How to apologize to your parents

How to apologize to your mom

  1. The simplest thing is to ask for forgiveness
    . Even if you are sure that words will not change anything! Do not underestimate the power of maternal love; hearing sincere repentance in the voice of an adored child, it is a rare parent who can resist and continue to cherish the insult inflicted on her.
  2. Write a letter of apology
    . Having upset a loved one, we often experience a nagging feeling of shame, which does not allow us to immediately correct the mistake. With the help of paper or electronic evidence that you care, you can not only make peace with your mother, but also express your affection to her.
  3. Arrange a conciliatory surprise.
    Being close to your parents from the moment they are born, it is easy to study their preferences. So, knowing that mom loves chocolates, you should invite her to a joint tea party, gather your courage, admit your mistakes and ask for forgiveness for them.

If she doesn't want to talk

Resentment can be so strong that even the most loving and patient mothers lose the desire to communicate with their own child for some time. If you find yourself in such a situation, you should not rely on a miracle and wait for everything to work itself out.

If you are ready to ask for forgiveness, but your mother does not cooperate, the right thing to do is as follows:

  • apologize, which is called “in the back”, sooner or later the words of repentance will reach their goal, and she will change her anger to mercy;
  • prepare several notes containing a request for forgiveness and place them in visible places;
  • send an SMS message begging for leniency;
  • start a general cleaning, completing even the most unpleasant and hated housework;
  • hug the woman who gave you life tightly and don’t let go until her lips spread into a forgiving smile;
  • to say that she is the most beloved, beautiful, wonderful and kind.

To prove that I'm very ashamed

A bright blush that fills a person’s cheeks at a moment of high emotional excitement can serve as proof that you are experiencing a feeling of shame.

If you want to show your mother exactly what emotions overcome you, you should not leave the house after a quarrel; it is better to immediately apologize, and she herself will understand everything from your face.

Another proof that you will be very ashamed is the desire to improve. Promise her that you will never allow yourself to do such things again and most importantly, try to keep your word. If you can’t, then don’t complain that mom isn’t a loyal enough person and doesn’t want to forgive you.

Honesty is one of the most worthy qualities of a person. Do you want to prove that you are ashamed? Just say about it, simultaneously explaining what caused the feeling of awkwardness and constraint.

Remember, a straight, wide path is much safer than a dark, winding path.

For lying

As sad as it may sound, we all deceive our parents sometimes. Adults justify this with noble intentions - “so as not to worry”, but schoolchildren and students are simply trying to hide unseemly actions, for example, truancy.

You can apologize to your mother for a “white lie” by admitting and realizing how much you have done wrong.

In addition to admitting guilt, it would be a good idea to explain to her why the need to skip classes arose. Perhaps you are being bullied or you simply cannot cope with the workload? It is much easier for a mother to forgive her child if he was motivated by serious motives.

Just don’t try to use this for selfish purposes and come up with pitiful stories about enemies, beatings and teachers demanding bribes for tests! The truth will definitely come out and the situation will get worse.

Beautiful "sorry"

Let's reveal a little secret: any woman (including mothers) is incredibly susceptible to pleasant surprises. If you ask for forgiveness in an original and beautiful way, she is unlikely to resist.

In particular, you can:

  1. Come up with poems
    . You don’t have to be Pushkin to please your loved one with a well-crafted quatrain; it’s enough to write from the heart! In cases where rhyme is not possible at all, it is permissible to compose a few lines in prose.
  2. Give a bouquet of your favorite flowers.
    Just imagine, an offended and stern parent walks around the house gloomier than a cloud, and suddenly sees beautiful chrysanthemums (roses, lilies of the valley, dahlias) on the table. It will seem to you that the sun has come out and the world around has become much brighter!
  3. Organize a flash mob
    . Of course, you can’t cope with this alone, but no one forbids you to call your friends for help, for example, those with whom you played hooky. Let them help you beg for forgiveness, and at the same time have a good time, moving to your favorite music.
  4. Make an apology inscription on the asphalt
    . To ensure that mom definitely forgives and does not continue to accumulate grievances, it is advisable to make the letters large and bright. Well, who would dare to sulk at a child who was not ashamed to admit to the whole district that he had made a mistake?!
  5. Make a short video
    . A video containing a sincere apology and accompanied by appropriate music will remain with your mother as proof of the seriousness of your intentions to no longer cause her emotional wounds.
  1. We need to learn understanding and trust
    . In most cases, mothers are offended not because they were spoken to rudely; the problem lies much deeper. They are upset that children, who until recently were so sweet and affectionate, suddenly begin to see their parents as enemies, stop listening to the opinions of their elders and, without thinking twice, throw out painfully wounding words.
  2. The issue cannot be resolved by silence
    . By avoiding the company of an offended mother, you can ensure that you get used to living without each other and gradually become completely alienated. A conflict is brewing - don't be silent! Come, call and insist in every possible way on a heart-to-heart conversation.
  3. It is useful to let out emotions
    . Some children, especially those who have demonstrated a secretive character since childhood, do not know how to ask for forgiveness at all and are extremely proud of it. In fact, there is nothing to boast about here! Negative emotions that do not find a way out sooner or later begin to destroy a person from the inside and certainly do not contribute to the improvement of relationships.
  4. Without respect there will be no peace
    . Family quarrels between children and their parents often occur due to a lack of mutual respect. To solve this problem, you need to learn to listen to each other and accept someone else's point of view. You can disagree with it, but challenging it and making a scandal is, at a minimum, stupid.
  5. Frequent meetings - rare quarrels
    . Mothers who practically do not see their children are a real volcano of insults and reproaches. Do you want to live together?! Spoil them with attention more often, talk about your life and don’t forget to take an interest in family news.

