forgiveness?

Statistics show that women argue with each other much more often than men. This is because they do not want to control their emotions in any way. But a quarrel is not as terrible as stupid principles and the inability to meet each other halfway and look for an opportunity to make peace. Of course, you will never have to ask for forgiveness from a friend again if you don’t have one. But situations do not always happen when you need to apologize at all costs. Do not ask for forgiveness if the quarrel between you was her fault, and not even for the first time. Sometimes among girlfriends there is such a model of behavior as “princess and maid.” A smart, successful and beautiful girl finds a vest or a punching bag as a friend. Do you need it? Absolutely not. If conflict situations with your friend begin to arise more and more often and mainly through her fault, do not run to try to find peace, wait until she herself realizes her own guilt.

What should you do before asking your friend for forgiveness?

You had a fight. Yes, it is unpleasant and sad, but it is not yet fatal. To ask for forgiveness from a friend, you first need to calm down; if you still feel anger or irritation inside, then such a conversation can escalate from attempts to make peace into a new quarrel. Before you apologize, you need to understand who is right and who is wrong. Even the slightest analysis of a quarrel will help avoid its repetition in the future. If conflicts have been happening regularly lately, you will have to determine who is the instigator. If you quarrel rarely enough, then thinking about who is right and who is wrong is completely pointless. Be wiser, ask your friend for forgiveness and forget about the stupid incident. Also, don’t delay: the further you go, the harder it is to apologize.

When to apologize?

In fact, the sooner the better. Especially if you are at fault for the disagreement. Psychologists say that you need to ask your friend for forgiveness no later than three days later. If you delay the conversation, your loved one may decide that you don’t care at all and will be even more offended. If not enough time has passed and your friend refuses to get in touch, give her another day or two to cool down. But don't deviate from your plan and look for a way to meet her.

  • If it was not a conflict at all, but a stupid quarrel over nothing and there is no point in looking for those to blame, just turn it into a thing. Self-irony, the ability to laugh at a stupid situation, is a real art and an excellent way to resolve a trivial quarrel.
  • If your friend is not ready to meet you in person, you can’t think of a better option than a letter. Especially if it is accompanied by a photo of you together.
  • If no option works, ask your friend directly what needs to be done so that she forgives you and believes in the sincerity of your words.
  • An apology can be accompanied by a gift, but it must also be special. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it means something to both of you, and especially to your friend.
  • If you can’t arrange a meeting with a friend, you can try to work through her family or other mutual friends. Agree with your friend’s mother that you will convey the message through her or ask to let you into the house, wait until your friend returns. There are a lot of options, the main thing is to do everything sincerely.

Situations are different and sometimes we offend people close to us completely unconsciously, but remember, if you value friendship, make compromises and smooth out corners, then you will never need to ask for forgiveness.

An apology to a friend in prose

Forgive me, my affectionate and beloved person! I want to quickly forget about this ridiculous quarrel and plunge headlong into a whirlwind of unbridled passion and fiery, eternal love.

I don’t know if you will forgive me, because my words hurt your soul, filled your eyes with tears, and filled your heart with sadness. Without your forgiveness, there is no place for me under the sun, and I don’t see the sun, I don’t notice the sky. I love you endlessly and expect forgiveness.

With you, the seasons left my life. Everyone writes about spring, which has lost its colors and about black snow, but I never knew that autumn could become a dry, faded old woman, and summer a tiresome, ponderous old man... I didn’t think that I could become like this... Forgive me, forgive me. I ask for only one gift - a small string of beads made of hope, joy, care, warmth and love...

I will prepare a magical drink for you, to which I will add moments of glowing happiness, moments of radiant joy, the memory of dizzying love... our love. He will take you to sweet dreams, where we are alone in the Garden of Eden, where I will warm your hands with a gentle kiss and quietly whisper - forgive me, my love.

Forgive me, my dear, that I rashly offended your loving heart. Let's forget about this in a strong hug and with a sincere smile we will again enjoy our wonderful life.

I was a fool - I will certainly correct myself, I offended you - this will not happen again, I was inattentive - let’s forget! Now let's start all over again, and you, dear, will be surprised at what I can be! Sorry - I ask you a thousand times!

Forgive me, my beloved and tender! My action was not worthy of a real, loving man, and nothing can justify it. I promise that I will take care of you and cherish our love.

Forgive me, my love! My soul is filled with a feeling of intense guilt and great annoyance. I gave in to my emotions and hurt you. I sincerely love you and want to live my life with you.

You won’t believe how difficult it was for me to admit my deep guilt and the fact that I was completely wrong. Forgive me, my love, you are an infinitely kind and intelligent person, you are a bright and gentle woman, you are a magical and amazing girl.

I offended you, brought pain to your soul, sadness to your eyes, melancholy and resentment to your heart, forgive me. I am ready to ask for forgiveness a thousand times. Let me with my love heal all your wounds, dry your tears with kisses, and with tenderness drive away resentment and pain.

I offended you, I'm sorry. Apparently, my mind was covered with a veil if I could offend the one who is dearer than anyone in the world. Forget empty, stupid words, they were carried away by the wind, and they will never be again. Let me with your love erase all mistakes, forgive me.

With caustic phrases I hurt your loving and tender soul. I know that I can heal her with my love and change my inner world for the better for your sake, dear. Just forgive and believe!

Our quarrel is simply unbearable, the flame of remorse burns inside me, but your chilling gaze does not allow it to escape. I beg you, forgive me, I know it’s not easy. But if there is a spark of feelings left in your soul, let me keep the fire of love alive.

It’s so difficult for me to find the right words to melt the ice on your heart from my ridiculous insults. I sincerely love and believe that my love can rekindle the extinguished fire in you with renewed vigor.

Asking for forgiveness is not at all easy, even though the guilt lies like a stone weight on your heart. But still, I ask you, let my love melt the ice of your resentment, let your soul feel heavenly bliss from your smile, the look of a gentle and magical word: I forgive.

Words of apology in prose

I want to offer my sincere apologies for everything that I did and said, for everything that upset you so much. I didn’t want everything to happen exactly like this, but what happened cannot be corrected, and only an apology can somehow smooth out the course of those events.

Sorry, forgive me, please, that you had to experience all those annoying emotions and feelings that definitely raised a number of doubts about my person. Honestly, I didn’t do it on purpose, everything somehow happened on its own, and it’s stupid to make excuses, but I’ll try anyway.

Probably the weather is to blame, or maybe some changes in the atmosphere. In general, I sincerely regret what happened and hope to receive your forgiveness. I understand that it’s stupid to blame the weather, but it’s a little easier than blaming yourself, although I blame myself no less.

I hope for your good nature and that you will still be able to forgive me.

I want to apologize. I do not renounce my wrongness and ask for your forgiveness. I didn’t want it to turn out like this, and I especially didn’t want to offend you. I needed to take into account your suspiciousness and vulnerability. Apparently the weather had an effect, or maybe there was some kind of shift in the atmosphere, in general, forgive me.

I will try to improve, and I will certainly stop offending you. Your silence is the best punishment for me, but I think it needs to be canceled. Let's do it like a child, make up on little fingers, and promise each other not to quarrel anymore.

I love you, and you know it, so stop frowning, and let’s make peace, and then the world will regain its colors.

I had enough time to think to understand my mistake and guilt. I sincerely apologize and hope that your heart will be able to melt the ice of a stupid insult. I promise that this will not happen again, because it is very important for me that everything is fine with us again.

I'm sorry this happened, please forgive me. I sincerely hope that there will be no more such unpleasant incidents and stories. Let the offense leave us and become a thing of the past, please don’t be offended by me and don’t be angry.

Please forgive me and don't be angry. I hope that the resentment will pass and will not lurk in your soul. I sincerely want mutual understanding and trust to return, so that every meeting will be with a smile and joy!

Please forgive me for all those unpleasant moments. I'm very sorry that this happened. I promise that this will not happen and will not happen again.

Forgive me for all the negativity that was brought into your life. I don’t want to upset you, but only wish you happiness and joy.

Please forgive me and don't be angry anymore. I am very sad that this happened, I sincerely want your resentment to evaporate, so that everything is safe and good with us again, so that trust and mutual understanding reign in our relationship. Please forgive me.

Please forgive me, I am annoyed and embarrassed that it all turned out this way. May this situation be resolved, may there be no trace of resentment left in your heart, may our relationship return to the level of mutual understanding and trust. I sincerely apologize and hope for forgiveness.

I want to apologize for my inappropriate behavior. I am very sorry that this upset and upset you.

Text I ask for forgiveness in prose from friends and relatives

There are so many situations in life when, without even noticing, you can offend a person with an action or a carelessly spoken word. There are days when everything goes wrong, upside down, and storms of emotions can inadvertently affect the people who surround you.

But then, having come to your senses, you understand and realize that you were wrong; there is a feeling that something was left unsaid, not completed, not in time, not noticed. It is on this holy day that the soul opens, and you can sincerely tell each other about your feelings, your regrets. And ask for forgiveness. I apologize for the words that came out of my mouth in a fit of emotion; for casual indifference.

Sorry! Let goodness and love settle in our souls and hearts! I apologize to my mother

Mommy! In the whirlwind of days and events, it is so difficult to disconnect from everyday problems, find time and do something sincere and truly important. Let there be moments when you and I don’t understand each other. But I appreciate your care, I remember your experiences, sleepless nights, worries; I remember your hopes and moments of joy for me.

I'm sorry that I may not always show sensitivity and attention to you.

I'm sorry that I don't make you happy often anymore. But I appreciate our spiritual closeness, because in the whole world there is no person closer and dearer than you.

Mom, forgive me, and may we often have moments of unity and happiness!