Finally, I would like to say: people, like the world around them, are far from ideal, but by ceasing to offend our closest and dearest people, we can ensure that at least our life with them becomes ideal!

Video: How to apologize in a difficult situation

As sad as it may be, quarrels and resentments often arise between loved ones. We must not accumulate them within ourselves, but still resolve the conflict and apologize.

It happens that he got excited and said too much in the heat of the moment. There is no need to wait until your mother’s resentment reaches its climax. Just when the passions calm down a little (otherwise it may provoke a new quarrel), say: “I’m sorry, mom, I was wrong.” Or: “I feel bad that I offended you, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

If you are used to keeping grudges to yourself and don’t know how to ask your mother for forgiveness, write her a letter or SMS, and then do something good for her. Organize an unexpected surprise, buy flowers, for example.

Sometimes we deceive even our loved ones, although this, of course, must be avoided. But since it happened, how to apologize to your mother for lying - it’s enough to explain the reasons that forced you to do this. Even if the reason, as it seems to you, is not considered valid, now you shouldn’t lie. Try to describe yours. Mom will understand, that’s why she’s a mom.

If you don’t know how to properly ask your mother for forgiveness, remember two rules:

  1. Don’t immediately jump to accusations (“But it’s your own fault that it brought me to this!”)
  2. Disagree with your mom if you really don't agree, it will only cause a fight in the future.

How to ask forgiveness from a deceased mother?

We must pray for her, if we are talking about believers, light candles, order a memorial in the church.

Now I’ll have to remember this guilt for the rest of my life, but not drive myself crazy. After all, all people make mistakes... Try to take this as a lesson and ask for forgiveness in time.

Monks, in accordance with the Holy Scriptures, always ask for forgiveness on the same day when the quarrel occurred, precisely because they do not want to take on an extra sin on their soul. Perhaps you don’t want that either? Apologize as soon as you realize you are wrong. This will save everyone from unnecessary problems.

Mom, dear, forgive me, Without thinking about offending you, I blame myself for the hundredth time, And you didn’t seem to show it.

Mom, dear, I pray, forgive me, Not on purpose, you know me, Forget all unnecessary words, Sometimes you understand everything without words.

Mom, I swear to you, I will never offend you, Sometimes I get angry at the whole world, And I lash out at you and at the dishes.

Mom, dear, I love you, You are dearer than anyone in the world, I really, really ask you, Forgive all these squabbles.

Mom, I’m sorry, dear, It’s my fault before you. This won't happen again, I promise, never.

I love you, dear, forgive me, forgive me. I'm sorry for the anxiety and concern, Mom.

Mommy is my beautiful, beloved, I want you to always be happy. I apologize to you, dear, You are loved with all my heart, my dear.

Mommy, forgive me, forgive me, you were able to go through so many roads. I love you... Mommy, I'm sorry, I just can't live without you, forgive me.

Mom, please excuse me. Without wanting to cause you pain, I sometimes bring you concern, But I really ask you not to be sad!

I will try to become more obedient, not to upset you more, mom. So that you smile and are cheerful, All your sadness will certainly pass!

I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of myself, And it's hard to say the words. You know I love you, After all, you are my mommy!

Please understand me quickly, forgive all my grievances. Remove the stone from your soul and give me a smile!