You are my most important person on earth. You are my truly faithful friend. You are the only true advisor. You are the one who will understand everything, always and will understand correctly. You are my mother. I owe you my life, my birthright.

I am grateful for all the sleepless nights you spent at my bedside when I was sick, for your reverent care for me, for your advice and warnings, which surprisingly came true. For the experiences in the park of the institute during the applicant tests.

I was angry with you, why are you hanging out there in this park, because other mothers don’t do that.

Sorry about that. I was no exception among many and failed to understand that the time spent with you is the most precious thing in life. Life with its temptations, the desire to conquer all sorts of peaks, pleasant turmoil, carried me too much into its cycle.

I'm sorry that your holidays were without me. But I always rushed to you to grieve. To your eternal checkered vest. On this forgiven Sunday, I ask you to forgive me and understand. My mommy.

Once upon a time, you and I shared candy, then dreams, then plans, then problems, troubles and joys. Along the way, we managed to quarrel over a guy, argue about whose favorite group is better, whose favorite team is the real champion.

Forgive me my youthful antics, my whims. After all, our friendship has gone through many trials. I know that no one will console me better than you in my heartache, no one but you will wipe away my stupid tears and say: we will still fight, we are the best! Forgive me with the hope that our friendship will protect us throughout our lives!

I apologize to my beloved husband, the guy in prose

Darling! Forgive me for your fatigue, bad mood and whims. I'm sorry that in this crazy world I may not pay enough attention to you.

I know how frustrating it is when you want to reach the depths of the soul of a loved one, but he does not listen to you, he is tuned in to his own, different wave.

But you should know, my dear, how much I appreciate your support and understanding, your patience, your reliability. I am happy to be with you, and with these words of apology I want to tell you: I love you!

Without you it would be very cold in this life. Without you, the dawn would not seem so joyful, and the sunset would not seem so promising. Without you, the heart would not beat so often, the greenery would not be so bright, the flowers would not exude such a delicate intoxicating aroma. Without you, life would be just life, but with you, life would be happiness. I'm sorry I didn't notice your colors.

I'm sorry if I inadvertently offended you with my indifference.

I'm sorry that I could pass by without looking back. Not to meet you. Not to love.

Sorry! With the hope that only the joy of communication, mutual understanding, love and many joint joyful events await us ahead.

Beautiful text of apology in prose to your husband

My dear, another anniversary of our wedding makes me tell you something important. How long have I been waiting for you, my dear man. How long have I been looking for you? How many sunrises I missed, how many sunsets I didn’t see, because I was blind. Because my soul was dozing in the silence of egoistic comfort. I didn’t see how you walked next to me along the same streets, lived in the same cities as me.

Sorry about that. My sweet joy, I know. You will forgive your soul mate, but I can only forever thank our Lord for the given joy of being with you and praying for you. Forgive me for my irrepressible love and always be there.

Because I am your wife, and you are my husband. And this is forever.

A cruel and stupid question, born of the peculiarities of our troubled times, tormented me for a long time. The question was forming in an idiotic way in my stupid head, something like: somewhere I’m being fooled - I don’t understand where. The origin of this question is a lack of understanding of why such friendship was given to me and how I deserved it.

At the Istanbul airport they leaned me against you because I was terrified of flying on an airplane. You didn’t give me the slightest opportunity to get scared, distracting me with conversations. That's how we met. You were there, coming from far away, when I was feeling bad, you called when I needed to share my joy. How you guessed that I needed your voice is incomprehensible.

The time has come to say sorry for your stupid and unworthy doubts.

Forgive me, my friend.

I'm always waiting for you. Happy holiday!

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The stars lead a round dance, a fairy tale is happening in the world.

Sources: Beautiful SMS apologies in prose Sincere apologies to your loved one, even written in the form of an ordinary SMS in prose, but coming from the heart and filled with deep meaning, will convince him of the need to forgive you as soon as possible!

Words of apology in prose Love, friendship and poetry of apology. A huge collection of warm poems about love on the PozdravOK website. Give your loved one tender poems about love. Say your apology in prose – vividly!

Text I ask for forgiveness in prose from friends and relatives Text I ask for forgiveness in prose from friends and relatives

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Ask for forgiveness

If the quarrel was not serious, then wait a little. Time will pass, you will miss one another, and reconciliation will be much easier. If there is no call from her, then call yourself. Pretend that nothing happened. Come up with a reason for calling that will interest her, for example, talk about a film that recently started in the cinema. Then you can smoothly move on to the reason for the quarrel, but do it gradually, tell her everything calmly without unnecessary emotions, so as not to quarrel again.

If you know for sure that you were the cause of your quarrel, then you need to ask your best friend for forgiveness. If she has forgiven you, then explain to her why you did that. Let her understand from your words that you have realized your guilt and will not repeat it again. Therefore, try to keep your word, otherwise your friend will no longer believe you, and you may lose her. One of the ways to make peace is laughter. Make your friend laugh. Tell her a funny incident that happened while you were in an argument. Her heart will thaw and she will forgive you.

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