You are my mother, dear, dear, You once gave me my life. She always forgave me, understood me, Understand and this time I pray again!

I bow to you on my knees, I will lie down on my favorite shoulder. I will hear your heartbeat, I will feel your warmth towards me!

Excuse me, dear, dear, Forgive me for the pain and caustic words! I can’t look at all your suffering, Because I love you more than life itself!

Mommy, dear mommy, forgive me again, my dear! I know how heavy my heart is. But believe me, it’s not easy for me either!

Forgive me for everything, don’t hold a grudge! And give me your smile again. We will continue to be friends, let the years pass, And no one will replace you, Mommy!

It wasn’t your fault, It was all about me, I didn’t want to swear, Now I feel bad in my soul.

Forgive me mommy, I didn’t do all this out of malice, I love you dear, I’m sorry, please!

Mommy, forgive your daughter, I really love you very much. Sometimes I offend you very much, I don’t even notice it right away.

I can't watch how sad you are, I apologize from the start. Forgive me, my mummy, forgive me, and don’t hurt your soul in vain.

I love you very, very much, And I want to apologize, mom, for that insult, bad words, for suffering because of me!

I'm sorry, I'm not out of malice, I adore you with all my heart, I ask you to grant me forgiveness, Forgive me for my mistakes, dear!

Forgive me all the insults, mom. Sorry that we quarrel sometimes. Which can be rude and stubborn Sometimes I behave with you.

I don’t have a better friend in the world, You are the closest person to me, You and I will always understand each other, So let’s make peace forever!

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It's great to have loved ones in your life. Knowing that there are friends and family who care about you and who can always support you in difficult times, a person has a feeling of security and need. But, as often happens, we offend the people we care about most often than others. Where we can restrain ourselves in front of strangers, in the presence of our relatives this is not always possible. And the question arises: how to ask for forgiveness from loved ones correctly?

Squeezing out “Forgive me” is very difficult. If you do nothing and leave everything as it is, then the tension in the relationship will grow. Thinking that over time everything will work out on its own is wrong, because this is an indicator of immaturity. It is easier to respect and trust a person who admits his mistakes. But how can you ask for forgiveness from your beloved girl, from your dad and mom, from your sister or best friend?

Preparing for the conversation

You shouldn’t hide the “D” you received at school from your mother.
In the future, she will most likely find out about this, but her anger will be much stronger. Remember that the bitter truth is better than a sweetened lie. Even if you do not report a bad grade right away, your mother will definitely see it in the class magazine or diary, or a teacher will call her, concerned about your performance. That's why be brave and try to tell your mom about the grade on the same day you receive it. Prepare to talk to your mom. You should try to win her over as much as possible before talking about the “deuce”. To do this, when you come home from school, clean up your room, or better yet, the entire apartment. Clean up your desk and neatly put your clothes in your closet. It is better to abstain from computer games, TV and other entertainment for a while.

Start preparing your homework for the next day. Try to complete all the work before mom arrives. Pay special attention to the subject in which you received a bad grade. Work through it in such a way that you are ready to answer and try to correct the “deuce”.

Why is it hard to apologize?

We can talk at length about the benefits of asking for forgiveness. Prepare a speech in poetry or beg him. All this is useless if you don't have the right attitude. The difficulty is this:

  • Pride and selfishness can become an obstacle to reconciliation. It is pride that makes a person think: “Why me? He is also wrong." Everyone is waiting for the first step from the other, and resentment can develop into hatred. To break this vicious circle, you need to calm down and analyze what you did wrong and how you can correct the situation. The quality of humility will help with this. Is it unfashionable now? Yes, many people think so, but we are talking about relationships with loved ones. The majority opinion should not affect your decisions. There is no shame in admitting that you are wrong; your family and friends will appreciate it.
  • Education also plays a significant role. If as a child you did not hear the words “sorry” from your dad and mom, then this will be difficult for you too. This requires awareness of this fact and work on yourself. Try to “step on” yourself once and apologize, you will feel light in your soul and in your relationships. Next time asking for forgiveness will not be difficult. Come up with an apology in verse, this will help smooth out the tension.
  • The right infusion. How necessary it is. Often people think: “If I ask for forgiveness, then I will make it clear that I am guilty and show my weakness.” This opinion is wrong. Agree, at least two people are involved in a quarrel. Do you want to say that you didn’t say too much or didn’t show disdain with your icy silence? You yourself know that there is a share of your fault.

Conversation with mom

Be polite and courteous to your mother as soon as she comes home from work. Give her some time to rest and collect her thoughts. Let her take a shower and have dinner. Having chosen the right moment, go up to your mother and tell her that the last school day was not entirely successful. Most likely, she will guess that you received a bad grade and will ask about it. Make a guilty face and tell us in what subject and why you were given a bad grade.

There is no need to make excuses and try to shift the blame onto teachers or classmates. Admit that you got a D because you were poorly prepared for the lesson. The truthfulness of your words and admission of your own guilt will help smooth out your mother’s possible angry reaction. After this, say that you have already prepared your lessons for tomorrow and at the same time have studied well the subject in which your performance is “limping”. If necessary, show your completed homework to your mother.

Apologize to your mom for ruining her mood. Promise to correct the “deuce” at the first opportunity. Most likely, the conflict will be settled. Continue to abstain from entertainment for the rest of the day, and the next day try your best to get good grades in this and other subjects.

What can be done

Before apologizing, it is important to consider a few things. Otherwise, you can mess things up even if you have the best intentions. There is no point in sorting things out when you are irritated. Wait until you both cool down. And a few more tips:

  • When figuring out how to ask a girl for forgiveness, in poetry or prose, it is important to be sincere.

A hint of sarcasm is inappropriate, even if you are sure you are right. An expression like: “Sorry, I didn’t think you couldn’t take a joke” can be perceived as mockery. If you are sincere, your eyes and your tone of voice will show it. Even if the offense is unfounded, acknowledge that you may have hurt feelings. A sincere apology removes the wall that is built by the offended person. Destroy this wall and you will notice that the girl is no longer in a defensive position, peace has been restored.

  • Different upbringings need to be taken into account.

What may seem like a funny joke to you may be an insult to someone else. There is no need to beg the feelings of another or make fun of them in any way. If it’s common practice in your family to tease each other and no one gets offended by it, this does not mean that this is the norm for others. Don't demand that people adapt to you and understand your jokes. Over time, this may happen, but for now, apologize and no longer make funny jokes about others.

  • The emotional background also needs to be taken into account; it is different for each person.

Growing up in the same family, the characters cannot be the same.
Some are more emotional, others not so much. You think it’s okay to take your sister’s sweater without permission, but this may irritate her. The result was a scandal. You think that your sister got wound up in vain. Listen to her words, and not to the tone in which it was said. Try to understand what she doesn't like. Understanding will help you come to the right decision. And if you need to ask your sister for forgiveness, then do not hesitate. Understand that she may feel differently than you do. Sometimes, just one word can hurt a person.

So I, not at all out of malice, offended you, and now I simply cannot find a place for myself.
Please forgive me. I'm so sad without you. Don't hold a grudge against me anymore. This quarrel became a big lesson for me. With you next to me I breathe,
With you next to me I burn, With you next to me I live, And without you I die, Forgive me, I beg you!
My prickly hedgehog, stop snorting.
Even though it will hurt, I want to hug you.
Darling, life is about mistakes, we learn from mistakes!
After all, there is no pain stronger than that which lovers inflict on each other. And I stumbled and made a mistake. But the only person who doesn't make mistakes is the one who never does anything. I’m not making excuses, no, I just want you to understand that you are very dear to me, and everything that I don’t do is only because I’m afraid of losing you!

The fear of losing you turned my head and I was wrong. And I ask you, beloved, do not judge me strictly, but understand. I apologize for what I did. I love you very much and will do everything for your happiness! Forgive me dear.

Touching text of forgiveness from mom

Of course, you can use the text below to beg forgiveness from your mother, but it will still be better if you compose such a letter yourself. It may not be perfect, but you will put a piece of your soul into it:

«Mother! You are the sun that has always illuminated my path! You are the warmth that warms me in the bitter cold! You are the cool wind that brings relief in the unbearable heat! You are happiness and joy, love and care, support and help!

I am a piece of you, your child, who, unfortunately, is not ideal. People tend to make mistakes, sometimes unforgivable. I, to my great shame, am also no exception to this rule. Of course, this is not an excuse, but I know that your love is limitless, unconditional and endless. She is immeasurable and all-forgiving! Therefore, I ask you: “Forgive me, Mom!”

And I know you will definitely forgive! But I want you to know too. The pain that I caused you is my unhealed wound! You will forgive, I know, but will I forgive myself? This will be much more difficult for me to do than for you. My repentance is deep and sincere, and the suffering from the fact that I offended the person closest to me is unbearable. Only your love and faith in your sincere forgiveness can alleviate this suffering. Know that I love you and will always love you! I'm sorry!


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